Chapter I: Block chains (Introduction: theoretical basis of distributed system — Bitcoin predecessor: electronic cash, cash in Hash — block chain technology)
1.1 Distributed system
1. At the core of the block chain is a [decentralized distribution system]
2. Nodes in distributed systems can exchange information with each other
3. Nodes are divided into credible nodes, defective nodes, and malignant nodes.
4. The main challenge for distributed systems: coordination of nodes with [missing], i.e. the failure of one node does not affect the operation of the entire system.
1.1.1 CAP定理:任意分布式系统不能同时拥有一致性,可用性,分区容错性(但区块链可以实现三种属性)
1.1.1 CAP Theories: Distributive systems cannot simultaneously have consistency, usability, partition tolerance (but block chains can achieve three attributes)
(consistency: any node has a copy of the latest data; usability: the system is accessible during its use and responds when necessary; partition tolerance: the failure of a set of nodes does not affect the system's functioning)
1.1.2 一致性问题前身——拜占庭将军问题
1.1.2 Prior to the issue of coherence — General Byzantine
我方将军通过信使希望就进攻或撤退达成一致,问题是存在若干会传递错误信息叛徒将军(拜占庭节点),现在我们希望找到一种可信机制,让将军们成功达成一致决定。——解决方案【Proof of Work:PoW】
Our General hopes, through the messenger, to agree on an attack or a withdrawal. The problem is the existence of a number of traitors who will send the wrong message (the Byzantine node), and now we hope to find a credible mechanism for the generals to reach a successful consensus decision.
1.1.3 分布式一致性问题
1.1.3 Distributive consistency issues
1. Coherence mechanisms: consensual steps
2. Need for a coherence mechanism:
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; protocol: all credible nodes specify the same value
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Validity: The agreed value of all credible nodes must be at least the same as the initial value provided by one node
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; tolerance
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Complete: Any node can be decided only once
3. Type of coherence mechanism:
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Error based on Byzantine tolerance: no calculation-intensive operations (e.g. partial Hashi reflection), relying on a node formula for simple publication of signatures, agreement reached when the signature reached a certain number
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; leadership-based coherence mechanisms: nodes to achieve leadership electoral mechanisms, elected nodes to provide outcome values
1.2 区块链历史
1.2 Block chain history
Hashcash control spam principle: generating hash is a computing-intensive process, and illegal users send large amounts of spam at the expense of a significant amount of computing resources
1.3 区块链简介
1.3 Brief description of the block chain
At the core of the block chain is a distributed account with a point-to-point secure account, which can only be added to an agreement between the members of the peer status and cannot be changed
Block chain network view: Internet — P2P network — trade — blocks — consensus — status machine — block chain application (smart contract) — user (node)
1.3.1 区块链技术的各种定义
1.3.1 Various definitions of block chain technology
The block chain is a decentralised consensus mechanism. In the block chain, all peer points eventually agree on the state of the transaction.
The block chain is a distributed shared ledger, which can be considered as the only shared general ledger of transactions.
As a data structure, the block chain is the hash chain, and its members consist essentially of the hash pointers, nence, transactions that point to the front block.
1.3.2 General elements of the block chain
1. Address: the only identifier for the addressee and the sender in the transaction. It is recommended that the newly generated address be used in each transaction to prevent the owner's address and avoid identification.
2. Services: Basic units, which represent the transfer of values between addresses.
3. Blocks: hash pointers + nence + time stamp + a number of matters.
4. Status machines: a status conversion mechanism, a block chain that can be considered as a status conversion mechanism.
Smart contracts: Smart contracts run above the block chain and encapsulate operations when certain conditions are met.
1.3.3 区块链特性
1.3.3 Block chain characteristics
Consistency in distribution: where the central trust mechanism is indeed mandated, the parties agree on the outcome.
2. Certification of services: When any matter published on a node is certified, its validity will be included in the blocks.
3. Smart contract platform: The block chain is defined as a platform on which the program operates.
4. The value of the peer transfer: The block chain allows the peer to pass the value through the token, which is the carrier of the value.
5. Production of encrypted currency: an option to stimulate miners.
Intellectual property: No one has the right to take possession of the assets in the block chain, is entirely personally controlled and cannot be reused. (This feature has far-reaching implications for digital copyright management (DRM) and e-cash systems.)
7. Non-variability: The records that have been added are immutable. If you want to change, all blocks that have been added need to be recalculated, which is almost impossible.
8. Monopoly: Every business is the only one. In encrypted currency, the only factor that is critical is to discover and avoid double spending.
Smart contracts: The block chain provides a platform with the characteristics of a smart contract that can be seen as an autonomous process on the block chain and can encapsulate business logic and codes that are needed for the next step. Smart contracts simultaneously achieve flexibility, programability, and specific operations for a given operation, which can be controlled by the block chain user.
1.3.4 创建区块的一般方案、区块的生成方式、区块与事务的关系
1.3.4 General programme for creating blocks, how blocks are generated, relationship of blocks to affairs
Node start-up service through private key signature — multiple peer validation of communication service through Gossip protocol, through preset standard authentication service — successful validation, creation of new blocks, confirmation of old service (one confirmation) — to the network, to the account book (link to block chain (second confirmation))
第二章 去中心化
Chapter two, go to the centre.
2.1 Decentralization based on block chains
1. Users agree through the [consensus mechanism], without the need to trust third parties.
The central, distributed system has a single authority to control the system, so it is centralized. The decentralized system does not have a single authority to control, and it decentralizes the layers of authority, just like the corporate management system, which is its innovation.
Differences between parallel and distributed systems: in parallel systems, the calculation is executed simultaneously by the so-called nodes; in distributed systems, the data can be reproduced only on a single polymeric system, and the calculation is not a parallel calculation.
2.2 Method of decentralisation
Non-intermediated: bypassing intermediaries, address to address.
2. Intermediary competition: Smart contracts are selected among service providers.
2.3 Decentralization process
Framework for assessing decentralised needs:
1. The meaning of decentralisation: what constitutes a decentralised system can be any system, such as a certification system or a trading system.
2. Levels required for decentralisation: complete decentralisation, partial decentralisation.
3. Which block chain is chosen: the Bitcoin block chain, the Etheria block chain.
4. Which security mechanism should be chosen: the mechanism may be atomic, i.e. the whole or total non-execution of the matter, which ensures integrity. A reputational mechanism supports different levels of acceptance in the system.
2.4 Block chain and complete circulatory decentralisation
In order to achieve a complete decentralization system, decentralised operations would also be required for the environment around the block chain.
Storage, communication, computation (decentralization of calculations is done through block chain technology, e.g., Ether.
A decentralised overview of ecosystems:
通信(因特网、网格网络)——储存(IPFS、BigChainDB 文件系统、数据库)——区块链(以太坊、超级账本)——身份、财富
Communications (Internet, grid network) - storage (IPFS, Big ChainDB file system, database) - block chain (in Taiyo, superbook) - identity, wealth
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