以太坊是一种基于区块链技术的加密货币,它于2015年由Vitalik Buterin等人创立。它的初始发行价格并不高,但随着时间的推移,以太坊逐渐获得了市场认可,价格也逐步攀升。
Ether is an encrypted currency based on block chain technology that was created in 2015 by Vitalik Buterin and others. Its initial distribution prices are not high, but over time it has gradually gained market recognition and prices have risen.
2015年7月30日,以太坊的初始发行价格为每枚0.311美元。当时,以太坊在创始人Vitalik Buterin的领导下推出,这个价格是其首次公开销售的价格。以太坊的发行总量也在创始时确定,总共有7200万枚以太币。
On July 30, 2015, it was launched under the leadership of its founder, Vitalik Buterin, at the price of its first public sale. The total amount of its distribution was also determined at the time of its creation, at 72 million in taels.
With the introduction of Etheria, its smart contracts and decentralised applications have gradually become key innovations in the area of block chains. Ether provides a flexible and powerful platform for developers to locate and develop block chain projects. The continued improvement and diffusion of these functions has led to a gradual increase in market recognition and usage in Ether.
In the first few years, the price of the taupulega was stable, but as the technology of block chains became more popular and applied, the prices of the taupulega began to rise. In particular, in 2017, in an encrypt currency boom, the taupulega broke the $1,000 threshold, reaching an all-time high.
以太坊作为区块链技术的领军者,其未来发展前景仍然广阔。随着以太坊2.0的升级计划和Layer 2扩展解决方案的推进,以太坊将进一步提升其网络吞吐量和扩展性。这些技术创新有望为以太坊带来更多的应用场景和用户群体,推动其价格进一步上涨。
With the Ether 2.0 upgrading program and the Nayer 2 extension solution, the Ether will further increase its network throughput and expansion. These technological innovations are expected to bring more applications and user groups to the Etherm, pushing their prices up further.
The initial distribution price for Tai Ho is US$ 0.311 per unit.
The content of the article is displayed mainly in Chinese, in accordance with Chinese grammar and expression habits.
Currency-related alert:
Starknet生态系统中的借贷平台zkLend宣布成立ZEND DAO
The lending platform in the Starknet ecosystem zkLend announced the establishment of ZEND DAO
在Starknet的金融生态系统中,一项新的倡议zkLend已经崭露头角。这个项目于4月18日在X平台上揭晓了ZEND DAO的成立。ZEND DAO的门户现已向公众敞开,欢迎各界人士提交Open Call申请。据了解,任何在Web3领域内推广zkLend理念的参与者,都有机会获得ZEND代币作为奖赏。
In the financial ecosystem of Starknet, a new initiative, zkLend, was launched. The project was launched on platform X on 18 April. ZEND DAO’s portal is now open to the public, and everyone is welcome to submit Open Call’s application.
Starknet宣布DeFi Spring活动的第三阶段已经启动
Starknet宣布:DeFi Spring新篇章揭幕 在X平台的最新动态中,Starknet激动地宣布DeFi Spring迎来了划时代的第三阶段——永续合约与期权协议的全新纪元。自北京时间4月25日08:00起,符合标准的永续合约及期权协议将伴随着吸引人的激励计划,正式在Starknet DeFi Spring的舞台上亮相。
Starknet announces that in the latest developments on platform X, Starknet is excited to announce that DeFi Spring has ushered in a landmark phase III – a new era of permanent contracts and options agreements. Since April 25, Beijing time, at 08:00, standard sustainable contracts and options agreements will be accompanied by incentives to attract people and will be officially featured on the stage of Starknet DeFi Spring.
In the latest scientific and technological collaboration, the StarkWare Research and Development Group worked with Giza to develop a front-line artificial intelligence program. The message was released on April 16 through platform X, which is expected to be officially announced at the Starknet conference in Berlin, Germany, on April 23.
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