1.比特币对人民币汇率 今日比特币兑换人民币最新价格
1 bitcoin = 167646.341463 yuan
The current Bitcoin exchange rate against the renminbi is 167646.341463.
At current exchange rate, 1 bitcoin is convertible by RMB 167646.341463
汇率更新时间:2023-02-22 09:00
Exchange rate update: 2023-02-2209
2.人民币对比特币汇率 今日人民币兑换比特币最新价格
RMB 1 = 0.00005 bits
The current RMB exchange rate is 0.000005.
1 yuan convertible 0.00005 bits at current exchange rate
汇率更新时间:2023-02-22 09:00
Exchange rate update: 2023-02-2209
日期 | 收盘 | 开盘 | 高 | 低 | 交易量 | 涨跌幅 |
2023年2月22日 | 24,404.1 | 24,450.7 | 24,474.3 | 24,267.6 | 398.74K | -0.19% |
2023年2月21日 | 24,450.7 | 24,839.5 | 25,236.8 | 24,160.8 | 395.97K | -1.57% |
2023年2月20日 | 24,839.5 | 24,302.8 | 25,085.4 | 23,868.6 | 363.02K | 2.21% |
2023年2月19日 | 24,302.9 | 24,631.3 | 25,175.2 | 24,273.7 | 312.64K | -1.33% |
2023年2月18日 | 24,631.4 | 24,573.5 | 24,838.9 | 24,457.0 | 223.77K | 0.24% |
2023年2月17日 | 24,573.5 | 23,538.2 | 24,984.7 | 23,373.0 | 523.85K | 4.39% |
2023年2月16日 | 23,539.6 | 24,328.1 | 25,233.8 | 23,525.9 | 484.50K | -3.24% |
2023年2月15日 | 24,327.9 | 22,198.5 | 24,330.9 | 22,050.8 | 401.53K | 9.59% |
2023年2月14日 | 22,198.5 | 21,776.9 | 22,308.6 | 21,556.2 | 378.39K | 1.96% |
2023年2月13日 | 21,772.6 | 21,782.7 | 21,887.5 | 21,418.7 | 312.04K | -0.07% |
2023年2月12日 | 21,786.8 | 21,859.9 | 22,080.7 | 21,653.1 | 211.65K | -0.33% |
2023年2月11日 | 21,859.8 | 21,627.4 | 21,902.9 | 21,605.3 | 182.07K | 1.04% |
2023年2月10日 | 21,635.0 | 21,792.5 | 21,933.6 | 21,491.7 | 352.79K | -0.72% |
2023年2月9日 | 21,792.5 | 22,964.6 | 23,003.6 | 21,744.6 | 425.44K | -5.10% |
2023年2月8日 | 22,964.6 | 23,251.7 | 23,425.1 | 22,691.7 | 289.12K | -1.23% |
2023年2月7日 | 23,251.7 | 22,761.8 | 23,338.8 | 22,748.2 | 318.98K | 2.15% |
2023年2月6日 | 22,761.8 | 22,936.0 | 23,130.6 | 22,633.7 | 278.58K | -0.76% |
2023年2月5日 | 22,936.0 | 23,326.9 | 23,423.4 | 22,766.5 | 217.26K | -1.66% |
2023年2月4日 | 23,323.8 | 23,431.2 | 23,571.8 | 23,269.8 | 170.27K | -0.46% |
2023年2月3日 | 23,431.2 | 23,429.1 | 23,694.1 | 23,233.8 | 349.36K | 0.02% |
2023年2月2日 | 23,427.6 | 23,726.2 | 24,207.2 | 23,398.1 | 382.86K | -1.26% |
2023年2月1日 | 23,725.6 | 23,124.7 | 23,784.5 | 22,809.6 | 333.18K | 2.60% |
2023年1月31日 | 23,125.1 | 22,832.2 | 23,262.9 | 22,724.9 | 289.38K | 1.28% |
2023年1月30日 | 22,832.2 | 23,746.0 | 23,794.0 | 22,560.0 | 339.62K | -3.88% |
2023年1月29日 | 23,753.1 | 23,023.5 | 23,952.9 | 22,973.3 | 320.86K | 3.15% |
2023年1月28日 | 23,027.9 | 23,074.6 | 23,182.3 | 22,889.8 | 156.96K | -0.20% |
2023年1月27日 | 23,074.6 | 23,016.0 | 23,480.3 | 22,602.9 | 310.36K | 0.25% |
2023年1月26日 | 23,016.0 | 23,055.2 | 23,259.5 | 22,869.0 | 320.97K | -0.17% |
2023年1月25日 | 23,055.1 | 22,632.5 | 23,779.0 | 22,366.3 | 388.18K | 1.87% |
2023年1月24日 | 22,632.5 | 22,916.3 | 23,156.1 | 22,517.1 | 334.17K | -1.23% |
2023年1月23日 | 22,915.5 | 22,709.0 | 23,161.8 | 22,527.9 | 327.85K | 0.91% |
2023年1月22日 | 22,707.8 | 22,775.7 | 23,068.7 | 22,323.0 | 280.64K | -0.30% |
Bitcoin (Bitcoin, BTC) is a virtual encrypted digital currency in the form of a P2P, generated by a large number of calculations based on a particular algorithm. Bitcoin is a decentralized payment system that does not depend on specific monetary institutions for issuance, and therefore is not controlled by central banks or any financial institution. Bitcoin price quo data is the latest currency exchange price transaction against the United States dollar, combining the average price of several exchanges. Bitcoin price trends today are for information purposes only.
