
资讯 2024-06-29 阅读:88 评论:0
区块链行业在2023年经历了一系列起伏。行业熊市表象的背后,却孕育着技术的突破、应用的创新和生态的拓展。在这个充满变革的一年即将落幕之际,大家讨论的核心人物自然少不了有着“行业顶流”之称的波场 TRON 创始人、火币 HTX 全球顾问委员会...



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区块链行业在2023年经历了一系列起伏。行业熊市表象的背后,却孕育着技术的突破、应用的创新和生态的拓展。在这个充满变革的一年即将落幕之际,大家讨论的核心人物自然少不了有着“行业顶流”之称的波场 TRON 创始人、火币 HTX 全球顾问委员会委员孙宇晨。

Behind the industry’s bear-market image is a breakthrough in technology, innovation in applications, and ecological expansion. At the end of a year full of change, it is natural that the core of the discussion is about Tron’s founder and member of HTX’s Global Advisory Board, Sun Woo-moo.

牛市“ALL IN”,熊市建设。这一直是孙宇晨坚持的理念。在这一年中,波场TRON实现了技术升级、生态治理的创新,不断拓展区块链在实际场景中的应用范围,商业创新与技术升级双轮驱动下,波场TRON这一老牌公链正在不断展现新的活力和无尽的可能性。

Cow City “All IN” and Bear City. This has always been Sun Woo’s idea. In the course of the year, the Bounty Tron achieved technological upgrading, innovations in ecological governance, expanding the application of block chains in the actual landscape, and, driven by business innovation and technological upgrading, the Dome Tron, an old public chain, is showing new dynamism and endless possibilities.


stUSDT: Become an encoded world balance treasure

RWA是今年加密行业最火热的叙事之一。RWA并非新事物,只不过在熊市背景下,DeFi 持续低迷的收益率已经无法满足加密用户,而不断上升的海外国债收益率则带来了强劲的国债上链需求,RWA因此热度大增。

RWA is one of the hottest accounts of the encryption industry this year. RWA is not new, but, in the context of Bear City, DeFi’s persistently low rate of return is no longer sufficient to satisfy encryption users, while rising rates of return on foreign sea debt have created a strong demand for the bond chain, which has led to an increase in the heat of the RWA.


RWA's access to traditional finance and cryptographic finance has created great room for imagination.


In fact, in the traditional financial sphere, giants have long followed a similar pattern, namely, the payment settlement platform, which relies on hundreds of millions of users, giving birth to national-level financial applications – surplus treasures.

今年7月,波场TRON率先宣布支持基于 rebase 的 RWA 协议 stUSDT。用户可通过持有stUSDT来参与现实世界投资并且赚取 RWA的被动收入。在具体的执行中,stUSDT通过智能合约构建去中心化的投资策略、资产管理机制、确定投资及数据披露策略。stUSDT力图最大化在现实世界中为链上用户提供赚取收益的机会。此外,stUSDT 还有着收益稳健、费用便宜、可组合性等优势。

In July of this year, TRON took the lead in declaring its support for the rebase-based RWA agreement stUSDT. Users can participate in real-world investments by holding stUSDT and earn passive RWA revenues. In concrete implementation, stUSDT builds decentralised investment strategies, asset management mechanisms, investment and data disclosure strategies through smart contracts.


It can be said that the world of stUSDT, which connects individuals or institutional investors in the real world with the block chain world, provides a brand-new, but also a fairer, more open, and easier channel for RWA investment. To some extent, stUSDT is the “balance treasure” of the encoded world.


The launch of stUSDT opened up a new situation in RWA for Sun Woo-morning and Spot Tron. StUSDT quickly became a black horse in RWA based on high-performance block chain technology and high-volume user resources for Tron in the field.


According to public data, the total number of pledges has exceeded 450 million USDT in less than a month, ranking it at the top of the RWA track on the authoritative data platform DefiLlama. As of 14 December, the total amount of pledges made by stUSDT had exceeded $2.28 billion, with APY reaching 4.81%, which is still a significant advantage compared to other competitions on the market during the same period.


To date, stUSDT’s partners include TRON, TRONLink, JustLend, Tether, among others. Sun Woo-jung said that he would continue to support the development of stUSDT, working with more RWA providers and platforms to provide more options and opportunities for users. He also called for more users and developers to join in the stUSDT community to promote innovation and development of RWA products.



Since 2023, there has been a steady increase in the number of TRON data indicators. According to TRONSCAN, a block-chain browser, the total number of accounts on the Tron chain currently exceeds 200 million, and the number of transactional pens exceeds 6.8 billion, and remains one of the fastest growing and most popular public chains in the world.

波场TRON的成功,离不开其在技术上的不断创新和优化。2023年,波场TRON主网发布多项升级,7月3日发布GreatVoyage-v4.7.2(Periander)版本,又于10月25日升级至GreatVoyage-v4.7.3(Chilon) 版本,前述升级重点在提高交易吞吐量、兼容以太坊上海升级、降低交易费用以及增强智能合约功能等方面进行了全面改进。

In 2023, the TRUN main network released several upgrades, the GreatVoyage-v4.72 (Periander) version on 3 July, and the GreatVoyage-v4.73 (Chilon) version on 25 October, which focused on overall improvements in terms of increased transaction throughput, compatibility with the Shanghai upgrade, reduced transaction costs and enhanced smart contract functionality.

生态建设方面,波场TRON接连与全球巨头达成合作。今年8月波场TRON与华为云达成战略合作,华为云Web3节点引擎服务NES首批支持波场TRON,为社区提供高效服务。9月,波场TRON成功被纳入Google Cloud(谷歌云)的BigQuery公共数据集,这一举动不仅大幅充实了谷歌云BigQuery公共区块链数据库,更为大数据技术与区块链技术两大互联网前沿技术的跨界融合提供了很好的范本。

In September, it was successfully integrated into the BigQuery public data set of Google Clouds, a move that not only substantially enriched Google’s BigQuery public sector chain database, but also provided a good model for the cross-border integration of larger data technology and block chain technology between two major Internet frontier technologies.


For the future development of the Bountain Tron, Sun Woo recently stated on the Social Media Platform that the future of the Pond Tron depends on four fundamental pillars: decentralisation, compliance, communication and institutional cooperation.


In 2023, in this volatile environment, Sun Woo-ming was no longer just a senior block-chainer, but also an explorer and leader of continuous industrial innovation. In the future, we can expect Sun Woo-moo to continue to play a leading role in the block-chain area, promoting more innovative projects, and contributing more to the prosperity and development of the block-chain industry as a whole.


Disclaimer: The publication/reprinting of this text at this station is for the sole purpose of transmitting more information, does not amount to endorsing its views or arguing its description, is not responsible for its authenticity or validity, and is owned by the original author.




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