干货丨详解以太坊2.0如何与1.0合并注:原文作者是以太坊2.0协调员Danny Ryan(djrtwo),在这篇文章中...

资讯 2024-06-22 阅读:70 评论:0
来源:雪球App,作者: 泰哥传奇,(https://xueqiu.com/4119935904/147759869)干货丨详解以太坊2.0如何与1.0合并注:原文作者是以太坊2.0协调员Danny Ryan(djrtwo),在这篇文章中,...



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来源:雪球App,作者: 泰哥传奇,(https://xueqiu.com/4119935904/147759869)


注:原文作者是以太坊2.0协调员Danny Ryan(djrtwo),在这篇文章中,他详细介绍了以太坊1.0将如何与以太坊2.0合并,根据他的介绍,在eth1+eth2组合客户端中,eth2客户端可以处理PoS和分片共识的复杂性,而附属eth1客户端可以成为一个eth1引擎,它可以处理状态、交易、虚拟机等事物的复杂性。

Note: The original author, Danny Ryan (djrtwo), Coordinator of Taiga 2.0, in which he described in detail how Etai Hall 1.0 would be merged with Ethaya 2.0. According to him, in the eth1+eth2 combination client, the eth2 client could handle the complexity of PoS and the division consensus, while the subsidiary eth1 client could be an eth1 engine that could handle the complexity of state, trade, virtual machines, etc.


(photo from: tuchong.com)


自从Vitalik在2019年12月提出一个早期eth1 <-> eth2 合并替代方案之后,研究人员一直在进行积极讨论,以从软件的角度来考虑这种合并的可能形式,而对于原型设计的期望,也是愈发变得更强。我们的愿景是创建一个混合体,其中核心共识工作是由以太坊2.0客户端(以下简称eth2客户端)管理,而状态/区块则由一个以太坊1.0引擎(以下简称eth1引擎)管理,而它们一起构成了eth1+eth2组合客户端。

Since Vitalik proposed an early Eth1 & lt;-> eth2 merger alternative in December 2019, researchers have been actively discussing the possible form of such integration from a software perspective, and expectations for prototype design have grown stronger. Our vision is to create a hybrid where the core consensus work is managed by the Ether 2.0 client (hereinafter eth2 client), while the status/block is managed by a Teth 1.0 engine (hereinafter >b>eth1 engine), which together constitutes the Eth1+eth2 client combination.

本文旨在更明确地区分eth2客户端和附属eth1引擎之间的职责,以便为会话、规范编写及原型提供更好的基础。注意,文章并不会定义协议的具体细节(例如eth1 客户端调用eth2引擎的精确方法),并且文中包含的任何示例,都只是用于帮助描述及后续讨论。

The aim of this paper is to distinguish more clearly the responsibilities between the eth2 client and the attached eth1 engine in order to provide a better basis for conversation, norm-setting and prototype. Note that the article does not define the details of the protocol (e.g. the precise method of the eth1 client calling the eth2 engine) and that any examples contained in the text are intended only to help describe and follow up the discussion.


To understand the content of this paper, you need to be very familiar with the concept of Etherm 2.0 and the Innocence Etherm.



The purpose of the merger of eth1+eth2 is to make use of the status, ecosystems and software of the evasive 1.0 in the upgraded ephemeral 2.0 consensus environment.


In summary, what we believe today is that the Eth2 client handles the core PoS as well as the division consensus. In essence, the Eth2 protocol and the Eth2 client are designed to be very good at generating and reaching consensus on a bunch of "things" that are a lot of data-filled (final) segment chains. The Eth2 “consensus layer” is much more advanced and complex than the PoW consensus layer in Eth1 today.


Today, the eth1 client has a relatively simple and thin consensus layer, which has only one chain, and the PoW can handle most of the complexity of extra-agreement hardware. Most of the complexity and optimization of the eth1 client is located on the user level (including state storage/management, state synchronization, virtual machine execution, transaction processing, trading pool, etc.).


