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What's the contract deal?

合约交易是指买卖双方对约定未来某个时间按指定价格接收一定数量的某种资产的协议进行交易。I35量化7O98开发O7I8 合约交易的买卖对象是由交易所统一制定的标准化合约,交易所规定了其商品种类,交易时间,数量等标准化信息。合约代表了买卖双方所拥有的权利和义务。

A contractual transaction is an agreement between the seller and the buyer to receive a certain amount of assets at a specified price at a specified time in the future.


# Simply put, there is now an agreement to trade a certain quantity of commodities at a certain point in time.

?Web3.0 is a concept word created by people in the industry.The most common explanation is that the information in the website can interact directly with the relevant information of other websites,and can integrate and use the information of multiple websites at the same time through a third-party information platform;Users have their own data on the Internet and can use it on different websites;Based entirely on the web,the system functions that can only be realized by complex system programs can be realized by using a browser.After the user data is audited,it is synchronized with the network data


?2. A contractual transaction is a financial derivative and, as opposed to a transaction in the spot market, a user can obtain the benefits of price increases or declines in futures contract transactions by deciding to buy and sell more or sell for empty contracts.


♪ How a contract can be quantified: ♪


?1 Develop a strategy for transactions, and for warehousing: smart robots have multiple types of trading strategies embedded, from "conservative" to "radical", considering different types of risk. Once a good strategy is set, the software assigns intelligence to the warehousing and standards of each entry, and strictly adheres to the trade strategy.


?2 Joint monitoring of multiple transactions: A hundred deals can be used together to run a transaction strategy, each with its own separate process, with full automatic monitoring of the price depth. Real-time monitoring of the trading standards of the system ensures the timeliness of trading transactions. Quantified trading system software development


?3, smart track, stop the loss of profit: When you set the opening criterion, the profit ratio exceeds the standard, the smart robot automatically turns on the loss of profit and stop the loss. When prices continue to rise, the profit margin is the largest compared to the price of the ongoing attack, and when prices fall, the mandatory silo standard is opened to stop the loss of profit and loss.


♪ There are two approaches to the development of the documentary system:


?1, stand-alone documentary software. Independently built apps, which can introduce traders, access major exchanges (optional) through api-style docking, traders place single user sheets, of course, interfaces here, or the project party's own exchange, and can be associated with a variety of games, such as behavior, socialization, etc.


?2, inline documentary functions. Many of the existing exchange projects can also add documentary features internally. This is a system-developed interface: MrsHu288 edits and publishes. This can increase not only the stickyness of users, but also the transaction volume of the platform, thereby increasing transaction costs, which is, of course, inflexible compared to stand-alone log software.


♪ So what are the features of the contract and billing system? ♪


?1. An overview: A stand-alone system can be used as a reference for users to connect multiple platforms, multiple currencies, etc.


♪ 2. Be a trader: Become a big man who can pay the bill, let someone else take the bill, so that we can add more traders to the platform of the project.


?3. Model selection: You can choose between a spot or a manifest by project, a manual or an automatic one, and you usually now have a larger number of one-man contracts.


?4. Incentives: Platform incentives are set up according to your needs.


? 5, multi-species docking. Of course, some traditional finance.

?In the whole merchandising system,what kind of person is a trading expert?The platform will also display the relevant data of the trader,including:yield,profit loss ratio,capital strength,maximum pullback and capacity value.

?Users can screen and select their own recognized leaders for merchandising.In addition,after the user documents,the fund is entrusted to the platform document system for custody,and will not be directly transferred to the leader account,which can effectively prevent the possibility of fund theft.


♪ What's the role of the contract billing system?


♪ 1. Provide investment direction for investors and new users. Many new users are generally cautious, with little experience, especially when investments fail, and are easy to leave. The advent of documentaries can increase the investment direction of new users, increase the rate of return, and increase the user’s stickyness to the platform.


?2. The contract trading platform maximizes the benefits: the contract trading system itself will charge a certain transaction cost, while the billing model can also charge a certain fee, and the platform end can generate digital assets to follow the market and earn more profits, of course. This requires that the “trader” understand the market, and the billing, so that the follower can profitably select the trader's professional level through a comprehensive analysis of the big data on the billing system.


♪ So if you want to take the market better, the exchange can combine the oxen’s seamless documentary system. And the so-called “settlers,” i.e. ordinary investors, can choose to replicate the trading methods followed by the trader, so that their trading accounts can be fully synchronized with the trader’s.


With the advent of Web3.0, privacy, data, rights, censorship, identity are becoming a hot topic of focus. In the digital-encryption money industry at the cutting edge of Internet technology, new models are needed to destabilize today’s Internet monopoly and protect the interests of every Internet user.






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