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Since Teo and Trump came to power in the United Kingdom, there has been a growing focus on the future of journalism, particularly & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & # & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & # & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & # # # # & # # # # & # & & & # & # # & # # # # # # # # & & & # # # # & & & & & # & & # # # # # # # # & & & & &


There are various ways to combat the so-called & & ldquo; false news & & & & & & & & & ; alternative facts & & & & & & & & &, or the effects of counter-calculation algorithms on the latentization of human beings.


The New York Times, CNN, and other major media outlets, have highlighted the brands they have built for many years, as well as the propagating professionalism of the news. Wikipedia and the fact-finding bodies run by various schools, NGOs, etc., are also increasingly relied upon by the media, and their exposure is increasing.


What's more, it's the chain of blocks that's going to make a big difference in the discussion.


The discussion of media evolution through block chains has not stopped for more than a year. In a number of authoritative media industry meetings, both at home and abroad, block chains have been seen as & ldquo; saving & rdquo; and the future star of journalism.


More recently, the Global Network Editorial Conference 2018 (GEN), held in Portugal on 11 June, was attended by block-link media practitioners who said, “ probably 10 years later, there was no central media. & rdquo;


In fact, in the view of the protagonists, where the block chain is so simple to remove false news, it can completely save every aspect of the press industry from everything.


Today, we're going to talk about how and how much power the block chain can make for the news industry. & nbsp;


Theoretically, the participating subjects/nodes on the block chain are equal, i.e. distributed and decentralized. This means that once the data/information is in the chain, it will be safer, less easily tampered with in the middle, and fewer channels/brokers will pass through it, with well-designed links and no loopholes.


In the case of journalism, several of the more typical block-chain application models are reflected in the production of news, fact-checking, sequencing and distribution of news, respectively.

  • 新闻的产生


There are several projects, such as Steemit, Civil, Matthews, PUBLIQ, which aim to pay individuals directly to the source of the news by paying small sums. The reason is simple, because & & & & & & & & & ; if you don’t know where the money comes from, you can probably write something that is relatively objective.


So, where does the money come from? The projects that are currently known provide for general user fees, subscriptions to authors, or early transfer payments through the purchase of services, acceptance of advertisers, etc.


In other words, if you have developed a sense of paying for a good article, you can justifiably appreciate the author; if you like to see free, you can see it in traditional advertising.


In contrast, advertising fees submitted by advertisers are placed in the same pool and, after complete dissipation, preferences are determined on the basis of the reader's habits of reading, praising, commenting, etc., and allocated to authors in proportion.


Given that user activities on the block chain can be carried out through the public distribution of Token (demonstration/passport), some projects are also oriented towards the capital market in the currency circle, where funds from outside the external market are obtained through the ICO (for the first time in the public distribution of tokens).

  • 事实核查


The block chain itself cannot make value judgements, but it can be used to ensure that the conclusions reached by the manual inspectors are not tampered with by intermediaries in the process of transmitting them to the reader.

广受欢迎的去广告插件ADBlock Plus开发商Eyeo的新浏览器插件Trusted News,既可以确保从维基百科、Snopes这样的人工事实核查机构提取的新闻真实性信息不被篡改,又可以通过评估或者是其他评分的方式,来确定一些最终用户的可信度,并且为这些人分配权重。

The popular de-advertisement plugin, ADBlock Plus Developer Eyeo's new browser plugin, Trusted News, can both ensure that news authenticity information extracted from artificial fact-verification bodies such as Wikipedia and Snopes is not tampered with and determine the credibility of some end-users by assessing or other rating methods and allocating weights to them.


This could be followed by a partial crowding-out of the verification process through this part of the civilian fact-checker.


Fact-finding uses only the inexorable nature of the block chain, with little financial benefit, and is therefore one of the most productive of several applications.

  • 新闻的分发


Applying block chains in this chain is primarily a desire to be as true as possible, to reflect without prejudice the actions of users after seeing the news and to extrapolate the meaning behind it, and to ensure that algorithms are not distorted.


Why build on the algorithms that commercial companies have developed? Some of the protagonists assume that companies like Facebook or today’s headlines, while storing the largest and most desirable user raw operating data, have the smartest minds to help them design algorithms.


But when using and presenting these data to the outside world, it is inevitable that & & & & rdquo; & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &.


