
资讯 2024-06-23 阅读:63 评论:0
8月12日,2022创客中国-上海市中小企业创新创业大赛元宇宙web3.0专业赛(预赛)正式完美落幕。On August 12, the Chinese-Shanghai competition for innovation in smal...



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On August 12, the Chinese-Shanghai competition for innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises (Shanghai City) with the Chinese-Shanghai competition for innovation, the Web 3.0 professional competition (pre-run) was officially set to a perfect end.


The Soccer China's Shanghai Competition for Innovation and Entrepreneurship among Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises was hosted by the Shanghai City Economics and Informatization Committee, under the guidance of the Ministry of Industry and Informatization and the Ministry of Finance. The Shanghai City Coordination Office for SME Development, the Shanghai City SME Development Service Centre, and the Regional Economic and Social Commissions (DECs) were co-organised by such groups as the Shanghai City Coordination Office for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Development and the Shanghai City Coordination Office for Innovation and Entrepreneurship.


2022? Founder China? The launch of the Shanghai Innovative Enterprise for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises competition.

上海创加产业园区中小企业服务中心是市经信委主管、市社团局批准的市级园区与企业综合服务机构是创+品牌的运营机构,拥有15年产业载体服务经验的NGO 组织,已为上海近300家产业载体提供各类解决方案,创+设立于上海,立足华东,福时全国。为各类产业园区内中小企业提供信息咨询、园区评估、业务培训、营销策划、经营管理、展览会务等服务,以及园区招商引资、厂房及商贸用房租赁咨询服务。

The Centre for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Soccer Zone of Shanghai, which is a municipal integrated campus and enterprise service agency with 15 years of experience in industrial carrier services, has been established in Shanghai for nearly 300 industrial vehicles. It provides information advice, park assessment, business training, marketing planning, management, exhibition conferences and other services for small and medium-sized enterprises in the various industrial parks, as well as advisory services on marketing, plant and commercial rentals in parks.


Using the concept of “ecology, humanities, science and technology” as a tool for development, it combines the advantages of education, scientific research, human talent, capital, industry, etc., to create a high-tech park, to create a bright level of operation that is painful, to serve as a service provider for platinum and a leader in emerging strategic industries, to invest in the de-institutionalization and development of innovative enterprises, to focus on the introduction of advanced international technology, and to encourage domestic innovation firms to actively move out of the country and participate in internationalized competition. At the same time, it provides home and abroad entrepreneurs with a straightforward entrepreneurial environment and comprehensive professional platinum services.


It's a perfect game at the Reconnaissance Commune Leather Space. As a base for innovation in the meta-cosmos, it has created an eco-cosmos industry union that provides the services of the meta-cosmos community and a well-developed ecological service system.


As the host community, Comunicación Euphoria consists mainly of three main sections, namely, basic services, ecological services and professional services.


In the area of basic services, the Comunicación Renaissance has made full use of its own resources to assist enterprises in solving problems and difficulties encountered in their day-to-day operation or operation;


(a) In the area of ecological services, the creation of an upper and lower eco-circle and a circle of friends in the meta-cosm industry chain. Addressing the issue of efficient matchmaking of corporate resources, the issue of models of innovative mechanisms, and the weak impact of individual firms;


In terms of professional services, addressing the cosmopolitan cosmopolitan cosmopolitan cosmopolitan cosmopolitan cosmopolitan cosmopolitan cosmopolitan cosmos cosmos cosmos cosmos cosmos cosmos cosmos cosmos cosmos cosmos cosmos cosmos cosmos cosmos cosmos cosmos cosmos cosmos cosmos cosmos cosmos cosmos cosmos cosmos cosmos cosmos cosmos cosmos cosmos cosmos cosmos cosmos cosmos cosmos cosmos cosmos cosmos cosmos cosmos cosmos cosmos cosmos cosmos cosmos cosmos cosmos cosmos cosmos.

今年大赛的最大亮点是:“创客中国”:进入本年度“创客中国”上海赛区决赛的企业,符合专精特新主要条件的,纳入市级专精特新企业。推荐国家级平台与机构宣传展示、落地孵化、投融资对接、成果转化技术等服务。大赛延续往年“一赛三评”的优良传统—创客中国“诸神之战”和“最具投资潜力50佳创业企业”上海赛区共享一个报名通道,高效遴选潜力创企。“诸神之战”: 主要是直推阿里系投资,优先获得阿里云各项资源;“最具投资潜力50佳评选”:对接沪上百家知名投资机构,优先获得知名投资机构背书等附加价值服务。

The greatest highlight of this year's competition is the “Inventor China”: a company that has entered the finals of this year's “Inventor China” in the Shanghai District, and that meets the main requirements of excellence, has been incorporated into the city's specialized and new businesses. It is recommended that national platforms and institutions promote services such as displaying, hatching, investing in financing, and transforming technology for results. The competition continues the great tradition of the “third round” of the past year – the “war of gods” in China and the “50-plus enterprise with the best investment potential” in Shanghai. The “war of Gods” is a direct push for investment, giving priority to Ariun's resources; and the “50-percent rating of the highest investment potential”, giving priority to value-added services such as the endorsements of well-known investment agencies.


Today's run-off of our Web 3.0 professional races takes place in a way that goes down-to-line + online, while today we also have a team of professional evaluators who have fully communicated and interacted with each other as 27 projects on the ground have successfully completed their performances.


Finally, this tournament of 2022 pioneers in Shanghai, China, for the creation of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the run-up to the World Cup, the Web 3.0 special competition (pre-run) was the perfect end of a photo shoot of all the small partners.




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