
资讯 2024-07-02 阅读:53 评论:0
导读:世界黄金协会指出,在黄金被用于支撑货币时,金价涨幅基本与通胀率相同。布雷顿森林体系在上世纪70年代崩溃后,黄金平均每年升值 10%。虽然金价在上世纪 70 年代后期快速上涨,但金价波动性在过去四十年里一直相当温和。Ill...



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导读:世界黄金协会指出,在黄金被用于支撑货币时,金价涨幅基本与通胀率相同。布雷顿森林体系在上世纪70年代崩溃后,黄金平均每年升值 10%。虽然金价在上世纪 70 年代后期快速上涨,但金价波动性在过去四十年里一直相当温和。

Illustrating: The World Gold Association notes that when gold is used to support the currency, the increase in gold prices is roughly the same as the inflation rate. After the collapse of the Bretton Woods system in the 1970s, gold rose by an average of 10 per cent per year. Although gold prices rose rapidly in the late 1970s, gold price volatility has remained relatively moderate over the past four decades.


Bitcoin’s volatility is evident. The World Gold Association believes that high volatility is good for investors looking for very high returns on investment, but it is not a monetary feature, let alone a value-serving tool.


Source: Economic Report for the 21st Century (ID:jjbd21)

记者丨王晓 北京报道

journalist Wang Xiao, reporting from Beijing >/strang >

图片来源/ 图虫创意

Image Source/ Imagine


In 2017, gold prices rose by 13 per cent, which is already a significant increase, but by 13 times in Bitcoin during the same period.


Virtual coins are strong, and crowds even claim that they can replace gold. Even with strong regulatory consolidation, the insanely rising prices of virtual coins continue to induce some investors to take risks.


On 7 February, the price of Bitcoin fluctuated between $8,000/blocks, down by 60% in less than two months from its historic high of nearly $20,000/mere in mid-December 2017. Economic reporters for the twenty-first century learned that virtual currency transactions, including bitcoin, had been re-emerged since the Central Bank and seven ministries issued a joint announcement in September last year on the risk of financing the issuance of coins.


A general way of circumvention is for some virtual currency trading platforms to claim compliance with domestic laws to close down the corresponding services, but to replace their places of registration abroad and remain primarily for domestic investors.


In recent days, the World Gold Association has issued a report in which it is clear that virtual encrypted currency cannot replace gold. It also means that currently encrypted currency is more often traded and held as speculative.


trading platform


Although there has been a significant drop in the price peak, bitcoin prices are still about 80 per cent higher than prices at a time when seven ministries, including the central bank, are collapsing together.


A senior member of the block chain industry said to the 21st Century economic reporter that, under a combination of seven ministries, some trading platforms claimed to shut down services, but instead registered servers to continue their operations abroad, and their target clients remained concentrated domestically and even more easily traded.


The Internet Finance Association of China (IFA) has recently issued another reminder of the risks of dealing with “virtual currency” in ICOs abroad. The Association notes that monitoring has found that some agencies or individuals in the country are also organizing so-called currency transactions and off-the-shelf transactions, accompanied by services such as market and guarantors, which are essentially “virtual currency” trading sites, which are clearly inconsistent with existing policy provisions. In these related transactions, some domestic social networking platforms facilitate centralized transactions in “virtual currency” and a number of non-bank payment agencies provide payment services for “virtual currency” transactions.


On 2 February, the currency exchange platform announced that it would no longer serve users in mainland China. However, insiders suggested that they could use their services normally through some kind of exterior set-up.


According to the above-mentioned unnamed industry seniors, there are currently no criteria for the valuation of the virtual currency, and although large amounts of electricity consumption, mining costs, and even human investment are required in the discovery of the virtual currency, much more so is the rise in the expectations of the participants and the inflow of capital for the campaign. “This is why there is no source of revenue and profit in itself, and the value base is weak, and therefore there is a risk of significant volatility in the event of regulation or rashing.”

世界黄金协会指出,在黄金被用于支撑货币时,金价涨幅基本与通胀率相同。布雷顿森林体系在上世纪70年代崩溃后,黄金平均每年升值 10%。虽然金价在上世纪 70 年代后期快速上涨,但金价波动性在过去四十年里一直相当温和。

According to the World Gold Association, when gold is used to support the currency, the increase in gold prices is roughly the same as the inflation rate. After the collapse of the Bretton Woods system in the 1970s, gold rose by an average of 10% a year.


The World Gold Association believes that high volatility is good for investors looking for very high returns on investment, but it is not a monetary feature, let alone a tool for saving value. Moreover, the average daily transaction value of Bitcoins is $2 billion, compared to the gold market’s roughly $250 billion a day.


proposes to allocate gold to protect purchasing power


Gold has been held as an asset for 7,000 years, and has also been used as a currency for a long time. After the gold standard, it is still held by central banks, institutional investors, and retail investors.


According to the World Gold Association, gold deals are widely authorized and regulated globally. Virtual currency transactions involve capital flight, money laundering, terrorist financing, and loss of the casting tax.


“These exchanges have a very large volume of transactions, and their daily fees are staggering, but they don't pay taxes. That's important.” Industry people say.


Underneath the myth of wealth in the currency circles, fortunately only a few.


According to the above-mentioned senior industry reporter for the 21st century economy, there are indeed a number of those who make millions of dollars in financial freedom, and financial freedom means that they are set up as French. These people, mainly on the side of the project and some of the large families that do so, because of their information advantages.


The World Gold Association’s latest statistics show that global gold demand fell by 7 to 4071.7 tons in 2017, reaching an eight-year low. The main reason is that the flow of funds into the gold ETF has declined significantly.


According to Wang Lixin, Director-General of the World Gold Association’s China Region, for economic reporting in the twenty-first century, gold has always been an important subject of diversified investment in the portfolio, and its price implications are complex, but they protect investors’ purchasing power. Investors are still advised to allocate 5-15% of their assets according to their needs, especially under the current requirements of breaking rigidity.


(ed.: Lee Elin, Mailbox, Lyil@21jingji.com)




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