Thus, the block chain promoters believe that they are able to reflect user behaviour as accurately as possible and are not subject to commercial force through irreversible, non-/low manual interventions in distribution through the block chain.


This is a rough summary of all current approaches to improving the flow-wide dissemination of information through block chains.


But if only on the basis of the three different paths that are abstract,


Is there a sufficiently large and revolutionary difference between the sector-based news industry and the news industry, which operates in the current way, to the extent that you prefer to put the old society behind you and embrace the new world?


IATA believes that this is not the case when I stand today in 2018.


Existing systems are already good enough, and the switching costs of the new system are not sufficient to be compensated for by the benefits they bring, and it would not be cost-effective to replace them in such a case.

  • 钱依然是个问题


The vast majority of Internet users have a very low willingness to pay, but it is relatively hard to move them. In general, not only can you not expect to earn money from them, but you have to pay for them.


The same is true even if it is not “ if it is not & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ) & & & & & & & & & ) & & & & & & & & ) & & & & ) & & & & & & ) ) & & & & & # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #


Some people may be angry, but many more do not. If most people are given to switch to just & ldquao; possibly safer & rdquao; and if they are free of charge, they are not motivated to do so.


Moreover, “ the deterrent of the penalty is not the severity of the penalty, but the inevitability of it. & & & rdquao; for users who have access to free services, the damage to free services can be long-term, chronic and more likely uncertain.


While you are always reminded that advertising and biased algorithms can lead to bias, being misled by a particular manufacturer, leaking information, etc., there is no commitment that, as long as you use free news clients, you will suffer physical pain, family members will change, or how much dollars will be lost.


If & & ldquo; false news & rdquao; or anything else, without such a defined connection for the user, is always only a risk of probability, there is little hope that the user will get out of the way.


So, in the end, the serialized media have to solve their own sources of funding. Direct rewards are extremely difficult to access. And long-term subscription models, single-paying wall models, and the advertising transfer payments that have been mentioned earlier, which is not the way that a media that does not have a block chain now has gone?


So is the block chain & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; whether it's more expensive for the advertiser or the end reader to think it's worth more? & mdash; & mdash; or whether it's through a wave of ICOs as the main source of return? & mdash; & mdash; it's hard to say.

  • 读者有私心


It says that readers need to pay for their services. And when they buy the services and transform them into &ldquao; the users & & rdquao; then their relationship with the media changes and they are no longer on an equal footing.


Former readers, current users shake into thousands of miles away & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & ; & & & & & &.


How do you judge that?

  1. 我能不能通过其他免费或者省钱的方式看到获取同样的信息(绕过付费墙);
  2. 这文章是不是合我的胃口;
  3. 我读起来是不是自我感觉得到了帮助,受到了震撼,甚至实现了自我提升等等。


These standards and the standards of journalistic judgment for good and bad reporting are clearly different. For example, &ldquao; appetite & rdquao; this is still an interesting-driven selection route, and it is clear that the title party, marketing number, which has been inundated for many years through non-block chain environments, is highly combative.


Even in normal articles, evaluation criteria may be transformed into more exciting, deeper and tearier evaluation mechanisms, which almost invariably lead to distortions in evaluation mechanisms, such as the perception that short articles are less long than long articles & ldquo; depth & & rdquao; & & & & ldquao; good & rdquao; and the more long/water the catalytic articles are written.


The lack of aesthetic competence of readers can even lead to extreme exclusion.


The question is, if there is such a situation of apparent conflict between the choice of readers and the choice of professionals, will the chain of blocks resolve or exacerbate the differences? If so, by what means?


Attempts to achieve & ldquo; the right to be reported & rdquo; equal institutions, including Wiki Tribune, founded by the founder of Wikipedia, and & & ldquo, more than 10 years ago; Global Voices & & rdquo; GlobalVoices.


In the view of IAA, the two sites are similar in their models and are team-based assessments of a credible minority of contributors and editors, using a centralized presentation. Because they are designed to provide cold news beyond the agenda set by the mainstream media, the way the viewers vote for heat and layout is virtually ineffective.


For example, Chinese-style & ldquo; Global Voices & & rdquo; always concerned with the development of the Taiwan minority, the English version is always concerned with the Middle East battlefield. These are really hard to get popular interest.


As one can imagine, even if such communities were to introduce block chains, their user participation would be minimally visible.

