
资讯 2024-06-22 阅读:75 评论:0
请系好安全带,一场乌托邦领土治理的冒险即将开启。 Please fasten your seatbelts, and an adventure of utopia territorial gover...



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Please fasten your seatbelts, and an adventure of utopia territorial governance is about to begin.


Written by LeftofCenter

  开宗明义:这是篇关于目前看还有点冷僻的项目——点对点网络 Urbit 的科普文,本文长达一万多字。由于 Urbit 本身就非常复杂,并且目前对大多数人来讲还挺生僻,读完本文需要足够的耐心。为了不浪费读者不必要的时间和精力,我们推荐以下 4 种人类阅读:

Illusion: This is a copy of a project that is still a bit remote at present - the point-to-point network Urbit, which is over 10,000 words. Since Urbit is very complex in itself and is still remote for most people, reading it requires enough patience. To avoid wasting unnecessary time and energy on the part of readers, we recommend the following four types of human reading:


Users wishing to control their data with a higher privacy demand for ;

  拒绝网络暴力(Internet Trolls)希望寻求一片干净的互联网对话环境的智者;

The wise man who rejected cyber-violence (Internet Trolls) wanted to seek a clean Internet-based dialogue environment .


(a) Loved to stung, interested in the human social experiment and the exploration of cryptographers and developers ;


In the world of encoded currencies, business opportunities are still being explored in the hope that .

  尽管复杂,但是我们保证,索性 Urbit 项目和这个项目背后的逻辑,是一场比较有意思的精神和智力冒险。无论是那一套映射互联网的天文学命名系统,还是彼此独立的层级生态系统,以及其中蕴含的经济价值,都会让无论是商业模式还是技术开发的探索,变得具有无穷的想象空间。

Despite its complexity, we are sure that the logic behind the so-called Urbit project and the project is a more interesting spiritual and intellectual adventure. Whether that set of astronomeric naming systems that map the Internet, or separate hierarchical ecosystems, and the economic value inherent in it, will allow the exploration of both business models and technology development to become endlessly imaginative.


All right, confirm you've boarded the ship. Please fasten your seatbelts. A utopian land governance adventure is about to begin.

  狗头疑问 .jpg —— Urbit 究竟是什么东西?

.jpg-- what exactly is Urbit?

  简单的答案是:Urbit 是 重构互联网「服务器-客户端」模式的数字宇宙。

The simple answer is: Urbit is a digital universe that reconfigures the Internet'server-client' mode.


It's hard to understand, isn't it?

  确实是这样。大约每过一个月,Hackernews 上就会出现一个「月经贴」,问「Urbit 到底是什么?」,而下面的评论基本上也都是围绕「这是一个什么项目?」、 「太难懂了」「故弄玄虚」 等展开。

Indeed. Every month or so, Hackernews shows a "moon post" asking, "What exactly is Urbit?", and the comments below are basically centred on "What is this project??", "It's too hard to understand," "it's too hard to understand," and "strange" "it's so hard to make a living."

  这种「迷惑行为」,从 2017 年开始出现:

This "frustration" has been in existence since 2017:

  这个叫做 Urbit 的项目到底有何魔力,激发一波又一波的讨论,甚至引发争议?它为什么获得了 彼得 . 泰尔加密风投 a16z加密朋克教父 Balaji S. Srinivasan 的青睐? Urbit 和加密货币到底又有什么关系为什么 Urbit 如此难以理解

What is the magic of this project, called Urbit, that inspires a wave of discussion and even controversy? Why does it have a connection between Peter. , encryption pitch a16z and encryption pontoon god Balaji S. Srinivasan? What is the relationship between strong>Urbit and encryption money? why is Urbit so hard to understand ?


This series of questions prompted us to decide to devote some energy to the project.

  Urbit 诞生的时间比比特币还长。早在 2002 年 就作为一个业余项目开始,后又经过了 18 年的缓慢进程进化,直到今天的样子:一个点对点的互联网。

Urbit was born longer than Bitcoin. Started back in 2002 as an amateur project and then evolved through 18 years of slow process until today: a point-to-point Internet.

  实际上,Urbit 被冠以的称呼很多,比如 首个云端个人电脑、云端的城市、数字土地 ,甚至有人说是一场 行为艺术

In fact, Urbit has been dubbed a lot, such as , or even a behavioral art .

  想要说清楚 Urbit 是什么很难, 因为它 完全重构了现在互联网的「服务器-客户端」 模式,对于不了解互联网架构原理的人来说,理解起来自然困难。

It's hard to tell what Urbit is, because it completely recreates the current "server-client" model of the Internet, which is a natural difficulty for people who don't understand the structure of the Internet.

  为此,Urbit 还重新发明了 一套技术栈, 包括一个 虚拟机「Nock」 ,一门类型化 函数式编程语言「Hoon」 ,以及一种函数式网络 操作系统 同时也是一个 数据库的「Arvo」 。可以说,Urbit 和目前存在的编程大相径庭,和 20 世纪编程的唯一共同点是 Unicode 和一些加密算法。

To this end, Urbit has also re-invented a technology warehouse, including a virtual machine, Nock , a typified function programming language, Hoon , and a functional network, operating system, , which is also an database, Arvo / strong >. It can be said that Urbit is very different from the programming that currently exists, and the only common point in programming in the 20th century is Unicode and some encryption algorithms.

  而最有意思的部分在于,Urbit 还发明了一个新的去中心化身份系统「Azimuth」。这个 Urbit 身份系统的独特之处在于,采用了一种自由松散的层级治理结构,并有一套非常酷的天文学命名系统,自上而下分别是「星系、恒星、行星、卫星」,映射的分别是互联网中的 DNS、ISP、个人计算机及其连接的设备。

And the most interesting part is that Urbit also invented a new `strong' decentralised identity system, 'Azimuth'

  由于 Urbit 的地址空间发行有上限,这让 Urbit 身份 ID 拥有稀缺性 ,拥有了可 被数字资产捕捉的价值。

Because Urbit's address space distribution is capped, this gives Urbit identity ID a scarceness and a value that can be captured by digital assets.

  简而言之,所有 Urbit 的这些发明,都是为了替代目前主流的「客户端-服务器」模式,重构一个点对点的互联网。在这个点对点网络中,每个用户都拥有自己的客户端和服务器,而无需由大公司托管,没有第三方介入,服务器和服务器直接通信,这意味着用户无需放弃数据控制权即可与各类应用交互,从而拥有自己数据的完全自治权和可访问性。

In short, all Urbit inventions are designed to replace the current mainstream " client-server" model by re-constructing a point-to-point Internet. In this point-to-point network, each user has its own client and server, without having to be hosted by a large company, without third-party involvement, the server and the server communicating directly, which means that users can interact with various applications without giving up control of data, thus having full autonomy and accessibility to their own data.

  除此之外,Urbit 还计划 集成比特币 。也就是说,Urbit 生态中的开发者可安全集成数字货币,就像是使用文件系统或者网络协议一样简单。Urbit 团队认为,这将促进比特币的普及和使用。

In addition, Urbit plans to integrate into bitcoin. In other words, developers in Urbit's ecology can safely integrate digital money, as simple as using a file system or a network protocol.

  考虑这和今天的互联网架构形式完全不同,这将是一个非常宏大的目标。那么,让我们回到最基本的问题:Urbit 到底是什么,以及到底要如何实现?

Considering that this is a completely different form of Internet architecture today, it would be a very ambitious goal. So, let's go back to the basic question: what is Urbit and how is it to be achieved?

  Urbit 试图解决什么问题?

What is it that Urbit tries to solve?

  一句话答案:Urbit 主要是为了 解决数据所有权的问题。 这话听上去很虚,必须再具体解释一下。

One answer: Urbit is primarily about


The Internet currently uses a "client-server" architecture model, in which large organizations provide a large central computer, a "server," with each user connected to the computer through a "client-to-client ". This is the way almost all Internet services, whether e-mail, website, micromail, text messages, etc., operate internally on the server, and the client side is a mobile phone application or a mobile browser.


