虚拟货币交易或成洗钱通道 新型“黑产链”来袭!

资讯 2024-06-21 阅读:148 评论:0
  据人民网8月31日消息称。比特币等虚拟货币交易炒作再迎强监管。According to the People's Network on 31 August, virtual currency transactions such as...



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According to the People's Network on 31 August, virtual currency transactions such as Bitcoin are being pursued and monitored.


“We also remind the public once again that virtual currencies such as Bitcoin are not legal currency and have no real value to support, and that the transactions are purely speculative, risk-conscious, self-dissipating, and protecting their own ‘money bags’. If you find a clue about the crime of illegal fund-raising, you must report it to the relevant authorities in a timely manner.” The Deputy Director of the Financial Consumer Protection Bureau of the People’s Bank, Yoon Yoo, reiterated it in the press briefing before the day.


In their view, the People’s Bank’s re-regulation of tibitcoin has demonstrated once again the country’s strict regulatory attitude toward virtual currency, such as bitcoin, and its transactions. Virtual currency development is still in a state of disarray, with financial risks.


As early as December 2013, the Circular on Protection against the Risk of Bitcoin, issued by five ministries, including the People’s Bank, made it clear that Bitcoin has four main features: lack of centralized issuers, limited volume, geographical restrictions and anonymity. Although Bitcoin is referred to as “currency,” it does not have monetary attributes, such as legal payability and mandatoryity. By its very nature, Bitcoin should be a specific virtual commodity, with no legal status equivalent to that of money, and cannot and should not be used as a currency in the market.


Experts suggest that the surge and collapse of Bitcoin since this year have increased financial market volatility or the potential for systemic financial risks. The public should be fully aware of the nature and risks of virtual currency, such as Bitcoin, to withstand temptations, to protect wallets, and not to engage in any kind of transaction or campaign.


Use of virtual money-laundering models


Virtual currencies pose a high risk of money-laundering owing to the characteristics of anonymity, decentralization, difficulty of tracing, global liquidity, ease of transaction, complexity of transaction patterns, non-revocability following transactions, diversity of holding patterns, and controversial criteria for value determination.


Criminal exploitation has also led to the gradual exploitation of virtual currency as a tool for money-laundering, coupled with the increasing efforts of national authorities in recent years to combat cybercrime, the entry into force of a series of fights, such as Operation Break Cards and the Anti-Money Laundering Act, the heavy blow to traditional money-laundering channels, the intensification of virtual money-laundering and the beginning of a new round of deep competition between law enforcement agencies and criminals.


The process of money-laundering in virtual currency


The process of the general use of virtual currency money-laundering can be broadly divided into three phases, and in practical cases it is sometimes clear that the three phases can be distinguished, sometimes overlaps, overlaps, aggregations, difficulties of complete separation, and sometimes only partial phases are used to complete the money-laundering act.


Phase I: placement. Criminals buy virtual money and inject illicit funds into the channels they want to “clean up.” In practical cases, the source of virtual money may be confused with other methods. This phase is quite common in many money-laundering techniques, as long as it is a process in which criminals pour stolen money into third-party platforms/businesses for money-laundering.


Phase II: Growing stage. Money launderers use the anonymity of virtual currency to conduct multilayered and complex transactions, thus concealing the nature and origin of the proceeds of crime.


Phase III: Integration. After continuous transfer and laundering of illicit proceeds, the virtual currency held by criminals is largely unlimited and relatively secure, so that they simply need to consolidate all the laundered virtual currency into a single address for final collection, thus essentially completing the money-laundering operation.


A new form of virtual currency money laundering.


USDT branching platform


Traditional running scores: refer to the frequent process of money-laundering by criminals through the acquisition of two-dimensional codes from third-party payment platforms for ordinary users.


USDT scores: Runners buy USDT as a security deposit at the USDT branch platform. Runners offer USDTs for purchase of USDT coins. Runners bring together USDTs for various charges, and integrate them into a USDT collection pool, which is provided to gambling platforms in the form of a replenishment interface.


The difference between the two: the original renminbi bond was replaced by a stable currency, the Tidal currency USDT, and the original third-party collection codes, such as micro-letters, payment treasures, were replaced by the exchange's USDT replenishment address.


Coin Platform


In addition to running a split platform, there is also a virtual money platform, often used by criminals to launder money, which is a monetized platform.


Many of the currency platforms are officially under the banner of increasing the privacy of transactions, but if they are to increase the privacy of their transactions, they have to pay extra fees and many are reluctant to do so, so they are in fact more likely to act as money-laundering agents for criminals.

  犯罪分子使用混币平台的主要目的就是“洗币”,就是转赃款(币)给到平台,然后能从平台内获得“干净 ”的钱。混币的作用是切断犯罪分子的输入资金与他收到的输出资金之间的关联。

The main purpose of criminals’ use of a monetized platform is “money-laundering” – to transfer the stolen money to the platform and then get “clean” money from the platform. The monetized money is to cut the link between the money that the criminal enters and the money that he receives.


If criminals want to transfer the stolen money to a monetized platform, they need to use the monetized service provided by the monetized platform, which is used to hide the route of the transaction and to conceal the identity of the participants and is generally charged a high fee, which is very popular with the criminals.


Methods of tracing money-laundering in virtual currencies


In order to effectively address the problem posed by virtual currency anonymity, which makes it impossible to trace the flow of assets, the Flying Science and Technology Security Team has developed, on its own initiative, a virtual money detection service platform for public security authorities, the "Travel-Virtual Money Tracking and Identification Platform".


Established in 2017 as one of the first security companies in the country to focus on the analysis of large data on block chains, and as the first professional to provide virtual money tracking services, China has used its core technical capabilities to analyse and excavate block chain data, to help regulatory bodies such as public security to resolve problems in identifying cases related to virtual currency, and it has established cooperation with hundreds of public security organs throughout the country and has provided technical support services to the police on several occasions.






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