“V神”揭发币圈交易黑幕 数字资产交易所面临信任危机

资讯 2024-06-20 阅读:108 评论:0
华夏时报(www.chinatimes.net.cn)记者 胡金华 上海报道Washington Times (www.chinatimes.net.cn) journalist Hu Jinhua...



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“V神”揭发币圈交易黑幕 数字资产交易所面临信任危机

华夏时报(www.chinatimes.net.cn)记者 胡金华 上海报道

Washington Times (www.chinatimes.net.cn) journalist Hu Jinhua, Shanghai

围绕着虚拟数字货币交易的操纵质疑自交易所诞生起就没有停歇过,而素有“V神”之称的区块链领袖俄裔加拿大人Vitalik Buterin(下称“V神”)在3月3日发布的一条社交信息,再次将数字货币交易所的信任危机推上风口浪尖。

The manipulation surrounding virtual digital currency transactions has not stopped since the start of the exchange, and the Russian Canadian leader Vitalik Buterin, known as “V God”, released a social message on 3 March, once again pushing the crisis of trust in the digital currency exchange.


According to a reporter from the Summer Times, on 3 March Beijing time, V.D. forwarded an allegation video on Twitter, stating that the large digital asset exchange used a user savings fund to vote to control the consensus vote in the Steem public chain and claimed that the exchange had been bribed by the project party.


As soon as the tweets were released, it drew much attention to digital money traders around the world, and V-God’s allegations directly targeted large exchanges, represented by currency security and Poloniex. At the same time, V-God denounced Sun Woo-moo, founder of the ring, who bought a block chain project called STEEMIT at a very low price, and obtained the project’s token on the exchange platform.


Exchange manipulation vote ending


“Although digital currency transactions have never been recognized by our financial regulatory authorities, there has never been a lack of Chinese presence among the world's digital money traders, and the participation of Chinese diaspora investors in digital currency transactions is incalculable, with many of the darker interests resulting from them, as exemplified by the revelations of V God on 3 March.” On 4 March, a senior digital money researcher from Shanghai, Wang, analysed it to a reporter from the Washington Times.


Reporters have also learned from relevant sources that, on 2 March, the Exchanges of Cheyenne and Poloniex voted on a public chain project called the Steem block chain, while the accounts of these major exchanges were monitored by the Community of Steemimit, which has shown that more than 42 million of the projects have voting weights, including 31.7 million in the currency and 2.2 million in the Poloniex, and through large-scale counting controls, the Sun Woo Morning stakeholders have taken up the top 20 positions on the list of public chain leaders.


According to the Steem White Paper, 21 witnesses are required for decision-making to create signature trading blocks. Sun Woo has since acknowledged manipulation and has been motivated by the rationalization of hacker attacks, and the use of Steemmit in the chain of blocks at the centre of the incident has also been hit. Within 24 hours of the incident, a number of platform website engineers, operators, etc. have publicly resigned from the community.

而根据相关资料显示,Steemit公链是被称为区块链版的Instagram,是币圈知名生活方式分享社区。今年2月14日,Steemit创始人宣布,Steam Inc公司被孙宇晨收购,但是为了抵制项目被波场控制,在同日Steem社区部署了一次软分叉,从公链“分家”并设置新的规则,让孙宇晨方面持有的大量代币投票权失效。

On February 14, the founder of Steemit announced that Steam Inc. had been acquired by Sun Woo-moo, but in order to resist the control of the project, a soft split was deployed in the Steem community on the same day, “separate” from the public chain and new rules were set to invalidate the large number of money votes held by Sun Woo-mun.


It is a matter of concern that these major exchanges played a key role in the Sun Woo morning acquisition project, by unilaterally blocking the Steemimit community from implementing soft divides by holding large fares, but to the surprise of several exchanges and Sun Woo-moo was that the dark operation was monitored by the Steemimit community, which also identified several major digital money exchanges as large-scale voting using depositor funds. This led to V God’s inability to look down, transmitting surveillance videos on Twitter, which was considered a major fraud and even a criminal act.


"Sun Woo-wook" on the exchange?


“The whole story of the incident was clear, meaning that Sun Woo was going to buy the Steemimit project and acquire a token interest in the project, but Sun Woo was unable unilaterally to manipulate the deal, so he joined the digital currency exchanges such as Money and Poloniex and Poloniex in order to let the deal pass through a large-scale vote, but ended up losing it.” In response, a senior digital money investor in Shanghai said to the journalist.


So, if Sun Woo morning succeeds in buying the block chain project, how much will he gain? Journalists look at the open information and learn that there are 330 million Steem tokens in circulation, and that false voting events involve 13% of the total.


It is a matter of concern that, on 3 March, on the exchange platform involved, the founder of the currency, Zhao Chang Peng, also published a “response” on Twitter, stating that he did not know the circumstances of the incident, said that the currency was safe or withdrew from the vote, and subsequently denied receiving bribes, but did not respond directly to the challenge of using the user's assets.

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However, since digital currency transactions themselves are not regulated, the diaspora is the most vulnerable group in the entire digital money trading chain.” Summer Rainmin pointed out to reporters in the newspaper


According to public sources, the Exchange was set up in July 2017 and was warned by the Japan Financial Office in March 2018 that it would move its headquarters from Japan to Malta. But recently, the Malta Financial Services Authority stated that it had not licensed the currency to operate encrypted operations in the country.


Meanwhile, in 2020, the virtual digital currency exchange scandal continued, and just half a month ago, the FCoin exchange exploded. On February 17, the founder of Fcoin, Zhang Jian, announced that the exchange was in difficulty and that the Beijing Bo morning Technology Ltd. behind Fcoin had been opened in 2018 at a police station in the Yangtze district of Beijing on suspicion of operating illegally.

责任编辑:徐芸茜 主编:秦岭


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