This centralized "client-server" network, which is widely used, is simple, efficient and greatly facilitates people's modern life, with free or low-cost access to services, social networks, payment services, free instant messaging, and free Internet services available to everyone.

  然而这只是硬币的一面。便捷免费的代价是,你无法拥有和控制自己的隐私数据。事实上,你的数据会成为这些服务提供商的一种收入来源,它们会利用你的隐私数据出售广告,这会造成隐私泄漏等安全隐患。 随着云托管模式的崛起,越来越多的自托管服务器开始向云服务器提供商迁移,这导 致数据所有权将越来越集中。这个一个残酷的现实,在当今世界,云计算主要由少数几家互联网科技巨头掌控。

As the cloud hosting model rises, a growing number of host servers start moving to a cloud server provider, which leads to a growing concentration of data ownership. A cruel reality is that in today’s world, ‘strong’ cloud computing is dominated by a small number of Internet technology giants.

  Urbit 的目标是打破着一现状,替代目前的中心化互联网系统,发明一个替代「客户端-服务器」模式的全新点对点网络。在这个点对点网络中, 用户拥有自己的服务器 ,无需其他人提供的第三方服务。所有服务器都直接相互通信,用户无需放弃数据控制权即可与各类应用交互,拥有自己数据的完全自治权和可访问性。

Urbit aims to break the current status quo by replacing the current centralised Internet system with a completely new point-to-point network that replaces the " client-server " model. In this point-to-point network, users have their own server and do not need third-party services from others. All servers communicate directly with each other, and users can interact with various applications without giving up data control, with full autonomy and accessibility to their own data.


How do you do it?

  为了达成这一目标,Urbit 主要构 建了两项技术, 一个 全新的操作系统 和一个 去中心化身份系统 Azimuth 。结合两者,就可以打造一个端到端的加密网络,从而可确保自己发送的信息不会被篡改或监视,默认情况下可以信任网络上的陌生人。

In order to achieve this, Urbit built two technologies, a new operating system for and a centralised identity system for . Together, it creates an end-to-end encryption network that ensures that the information it sends is not tampered with or monitored and that, by default, strangers on the network can be trusted.

  在 Urbit 去中心化的数字身份网络系统中,每个用户都是一个 Urbit ID ,关联着一个唯一数字,该 数字代表的是居住在 Urbit 上的可通过密码验证的数字居民身份 。每一个用户通过自己的 Urbit ID 登录,然后通过虚拟机「urbit」 (注意,这里都是小写的字母,专门指代虚拟机) 与 Urbit 网络 (而指代网络的时候,则是大写字母) 始终保持持续连接。由于记录 Urbit ID 注册表及其规则的一组智能合约 Azimuth 已经被部署到以太坊区块链上,因此,每一次基于虚拟机进行的任何操作 (比如交易) ,都将被永久记录在以太坊上。这样,可以让用户在多个不同位置登录和退出自己的云端账号,不会丢失其历史记录,也就是去中心化登录。

In Urbit, a centralised digital identity network system, each user is a Urbit ID connected to a unique number, the number of which represents a password-verified digital resident's identity on Urbit. Each user logs through its own Urbit ID, and then through a virtual machine, "urbit" (note that this is a lower-case letter, specifically a virtual machine) and maintains a continuous connection with the Urbit network (and, when it is used, a capital letter). Since the Urbit ID registration form and its rules are a group of smart contracts

  有了这样一种设计,用户不再局限于某台特定的硬件设备,相当于一个去中心化的身份系统,也不再局限于某个特定的平台,相当于打破了基于目前互联网而存在的平台,用户只需要 Urbit 身份系统登录后,即可在所有设备上无缝访问多个平台。

With such a design, users are no longer limited to a specific hardware device, or to a decentralized identity system, or to a particular platform, or to breaking a platform based on the current Internet, where users need only access to the Urbit identity system to access multiple platforms seamlessly on all devices.

  Urbit 的用户界面,所有应用均在一个选项卡上

Urbit's user interface, all applications on one tab

  去中心化身份系统 Azimuth

goes to centralised identity system Azimuth

  Urbit 中的身份系统叫做 Azimuth,也就是 Urbit ID 。它也是 Urbit 中最有趣的部分。

The identity system in Urbit is called Azimuth, or Urbit ID. It is also the most interesting part of Urbit.

  Azimuth 本质上是一个 域名地址数据库 ,用于跟踪 Urbi t 网络中各个地址的所有权。此外,Azimuth 还负责设立规则,规定哪一层级的地址及其所有者可以进行哪一类操作。Azimuth 存储每一名 Urbit 用户的数字身份,并以人类可读的文本表示,比如「hal」或「littel-ponnys」,根据音节的数目可判断出其位于哪一级。每一个 Urbit ID 都是一个非同质化 ERC-721 代币,本质上是 Urbit 网络中的数字资产,可以出售。

Azimuth is essentially a domain name address database to track ownership of addresses in the Urbit network. In addition, Azimuth is responsible for setting rules as to what level of address and what type of operation its owner can perform. Azimuth stores the digital identity of every Urbit user and expresses it in a human readable text, such as "hal" or "littel-ponnys", which can be determined by the number of syllables. Each Urbit ID is an unsymmetric ERC-721 generation asset, essentially a digital asset in the Urbit network, which can be sold.

  虽然 Urbit 的目标是对个人计算实现完全的网络重构,但其 网络层级结构和传统互联网有着紧密的对应关系。 组成 Urbit 的 路由系统 的星系、恒星、行星及其卫星对应的功能分别是互联网中的 DNS、ISP、个人计算机及其连接的设备 。不同之处在于,Urbit ID 是由多方 (而非单一实体) 发行和控制,并以密码验证的方式被用户拥有的。

While Urbit aims to complete network re-engineering for individuals, it has a strong correspondence between its DNS, ISP, personal computers and their connected equipment . The difference is that Urbit ID is issued and controlled by multiple (rather than single entity) users.

  事实上,这一套炫酷的天文学命名方式的层级系统正是 Urbit 身份系统的独特之处。作为一个系统层,星系、恒星、行星和及其卫星分别都有自己的 自治权和治理权

In fact, the hierarchies of this cool astronomy naming system are unique to the Urbit identity system. As a system layer, galaxies, stars, planets, and their satellites have their own autonomy and governance .

  根据 Urbit 的白皮书,「星系和恒星是网络中的基础架构;行星是个人服务器;卫星是客户端 / 应用;彗星是机器人。」

According to Urbit's White Paper, "Star systems and stars are the basic architecture in the network; planets are personal servers; satellites are clients/ applications; comets are robots."


Let's have a little explanation:

  最顶层是网络的基础设施,星系(galaxy)。星系是 Urbit 网络中的规则制定者。根据 Urbit 官网介绍,「治理是由星系层执行的。各星系组成参议院,通过多数表决更新以太坊上的土地注册的逻辑。」每个星系可以发行约为 254 颗恒星(65,000 颗星 / 256 个星系)。星系是网络中级别最高的,因此并不依赖于其他层级,主要通过「自签名」或预挖在 Urbit 中启动。星系 ID 为单音节位数,比如hal。

The top level of (galaxy). Galaxies are

  星系发行下一级恒星,数量限定为为 6.5 万(2 的 16 次方)个。与星系类似,恒星也提供必要的基础设施服务,服务于行星用户,为其提供应用运行和交互的基础设施

The next level star is released in a limited number of 65,000 (near 16) stars. Similar to the galaxy, star also provides the necessary infrastructure services for planetary users , providing them with operational and interactive infrastructure .