The concept of BitCoin was originally proposed by Nakamoto in 2008 to design the open source software to be released along with the P2P network on which it is based. Bitcoin is a digital currency in the form of P2P. Point-to-point transmission means a decentralised payment system.
Unlike most currencies, Bitcoins do not depend on specific monetary institutions for issuance, which are generated by a large number of calculations, using distributed databases consisting of numerous nodes in the entire p2p network to identify and record all transactions and using cryptography designs to ensure the security of all links in currency circulation.
The decentralized properties and algorithms of p2p can themselves ensure that the value of the currency cannot be artificially controlled by mass-manufacturing bitcoin. The cryptography-based design allows bitcoins to be transferred or paid only by their true owners.
The biggest difference between Bitcoin and other virtual currencies is that its total number is very limited and extremely scarce. The monetary system was only 10.5 million in four years, and the total number will be permanently limited to 21 million.
Designers set the total number of bitcoins at 21 million at the beginning of the design. Each miner who first acquired the rights to account can receive 50 bitcoins as an incentive and then halve it every four years. It is expected that by 2140, bitcoins will no longer be able to be broken down further, thus completing the distribution of all currencies and not increasing thereafter.
Bitcoin is a system that automatically generates a certain amount of bitcoin as an incentive for miners to complete the distribution process. The miners act here as the issuer of the money, and the process by which they get bitcoin is called “ mine mining & & ldquo; all bitcoin transactions need to be mined by miners and recorded in this book. Miners dig by calculating the desired Hach value through a series of algorithms, thereby gaining rights to account. This process is actually the wrong one, and the more random Hashi collisions that a computer produces per second, the greater the probability of calculating the correct Hashi value. The first miners to calculate the correct value can wrap the bitcoin transaction into a block, and then record it on the entire chain of the area, thus obtaining the corresponding bitcoins. That is the process of issuing the bitcoins, and it also encourages miners to maintain the safety and integrity of the chain of the area.
2008年11月1日,一个自称中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)的人在P2P foundation网站上发布了比特币白皮书《比特币:一种点对点的电子现金系统》,陈述了他对电子货币的新设想——比特币就此面世。
On 1 November 2008, a Bitcoin white paper, Bitcoin: an electronic cash system for point-to-point, presented his new vision of electronic currency & mdash; & mdash; and Bitcoin was published on the P2P foundation website by a self-proclaimed Satoshi Nakamoto.
