开源数字货币交易所,基于Java开发的比特币交易所 | BTC交易所 | ETH交易所 | 数字货币交易所 | 交易平台 | 撮合交易引擎。本项目基于SpringCloud微服务开发,可用来搭建和二次开发数字货币交易所,有完整的撮合交易引擎源码、后台管理(后端+前端)、前台(交易页面、活动页面、个人中心等)、安卓APP源码、苹果APP源码、币种钱包RPC源码。
The project is based on SpringCloud micro-service development and can be used to build and re-develop digital currency exchanges with complete Combination Engine source code, backstage management (backend + front end), front desk (transaction page, activity page, personal center, etc.), Andreap code, AppleP source code, currency wallet RPC source code.
简要介绍本项目是基于Java(SpringCloud)开发的比特币交易所 | BTC交易所 | ETH交易所 | 数字货币交易所 | 交易平台 | 撮合交易引擎。本项目基于SpringCloud微服务开发,可用来搭建和二次开发数字货币交易所,有完整的系统组成部分。
The project is based on the Bitcoin Exchange BTC ETH , developed by SpringCloud. The project is based on SpringCloud micro-service development, which can be used to build and re-develop digital currency exchanges with complete system components.
Just a few sketches, take a look.
系统运行环境Centos 6.8MySQL 5.5.16Redis-x64-3.2.100Mongodb 3.6.13kafka_2.11-2.2.1nginx-1.16.0JRE 8u241JDK 1.8VueZookeeper生产环境建议配置文件目录说明00_framework
└─———admin 后台管理API
~Admin Backstage Administration API ~
└─———bitrade-job 任务管理
Task management — — bitrade-job
└─———chat OTC聊天
~What the hell OTC is talking about. ~
└─———cloud SpringCloud微服务管理
----cloud SpringCloud micro-service management
└─———core 核心
-core core
└─———exchange 撮合交易引擎
-exchange set-up trading engine
└─———exchange-api 撮合交易API
-exchange-api mix API
└─———exchange-core 撮合交易核心
-exchange-core combines the core of the transaction
└─———jar 第三方类库
-jar Third Party Repository
└─———market 市场行情API、K线生成
---market market API, Kline Generation
└─———otc-api OTC交易API(如无需otc功能可不启动)
----otc-api OTC transaction API (not to start without an otc function)
└─———otc-core OTC核心
--otc-core OTC core
└─———sql SQL脚本
Sql SQL script
└─———ucenter-api 用户个人中心API
-ucenter-api User Personal Centre API
└─———wallet 钱包资产管理,负责与RPC对接
-wallet Wallet Asset Management, which is responsible for docking with RPC
This digital currency trading system is a project that my company has developed for the exchange, which has been shut down for team reasons, and our division dissolved in February. As I was involved in the project, I was in charge of overall R & D management, architecture design, and customer interfaces, so I had all the codes.
The system has a number of features that require particular attention in its functional use, such as the creation of new transactions for other subsequent operations, which may lead to errors that cause data disruptions.
I can provide paid technical assistance and guidance on the use of training!
When there is a shortage of memory, top input into the linux console to view the java process takes up a large amount of memory (one java process takes more than 1 G), since there are many jar bags that need to be run, so you need to control the memory used in some jar packages, and you can choose a few items that are not resource-intensive, as follows:
关于邮件&短信本系统支持邮件、短信发送系统运营状态系统通知/报警支持:用户注册、用户认证、用户充值/提现、币种RPC运行状态、系统资源使用监控等24种监控关于数据库脚本的问题有朋友反映没有完整的SQL文件,这是因为编译成功的Jar,首次运行后会自动将Entity映射成数据库结构,项目中的SQL只是完成一些Springcloud无法完成的数据库结构。 数据库自动生成配置位于application.properties配置文件:
There are friends who reflect that the SQL file is not complete because the compilation of the successful Jar will automatically map Entity into a database structure after the first operation, and SQL in the project will simply complete some database structures that Springcloud cannot complete. The database automatically generates configurations in application.properties profiles:
spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=update 这个配置会自动更新数据库结构。
This configuration of spring.jpa.hibernate.dl-auto=update will automatically update the database structure.
核心功能说明(用户端) 1. 注册/登录/实名认证/审核(目前仅支持手机,二次开发可加入邮件,很简单) 2. Banner/公告/帮助/定制页面(Banner支持PC与APP分开设置,帮助支持各种分类模式) 3. 法币C2C交易/法币OTC交易(支持两种法币模式,项目早期可由平台承担C2C法币兑换,后期可开放OTC交易) 4. 币币交易(支持限价委托、市价委托,二次开发可加入其它委托模式) 5. 邀请注册/推广合伙人(支持对邀请推广人数、佣金进行以日、周、月的排行统计) 6. 创新实验室(该部分支持功能较多,分项说明。另,APP暂不全部支持该功能)6-1. 首发抢购活动模式(如发行新交易对时,可对交易对设置一定数量的币种进行抢购) 6-2. 首发分摊活动模式(如发行BTC/USDT交易对之前,官方拿出5BTC做活动,根据用户充值抵押的USDT多少进行均分BTC) 6-3. 控盘抢购模式(如发行ZZZ/USDT交易对之前,ZZZ币种价格为5USDT,官方发行活动价为0.5USDT,则可使用该模式) 6-4. 控盘均摊模式(如6-3,只不过平均分配) 6-5. 矿机活动模式(支持用户抵押一定数量的币种,由官方承诺每月返还一定数量的币种)
6-1. The first acquisition activity model (e.g., when a new transaction is issued, a transaction may be bought for a specified number of currencies) 6-2. The first assessment activity model (e.g., before the BTC/USDT transaction is issued, the official contribution of 5 BTCs is made, with an equal share of BTC depending on the number of USDTs charged by the user) 6-3. The control drive acquisition model (e.g., before the release of the ZZZ/USDT transaction is issued, with a price of 5 USDT in ZZZ and an official issue activity price of 0.5 USDT, which can be used) 6-4. The control amortization model (e.g., 6-3 with an average distribution) 6-5. The mining machine activity model (to support a certain amount of currency that the user has pledged to return a certain amount of currency on a monthly basis) 6-5.