  其中,恒星可帮助行星与网络中的其他用户建立连接、在行星之间路由数据包、为行星提供 DNS 路由,以及为行星的用户推送软件更新。恒星还有一个至关重要的功能是,为下一个层级「行星」发行身份,一旦加入某个恒星生态系统,行星就有权限使用其中的基础设施,比如各类应用。类似于一个城市中的供水、供电等基础服务,恒星为基数庞大的行星级用户提供基础设施,需要保持充分的运行时间,以尽可能维持该「城市」的正常运转。恒星 ID 为双音节,比如sogtyv。

Of these, stars can help to connect planets to other users in the network , provide interplanetary access data packages, provide planets with DNS routers, and update the software for planet users . Stars also have a vital function of distributing the identity for the next level of the planet > strong, which, once integrated into a star's ecosystem, has access to the infrastructure, such as applications. Similar to basic services such as water supply, electricity supply, and other basic services in a city, stars provide infrastructure for a large base of planetary users and need to maintain adequate operating time to maintain the normal functioning of the city as much as possible. Star ID is a bisonic, such as sogtyv.

  恒星负责发行下一级的行星每颗行星代表普通的 Urbit 用户(个人服务器),每个行星用户接入的电子设备,比如智能手机、平板电脑和计算机则表示为 Urbit 网络中的卫星,始终围绕行星运转。行星有四个音节,比如laptel-holfur,卫星则有八个音节,比如dabnev-nisseb-nomlec-sormug。

Stars are responsible for distributing the next level of the planet . each planet represents an ordinary Urbit user (personal server), and each planet user has access to electronic devices, such as smartphones, tablets and computers, that are known as the Urbit network /strang >, which is always around the planets. Planets have four syllables, such as Laptel-holfur, and satellites have eight syllables, such as dabnev-nisseb-nomlec-sormug.

  在 Urbit 网络中,购买一颗恒星,本质上就是 购买一片 Urbit 网络类似于开设一家电话公司 ,运行一颗恒星需要负责该片区的网络路由,帮助行星路由发现地址,同时保持软件的更新。

In the Urbit network, the purchase of a star is essentially the purchase of a Urbit network , similar to the opening of a telephone company , and the operation of a star requires the operation of a network route in the area to help the planetary route find an address while maintaining software updates.

  在 Urbit 上,超过 6 万颗恒星都由不同的人拥有, 如何发行下一级的行星完全取决于自己的意愿。 除了出售,恒星拥有者甚至可以通过抽奖、兑换、奖励等方式发行行星。比如,假如你是一个戒酒俱乐部的社区管理员,你可以奖励一颗行星作为奖励发给戒酒成功的人。

On Urbit, more than 60,000 stars are owned by different people, and In addition to selling, the owner of the star can even distribute the planet by drawing prizes, converting, and rewarding. For example, if you are a community manager at a AAA club, you can reward a planet as a reward for a successful AAA.

  Urbit 上有人发起的喝酒俱乐部

Urbit's got a drinking club started.

  运行恒星需要较高的成本,运行一颗恒星需要准备配置更好的计算机设备、互联网带宽以及保持足够时间的开机时间以维持整个「太阳系」基础设施的正常运转。为了覆盖这些基础设施和时间成本,恒星拥有者可向行星居民收取一定的 管理费。

The cost of running a star is high, and operating a star requires preparation for better computer equipment, Internet bandwidth, and enough time to open the entire solar system infrastructure to maintain normal operation. To cover these infrastructure and time costs, the owner of the star can charge the planetary residents a certain amount of administration fee.

  还有一种星体叫做 彗星 ,它是一种 测试用途的地址 ,在没有购买也没有邀请链接的情况下,可尝试用彗星账户 测试 Urbit 网络 。需要说明的是,彗星拥有和行星一样的功能可进行各种操作,但彗星是一次性的,且需要耗费较长的启动时间。彗星有 16 个音节,比如satnet-rinsyr-silsec-navhut — bacnec-todmeb-harwen-fabtev。

There is another star called Comet, which is the address of for testing purposes and which attempts to test the Urbit network with the comet account without being purchased or invited. It should be noted that comets have the same functions as planets, but comets are one-time and require a longer start-up time. Comets have 16 syllables, such as satnet-rinsyr-silsec-navhut — bacnec-todmb-harwen-fabtev.

  值得注意的是,在 Urbit ID 的命名系统中,可从音节数目辨认出层级,也就是说, 其 ID 音节位数越小,层级越高,价值也更大。

It is worth noting that in Urbit ID's naming system, levels can be identified from syllable numbers, that is, the smaller the number of syllables, the higher the hierarchy and the greater the value.

  Urbit ID 命名系统中各层级 ID 的发行数和音节示例

Examples of the number and syllables of distribution of IDs at all levels in the Urbit ID naming system

  其中星系的 ID 是单音节,权力最大。星系是 Urbit 整个系统中最重要的治理单位,不仅负责发下一层的恒星发行,同时也在整个系统中起着至关重要的作用,比如未来 Urbit ID 合约的升级都需要通过星系投票才能进行。

The ID of the galaxy is single syllable, the most powerful. The galaxy is the most important governance unit of the Urbit system, not only for the next layer of star distribution, but also plays a vital role in the system as a whole, for example, the upgrading of future Urbit ID contracts requires a system vote.

  技术层面 上,Urbit 基于层级结构发行 新的身份 ID ,具体来说,是 父级通过签署初始化密钥创建下一级的星体 。系统初始化启动时,256 个星系,通过签署初始化密钥向下一层级发行星体。掌握自己密钥的用户可通过密钥签署自己的更新,从而创建证书链。

At the technical level , Urbit issues a new identity ID based on a hierarchical structure, specifically parent created the next level of the star by signing the initialization key . When the system was initialized, 256 galaxies started, sending the next level of the planetary system by signing the initialization key. Users with their own keys can create the certificate chain by signing their own updates with the key.

  本质上,Urbit 是一种安全的数字身份,可以使用加密密钥拥有和控制,就像比特币钱包一样。

In essence, Urbit is a secure digital identity that can be owned and controlled using encryption keys, like a bitcoin wallet.

  现在 Urbit ID 系统是部署在以太坊上的。作为一个通用型区块链,以太坊在 gas 费成本和治理上无法提供最优解决方案,但是目前来看,以太坊区块链具有简单的实用性,是当前的最佳选择。Urbit 团队曾表示,如果有必要,未来有可能迁移,长远来看,Urbit ID 系统有可能由 Urbit 自己托管。

The Urbit ID system is now deployed in Etheria. As a generic block chain, it is not the best solution in terms of cost and governance of gas, but at present, it is simple and practical and the best option. The Urbit team has stated that, if necessary, it is possible to move in the future and, in the long run, the Urbit ID system may be hosted by Urbit itself.


utopian hierarchical structure

  一旦 出现作恶行为,Urbit 的处理方式也和中心化平台不一样。

Urbit's treatment is different from that of a centralised platform in the event of malpractice.

  在中心化平台上,常见的方式是,直接对该账号进行注销处理,而 Urbit 的处理方式则是 拒绝验证恶意行为者 ,通过使其无法继续使用其基础设施来限制它继续作恶的可能,但 仍让恶意行为者保持对自己数据的完全所有权。

On the centralized platform, it is common for the account to be written off directly, while Urbit is treated in a way that refuses to authenticate the malicious actor , limiting its potential to continue evil by preventing it from continuing to use its infrastructure, but still allows the malicious actor to maintain full ownership of its own data.

  两者不同的处理方式的取决于架构模式的不同。「客户端-服务器」模式让平台方可随意更改域名空间、URL 和网页等状态,而在 Urbit 网络中,用户的通信历史、操作数据记录一旦存在就不可篡改,也就是说,一旦出现恶意行为,就被永远存储在以太坊上,作恶者将被永远钉在耻辱柱 上, 类似于物理世界中,信用记录永远跟踪自己的信誉,这让作恶产生成本。

The two are handled differently depending on the structure model. The "client-server" mode allows the platform to change the status of domain names, URLs and web pages at will, while in Urbit the user's communication history, operational data records, once they exist, cannot be tampered with, i.e., if malicious acts occur, they are stored forever in Etheria, and the perpetrator will be permanently stuck on the shaming pillar, being similar to the physical world, where credit records track his/her credibility forever, at the cost of malpractice.

