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Fan Wen-Sung, Opinion Leader (Chairman of the Beijing Financial Holdings Group)


Chapter II? New technologies


The history of human navigation began in a traditional era driven by humans and sails. The emergence of recent steam and fuel engines has greatly increased the efficiency of navigation, and global trade has flourished.


The new round of innovations in financial technology is mainly reflected in the rise of emerging technologies such as large data, internets, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, block chains, and privacy computing. Until these new technologies emerge, human capacity to collect and process data is limited, and only high-value data will be collected and used. Data recording and analysis tools are constantly innovative as mobile devices, sensors, and material networking, and a large amount of low-value data are collected. Data are so large that they require a great computing capacity that cannot be processed with single-desk computers, and distributed structures to , must be used to generate and even more real-time data and computer-based data 38s/spants, which are needed to be used for large-scale computing and technology 38s.


When big data are generated, how to record and store data safely and credibly becomes more important. Technological innovation in block chains enhances the authenticity and reliability of data.


In general, if big data is a basic resource, the object network is a collection route, cloud computing is a refining infrastructure, artificial intelligence is an application process, block chains are a new form of record-keeping, and privacy computing is a safe deposit box for data resources.



II. Block chains and privacy calculations


(i) Block chains


1.? Innovations and challenges in block chains


In recent years, the block chain has rapidly become a global hot topic as Bitcoin prices have surged. The Bitcoin and block chain concepts were proposed by Bintco in its article Bitcoin: an electronic cash system for point-to-point (Bitcoin:Apeer-to-PeerElectronicCashSystem) on 1 November 2008.


The electronic payment of funds for Internet trade has traditionally been handled by third-party intermediaries. On the basis of these questions, China has elaborated on the concept of an electronic cash system based on P2P network technology, encryption technology, time stamping technology, block chain technology, etc., which marks the birth of Bitcoin.


During the formation of Bitcoin, blocks are a storage unit that records the full exchange of information across blocks for a certain period of time. Links are made between blocks by random hash (also known as the Hashi algorithm), the latter containing the Hashi value of the previous block, and, as the exchange of information expands, one block follows one block, the result of which is called the chain of blocks. On 3 January 2009, the creation block number 0 was born. On 9 January 2009, the serial number 1 was created, linked to the original block number 0, marking the birth of the chain.


In traditional transactions, A borrows to B, requiring deposits from third-party central institutions, A and B deposit to central institutions, and both A and B make reconciliations with central institutions. In block chain transactions, A borrows to B, which does not need to be accounted for by central institutions, A and B each in different blocks of the block chain, and together forms a new public master record, and A and B each have a new copy of the public master record.


2.? Features and types of block chains


The distribution of the transaction books on the block chain is stored among different traders, and the distribution system is bound to face difficulties in ensuring consistency. An important historical case is the issue of “General Byzantine”, which was raised by Leslie Lambert and others in 1982 and is a fundamental issue in point-to-point communications.


Byzantine is the capital of the ancient East Roman Empire, and, in defence, there is an army headed by a single general in every sealed area, and the generals can only pass the message by courier. In times of war, all generals must agree to decide whether to fight together. But, if there are traitors within the army, they will influence the generals to reach a consensus.


Similarly, to achieve point-to-point communication in the decentralized area of communications and to ensure the credibility of information, the issue of “General Byzantine” must be addressed, namely, the construction of a point-to-point effective information transmission system that does not require third-party authoritative certification, and the consistency and stability of access to information transmission through system-wide sharing. Simply put, everyone knows of information X, and everyone knows that “everyone knows information X” so that information is transparent and non-distortable.


China has resolved the issue of “General Byzantine” through, for example, the workload certification mechanism. To get rid of the central agency, there is a common understanding among traders A, B, C, and D, that is, that the transaction is valid.