When Eth1 is included as a segment in Eth2, this focus can be well matched, and the Eth2 client can handle the complexity of PoS and the division consensus, while the affiliated Eth1 client can be the Eth1 engine, which can handle the complexity of state, trade, virtual machines and things closer to the user level.


如何将eth1和eth2客户端软件组合在一起,有很多可能的途径(比如完全合并、将eth1作为库导入、通过两者之间的通信协议等),但在本文当中,我们会重点介绍一个最具微创性和和模块化的方法 —— 一种eth2客户端与简化eth1引擎之间的本地通信协议。

There are many possible ways to combine Eth1 and Eth2 client software (e.g. full integration, import of Eth1 as a library, adoption of communication protocols between them, etc.), but in this paper we highlight one of the most creative and modular approaches - a local communication protocol between the Eth2 client and the simplified Eth1 engine.


Taking into account the diversity of eth1 and eth2 clients, such an approach would prevent client software from being locked on either side, allow client teams to remain independent and focus on their own research and development efforts, and allow software projects to remain largely stable for rapid prototype production.


What would it look like?


Basically, an eth1+eth2 combination client would be as follows:


The Eth2 engine runs with the Eth1 engine and communicates locally via the eth2 client-driven RPC.


Both maintain their own p2p interfaces, connect to peers and process network protocols related to each particular domain.


1. 信标链和信标状态 (构建系统其余部分的核心共识对象);

1. The beacon chain and beacon status (constructing core consensual objects in the rest of the system);

2. 分片链(1、eth1分片链,2、很多仅限数据的分片链);

2. Fracture chains (1, Eth1, 2, many data-only Fracture chains);

3. Mempool操作[未显示](证明(Attestation)、存款(deposit)、退出出口( exit)等)

Mempol operation [not shown] (evidence (Attestation), deposit (deposit), exit (exit) etc.)

4. P2P接口(1、共识层信息,2、包括eth1分片区块gossip);

4. P2P interface (one, consensus layer information,2 including eth1 block gossip);

5. RPC到eth1引擎 (所有调用都由eth2客户端驱动);

5. to eth1 engine (all calls are driven by eth2 clients);


1. EVM虚拟机(eth1分片区块的执行与验证);

1. EVM virtual machine (execution and validation of Eth1 blocks);

2. eth1状态(今天以太坊中的用户层eth1状态);

2. Eth1 status (today with user level Eth1 status in Taim);

3. 交易存储池Mempool(用户交易mempool,为区块生产做准备);

3. Mempool (user-trading mempool to prepare block production);

4. P2P接口(1、今天以太坊上的交易gossip,2、状态同步,3、没有eth1分片区块gossip);

4. P2P interface (one, today's deal with Gossip, 2, synchronised, 3, no eth1 block Gossip);

5. 来自eth2客户端的RPC (所有调用都由eth2客户端驱动);




From the point of view of the core consensus, the Eth2 client is responsible for and facilitates the construction of the beacon chain, the data segment chain, and the Eth1 subsystem. The Eth2 client directly provides any knowledge of the Eeth1 engine about the Eth1 subsystem and the core consensus (beacon chain/status) via RPC.


Specifically, the additional Eth1 engine must be able to access the Eth2 client because it cannot maintain its own consensus. In PoW, the Eth1 client's workload today proves that a tree structure is formed and the fork selection rules are run to find the top of the chain. In Eth2, these mechanisms are very different, which requires an in-depth understanding of the Eth2 core consensus. The Eth2 client provides up-to-date information on the head of the Eth1 branch, so that the Eth1 engine can maintain an accurate view of the Eth1 state.

由于eth1引擎完全依赖eth2客户端推动共识,因此我们提议eth2客户端与eth1引擎之间的通信,都是eth2客户端调用的eth1引擎上的所有方法(例如addBlock, getBlockProposal等)。这将强制执行一个leader/follower关系,以降低系统推理的复杂性,并限制eth1引擎所需的业务逻辑。

Since the Eth1 engine relies entirely on the Eth2 client to promote consensus, we propose that communication between the Eth2 client and the Eth1 engine be all the methods on the Eth1 engine (e.g. addBlock, getBlockProposal, etc.) that Eth2 client call. This will enforce a leader/follower relationship to reduce the complexity of system reasoning and limit the business logic required for the Eth1 engine.