  和比特币一样,由于 Urbit ID 的地址空间的总量是有 发行上限 的,这让 Urbit 身份 ID 拥 有稀缺性,成为 一种数字资产,可获得价值。

Like Bitcoin, because Urbit ID's total address space is issue cap, this makes Urbit identity IDs scarce to become a digital asset of value.

  在 Urbit 系统中,每一个 Urbit ID 对应一个独一无二的视觉图案

In Urbit, each Urbit ID corresponds to a unique visual pattern

  作为一种数字资产,Urbit ID 和比特币一样可以转让和出售;但与比特币不同的是,Urbit ID 是一种 非同质化 的数字资产,因此无法在一般的交易所出售,只能在特定的 ERC-721 标准市场中交易。和现实生活中的房地产一样, Urbit 的流动性极差,因此不适用于短期交易者。

As a digital asset, Urbit ID can be transferred and sold as well as Bitcoin; but unlike Bitcoin, Urbit ID is a digital asset that is non-symmetrically and therefore cannot be sold on a general exchange and can only be traded in a specific ERC-721 standard market. Like real estate, Urbit is highly mobile and therefore not applicable to short-term traders.

  同时,拥有价值的 Urbit I D 网络,让网络中的用户产生恶意行为变得代价高昂,从而可从整体上构建一个更加友好安全的网络,杜绝僵尸机器人、反击垃圾邮件等恶意行为,让 DDoS 攻击和发送垃圾邮件也变得十分困难。

At the same time, the value of the Urbit I D network, which makes it costly for users in the network to generate malicious acts, allows a more friendly and secure network to be built as a whole, eliminates such malicious acts as zombie robots, counter-spams, and makes it very difficult for DDoS to attack and send spam.

  这让信誉在 Urbit 网络中被高度珍视,从而促 进 良好社会和公民的形成 。在一个价值网络中,一旦产生恶意行为就得付出代价,比如你用 Urbit ID 攻击他人,不仅有可能被其他 Urbit 用户拉黑,而且,该帐号会因这些行为导致声誉降低,价值也会降低。而无论申请发行一个新帐号还是从其他人那里购买转让帐号都需要一定成本。

This allows credibility to be highly valued in the Urbit network, thereby facilitating the formation of good societies and citizens in . In a value network, malicious acts, such as your attacking people with Urbit ID, may not only be blackened by other Urbit users, but also the account number, which results in a loss of reputation and value.

  此外,Urbit 这种层级 网络是松散的,也就是说,居民可自由迁移至其他平行系统,不受户籍绑定。

In addition, Urbit, a layer of this network is loose, which means that residents can move freely to other parallel systems and are not tied to their households.


While the entire structure appears to be top-down, each level and the next level, with the exception of planets and satellites, is not permanently bound, and if the users of stars and planets are not satisfied with parent-level governance, they are free to exit, migrate with all their historical data to other parallel systems, in mature ecosystems. This means that the city’s managers will lose the income that the household contributes to the infrastructure.

  这将促进良性生态的竞争,每个基础设施提供者为了争取居民,将尽最大努力建设自己的领土,提供完善的基础设施服务和实行人性化的治理。 一个运转良好的生态系统会吸引更多的居民入住 ,导致的直接结 果就是该生态中出售的 Urbit ID 会更贵。

This will promote healthy ecological competition, and each infrastructure provider will do its best to build its own territory, provide sound infrastructure services, and provide humane governance. , a well-functioning ecosystem, will attract more residents to , with the direct result that the Urbit ID sold in the ecology will be more expensive.

  作为基础设施的一部分,恒星和星系拥有发行星球的权利,因此可以通过发行下一层级的星球获得收入。但 Urbit 生态中的商机不限于此,事实上, Urbit 生态中有非常丰富多元的生意经,且不限于恒星和星系参与。

As part of the infrastructure, stars and galaxies have the right to issue planets, so they can generate income through the distribution of the next level of planets. But the business opportunities in Urbit ecology are not limited to them. In fact, the Urbit ecology has a very rich and diverse business history and is not limited to the participation of stars and galaxies.

  除了以上提到的发行下一层级星球之外,恒 星和星系还可以通过提供数据包路由、软件交付和内容管理等相关的基础设施服务获得可持续性收入。

In addition to the distribution of the next level of planets mentioned above, stars and galaxies can also generate sustainable income through the provision of related infrastructure services such as data packages, software delivery and content management.


In addition to routers and software distribution, stars can generate a continuous income as nodes related to the block chain.

  举例来说,一个专注于支付功能服务的恒星可以提供 专门的比特币、闪电网络或以太坊节点运行服务 ;一个专注于提供交易服务的恒星可以 运行 0x 中继器 ,并为生态中的行星提供订单薄服务;以及一个专注于机器学习服务的恒星可以通过 关联 TensorFlow 芯片 ,为旗下生态中的行星提供收费的机器学习运算服务。

For example, a star focused on paying for functional services could provide a specialized bitcoin, lightning network or running service in the Tails node; a star focused on providing trade services could run 0x repeaters and provide orderboard services for ecologically active planets; and a star focused on machine learning services could provide a fee-paying machine computing service for planets under the flag through linked TensorFlow chip .

  星系的投票权可以解耦并出售。 这意味着 ,对 Urbit 网络享有投票升级权的星系可以将投票权转让。目前,这项权利的价值尚未在市场上定价,但随着 Urbit 的采用和增长,投票权的价值将出现并获得增长。

The right to vote in galaxies can be uncoupled and sold. means that the right to vote can be transferred to galaxies with the right to vote upgrade in the Urbit network. At present, the value of this right is not priced in the market, but with the introduction and growth of Urbit, the value of the right to vote will emerge and grow.

  除了本身就是基础设施一部分的恒星和星系之外,还有一种挖掘地址空间价值的参与方是 经销运营商 ,它们的作用是提供便 捷的打包服务,为普通用户去除繁琐的中间步骤,只需要点击几下,就可以购买星球、注册一个托管 / 路由捆绑包,获得 对一系列服务的访问权,并立即准备与社区进行互动。

In addition to the stars and galaxies that are themselves part of the infrastructure, there is a participant in the excavation of address space value by distributors , whose role is to provide easy packaging services, remove cumbersome intermediate steps for ordinary users, simply click a couple of clicks, buy planets, register a host/roads package, obtain access rights to a range of services and immediately prepare to interact with the community.

  由于每个生态系统都是独立的,因此经销运营商需要根据不同的生态系统提供自定义服务,与自上而下且同质化 的中心化互联网网络服务相比,这种独立的生态系统带来的好处是更加多元和多样化,不仅会让整个探索变得更加有趣,而且这种满足不同需求的多元服务,最终也将体现在生态系统 中的基础单位「行星」的价值上。也就是说, 不同的生态系统中的行星,因其基础设施不同,价值将完全不同。

As each ecosystem is independent, distributors need to provide custom services based on different ecosystems, the benefits of which are more diverse and diverse than the central, top-down and homogenous Internet network services, not only making the whole exploration more interesting, but also the value of the planet, the underlying unit of the ecosystem. That is, planets in different ecosystems of will have different values, depending on their infrastructure.


This is somewhat similar to real estate development, where the value of a house depends not only on the quality of hardware facilities, but also, and more importantly, on software support facilities, including community maturity, surrounding facilities, whether they belong to school districts and whether there are subways around them.


In the long term, the long-term value of a star or galaxy is not entirely dependent on the sale of planets, it is also providing high-quality services and, given the large number of planets and stars that need to be hosted, the value of such distributors is critical to the value of ecosystems.