There are two distinct differences between block chain distribution book technology and traditional distributed storage systems: traditional distributed storage systems implement data management mechanisms controlled by a central node or authoritative body, while block chain distribution books operate on the basis of certain consensus rules, using multiple decision-making, common maintenance, data storage, reproduction, etc. The traditional distributed storage systems break down data into segments of the system and then store them in distributed systems, while nodes in either of the distributed books have separate, complete data storage, non-interference between nodes, functional equivalence, and ultimate consistency in data storage through inter-cyclical or event-driven consensus.


Depending on the subject of the account, the trust mechanism, the incentive mechanism, and the degree of centralization, the chain of blocks can now be divided into three forms: the public chain, the union chain, and the private chain. The three manifestations are focused, applied and functional, as well as different economic and ecological models based on this composition.


Public block chains (PublicBlockchains), also known as public chains, are those in which anyone can read and send transactions for validity confirmation, and in which anyone can participate in the process of consensus. The participants jointly maintain the security, transparency, and non-frozen distribution of public chain data through cryptography. The typical applications of public chains include Bitcoin, Etheria, EOS, etc. At present, public chains have evolved through the development of public chains 1.0, public chains 2.0, public chains 3.0 and so on.


The Community Block Chain (Consortium BlockShains), also known as the Union Chain, means that the nodes for participation in the block chain are pre-selected, that there are often good links between the nodes, and that the data on the block chain can be public or internal, and in part distributed. The typical applications of the Union Chain include superbooks, block chain alliances R3CEV, etc.


Private block chains (PrivateBlockchains), also known as private chains, refer to the limited scope of the nodes involved in the block chain, such as the individual user of a given institution, and the strict licensing of access to and use of data. The relevant applications include database management, database auditing, etc., such as ErisIndustrier.


3. . Financial application of block chains.


At present, block chains are more suitable for financial asset transactions that are stable in quantities, open to trade information, relatively low-frequency, including, inter alia, digital currency, settlement of payments, lending letters, asset management, supply chain or trade finance, anti-money-laundering, etc.


Digital money has been growing rapidly in recent years, with more than 2640 encrypted digital currencies worldwide as of June 2019. Bitcoin remains the absolute mainstream of digital money, with other common applications such as bitcoin, litecoin, dogecoin, dashcoin, and a variety of derivative applications in addition to currency applications, such as the lower application development platform in Taipan Etheum, Asch, and the industries NXT, SIA, Bita, MaidSafe, Ripple, etc.


There are a number of inherent problems associated with the issuance of digital currencies by private institutions, such as the absence of stable monetary policies linked to economic development, the inability to address inflation or deflation; the inability to assume the role of lender of last resort in the event of systemic liquidity shortages; and the waste of large amounts of social resources in mining calculations. The issuance of digital currencies by central banks has the advantage of monetary policy coherence and credibility, without the need to re-establish the monetary system to save social resources. In recent years, therefore, central banks have been active in studying and exploring digital currency issuance based on block-chain technologies.


The use of block chains in the area of settlement of payments raises a high level of concern among interested parties because they meet the requirements of payment settlement operations. The block chain consensus algorithm guarantees the accuracy and non-alterability of transaction records, the distributional account structure guarantees easy access to transaction records and data security, smart contracts can reduce manual costs in transactions, and the automated DvP (DeliveryversusPay-ment) settlement process reduces operational risks.


Traditional cross-border payments require the establishment of authoritative networks such as SWIFT as a clearing centre. In the SWIFT system, commercial trade payments through banks need to be settled through a bank account, counterparty, central bank, offshore bank (a correspondent or branch outside the bank). In this process, each institution has its own accounting system, which requires agency relationships and lines of credit between them, each transaction needs to be recorded in a bank, reconciled and settled with its counterpart, at a slow pace and at high cost. In a system of cross-border payments based on block-chain technology, these problems will cease to exist, banks will trust one another, there is no need for a central institution to build trust between them, and block-chain technology will allow banks to participate equitably in a network of de-centralized businesses and achieve more efficient management.


There are now more than 40 large banks and financial groups globally joining the R3 block chain alliance (Peacegroup, ,





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