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In September 2018, the opinion of the Central State Council of the Communist Party of China on the full implementation of budget performance management was officially published, explicitly requiring the construction of budget performance indicators to be “based on big data analysis techniques” and, in May 2019, the Ministry of Finance issued an implementation opinion on the promotion of large-scale fiscal data applications, requiring departments to promote large-scale financial data applications to support the establishment of a modern financial system. For the first time, the application of large-scale fiscal data was required from the top-level design level, with clear indications of large-scale data applications for budget performance management.



(i) Evaluation of operational needs in large data systems


According to the relevant documents of the Ministry of Finance on the publication of < the framework for a common system of indicators for the evaluation of budget performance & gt; circulars (fiscal forecast [2013] 53), Ministry of Finance on the issuance & & lt; interim scheme for the management of the evaluation of agricultural expenditure performance & gt; circulars (fiscal forecast [2011] 285) and Ministry of Finance circulars on the further development of pilot projects for the evaluation of expenditure performance of central sector budgets (fiscal forecast [2009] 390), a total of 20 common indicators for the evaluation of projects are provided in terms of common indicators. Under the guidance of common indicators, the evaluation of agricultural subsidies at all levels has been further designed in the light of specific circumstances.


(ii) Evaluation weight determination driven by big data


1. The dilemma of traditional evaluation weights


For example, the traditional method of determining coefficients (or weights) may be biased, since the evaluation focuses primarily on the relevant factors (indicators) surrounding the operation of financial subsidies, while the objectives of the evaluation are not limited to those related to subsidies. For example, in terms of the objective of increasing the efficiency of agricultural production, at least the technical factors, natural factors, market factors, etc., play a role that, in a given case, may have the most significant impact, leaving the impact of financial subsidies less visible and leading to deviations in the evaluation.


2. Improvements based on big data


On the one hand, large data can incorporate more variables into the evaluation system and, beyond financial subsidies, identify more potential variables that can be scientifically evaluated. On the other hand, it is all the more desirable to see that the introduction of more models and methods supports scientific weightings, thanks to the support of big data.


(iii) Treatment of Heterosexual Subsidies under Large Data Spaces


In the preceding analysis, the default assumption is that there is comparability and homogeneity between subsidy performance evaluation projects, whereas, in fact, there is a heterogeneity between projects because of their different socio-economic circumstances and even the fact that the project itself subsidizes the target and promotes the objective. For example, there is a heterogeneity in different regions of the same project, in different regions of the project and in different areas of the project. In this case, if observations or analyses reveal significant heterogeneity, there is a heterogeneity.


The approach to the elimination of heterogeneous phenomena is generally as follows: first, in practice, it can be achieved through the so-called “first-level, second-tier,.N-level” approach, which is in fact a flexible application of the three states of “data, indicators, models” reflecting the specificity of the project in lower-level indicators, and generalization in higher-level indicators, i.e., resolving the heterogeneity and uniformity of performance evaluation projects through a three-tier shift. Second, this approach can be expressed in a more uniform model.



(i) Application framework and its key components


1. Application framework and evaluation system


The broad data analysis application framework requires not only the implementation of the operational needs discussed in the above-mentioned evaluation theory system, but also systematic consideration of integration with existing financial information operations. As shown in table 1, the core data involved in the operational framework of the evaluation system correspond to the key components of the application framework.

表1 评价体系与应用框架主要对应关系


图1 基于大数据的农保补贴绩效评价应用框架


An important component of the application framework for performance evaluation of agricultural subsidies relates to multiple layers of large data fields for performance evaluation applications, data supporting data morphological transformation and weight determination, and the medium-to-business domain, which underpins the implementation of large-scale data applications for performance evaluation from both static and dynamic perspectives, respectively.


2. Multilayered large data fields for the application of performance evaluation of agricultural subsidies


In the context of the current state of data on agriculture, insurance and finance, multiple channels for the collection and collation of basic data, operational data, industry data, etc. for large data applications for the evaluation of agricultural subsidies, and the full development of a multilayered, large data domain to provide a data base for performance evaluation.


Agricultural production statistics and monitoring data, agricultural insurance and risk monitoring data, and fiscal data are the main sources of data. Agricultural production statistics and monitoring are the basis for the evaluation of large-scale performance data, both as the industrial basis for determining agricultural subsidies and reflecting the effects and benefits of subsidies affecting agricultural production.


The analysis of the subject area, which is large data for the evaluation of agricultural subsidies, is linked to and differentiated from large financial data. The link is between the analysis of the subject area, which is derived from large fiscal data, the difference being that it is a further processing of large financial data, the analysis of access to indicators and calculation models (outcomes) is a major feature, and is further classified and managed on the basis of different evaluation operations. The thematic area perspective includes: based on different varieties of agricultural subsidies, based on macro-, meso- and micro-levels, based on legislative, audit-, social-public diversity perspectives, the financial level based on “central-provincial-municipal-provincial-provincial” and based on different regions of “economicly developed areas — economically less developed areas”, and on different methods of government accounting, medium-term financial planning, target management, balanced scorecards, performance auditing and third-party evaluation, which provide a data base for the application of performance evaluation management through the construction of large data subject areas.