Does it look like a utopian territory?


Completely reconstructed technological stacks

  在技术解决方案方面,Urbit 在当前互联网基础架构之上,构建了一个新的操作系统和和点对点网络 Urbit OS / Arvo ,可消除 Unix 互联网平台带来的复杂性。

In terms of technical solutions, Urbit built a new operating system and point-to-point network Urbit OS/ Arvo, building on the current Internet infrastructure, to remove the complexity of the Unix Internet platform.

  Arvo 的技术栈包括:

Arvo's technology stores include:

  Hoon:专为 Urbit 开发的一种高级、纯函数式、静态类型的编程语言。Hoon 编译为 Nock。

Hoon: An advanced, pure function, static type programming language developed for Urbit.

  Nock:是一种低级编程语言。它由 Vere 解释。

Nock: A low-level programming language. It is explained by Vere.

  Vere:是一个解释器,可将状态存储为持久的事件日志和 / 或检查点。因为每个虚拟机是一个虚拟机中的沙盒,运行在 Unix 上的 Vere,需要解释 Nock。这种结构将变化限制在虚拟机 urbit 的内部状态中,从而可防止 urbit 将可能的危险事件发送到环境之外。但是,当需要从内部状态发送事件时,Vere 将充当中介和指示者。

Vere: An interpreter that can store a state as a permanent event log and/or checkpoint. Because each virtual machine is a sandbox in a virtual machine running on Unix, Vere needs to explain Nock. This structure limits changes to the internal state of the virtual machine urbit, thus preventing urbit from sending possible dangerous events outside the environment. However, when sending an event from an internal state, Vere will act as an intermediary and pointer.

  根据 Urbit 技术概述的介绍,「 Vere 观察输出事件列表,当需要外部操作时,将进行相应的系统调用。当与你的虚拟机 urbit 相关的外部事件在 Unix 层中发生时,Vere 会将其进行编码,并作为输入事件进行传递。」

According to an overview of Urbit technology, "Vere observes the list of output events, and when an external operation is required, the corresponding system is called. When an external event associated with your virtual machine urbit occurs in the Unix layer, Vere encodes it and transmits it as an input event."

  Arvo 内核 :是一个使用 1000 行 Hoon 编写的通用操作系统。它是 Urbit 网络的核心操作系统和事件管理器。

Arvo kernel: A universal operating system that uses 1000 rows of Hoon. It is the core operating system of the Urbit network and the event manager.

  可以说,Urbit 发明了全新的编程语言和一系列新的技术栈,几乎是重新造了所有轮子,这也是 Urbit 被诟病的原因之一。

It can be said that Urbit invented a brand-new programming language and a series of new technology stores, almost re-created all the wheels, which is one of the reasons for Urbit

  但 Urbit 认为,学习一种新的编程语言虽然有难度,但好处也显而易见,除了对实现人人拥有自己的个人服务器必不可少,而且 紧凑、简洁、攻击面小 。此外,对于新手来说, Hoon 比传统的编程语言更易于上手

Urbit believes, however, that learning a new programming language is difficult, but the benefits are also obvious, except that it is essential to achieve that everyone has their own personal server and that Hoon is easier to handle than the traditional programming language for newcomers.

  Ur bit 的爱好者认为,相比之下, Unix 复杂、臃肿、笨拙,光 Unix 内核就有 5000 万行代码,随着人类使用计算机的方式不断发展,人类对计算机的需求的增长提出了更多要求,为了满足这些需求,人们又在 Unix 之上搭建了各种层级,让整个计算堆栈变得越来越复杂,越来越臃肿,产生漏洞的可能性也越来越多,攻击隐患也很大。

Ur bit's fans believe that, by contrast, Unix is complex, swollen, clumsy, with 50 million lines of code in the kernel of Unix light and, as the way in which humans use computers continues to develop, human demand for computers increases and, in order to meet these demands, layers have been set up on Unix, making the entire computing stack more complex, swollen and more likely to create loopholes, as well as the risk of attack.

  而 Urbit 则通过极其紧凑的方式解决了复杂性问题。Urbit 的整个代码库只有 3 万行代码 ,让开发者专注于完成自己的应用开发工作。这也意味着该系统具有较小的「攻击面」,即系统被入侵、消息被劫持的概率更小。

Urbit solves complexity in an extremely tight way. Urbit has only ’s entire code of 30,000 lines , which allows developers to focus on their own application development. This also means that the system has a smaller "face of attack," which means that the system is less likely to be invaded and information hijacked.


What does strong have to do with encrypted money?

  Urbit 集成了比特币

Urbit compiled into bitcoin

  Urbit 不仅发明了全新的操作系统模 型,编程语言、虚拟机、点对点网络和身份系统,而且还有一个非常重要的改变,那就是将数字货币集成为一种原生服务,在理 想的生态系统中, Urbit 中的开发者可安全集成数字货币,就像是使用文件系统或者网络协议一样简单。

Urbit not only invented a brand-new operating system model, programming language, virtual machine, point-to-point network and identity system, but also a very important change, namely, to turn digital money collection into a home-grown service where developers in Urbit can safely integrate digital money, as simple as using file systems or network protocols.

  不过, Urbit 并不打算发行新的数字货币 ,因为在他们看来,「比特币已经够用了」。

However, Urbit does not intend to issue a new digital currency because, in their view, "bitcoin is enough."

  Urbit 团队认为,比特币已经被证明是目前为止最安全的链,也是作为一种「加密货币媒介」唯一可靠的选择。

The Urbit team believes that Bitcoin has proved to be the safest chain to date and the only reliable option as an "encrypted currency medium".

  对于 Urbit 开发者而言,这意味着,可将比特币轻松集成到各类应用中,比如集成游戏和支付、集成通讯和支付、地理传感器网络和支付等。对于普通用户来说,通过密钥登录自己的 Urbit ID 后,不仅可以通过寻址和其他人交流,还可以向向对方的地址直接发送比特币。

For Urbit developers, this means that bitcoin can be easily integrated into various applications, such as integration games and payments, integrated communications and payments, geosensor networks, and payments. For ordinary users, logging into their Urbit ID via a key can be communicated not only through location search and other people, but also directly to each other’s address.


  Urbit 已经开始集成比特币,并且发布了几项比特币集成 的赏金资助计划,首个赏金活动是为 Urbit 钱包新增比特币支持,最终目标是为 Urbit 创建比特币库,使比 特币能够用作未来 Urbit 操作系统的「货币基元」,允许开发者将这种简单的货币抽象部署到应用中,从而实现可进行交易的应用,直接从 Urbit 与比特币节点进行交互。

Urbit has started to integrate bitcoin and has launched several bitcoin-incorporated bounty financing schemes, the first of which is to add bitcoin support to Urbit’s wallet, with the ultimate goal of creating a bitcoin bank for Urbit so that Bitcoin can be used as a “currency base” for the future Urbit operating system, allowing developers to deploy this simple currency in abstraction to its application, thereby enabling transactionable applications to interact directly from Urbit to Bitcon node.

  此外,2019 年 9 月,比特币举牌哥( Bitcoin Sign Guy,简称 B.S.G. )宣布加入 Urbit 的开发团队 Tlon

In addition, in September 2019, Bitcoin Sign Guy (B.S.G.) announced joining the development team TlonUrbit.

  B itcoin Sign Guy 原名为 Christian Langalis,在 22 岁时因为一张比特币模因图片走红加密货币圈,当时他在美联储主席耶伦的演讲背景中高举一个「买比特币」的牌子而成为媒体头条,从此这张图作为一张比特币模因在网络上广为流传,他本人也被称为「Bitcoin Sign Guy」走红加密货币圈子。

B itcoin Sign Guy, originally known as Christian Langalis, at the age of 22, became the headline of the media when he raised a "bitcoin" sign in the context of the speech by the Fed Chairman, Ellen, as a bitcoin model widely circulated online, and he himself was known as Bitcoin Sign Guy.