From the point of view of the Eth2 client and the core consensus, the Eth1 subsystem is treated almost exactly the same as all other subsystems (fork selection, connection, block structure, signature, etc.). The main difference is that the content of the block can be implemented for the Eth1 engine, so that the format of the Eth1 block data must be related to Eth1 and additional validation must be performed for successful implementation.



Eth2 has a status related to the core consensus, the so-called "beacon-state" (beacon-state). The beacon status data are very small (about 10-40MB, depending on the size of the verification body) and contain all the information needed to understand the core consensus and how to deal with the segment chain. In fact, to deal with the consensus-related parts of the segment chain, the client must be able to access the beacon status (e.g., the latest interconnection selected by the running segment for the segmental segment, the current authentication set for the authentication of the signature of the segment chain or the random distribution of shuffling).


The status of eth2 does not always interact with the status of the user layer, most often with the availability of the fractal chain data. The actual stratum data are located in the fractal data chain and, for eth1 the current dyke is the root of the user status.


The differences in the eth1 status associated with the eth2 client are discussed below:



Core Eth2 protocols can run without an Eth1 engine. Separate Eth2 clients can follow beacon chains and fractional chains (including Eth1 fractions). Without Eth1, the client will not be able to execute the statusless Eth subsections and therefore cannot fully verify them or obtain any useful user information from them. However, based on the Eth2 Core Consensus and the assumption of the certifier, the head of the Eth1 chain (head) can still be found safely.



To run a confirmer node, an additional Eth1 engine must be used to run the Eth2 client. This can be done in a stateless manner (i.e. not to store the entire Eth1 state locally), so the Eth1 block has the validation data (witness) that can be executed. The beacon board can check the availability and validity of the Eth1 data by calling the Eth1 engine in a stateless manner.


Many users/application nodes, in addition to the Certifier, may also operate with an inert or semi-state Eth1 engine.


要运行可产生eth1 分片区块的验证者,必须使用附加的eth1引擎和完整的eth1状态运行eth2协议(研发者们正在探索无状态的区块产生方法,但为简单起见,我们不对其进行讨论)。然后,可以使用本地状态和交易存储池(TX mempool)按需形成新的有效区块(在下文中有更多讨论)。

To run a certifier that can produce eth1 fragments, it is necessary to use the additional eth1 engine and the complete eth1 active eth2 protocol (researchers are exploring ways of creating an unstated block, but we will not discuss it for the sake of simplicity). Then, the local state and transaction reservoir (TX mempol) can be used to create new active blocks as needed (discussed further below).


In addition to the certifier, many users/application nodes may run using fully state eth1 engines, such as block browsers, archive nodes, status providers, etc.



In response to the transfer of responsibility (e.g., the Eth1 sub-block Gossip), developers are no longer in favour of using some of the existing Eth1 protocols (e.g., the Eth1 sub-block Gossip) and replacing them with the Eth2. After the initial prototype design phase, or at a later stage, the Eth1 protocol may need to be relocated to libp2p to unify the network stack, which is not necessary.

eth2客户端和eth1引擎可以访问相同的discv5 DHT,但是可独立地找到具有适当功能的对等节点并独立地维护连接。

The Eth2 client and the Eth1 engine can access the same discv5 DHT, but can independently identify the appropriate functional peer nodes and independently maintain the connection.



The eth1+eth2 portfolio client uses an ENR because nodes are located after a logical network identification with multiple functions.


The eth1 function (status, transaction, etc.) is represented by the existing eth (or new eth1)key in ENR.

eth2功能(核心共识)在ENR中用eth2 key表示。

The eth2 function (core consensus) is expressed in ENR in eth2 key.


The existence of each protocol means that nodes are able and willing to identify the type of bottom network protocol.



