元宇宙賦能文化創新 推進國家文化數字化高品質發展

资讯 2024-07-11 阅读:87 评论:0
一、開篇語I. OPENING PRESENTATIONS  習近平總書記指出:“要保護好、傳承好、利用好中華優秀傳統文化,挖掘其豐富內涵,以利於更好堅定文化自信、凝聚民族精神。”黨的二十大報告關於“推進文化自信自強,鑄就社會主義文化新輝煌...



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元宇宙賦能文化創新 推進國家文化數字化高品質發展




“To protect, transmit and exploit the good Chinese culture and tradition, and to exploit its richness in order to better assert cultural self-confidence and the spirit of the nation.” The party's 20th report on the new requirements for deployment “to promote cultural self-confidence, to create a new socialist culture,” provides a clear direction for cultural work, provides fundamental guidance, and brings together the forces of thought.


In recent years, new applications for digital technology have been deepening, enriching cultural goods and services, promoting cultural industries and cultural industries, and enhancing the performance, transmission and influence of Chinese and Chinese traditional cultures.


Five departments, including the Ministry of Trade and Communications, published the “Ten-Year Plan of Action for the Creation and Development of the Won Universe” (2023-2025), marking the new height of the Won universe as never before. What is the relationship between the Yuan universe and the Renaissance, how can culture be created, and how can it promote the high quality of the literary travel industry?


The dollar universe — the depth of time and scene change in the next generation of Internet networks


The meta-cosm, according to the current industry, is the next generation of the Internet, a high-level segment of informatization, intelligence, digitization, virtualization, which combines links, high-speed networks, the expansion of reality, artificial intelligence, the Internet, digital creation and many other information technologies, immersion experiences, multi-model interactions, virtual and physical integration are among the most central features of the meta-cosm, and future learning, shopping, education, travel, etc., based on the meta-cosm may be “favourable” and “favourful” “favourable” and “favourable”.


The most common form of the meta-cosm is a new intellectual scene that is strongly interactive and highly arithmetic. It is the meta-cosm where only the scenes of the meta-cosm are truly real, immersed and created unprecedented experiences. It is the meta-cosmos that is both a technical and, more importantly, a scene that is unscientific if we leave the scene to talk about the meta-cosmos.


We are pleased to see that, under the leadership of the parties and the State, and with the attention and impetus of the various levels of government, the Yuan cosmos has gained more and more applications and success stories in all walks of life — especially in the fields of culture, culture and tourism.




The metacosystem is probably the next generation of the Internet, and the future network experience is bound to be more innovative and rich than it is now. The metacocosystem can give people unprecedented experience, transcending physical space, and users have a high sense of participation, which is hard to find in the real world.


(i) Virtual and physical, time and space constraints are being broken


Virtual travel on the Internet can be realized through the Internet, using digital techniques such as virtual reality. For example, the "three-dimensional virtual reality experience" of the Dragon Gate Cave, the "digital glory" and "virtual caves" of the Mogogau Cave have significantly improved the quality of services and user experience by using advanced meta-cosm techniques and digital multi-media tools to visualize the value content and artistic features of the caves.


With the use of virtual reality VR, enhanced reality AR, etc., the future “Mencosmos Brigade” may become more common, with more and more people choosing virtual travel. You may be in Hawaii in the morning, in the Eiffel Tower in the afternoon, or one second in Tarzan to watch the sunrise, and the next in Shaolin Temple.


Tours now have thousands of people, and the scenes provide fixed services, such as tickets, cabs, circuits, shopping points, etc., and all tourists are moved to the same service. In the future, using the Woncosmos, tourists will have numerous options, whether “virtual or “real”, and there will be a lot of play and experience when they get to the scenes.


(ii) Geocosmos-related technology is accelerating universalization and applications


A digital collection of historical and cultural heritages, three-dimensional productions, high-quality presentations, rapid transmissions, and a three-dimensional visualization and intellectual display of historical and cultural heritage. So the palace, three-star piles, and so forth have done well. And, since the birth of the 2021 dollar cosmopolitan concept, a number of literary and literary businesses have been actively trying. 2021 Trades, the Beijing City Department of Humanities and Tourism has published a list of `Beijing Arts and Technology Excellence', `Kirigian Tow 3.0', `Lights and Lights' of the family', and so forth.