Bitcoin raiser

  Christian Langalis 认为,稳健的货币要搭配稳健的计算机,Urbit 能实现这一愿景的途径,并促进比特币走向主流。

Christian Langalis argues that a sound currency needs to be coupled with a sound computer, that Urbit can achieve this vision and facilitate the mainstreaming of Bitcoin.

  Urbit ID 是一种 NFT 代币,可交易和转让

Urbit ID is a NFT token that can be traded and transferred

  Urbit ID 是一种 ERC-721 格式的非同质化 NFT 代币,作为一种数字资产,Urbit ID 和比特币一样可以转让和出售,但与比特币不同的是,Urbit ID 是一种非同质化的 ERC-721 格式的数字资产,因此无法在一般的交易所出售,只能在支持 ERC-721 标准的公开市场上交易,目前可通过 urbit.live、OpenSea、planet.market 或者 Urbit Marketplace 等第三方平台购买获得,均 价为 0.1ETH。除此之 外,也可以通过其他人的邀请获得。

Urbit ID is an ERC-721 non-synchronous NFT token that can be transferred and sold as a digital asset, Urbit ID and Bitcoin, but unlike Bitcoin, Urbit ID is a non-symmetric ERC-721 digital asset and therefore cannot be sold on a general exchange and can only be traded on the open market that supports the ERC-721 standard, currently available through a third-party platform such as urbit.live, OpenSea, planet.market or Urbit Marketplace, with an average price of 0.1 ETH.

  和同质化代币不同,每一个非同质化代币 Urbit ID 都是独一无二的,因此,购买者的意图往往不是出于该代币的通用特征,而是某些特定属性。比如,一个 ID 为「parret-barret」 行星售价高达 1000 美元 ,大大高出 10-20 美元的平均市价,以及 带有圆形图案的行星通常会以高于市价的价格出售。

Unlike homogenous tokens, every non-homogenous token, Urbit ID, is unique, so the buyer's intentions are often not based on the universal character of the token, but on certain particular attributes. For example, an ID sells to "parret-barret , much higher than the average market price of $10-20, and planets with circular patterns are usually sold at higher prices than the market price.

  我们到底能用 Urbit 做什么?

What can we do with Urbit?

  正如以上提到的,Urbit 被冠以的称呼很多,它是一个点对点网络、身份系统和云端的城市,用户层面上,它又是个人云端服务器、登录 ID 和全新的社交媒体。

As mentioned above, Urbit is widely referred to as a point-to-point network, identity system and cloudy city, and at the user level it is also a personal cloud server, login ID and a brand-new social media medium.

  Urbit 显然可以视为一种 全新的社交媒体。而一个最常见的问题是:相对于现有社交媒体,Urbit 的优势是什么?

Urbit can obviously be seen as a brand-new social media. And one of the most common questions is: What is Urbit’s advantage over existing social media?

  最重要的, 当然是用户自己控制个人数据 。在 Urbit 中,用户所有的数据通过操作系统 urbit 生成,基于版本控制和类型化永久存储着用户所有的数字生活和历史数据记录,数据不再被分散在多个不同的第三方应用服务器中。

Most importantly, is, of course, the user's own control of personal data . In Urbit, the user-owned data is generated through the operating system urbit, the user-owned digital life and historical data records are permanently stored on the basis of version control and typographicalization, and the data is no longer dispersed on multiple third-party application servers.

  在一开始,Urbit 会 提供 API 让用户访问存储在互联网应用上的数据 ,对于那些还未将数据从 Web 服务迁移到本地 Urbit 应用的新用户来说,这可以简化操作。但最终,Urbit 会实现将所有应用服务整合在一个统一的平台上,用户可通过一个数字身份登录后,即可在所有设备上无缝访问多个平台。

At the outset, Urbit will provide API access to data stored on Internet applications , which can be simplified for new users that have not migrated data from Web services to local Urbit applications. But eventually Urbit will be able to integrate all applications on a single platform where users can access multiple platforms seamlessly through a digital login on all devices.

  这也是 Urbit 相对现有社交媒体应用 (或者说所有应用) 来说一个重要特征,一个帐号打通所有应用数据,没有目前广泛存在的应用围墙花园,Urbit 网络中, 数据永远不会锁定在应用内,你可以在微信、石墨、Trello、推特之间无缝切换。 urbit 会对本身及其应用进行自动升级。

This is also an important feature of Urbit vis-à-vis existing social media applications (or all applications), where an account provides access to all application data, without the current extensive application wall garden, where urbit automatically upgrades itself and its applications.


Let us imagine a user scene that simulates a change in the future: when you want to discuss a topic with a friend, you usually need a real-time chat interface, a text-record application, a link-sharing tool.

  在当前互联网环境中,你用 iMessage 作实时聊天工具 (不过须确保每个参与者都有一台 Mac) ,用 Google Docs 做在线笔记记录 (不过须确保每个人都有 Gmail) ,以及用 Reddit 分享链接 (不过须确保注册一个私密论坛) 。不过由于这些服务不在一个统一平台,每个都得用一个单独的帐号登录并可能存在安全漏洞,而且每一个平台都在挖掘用户数据用以出售广告。

In the current Internet environment, you use iMessage as a real-time chat tool (although ensuring that each participant has a Mac), Google Docs as an online notebook (although ensuring that everyone has Gmail) and Reddit-sharing links (although ensuring registration of a private forum). However, since these services are not in a single platform, each has to log in with a separate account number and may have a security gap, and each platform is digging out user data for advertising.

  有了 Urbit 就会完全不同。Urbit 为该用例提供了一种小组解决方案,建立小组后,所有以上功能都在一个干净、简洁的用户界面中供用户使用。这不仅是私密的,用户拥有自己的数据,而且一个帐号登录后串通所有平台和数据,甚至可以基于自己的需求为群组自定义构建应用。

Urbit provides a group solution for this example, and all these functions are available to users in a clean, simple user interface. Not only is it private, the user has its own data, but an account logs into all platforms and data, and can even customize group building applications based on its own needs.

  这正是 Urbit 的核心 ,即将 所有在线服务 (包括用户的社交关系图谱、消息发送和照片集) 绑定在一个单一的身份 ID 上 , 该身份绑定一台个人云端服务器,可以用于所有的数字生活。

This is the core of Urbit, which binds all online services (including social relationship maps, messages and photos of users) to a single ID that binds a personal cloud server that can be used for all digital life.

  也就是说, Urbit 还是一个个人版本的云端服务器 。使用 Urbit ID 可一键登录个人服务器,存储的是自己数字生活的历史记录。使用的应用不是登录第三方服务器,而是自己的服务器。

In other words, Urbit is also a personal version of the cloud server . Using Urbit ID, you can log into a personal server and store a history of your digital life. The application used is not to log into a third-party server, but your own server.

  Urbit 还是一种管理多个应用的数字身份 ,相比于互联网服务中的一个应用一个帐号 / 密码,Urbit 的个人帐号不仅记录个体社交媒体、消息、文档等数据,而且负责管理所有 Web 服务的密钥和令牌,包括加密货币钱包的密钥,因此,用户需格外意识和重视其安全的重要性。

Urbit is also a digital identity that manages multiple applications , and Urbit's personal account not only records personal social media, messages, documents, etc., but also manages all web services' keys and tokens, including encrypted currency wallets, so users need to be more conscious and sensitive to the importance of their security than one account/ password in an Internet service.

  最后, Urbit 还是个人用户所有连接设备网络的枢纽 ,用户的智能恒温器、智能腕带、手机和平板电脑均作为卫星环绕用户的行星运行,且可以和用户基于云端的 urbit 操作系统实现安全通话。

Finally, Urbit is also the hub for all individual users to connect to the network of devices , and the user's smart thermostats, smart wristbands, mobile phones and panels operate as planets around the user as satellites and can safely communicate with the user's cloud-based urbit operating system.