1、eth2请求/响应(1、状态,2、信标区块同步,3、分片区块同步); 2、核心共识gossip(1、Beacon区块,2、证明,3、分片区块,包括eth1分片, 4、其它验证者操作);

1. Eth2 requests/responses (1, status, 2, synchronisation of beacon blocks, 3, synchronisation of sub-blocks); 2, Core Consensus Gossip (1, Beacon blocks, 2, certification, 3, sub-blocks including Eth1, 4, other authentication operations);


1、eth1 wire协议的子集 (1、交易gossip,2、同步方法,例如getnodedata或新方法, 3、获取收据receipt)

Subsets of the eth1wire protocol (1, transaction Gossip, 2, synchronous methods, e.g., Getnodedata or new methodology, 3, receipt obtained)


NOT (information related to block Hashi, block head or body);

3、为什么eth2客户端会处理eth1区块gossip ?


Eth2 is dedicated to the production, Gossip and validation of the fragments. Our goal is to make the Eth1 fragments standard and, as far as possible, consistent with the remaining fragments. With regard to the core consensus, the main difference in the Eth1 block is the ability to execute/ verify the content of the blocks for the Eth1 engine.


The Eth2 client will again call the Eth1 engine to execute and verify the Eth1 block when the verifier is connecting it to the beacon chain.

当有状态的eth1 + eth2组合节点收到新的eth1分片区块时,eth2客户端将再次调用eth1引擎,以验证该区块并更新本地状态存储。

The Eth2 client will again call the Eth1 engine to verify the block and update the local state storage when the Eth1 + Eth2 combined node receives a new Eth1 block.



The same network protocols and local mechanisms can be used for the maintenance of the Gosip and storage pools to prepare blocks for production.


The main difference is how to determine the knowledge that has been traded and how to use the reservoir for block production, but these can be said to be located in a layer outside the reservoir.


The Eth1 sub-blocks are provided to the Eth1 engine from an affiliated Eth2 client. The transactions contained in these blocks should be removed from the storage pool in a manner similar to the current PoW block on the Taijin main network.


Eth1 sub-blocks are derived from the contents of the attached Eth2 client and are generated by the memory pool mempol. This



In the Eth2 agreement, all blocks (beacon blocks, blocks, blocks of Eth1) must be produced and signed by the PoS certifying officer on the basis of a core consensus. For this purpose, the Eth2 client is ultimately responsible for the production of all blocks .


For beacon blocks and non-eth1 sub-blocks, the Eth2 client has everything necessary to generate a valid block.


For the Eth1 block, the Eth2 client immediately/at all times has access to the Eth1 state, trading and other bottom-eth1 structures in order to generate a valid block. On the contrary, the Eth2 client requests a viable Eth1 block data from the Eth1 engine (TX, status root, etc.). The Eth2 client then wraps the Eth1 data into a complete block (adds slot, poiter_index, poiter_signature, etc.) and broadcasts the block to the network.


The Eth1 engine is able to generate valid/feasible Eth1 block data because it manages the Eth1 trading pool in the same way as is used today in the Taijin network, and it maintains up-to-date information on the Eth1 status through the update of the Eth2 client.



If this general design is accepted, the next steps will include:

1. 确保有关eth2客户端驱动eth1引擎的假设与现有eth1软件一致,并且不会给现有eth1软件带来意外的负担;

1. To ensure that the assumptions regarding the Eth2 client-driven Eth1 engine are consistent with the existing Eth1 software and do not impose an unexpected burden on the existing Eth1 software;

2. 更明确地定义用于驱动eth1引擎的通信协议,例如new_head(block)、validate_block_transition(block)、get_proposal(parent_root)等;

2. A clearer definition of the communication protocols used to drive the Eth1 engine, such as new_head (block), valueate_block_translation(lock), Get_proposal(parent_rot) etc.;

3. 定义网络组件,例如需要eth1协议的哪一个子集,如何具体使用ENR;

Definition of network components, e.g. which subset of the ENR is required for the Eth1 protocol and how ENR will be used;

4. 扩展以太坊2.0 阶段1 规范

Extension Ether 2.0 Phase 1

5. 原型!

5. Prototype!




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