7. 红包功能(支持平台及官方发放一定数量币种的红包,此功能适合用户裂变) 8. 用户资产管理、流水管理、委托管理、实名管理等各种基础管理核心功能说明(管理端) 1. 概要(查看平台运行数据,包含交易额、注册人数、充值等) 2. 会员管理(会员信息管理、会员实名审核、会员实名管理、会员余额管理、会员充值/冻结余额等) 3. 邀请管理(会员邀请信息、会员邀请排行管理) 4. CTC管理(CTC订单管理、流水管理、承兑商管理) 5. 内容管理(PC广告管理、APP广告管理、公告管理、帮助管理) 6. 财务管理(充值提现管理、财务流水管理、对账管理、币种钱包余额管理) 7. 币币管理(新建交易对、管理交易对、新建交易机器人、设置交易机器人参数、设置行情引擎/交易引擎、撤销所有委托) 8. 活动管理(新建活动、矿机认购、抢购/瓜分管理) 9. 红包管理(平台红包管理、用户红包管理) 10. 系统管理(角色管理、部门管理、用户管理、权限管理、币种管理、RPC管理、版本管理) 11. 保证金管理(此功能设计时考虑到,但实际运营期间未使用到) 12. OTC管理(广告管理、订单管理、OTC币种管理、退保管理等,此功能未获得实际运营检验)关于区块链钱包对接本项目提供两种钱包对接方式,一种是自建节点+区块链浏览器的方式,另一种是第三方钱包对接方式。如果你想使用自建节点或区块链浏览器,你直接使用00_framework中的代码进行编译即可。如果你想使用第三方钱包对接,你可以下载07_Uduncloud文件夹的优盾钱包的项目文件,把他们复制到00_framework中即可。
This project provides two kinds of wallet matching, one for self-built node plus block chain browsers and the other for third-party wallets. If you want to use self-built nodes or block chain browsers, you can simply use code from 00_framework. If you want to use third-party wallets, you can download project files from the 07_Uduncloud folder and copy them to 00_framework.
When you have the code, the item can be debuggered during the operation without connecting the block chain nodes, which does not have much impact; even without connecting the block chain nodes, you can deploy one of its trading platforms with a sorting transaction function (only the user cannot fill through the wallet address).
当你渐渐熟悉整套系统,同时对区块链运行原理、节点搭建、区块链浏览器有一定基础储备后,就可以开始对 01_wallet_rpc 文件夹下的项目进行研究。每个币种对应不同的数据访问方式,大部分区块链项目的钱包操作方式是相同的或十分相似的,比如BTC、LTC、BCH、BSV、BCD等比特币衍生币,其API操作方式几乎一样;再比如ETH,当你掌握一个合约币种的操作,其他基于ETH发行的数字货币的操作方式几乎一样。所以,基本上当你花时间弄懂了一个,就懂了一堆币种。
When you become familiar with the whole system and have some basic stock of block chain operating principles, nodes, block chain browsers, you can start studying projects under the 01_wallet_rpc folder. Each currency corresponds to different data access patterns, most block chain items operate in the same or very similar manner, such as bitcoin derivatives as BTC, LTC, BCH, BSV, BCD, etc., with almost the same API operation; and, for example, ETH, when you have a contract currency, the other digital currency based on ETH is almost the same. So basically, when you spend time understanding one, you get a bunch of coins.
The wallet operating options used for this project are also different and, to the extent possible, different uses are shown:
如BTC、USDT,使用的自建全节点,现在差不多需要300G硬盘空间;如ETH,使用的是自建轻节点(参考文章),因为全节点需要硬盘空间太大;如BCH、BSV等,使用的是第三方区块链浏览器获取数据;如XRP,官方就已经提供了访问区块数据的接口(Ripple API GitHub地址)一般而言,当交易所来往资金量不大的时候,你可以自己摸索,但是当交易所资金量大了以后,如果你对自己操作钱包不太放心,你也可以使用第三方的钱包服务,当然,这需要你与钱包服务商进行谈判,付个年费什么的。
Generally, when exchange transactions are small, you can figure it out yourself, but when the exchange is large, if you are uneasy about operating your wallet, you can also use the purse services of a third party, which, of course, requires you to negotiate with the wallet service provider, pay an annual fee or something.
The following is a brief illustration of the user-filled monitoring logic. Just a simple look:
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