  • 媒体也有私心


Today’s institutional media, although somewhat thinly divided, does not, in general, lose its ability to set its own agenda. It can move people’s eyes in certain directions through the cyclical nature of some topics, or through specially designed operations.


But agenda setting is a limited exercise. It is not that any problem or new news can be a hot spot for the public, with no propagating power & & & & & & & & hot spots & & & &, which can only be unsatisfied or even repulsive as a star on fire.


Thus, in the long-term evolution of the media, it can be said that a & & ldquo; conspiracies & & rdquo have been formed with the reader/observer.


We all know what you like to see, but of the same kind of stuff, I can pick it out for you and decide to watch it today, not that.


If that were the case, it would be impossible for some news to be heard under the existing press mechanisms, without being heard, or under the new system, regardless of who judged it.


For example, there will always be news of how many people have died in a war zone.


In the wake of some malignant cases, some of the media, with their professional touch, were able to interview the perpetrator’s family environment and look for the root causes of the crime. Such reports have recently been widely read &ldquao; boycott &rdquao; because &ldquao; because the perpetrator has a voice on his behalf, so who cares about the victim? &rdquao; & & ldquao; crime is a crime, not so much to say & rdquao;


In order to avoid a long-term negative perception of the media by readers, some news stories had previously been difficult to publish by the media, as would be the case with a block chain.


Not to mention, some of the block chain projects were intended to break down divisions and promote a division of labour between the different media, bringing together investigative journalists and interview teams, which were now shrinking, but in practice, the media had a lot to do and the mutilated bones had a lot to do with it.


For example, Civil did this:


& ldquo; Users are free to initiate news topics, other users can give CVL tokens to co-sponsor the news topics, and when the amount of funds collected reaches a certain limit, journalists or news agencies will identify the subject and organize their coverage. ”

这应该是前些年媒体开放爆料的一个变种,像是CNN iReport这样。但这个系统是一种把不同媒体的爆料渠道打通的尝试。

This is supposed to be a variant of the media releases of the previous years, like CNN iReport. But the system is an attempt to connect different media outlets.


The media can be said to be more complicated about whether or not to get through. Of course, it wants its message to be exclusive; and under the previous pattern, the so-called & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, as is now the case with the media.


So & ldquao; classical Internet & & rdquao; and & & & ldquao; block chains + & rdquao; can be said to be comparable in terms of efficiency in providing the media with news leads.


More importantly, the current use of social media hotspots is the most dominant way of pursuing institutional media, and reproducing microblogging does not require money or tokens & Hellip; & Hellip;


In the face of these new media innovations associated with block chains, such as the Guardians, CNN and others, the prevailing attitude is to engage at a constant pace, as with the former hotspots of Web 2.0, Facebook and Snapchat, and to be able to deploy on a large scale only after presumably determining how to play and input output.


Thus, the actual implementation process, even though block chain advocates spit on lotions in the forum, will be extremely long and conservative for the media and the general reader.


Finally, many entrepreneurs in the block chain media would like to mention in particular & mdash; — &ldquao; there would be no advertisers and third-party interest groups involved in the operation of the business model & & rdquao;


In the view of IATA, any information mode of operation that purports to isolate commercial interests is difficult to achieve its stated purpose.


Any identification and extraction of & & ldquao; interest groups & & rdquao is difficult when newspaperers and journalists are self-serving, the media are self-serving and readers are more personal.


I wonder how these media will define some of the NGO organizations that are part of Pygmy events. They must be & & & & & & & & & & ; for traditional media, but their attributes to their NGO propaganda and advocacy are only discovered when the coverage is advanced. This line even eventually affects the flow of coverage and keeps everything going & & & & rdquo; reverse & & & & ;


What kind of media can really have a commercial impact?


I am afraid that it is not enough to claim that commercial forces are isolated, and that it should be an idealist’s nest, with anti-commercial, business-offensive action. Beyond that, all the obstacles mentioned above must be removed, with an accountable source of financing (e.g. inheritance or something).


The only thing that happens is Wikileaks. By coincidence, it has a lot of donor channels to go through and depend on Bitcoin for its survival, which can be said to be very & ldquao; block chains & rdquao;

【钛媒体作者介绍:航通社 (ID:lifeissohappy),微博:@lishuhang】

[Introduction by titanium media author: ANAC & nbsp; ID:lifeessohappy, Weibo: @lishuhang]




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