Bitcoin was born on 3 January 2009. In the process, it was removed from third-party institutions with a distributed account book, known as “ block chains & rdquo;. Users are happy to dedicate CPU computing capabilities to a special software for “ miner ” this will constitute a network to maintain “ regional chain & & rdquo; in this process they will also generate new currency. Trade is also extended on this network, and computers running the software struggle to break the unreversible dark code. These difficulties include several trading data. The first one, & & ldquao; miner & & rdquo; 50 bits of prizes are awarded, and the relevant trading areas are added to the chain.
2009年,中本聪设计出了一种数字货币,即比特币,风风火火的比特币市场起了又落,而其创始人“中本聪”的身份一直都是个谜,关于“比特币之父”的传闻牵涉到从美国 国 家 安 全 局到金融专家,也给比特币罩上了神秘光环。
In 2009, Nakamoto designed a digital currency, that is, Bitcoin, where the hot and hot bitcoin market rose and fell, and its founder &ldquao; who was always a mystery about “ the father of Bitcoin & rdquao; the rumours involving the passage from U.S. State Security to the financial expert, also cast a mysterious ring on Bitcoin.
据外媒报道称,计算机科学家TedNelson周日在网络上发布视频称,他已经确定出,比特币的创始人是京都大学数学教授望月新一(Shinichi Mochizuki)。比特币的创始人一直以来使用的都是中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)的假名,互联网领域也对其真实身份展开了大量推测。纳尔逊发布视频称,他已确定望月新一就是比特币的真正创始人。
According to foreign media reports, the computer scientist Ted Nelson posted a video on the Internet on Sunday, stating that he had identified Bitcoin’s founder as Shinichi Mochizuki, a math professor at Kyoto University. Bitcoin’s founder has always used the pseudonym of Satoshi Nakamoto, and the Internet has made a great deal of speculation about his true identity. Nelson announced that he had identified the new moon as the true founder of Bitcoin.
He was in high school at Philip Eksett College, one of the most prestigious high schools in the United States, and graduated only two years later. At the age of 16, he left university at the age of 22 as a doctor, and became a professor at the age of 33, so young that it was extremely rare to get a full professor’s title in the academic world.
On March 7, 2014, when it was said that Bitcoin’s founder was Dorian & Middot, Chinese news quickly became the most attractive news on the Internet.
与外界揣测其可能是个虚构的名字不同,“中本聪”是个真实的名字,他是一名64岁的日裔美国人,他喜欢收集火车模型,曾供职大企业和美 国 军 方,从事机密工作。在过去的40年中,中本聪从不在生活中用他的真名。根据美国洛杉矶地方法院1973年的档案,在他23岁从加州州立理工大学毕业时,将自己的名字改为了多利安·普伦蒂斯·中本聪(Dorian Prentice Satoshi Nakamoto)。从那时起,他不再使用“聪”这个名字,而用多利安·中本S(Dorian S. Nakamoto)作为签名。
Unlike the outside world, which assumes that it may be a fictional name, “ &rdquo is a real name, a 64-year-old Japanese-American who likes to collect a train model and has served as a major business and a US military force in secret work. For the past 40 years, he has never used his real name in life. According to the 1973 file of the Los Angeles District Court of the United States, his name was changed to Dorian & Middot when he graduated from California State Polytechnic University at the age of 23; Prentiss & Middot; Dorian Prentice Satoshi Nakamoto.
Also in 2014, a real inventor, Ben-Sweet, spoke online denying: & ldquo; I'm not Dorian & Middot; Chinese. & rdquo;
It's a bitcoin history.
2022年06月18日 比特币价格一路走低,最低达17708美元。牛市已走 熊市漫漫。
On 18 June 2022, the price of Bitcoin went down to a minimum of US$ 17708.
2021年11月10日 比特币价格创历史新高,达到68790美元。
On 10 November 2021, Bitcoin prices reached an all-time high of $68,790.
2021年05月19日 比特币价格暴跌40%,最低达30000美元。
On 19 May 2021, Bitcoin prices fell by 40 per cent to a minimum of $30,000.
