元宇宙概念是什么意思 元宇宙到底是个啥 元宇宙离我们还有多远

资讯 2024-07-11 阅读:54 评论:0
近来,元宇宙成为科技圈和资本圈大热的话题。腾讯、字节跳动等纷纷进入相关领域,国外脸书、微软、英伟达等科技公司也均已布局。多名受访人士认为,元宇宙作为虚拟世界和现实世界融合的载体,蕴含社交、内容、游戏、办公等场景变革的巨大机遇。In rece...



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In recent times, Yuan cosmopolitans have become a hot topic for technology and capital circles. Technology companies like Facebook, Microsoft, and British Weida have been deployed in various fields, such as tethers, bytes, etc. Many interviewees have argued that the Yuan cosmos, as a vehicle for virtual and real world integration, has great opportunities for social, content, games, office changes, etc.


What exactly is the meta-cosmos? What does it mean for the Internet? What kind of parallel world does it give rise to?

宸境科技使用空间智能和虚拟现实技术,将一座设计出来的儿童游乐园叠加在公司办公楼实景之上。新华社记者 马晓澄摄

Using space intelligence and virtual reality technology, Xinhua News Agency journalist Ma Xiaocheng added a designed children's playground to the landscape of the company's office.

1 设备、应用、游戏……

1 Devices, applications, games


The strong technology company has made a great deal of the universe.


In March of this year, Roblox’s first day on the market, Roblox’s concept of the meta-cosmology of investment, whose online creation game Roblox is compatible with virtual worlds, leisure games, and self-building. As early as the end of last year, the President of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer Matheson wrote in an internal journal of the Circulation: “A exciting opportunity is coming, a decade of mobile Internet development is approaching the next wave of upgrading, which we call the whole Internet.”


In August of this year, the bytes jumped to acquire Chinese virtual reality equipment, Pico. In April, the bytes jumped to invest in meta-cosm concept, the code code.


In addition to the Internet giants and game companies, some of the start-up companies have been pre-positioned.


Two years ago, when the founder of Xinjiang Technologies started a company in Nansha, Guangzhou, with his two classmates, it was not expected that only two years later, a global technology wind had come to the surface — the metaspace. Now, they are building the “digital base” of the meta-cosmos, transforming the real world into a computer-recognizable “digital language” and consolidating virtual applications on that basis.


By way of example, standing on the well-established Ming Ju Development Building in Nansha, Guangzhou City, is still in its development stage. But through virtual reality devices or tablet computers, one can see clearly that the buildings that have been planned but have not yet been built are added to the existing landscape at a scale of 1:1 – a “shadowed world” for local governments.


"The mirror world" is made by Quantico Technologies for the edges of Mount Ling Island, Sanding Pearl Bay, South Guangzhou.


“In the construction of the meta-cosmos, the message of the real world will be greatly supplemented by the virtual world, and the way in which human beings interact with the virtual world will be completely upgraded, on the basis of which business models full of imagination will be born, with qualitative changes in games, socialization, entertainment, consumption, etc.” Nonsense.


On October 28, local time, the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, announced that the company would be renamed Meta to focus on meta-cosm business. Facebook has invested heavily in virtual reality and reality-enhancing technology in recent years, developing hardware products such as virtual reality headphones, enhanced real-world glasses, and wristwatch.


In May this year, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadera said that the company was working to build a “business dollar universe.” In August, the image processing and artificial intelligence chip producer, Invida, announced the launch of the first global simulation and collaboration platform that would provide the basis for the creation of a metacosystem.

2 底层技术日渐成熟

2 Bottom technologies are becoming more mature



So, what's a metroscosm?


The concept of the meta-cosm was first found in the science fiction novel "Avalanche" by the American writer Neil Stephenson in 1992. The novel depicts a virtual digital world parallel to the real world — the meta-region. People in the real world have a virtual bipolar, and people compete with each other to improve their position by controlling this virtual bipolar.


Indeed, there is currently no recognized and authoritative definition of the meta-cosm. Professor Shenyang of the University of Qinghua School of Journalism and Communication argues that the meta-cosmos is a new, virtual Internet application and social shape that integrates new technologies, provides a immersion experience based on the expansion of reality technologies, and digital twin technologies generate a mirror of the real world, builds economic systems through block-link technologies, closely integrates the virtual world with the real world in economic systems, social systems, identity systems, and allows each user to produce content and edit it.


In explaining why the company changed its name, Zuckerberg showed the future of the meta-cosm with a video visual: a virtual “home” could be created, familiar people could be invited to socialize, devices could enter a virtual workspace to work with colleagues, and even a virtual world could be created...


It is not an accident to believe that the meta-cosm concept is so hot this year that, after many years of gestation, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, block chains, big data, 5G communications, wearable equipment, etc., are becoming increasingly sophisticated in the application of bottom technologies that make it possible to build meta-cosmos.


The Vice-Researcher of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of Quantified Economics and Technology, Zho Peng Fei, argues that there are deep economic and social reasons behind the solar heat — that the mobile Internet dividend has reached its peak and is beginning to fade, that the Won cosmos, as a vehicle of virtual and real world integration, has great opportunities for social, content, games and office changes, and that both traditional digital technology and emerging start-ups want to seize the opportunity of future races.


The recent Qinghua University Center for New Media Studies Study 2020-2021 found that 2020 was a critical point in the virtualization of human society, paving the way for 2021 to become the first anniversary of the universe. On the one hand, the epidemic accelerated social virtualization and, under measures to prevent and control the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the entire society expanded its access to the Internet for long periods of time, and the “house economy” developed rapidly. On the other hand, online life became normal from the previous short-term exception, with the addition of the real world becoming a parallel world to the real world.

3 元宇宙离我们还有多远?

How far is the universe from us?


A number of internationally renowned consulting firms are looking forward to the future of the Yuan universe, such as the Bloomberg Industry Study, which projects that it will reach the market size of $800 billion in 2024, and PricewaterhouseCoopers, which is expected to reach the market size of $1.5 trillion in 2030.


While the outlook is attractive, most interviewees believe that the meta-cosm industry as a whole is still at an early stage and that it will take another 10 to 20 years to develop in terms of numeracy conditions, network technology and expansion realities.


Shenyang believes that the meta-cosm industry is at an early stage of development, characterized by immaturity and instability in emerging industries. The meta-cosm still has many uncertainties, and industry and markets need to get back to rationality.


Left Peng Fei believes that, given the combination of technological upgrading and demand upgrading, the realization of the landscape of the meta-cosmos is only a matter of time and represents the larger direction of the future, and recommends that our country support the development of the meta-cosm industry at the technical, standard, application and legal levels.


“Technologically, technological limitations are the biggest bottleneck facing the development of our meta-cosmos today, in particular the need to upgrade low-level structural information technologies such as mobile communications, big data, and artificial intelligence. We should increase our investment in basic information technology research and development to encourage and support enterprises to strengthen basic research, enhance technological innovation, and steadily increase technological maturity.”


Industry suggests that, at the legal level, the experience of refining governance in the development of web-based platforms should be taken stock of, and research on forward-looking legislation in the meta-cosmos should be strengthened, focusing on regulatory review, data security and so forth.


Reporter: Ma Xiaochen


Source: Xinhuanet


Source: Lightnet.




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