
资讯 2024-07-04 阅读:52 评论:0



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: welcomes the New Year's Korean play "The Virtual Currency Ragging between the Government of Korea and the Minister of Justice and Korean Pickles ", which is updated in three episodes a day, with convulsions.


1. Ethionet continues to crowd in, and global transaction charges amount to approximately 3697ETH.


According to otherscan.io data, to date, the number of transactions to be processed on the Taiwan network is 38410, representing an increase of 141% in the transaction fee of 3697ETH today, compared to the fee of 1531ETH a month ago. The Etheraya network has reached its most crowded stage in a month, with both ETH and Erc20-based currency transactions very crowded. (Source: Future Finance)

趣评:不知道你们的imtoken钱包的以太坊数量显示会不会变成“NaN”,转账还会出现延迟5个多小时还不到账的情况,这些都是因为以太坊交易拥堵造成的,数据同步出问题了,建议大家到Etherscsn查余额才是准确的,另外可以在Gas Price Oracle - etherchain.org网站,按你需要的时间选择 Gas Price,再进行转账。

Interesting comment: wonders if the number of your Ithayas in your Ithoken wallet shows that it will be “NaN” and that there will be delays of more than five hours in the transfer of the funds, caused by the trade congestion in Etheria, which has caused problems in the synchronization of the data, suggesting that it is accurate to check the balance in Etherscsn, and also that the Gas Price - otherwisechain.org website can select Gas Price according to the time you need to make the transfer.


As for the reason for the crowding up of the house, it should be due to the fact that there are too many new customers, and the tendency to reduce the volume of transactions by limiting the opening of new accounts only through large exchanges, and, ultimately, the global trend of digital currencies. There is a model suggested by some online users: ETA valuation = income from online fees 10 years later. So the greater the volume of transactions, the higher the price of the house, for example this time.

2.韩国司法部长计划全面禁止加密货币交易 不被承认

2. The Minister of Justice of the Republic of Korea is planning a total ban on encrypted currency transactions. >

路透社称,据韩联社报道,韩国司法部表示,正在准备一项法案,以禁止所有加密货币交易。韩国司法部部长朴相基(Park Sang-ki)在一次新闻发布会上表示:“对于虚拟货币问题存在大量担忧,司法部正在准备一项法案,禁止所有通过交易所进行的加密货币交易。”他补充称,他不能透露有关关闭虚拟货币交易所计划的更多细节,但将于其他政府部门联合采取行动。

According to Reuters, the Korean Ministry of Justice reported that it was preparing a bill to ban all encrypted currency transactions. The Minister of Justice of Korea, Park Sang-ki, stated at a press conference: “There is a lot of concern about virtual currency, and the Ministry of Justice is preparing a bill prohibiting all encrypted currency transactions through transactions.” He added that he could not disclose more details about plans to close the virtual currency exchange, but would act jointly with other government departments.


Earlier, it was reported that the country’s largest encrypted currency exchange had been searched by local police and tax authorities for suspected tax evasion.


: The Korean government's regulation of virtual currency is starting to get confused again, and after the Minister of Justice published “Preparing to close the virtual currency exchange”, Korea's Qingwatai (Presidential residence in Korea) announced that Park's speech by the Minister of Justice did not represent the Korean government. 23,000 Koreans petitioned for the abolition of Park's position on the Qingwatai website.


Whether the IRS search two major exchanges, or the statement by the Minister of Justice, should be aimed at protecting investors, while regulating the vagaries of the virtual currency market, it “reduces” the vagaries of South Korean nationals overheating their currency investment. It is reported that the Korean government will be doing a great job this week, and the currency city may once again be “waterfalls.”


3. >


(Source: Non-small)

趣评:IOST的空投68个糖果活动,很多人觉得翻墙麻烦或是不信任没有参与,现在大概都在后悔白扔了这680元。IOST项目被称为拥有史上最强大的投资阵容——传统VC圈的红杉资本、真格基金;大都会资本,Nirvana Cap大空翼、李笑来、Huobi等。IOST背靠强大资本,但是真的能成为穿越牛熊的百倍项目吗?我们得扒一下项目本身。

The IOT project is called the most powerful investment array in history — the Redwood capital of the traditional VC circle, the Genuine Fund; Metropolis capital, Nirvana Cap large air wing, Li laughter, Huobi, and so on. IIST has a strong capital, but can it really be a 100-fold project through cattle bears? We have to pick up the project itself.

IOST...技术方面扒不动了,官网介绍和白皮书随便浏览一下,币圈老人表示:你就直接看人家的Team,是个币圈人看到都得梭哈!(可惜没得梭哈,场外早已溢价四倍);而且如果白皮书上写得真能实现,众人期待得杀手级Dapp 的开发会容易许多,可以把以太坊和EOS轰成渣。不说了,我去让领了IOST糖果的朋友请吃饭......

IOTT... the technocratic side can't move, the network's introductions and the white paper just browsing around, and the old man in the currency circle says, "You look directly at her Team, and you can see it." And if it's written in the white paper, it's much easier for people to expect a killer Dapp development to blow up Ether and EOS. Otherwise, I'm going to ask my friend who's got IOST candy for dinner.


4. > > : ICO buys lottery tickets and 98% of people are bloodless .


In response to the claim that the ICO had replaced VC, he made it clear that the ICO bubble was not possible, and that it was larger than it was when Internet technology rose in 1998, “it was a lot of lottery tickets, and 98% of the people lost their blood.” The other ISP shared a similar view, convinced that the ICO would be of long-term value in block chain technology, but that it would undermine all industries.


Unfortunately, attention has been focused in recent times on the pessimism of the euphemism Buffett on Bitcoin, as well as on the criticism of Buffett on the Internet by an old man with a capped cell phone, who, of course, looks down on bitcoins as if he was an electrician. Indeed, the speech by the founder of the euphemism net is more interesting and thoughtful, whether it is ICO or block chain technology, or virtual currency, with more than 90% bubbles in an overheated emerging market.


Block chains, like last year's AI intelligence, can indeed change the world, but it may take a long time.


5. BaaS 100-degree open platform to roll out block chains


: is doing the same thing, and both Internet bosses are concerned with the combined application of block chains in a number of sectors, such as banking, insurance, securities, and supply chain finance. But unlike other block-chain conceptual units, the 100-centimeter index is not volatile, with an increase of 0.46% as far as it is. The 100-degree layout chain is long overdue, and it is more important to use it to better serve the 100-degree business before the chain becomes global.


* This document was originally created by the future finance and is prohibited from being reproduced without permission.




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