2021年05月18日 三协会发布《关于防范虚拟货币交易炒作风险的公告》。
On 18 May 2021, the three associations issued a bulletin on protection against exposure to virtual currency transactions.
2021年03月12日 比特币价格再创新高,达到60000美元。
The price of Bitcoin was re-innovated to $60,000 on 12 March 2021.
2021年02月17日 比特币价格再创新高,达到50000美元。
17 February 2021 Bitcoin prices were re-innovated to $50,000.
2021年01月08日 比特币价格再创新高,达到40000美元。
The price of Bitcoin was re-innovated to $40,000 on 08/01/2021.
2021年01月03日 比特币价格再创新高,达到34600美元。
The price of Bitcoin was re-innovated to $34,600 on 03/01/2021.
2020年12月16日 比特币价格创历史新高,达到21500美元。
16 December 2020 Bitcoin prices reached an all-time high of $21,500.
2020年10月16日 OKEx暂停提币,称部分私钥负责人正在配合公安调查。
On 16 October 2020, OKEx suspended the deposit, stating that some private key holders were cooperating with the public security investigation.
2020年07月26日 比特币价格再度突破10000美元
On the 26th of July, 2020, the price of bitcoin went over $10,000 again.
2020年05月12日 比特币挖矿奖励第三次减半,产量由12.5个减至6.25个BTC
Third halving of Bitcoin mining incentives from 12.5 to 6.25 BTCs on 12 May 2020
2020年3月12日 比特币遭遇黑色星期四,从8000美元跌至3150美元。
On March 12, 2020, Bitcoin suffered a black Thursday, falling from $8,000 to $3150.
2019年06月 比特币价格再度突破10000美元
In June 2019, the price of bitcoin went over $10,000 again.
2019年04月 比特币价格突然暴涨,一度达到5000美元
In April 2019, the price of bitcoin suddenly jumped to $5,000.
2018年11月1日 比特币十岁啦
November 1, 2018. Bitcoin's 10.
2018年03月 闪电网络上线比特币主网
In March 2018, the Lightning Network was connected to the Bitcoin main network.
2017年12月 比特币价格飙升至20000美元
In December 2017, the price of bitcoin jumped to $20,000.
2017年09月 人行等七部委发布的《关于防范代帀发行融资风险的公告》,要求国内交易所于10月底全部关闭
Circular issued by seven ministries, including the Bank of Mansions, to protect against the risk of surrogate financing, which requires that all domestic exchanges be closed by the end of October
2017年08月 隔离见证被成功激活,比特币的第一个分叉币出现
In August 2017, the quarantine witness was successfully activated and Bitcoin's first fork appeared.
2015-2016 没什么波澜,比特币安安静静,似乎被大家所忘却
2015-2016, nothing. Bitcoin is quiet and seems to have been forgotten.
2014年3月 央行发布《关于进一步加强比特币风险防范工作的通知》,要求各个银行和第三方支付机构关闭境内比特币交易平台的帐户
March 2014 Circular issued by the Central Bank on Further Strengthening Bitcoin Risk Preparedness, requiring banks and third-party payment agencies to close accounts in the domestic Bitcoin trading platform
2013年11月 比特币价格飙升到1000美元
November 2013 Bitcoin prices skyrocketed to $1,000.
2013年10月 比特币ATM机问世
October 2013 BitcoinATM machine appeared.
2013年01月 专用ASIC阿瓦隆比特币矿机问世
The ASIC Avalon bitcoin mine came to life in the middle of the year.
2010年12月 世界上第一个矿池SlushPool挖出区块
December 2010 The first pond in the world, SlushPool, excavated blocks.
2010年07月 出现基于GPU显卡挖矿的软件
In July 2010, software based on GPU card mining appeared.