  而我们像 Urbit 开发团队提出了一个问题:这听上去和以太坊、Near Protocol、Polkadot 等网络所说的 Web3 愿景很类似,这中间到底有何异同?

And we ask, like the Urbit development team, what is the difference between what sounds like the Web3 vision of Ether, Near Protocol, Polkadot and others?

  Urbit 团队为我们提供了他们的看法:以上这些网络协 议和 Urbit 最大的不同之处在于,在 Urbit 中不需要共识,而是每个用户都使用相同的计算模型,这意味着 Urbit 对用户来说是完全安全且私密的,可以几乎为零的成本更快运行计算,同时,还可以与网络上的其他人运行半信任计算。 (半信任意味着,每个 Urbit OS 节点都运行相同的虚拟机,当运行相同的应用程序时,每个节点得到相同的结果。)

The Urbit team provided us with their views: the biggest difference between the above network agreements and Urbit is that there is no need for consensus in Urbit, but that each user uses the same calculation model, which means that Urbit is completely safe and private for users, can run faster at almost zero costs, and can also run half confidence calculations with others on the network. (Mid confidence means that every Urbit OS node runs the same virtual machine, and when running the same application, each node gets the same results.)

  另一个很大的不同在于,Urbit 重塑了整个技术栈,以提供出色的用户体验。不仅专注于构建一种新的计算范例 / 协议,同时还提供了优秀的用户体验。

Another big difference is that Urbit reconstructed the entire technology store to provide excellent user experience. Not only did it focus on building a new computing paradigm/ protocol, but it also provided excellent user experience.

  Urbit 是如何成长到今天的?

How did Urbit grow up today?

  说来你一定不相信,Urbit 诞生已有 18 年,甚至比比特币的年龄还要大。最初,这是由程序员 Curtis Yarvin 在 2002 年作 为业余项目创立的,当时 Curtis Yarvin 希望构建适合当前互联网时代的计算平台,发明一种个人云服务器,其 中数据完全由服务器所有者控制,而非其他人。

You won't believe that Urbit was born 18 years ago, even older than Bitcoin. Initially, it was created for amateur projects by programmer Curtis Yarvin in 2002, when Curtis Yarvin wanted to build a computing platform suitable for the current Internet era, to invent a personal cloud server in which data was entirely controlled by the server owner, not by anyone else.

  但是,自创立以来,Urbit 一直进展缓慢。

However, Urbit has been slow since its creation.

  在接下来的 11 年中,Yarvin 在业余时间反复打磨这个项目,他开发了一个全新的操作系统、一个虚拟机和原生的编程语言,包括编译器、各种库和模块在内,整个 Urbit 操作系统大约由 3 万行代码组成。

For the next 11 years, Yarvin was grinding the project over and over during his spare time, developing a completely new operating system, a virtual machine and original programming language, including compilers, various libraries and modules, with the entire Urbit operating system consisting of approximately 30,000 lines of code.

  2013 年, Yarvin 发布了首个 Urbit 的 Beta 测试版 ,最初只是一个简单、几乎不可用的命令行界面 。2014 年,Yarvin 和 Galen Wolfe-Pauly 共同 创立了 Urbit 背后的开发公司 Tlon 。之后,Tlon 完成了 130 万美元的种子轮融资,投资方包括 Peter Thiel 和 Andreessen Horowitz 等。

In 2013, Yarvin released the first Urbit's Beta test version , initially a simple, almost non-usable command line interface. In 2014, Yarvin and Galen Wolfe-Paly co-founded Urbit's development company Tlon. Tlon completed $1.3 million in seed rotation finance, including Peter Thiel and Andrewssen Horowitz.

  在 Tlon,Galen Wolfe-Pauly 担任首席执行官,而 Yarvin 继续担任首席技术官,负责开发工作。2014 年,Tlon 发起了首轮 Urbit 地址公开销售,并在这之后,又在 2016 年和 2017 年再次进行了两次地址销售。

In Tlon, Galen Wolfe-Paly is the CEO, while Yarvin continues to be the Chief Technical Officer responsible for development work. In 2014, Tlon launched the first round of public sales of Urbit addresses, which was followed by two additional addresses sales in 2016 and 2017.

  2016 年,Urbit 发起的第二次地址销售,在数小时内通过出售 1.5% 的「恒星」,筹集了 20 万美元, 购买者包括 BitGo 的 Ben Davenport、Balaji Srinivasan 和 Chaincode Labs 的 Alex Morco 等多位币圈、链圈投资大佬。

In 2016, Urbit launched a second address sale that raised $200,000 within hours through the sale of 1.5% of "stars", with buyers including Ben Davanport of Bitgo, Balaji Srinivasan and Alex Morco of Chaincode Labs, among others.

  但是到了 2017 年 1 月, Yarvin 宣布离开 Urbit ,并在一篇博客文章中公布自己离开的原因:「我是一个思考者,而不是执行者;一个探索者,而非领导者;一个作者,而非维护者。」

But in January 2017, Yarvin announced his departure from Urbit and published in a blog article the reason for his departure: “I am a thinker, not an executor; an explorer, not a leader; an author, not a defender.”

  必须得指出,Urbit 的原始开发者 Yarvin 是一个具有争议的人 。Curtis Yarvin 在作为程序员的本职工作之外,还 一名另类右翼圈里非常有名 的意见领域,多年来他花费大量精力更新自己的个人博客 「Unqu alified Reservations」 ,撰写了很多具有煽动性的 带有另类右翼色彩的政治观点,并帮助在另类右翼圈子赢得了很多粉丝,这也是该项目一直被挑战的原因之一。

It must be pointed out that Urbit's original developer Yarvin is a controversial person . Curtis Yarvin, in addition to his job as a programmer, has a well-known field of opinion in an alternative right-wing circle, where he has spent a lot of effort over the years updating his own personal blog alied Resources > to write a lot of inflammatory political views with alternative right-wing colours and to help win a lot of fans in another right-wing circle, which is one of the reasons why the project has been challenged.

  Yarvin 离开以后,Urbit 开始升级网络,将地址注册系统迁移到以太坊区块链,并对系统和用户界面进行了重大改进。2018 年 11 月,Urbit 的 Azimuth 地址空间系统在以太坊的主网上启用,并部署了其数据库智能合约:

After Yarvin left, Urbit began to upgrade the network, migrate the address registration system to the Etherm block chain and significantly improve the system and user interface. In November 2018, Urbit's Azimuth address space system was launched on Ether's main web site and its database intelligence contract was deployed:

  可以说,Urbit 从诞生到现在 10 多年以来,开发进度一直缓慢,一方面原因是这是一个业余项目,另一方面是因为这是一个从从底层开始开发的项目,包括一系列技术栈。

It can be said that Urbit has been slow to develop for more than 10 years since it was born, both because it was an amateur project and because it was a project that had been developed from the bottom, including a series of technology stores.

  好消息是,目前该项目得技术底层已完工,已经位于技术栈顶层阶段的 Urbit 从 2020 年开始,将全面加速,将会为 Ur bit 开发者提供所有开发需要的 API 和接口。

The good news is that the project has now been completed at the bottom of technology and that Urbit, which is already at the top of the technology warehouse, will be fully accelerated from 2020 and will provide Urbit developers with all the API and interfaces needed for development.


  目前 Urbit 旗下有两家公司,一家是开发团队 Tlon,大约有 23 个人,其中大部分位于旧金山,另一家公司是 urbit.live , 这是最大的 Urbit 行星交易市场,并发布了首个 Urbit 网络浏览器,只有几个人。

Currently, Urbit has two companies, Tlon, a development team, approximately 23 individuals, most of them in San Francisco, and urbit.live, the largest Urbit planetary market and the first Urbit web browser, only a few.