Advance and integrated meta-cosm technologies, including three-dimensional visualization techniques, graphic processing techniques, virtual reality technologies, and enhancing reality technologies, are increasingly being used in the cultural field.


(iii) The Woncosmos could be one of the greatest growth points in the future of the Monument.


There may not be a need for tourists to come to the landscape on their own, to be able to “immediately” virtual travel, to see the same beautiful view, to hear the scent of birds and flowers, and even to see the socialization of the band, such as family members, friends, couples. In China's first bipolar scientific fiction, 2086, it's 2086, a 20-year-old relationship: a virtual ticket is one tenth of a live ticket, two people in the real world wear VR mirrors to carry their hands on the sports carpet, two people in the virtual world are lying on the forest side of the Yellow Fruit Falls, and they want to look at the colours and even at the surfaces of the water.


This looks far away, but it may happen in three or five years. Future literary travels, real tickets and real-life income from “trading” and “dwelling” are likely to fall, and most of the costs are likely to shift to the virtual world.


What kind of income is it possible to generate from a meta-cosm? Tickets or tickets, photo or video services, escort or guide services, landscape souvenirs or derivatives, large amounts of content that are embedded in the scenery or in the show (underground flowers/monsters)? Mangos can be sold in every mango tree in the area, you want to go straight from the foot of Tarzan to the top of the mountain, and you may also need a virtual car or helicopter service.


(iv) District chain technology and NFT play an important role


Digital copyright protection is a key point in the process of transforming the value of the industry. To this end, the Yuan cosmos solves the digital rights problem by relying on NFT (non-consistency certificate), which allows the individual to participate in the process of value creation, to form a unique digital resource, to complete a process of certainty, flow, and traceability. The economic foundation of the Yuan cosmos is a regional chain technology, and what matters is a digital certificate based on regional chain technology.


There are several museums and sites where NFT digital collections have been published, and they usually work with the ants chain, the information chain, and so on. The National Museum, the Hunan Museum, the Henan Museum, and so on have many attempts to do so. But, by the way, the temperature of the digital collection is no longer high, and people are looking forward to the birth of the new digital resource of the Meso-Cosmos era.


(v) Experience becomes extremely rich, content and creativity are essential


The Yuan cosmos has broad prospects for the future, and, in the case of the travel industry, it is a killer who breaks the shackles of time and space, as well as a virtual experience of subject culture. On the one hand, it can help the landscape to better anchor the park’s theme culture in the user’s heart and turn it into a cultural object; on the other hand, it can stimulate and generate more unexpected works to meet the needs of client diversity.


The application of technologies such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, NFT digital collections, holograms, real-time interactions, 3D renderings, etc., allows tourists to gain a more qualitative experience before, during and after travel, and uses digital technology in the “live-and-move” sections of the cultural travel industry to provide tourists with a immersion experience.


The Meso-Cosmos Brigade, the most lacking is the reality, the imagination, the ability to construct and the creative.


iv. Yuan cosmology helps to create a digital culture of self-confidence and prosperity


The Chinese Communist Party, the State Council, released in February of this year the Digital China Building System, which explicitly proposes to create a “digital culture of self-confidence and prosperity.” We can see that many of the non-heritorial arts, traditional culture, and museum techniques associated with the meta-cosm have been used. In the spring of the year, the stage uses the Starlight XR technology programme, which will soon bring the performances of our guests into virtual situations in the mountain books and bring them back to work, not only by reducing the production costs, improving the efficiency of the production, but also by creating the scenes of beautiful dances.


The Yuan cosmopolitan program and technology have created traditional Chinese cultural content that young people like, which is rare. The new generation now – from 90 to 10 years later – is able to love and love traditional Chinese culture, which is the greatest increase in the cultural confidence of young people.


V. Advancing the creative development of a Chinese culture of excellence


Cultural self-confidence is the most fundamental, deepest, and lasting force in the development of a nation. The legacy of historical culture is an important component of the Chinese tradition of excellence.


The party’s 20-year report states: “Implementing a national strategy for the digitalization of culture.” We need to make the 20 most important efforts of the party, implement a national strategy for the digitalization of culture, and promote a deep integration of culture and technology. We have also launched the National Strategy for the Development of New Initiatives, the National Programme for the Development of Cultural Science and Technology, and the Guidance for the Promotion of Cultural and Technological Integration, among others, to speed up the integration of culture and technology, and to build new momentum for the creation and development of cultural technologies.





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