2009年01月 比特币网络正式上线,第一个版本开源客户端0.1发布
The Bitcoin network is officially online, with the first version of open-source client 0.1 released
2008年11月 中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)发表比特币的创世论文:《比特币:一种点对点的现金支付系统》
November 2008 Founding paper by Satosh Nakamoto: Bitcoin: A Point-to-Point Cash Payment System
1. OKEx Exchange: Currency Circle & & ldquao; Large & rdquao; Most Exchanges
Currency exchange: currency circle & ldquao; bulkier & rdquao; highest number of exchanges
Coinbase (United States): The most international exchange
4. BitMEX (Hong Kong, China)
5. Chinese currency (ZB)
6 、Bitfinex
9. MXC tea exchange
Network A (AOFEX)
1. How does Bitcoin work?
比特币使用了公开密钥系统。每一个钱币都包括了其拥有者的公开密匙。当钱币从用户A支付给用户B时, A将B的公开密匙添加到钱币中, 然后这个钱币又被A用私人密码匙来签封。B现在即拥有了这个钱币并且可以将来使用,而A就不可能再次使用这个钱币,因为以前的交易记录以被全体网络计算机收录维护。在每笔交易前,钱币的有效性都必须经过检验确认。
Bitcoin uses a public key system. Each currency includes the public key of its owner. When the currency is paid from user A to user B, A adds the public key of B to the currency, which is then signed by A with a private key. B now owns the coin and can be used in the future, and A cannot use it again because the record of the previous transaction is maintained by the entire network computer.
2. How much is the bitcoin worth?
At the time of the birth of Bitcoin, almost nothing was worth, with an average of 1309.03 bitcoins being purchased by $1, but the price of bitcoins had soared to $15,000 at a time.
3. Is Bitcoin able to convert cash?
The answer is yes. All you have to do is get in touch with the Bitcoin trading agency, where the money network, currency security, is the most popular bitcoin trading platform.
4. Is Bitcoin anonymous?
Bitcoin is not anonymous; on the contrary, strictly speaking, bitcoin is completely public and traceable. Bitcoin is not anonymous, it's not real. For example, if you don't register online, you don't fill in personal information, your only code name is your id, which is not real; it's anonymous when you post an anonymous user.
All transfer records from the address in Bitcoin are traceable. Simply put, if you transfer a sum of money from the exchange to bitcoin and bring it to the black market, no matter how many transactions you make, you'll be able to trace your money quickly if you want to. Just like you use the same ID, if you expose your personal information, you'll always be human.
So Bitcoin's not anonymous, it's not a real name.
What can bitcoin do?
智能合约、信息公开、投资避险、支付汇款、炒作标的、价值储存、货币发行与社会公平、洗 钱、赌 博等,哦对了,还有买披萨。
Smart contracts, information disclosure, investment risk avoidance, payment of remittances, bid speculation, value storage, money distribution and social equity, money laundering, gambling, etc., and, yes, pizza.
Why pay attention to Bitcoin?
Bitcoin represents a completely anonymous and cost-free way of doing business. Bitcoin does not belong to any country and is not subject to geographical restrictions. It is a currency that users can freely convert at any time or place.
7. Is Bitcoin legal?
2013 年 12 月,中国人民银行等五部委联合发布的《关于防范比特币风险的通知》中,禁止金融机构介入比特币,但同时认为:
In December 2013, the Circular on Protection against Bitcoin Risk, issued jointly by five ministries, including the People's Bank of China, prohibited financial institutions from intervening in bitcoin, but considered that:
& ldquo; Bitcoin is a specific virtual commodity that has no legal status equivalent to that of a currency and cannot and should not be used as a currency in the market. However, Bitcoin transactions are traded as a commodity on the Internet, and ordinary people are free to participate at their own risk. & rdquao;
根据国家相关法律法规,买卖 比特币是属于合法的。
According to the relevant national laws and regulations, the purchase and sale of bitcoin is legal.
According to the current statement of the five ministries, Bitcoin is a commodity and a legal transaction.
These are the details of the BTC price analysis of today's latest price of Bitcoin - 22/02 - and more information about Bitcoin and other relevant script house articles!
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