  最大的 Urbit 行星交易市场 urbit.live 上待出售的行星

The biggest Urbit planet trade market
of planets to be sold on

  目前每两个月举办一次课程,为开发者提供 Urbit 原生的编程语言 Hoon 的学习。在论坛启动的各个资助计划,也会很快得到认领。

At present, courses are held every two months to educate developers about Urbit’s original programming language, Hoon.

  数据来看,Urbit 的表现如何呢? Urbit 开发公司 Tlon 的 COO Erik Newton 告诉链闻,由于 Urbit 是一个用户自己托管数据的网络服务,因 此无法跟踪任何 Urbit 网络中的活动或单个用户指标。但从激活的行星数据可从侧面反映 Urbit 网络情况, 自从在以太坊上部署以来,激活行星数一直在稳定增长。 Erik Newton 称,「这是在没有任何市场宣传情况下的数据。一旦网络中不同的服务提供商开始认真进行宣传,预计网络上的活动将急剧增加。」

data show how Urbit is performing? Urban Development Co.O. Erik Newton of Tlon tells the chain that, because Urbit is a user's own hosting network service, it is not possible to track activities or individual user indicators in any Urbit network. But when active planetary data reflect Urbit network on a side, Erik Newton says, "This is data in the absence of any market publicity.

  数据显示 (https://urbit.live/stats ) ,最近 2 个月 Urbit 上的恒星平均售价约为 15.12 ETH,行星的平均售价为 0.03ETH。截至到目前为止,行星出售数量为 8110,这意味着普通居民数目为 8110。

The data show (https://urbit.live/stats) that the average sale price of stars on Urbit for the last two months is approximately 15.12 ETH, and the average sale price of planets is 0.03 ETH. To date, the number of planets sold is 8110, which means the number of ordinary residents is 8110.

  那么,Tlon 的盈利模式是什么呢? Tlon 的 COO Erik Newton 告诉链闻,主要通过两者模式让 Tlon 的利益与 Urbit 整个生态网络的可持续发展保持一致,一种是通过 出售星系 提供资金维持早期运营和开发,另一种则是计划提供 网络服务 (比如托管) 来创造收入 。这两种营收模式都取决于整个 Urbit 网络的发展状况,为此,Tlon 的发展重心将聚焦在维持 Urbit 的稳定性和实用性上。

So what is Tlon's profit model? COO Erik Newton of Tlon tells the chain that the benefits of Tlon are aligned with the sustainable development of Urbit's entire ecological network, mainly through the two models, either by providing funds to sustain early operation and development through the sale of galaxies network services (e.g. hosting) to generate revenue . Both collection models depend on the development of the entire Urbit network, for which the development focus of Tlon will focus on maintaining the stability and relevance of Urbit.


Road Map for the Future

  就在最近, Urbit 发布了首个完整版本 OS1 。在 OS1 系统,用户可以在一个平台上发布文字、聊天并向一组朋友分享链 接。OS1 基于浏览器,没有进行安全审计,只提供简单的功能,但允许任何人可对其进行扩展和开发。

Just recently, Urbit released its first full version of OS1. In OS1 the user can post text on a platform, chat and share a chain with a group of friends. OS1 does not perform a security audit based on a browser and provides a simple function, but allows anyone to expand and develop it.

  OS2 目前还在开发中,计划于今年年底发布。 该版本的操作系统将会兼容目前互联网浏览器,和 OS1 功能一样,允许用户发布博客、短消息和分享链 接,但和 OS1 基于浏览器选项卡不同,OS2 将会发布一个独立的应用,一个支持用 BTC 和 ETH 进行 Urbit 点对点支付的原生支付平台和加密钱包,以及更简单的入门功能。

OS2 is currently under development and is scheduled to be released by the end of this year. will be a version of the operating system compatible with the current Internet browser, like OS1, allowing users to post blogs, short messages and sharing chains, but unlike OS1 based on browser tabs, OS2 will publish an independent application, a primary payment platform and encryption wallet that supports the payment of Urbit points with BTC and ETH, and a simpler entry feature.

  2021 将发布 OS3 版本,OS3 将专注于安全性 ,届时 Urbit 将完成安全审核,以及对托管基础设施的重大改进,将使 Urbit 可这真正投入使用完成实际的工作,而不再是开发者的实验玩具。OS3 上线后,Urbit 将为广泛的用户采用和企业级开发做好准备。比如你可以将个人数据提交到 Urbit,可使用用于位置跟踪、生物特征和健康数据的模块,而不必担心数据泄露。

2021 will be published as OS3 version, and OS3 will focus on security , when Urbit will complete the security clearance and major improvements to the hosting infrastructure that will allow Urbit to actually use it to do the actual work rather than the developer's experimental toys. When OS3 is online, Urbit will be ready for adoption by a wide range of users and for enterprise-level development. For example, you can submit personal data to Urbit, using modules for location tracking, biocharacterization and health data without fear of data disclosure.

  如果互联网已经不是最好的选择,那还有什么替代品?一个答案是 Urbit !

If the Internet is no longer the best option, what alternatives are there? The answer is Urbit!

  经过 18 年的缓慢发展,Urbit 现在终于铺好了基础技术栈,下一步完成比特币集成后,爱鼓捣的黑客程序员们将会碰撞出什么火花,令人期待。长期来看,Urbit 能否能进一步流行和取代互联网并不确定。但可以确定的是,它将与互联网平行存在,成为一部分在意隐私和数据控制权的用户的替代选择。从这个角度看,这是一个让人激动的实践。

After 18 years of slow development, Urbit has now finally completed the basic technology store, and the next step towards the incorporation of bitcoin will be the kind of sparks that would be expected of the hacker programmers. In the long run, Urbit is uncertain whether it can further popularize and replace the Internet. But it is certain that it will exist in parallel with the Internet and become an alternative to users, partly concerned with privacy and data control. From this perspective, this is an exciting exercise.



  小白也能读懂的 Urbit


  Urbit 和比特币

Urbit and Bitcoin



  Urbit 比特币集成赏金资助计划





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    今天,随着比特币(BTC)的价格突破62 000美元的门槛,顶级加密货币的价格反弹了。 此外,以铁大幅上涨,维持在2 900美元的水平。 此外,其他顶尖山硬币,如索拉纳(SOL )、XRP、卡达诺(ADA )也大幅上涨。    今天密钥加密货币价格 1. 比特币价格    在5月14日星期二撰写本文时,比特币价格上升了2.57%,达到62 487.50美元。 另一方面,在过去24小时内,交易量从65.26 % 急剧上升至277亿美元。 与此同时,加密货币的市场价值为...
  • OKEx回应用户质疑:合约交易非期货 平台无机器人

    OKEx回应用户质疑:合约交易非期货 平台无机器人
       热点点 自选股份 数据中心 数据中心 研究和资料中心 资金流动 模拟交易 客户客户 具体来说,OKEx回答用户的问题:合同交易不是期货,平台不是机器人。 金融同步化,3月22日。    昨天下午,OKEx公司就维护先前用户线下的权利问题对同步财务公司作出了回应,指出OKEx公司提供的合同交易不是期货交易,在旗下的业务中没有正式的机器人。 同时,OKEX称,它不会以非法为由对任何投资损失索赔作出答复。 答复全文如下: 同步你的财务! 近日来,...
  • 0.00006694个比特币等于多少人民币/美金

    0.00006694比特币等于多少人民币?根据比特币对人民币的最新汇率,0.00006694比特币等于4.53424784美元/32.5436 16人民币。比特币(BTC)美元(USDT)人民币(CNY)0.000066944.53424784【比特币密码】32.82795436 16比特币对人民币的最新汇率为:490408.64 CNY(1比特币=490408.64人民币)(1美元=7.24人民币)(0.00006694USDT=0.0004846456 CNY)汇率更新时...