The typical data-collection process for specific agriculture subsidy performance evaluation projects, based on multilayered large data fields, is generally based on primary data sources such as agricultural production operations data, insurance data, relevant agricultural impact risk data, and fiscal subsidy data, which are then aggregated according to the above-mentioned multilayered large data domains to provide the basis for further performance indicator calculations.


3. Data and operations central domain supporting data morphological transformation and weight determination


The core functions of morphology conversion and weight determination are performed in the data and operational domain. Along with the accumulation of large data, the so-called “middle table” is a new concept and approach that Internet enterprises have developed in large data practice to compensate for deficiencies in the functionality of traditional front-office applications and back-office data management (Tanhu and Chen Xiaoyong, 2019), the substance of the data and operations centre area is a unified tool to respond to the need for diversification of data applications, and the exploration of large data analysis for the evaluation of subsidized performance offers practical opportunities for this approach. By harmonizing data standards and calibres in the data centre, the lower-level financial data are processed into larger subject area data that are more readily available, providing high-impact data asset services both within and outside the financial sector; by separating financial analysis operations from analytical logic through the middle-office, providing various types of analytical services and functions that are universalized and providing analytical capabilities that can be quickly, low-cost and replicable to specific analytical operations.


(ii) Core difficulties in the application of big data for the evaluation of the performance of agricultural subsidies and the application of new technologies


1. Cross-sectoral large data-sharing mechanisms and block chain technology


Building on the system established by the data-sharing mechanism, the block-chain technology that has emerged in recent years is an excellent matching technology for information-sharing across sectors. In the context of the development of a large-data-based system for evaluating the performance of farmers, the exploration of applications suitable for multisectoral data-sharing is encouraged, through the transparency, multi-point sharing and non-altering features provided by block-chain technologies, to provide new technical solutions to address effective information transfer and sharing between budget-execution departments, budget management and third-party information platforms, which will further lay a solid data base for performance management reform in the context of large data.


2. Performance evaluation features extraction and artificial intelligence technology


Traditional performance management evaluations are characterized primarily by a system of indicators based on which the logical starting point and underpinnings are derived mainly from the accumulation of expert experience and practice. As performance management is fully developed, dynamic and complex management practices make it possible to improve and refine traditional technologies, and the application of artificial intelligence technologies can effectively enhance the effectiveness of this area by, on the one hand, using artificial intelligence technologies to extract and filter performance indicators in big data to obtain a more scientifically representative set of indicators and corresponding weights of performance management features, and, on the other hand, more and more importantly, exploring natural language processing techniques (NLPs) in a growing number of project files, undertaking semantic analysis and feature extractions in project texts, deepening the effective elements of performance evaluation and better laying the model basis for performance management.


3. Experience-building and knowledge mapping techniques for performance evaluation


Performance evaluation is an area requiring continuous interaction, and effectively addressing experience and knowledge accumulation is central and key to sustainable development. Knowledge mapping, as a corresponding technical programme, will help to address this problem. The essence of the knowledge mapping in the area of performance management is a process of intellectualization of performance management and a cutting-edge issue for the future.


In addition, advanced technologies, such as aerial photography and GIS applications, can be widely used and applied in data and information collection.


(iii) Proposal for institutional arrangements and reflections to advance the application of big data for the evaluation of agricultural subsidies


First, overall planning. The development of a system for evaluating the performance of agricultural subsidies based on large data is unlikely to be a step-by-step exercise and requires medium- and long-term planning, including coordination of the short-term objectives of the current performance evaluation task with the long-term objectives of establishing a large data evaluation system; the tasks of performance evaluation involve different levels, with different local contexts, and there is a need to harmonize the harmonization of norms and individualization requirements at different levels; and the performance of agricultural subsidies is an integral part of the total fiscal performance appraisal plate, taking into account the relationship between the performance of agricultural subsidies and other performance evaluations.


Second, arrangements for a pilot system. The pilot system is a practical step towards stabilization. Under an overall planning arrangement, priority elements such as the piloting of a large data evaluation system for relevant sectors, partially subsidized varieties, and the identification and refinement of application frameworks and corresponding technologies and systems, should be considered. Pilots should be arranged at different levels, with specific project pilots at the grass-roots level and for different types; in particular, the application of new technologies could consider piloting core technologies such as block chains, artificial intelligence technology, knowledge mapping, etc. in the area of performance assessment.


There is a system of incentives and incentives for provinces and municipalities to actively explore subsidy projects for a big data evaluation system. Consideration could be given to requiring that corresponding evaluation indicators be set up in pilot projects; and a system of data sharing and information disclosure that promotes the sharing of data for evaluation of performance, with open and transparent monitoring of the matters involved.





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