
资讯 2024-07-12 阅读:54 评论:0
币界网报道: 许多对加密货币感兴趣的人都希望从小额开始,考虑到加密货币是高风险投资,这是完全合理的。加密货币的价格可以在短时间内出现大幅波动,单日价格下跌...



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许多对加密货币感兴趣的人都希望从小额开始,考虑到加密货币是高风险投资,这是完全合理的。加密货币的价格可以在短时间内出现大幅波动,单日价格下跌或上涨 30% 在加密货币市场上并非闻所未闻。?

Many interested in encrypted currencies want to start from a small start, which is perfectly reasonable given that encrypted currencies are a high-risk investment. The price of encrypted currencies can fluctuate significantly in a short period of time, with prices falling or rising 30% per day, which is not unheard of in the market for encrypted currencies.

如果你想迈入加密世界的第一步,最明显的选择是比特币,它是市场上最大的加密货币。如果问自己:“如果我今天投资 100 美元购买比特币会怎么样?”?我们将为您提供一些背景信息,告诉您如果您在 2023 年投资 100 美元比特币,您会得到什么。?

If you want to take the first step into the encryption world, the most obvious choice is Bitcoin, which is the biggest encrypted currency on the market. If you ask yourself, "What if I invest $100 today to buy bitcoin?" We'll give you some background information and tell you what you get if you invest $100 bitcoin in 2023.

事实上,可以随意投资,因为不必购买 1 个完整的 BTC。大多数加密货币交易所都允许购买极少量的比特币,甚至只是价值几美元。?

In fact, investments can be made at will because there is no need to buy a complete BTC. Most encrypted currency exchanges allow for the purchase of a very small amount of bitcoins, even a few dollars.

在下表中可以看到 100 美元的投资在历史上的表现如何。对于每年,我们假设 100 美元用于在 1 月 1 日购买 BTC,并且该投资持有至 2023 年 8 月。

In the table below, we can see how the $100 investment has performed in history. For each year, we assume that $100 will buy BTC on 1 January, and that the investment will be held until August 2023.

对比特币进行小额投资有可能转化为财富的时代几乎肯定已经结束了。比特币的市值实在是太大了,无法达到 2011 年、2012 年和 2013 年购买比特币时可能出现的巨大倍数。?

The era of microinvestment in Bitcoin, which is likely to turn into wealth, is almost certainly over. Bitcoin’s market value is too large to reach the huge multipliers that could have occurred when it was purchased in 2011, 2012 and 2013.

截至撰写本文时,比特币的市值为 5110 亿美元,尽管其较历史最高点下跌了 62%。期望从已经如此庞大的资产中获得 100 倍甚至 10 倍的回报可能不是最好的主意。?

At the time of writing, Bitcoin had a market value of $51.1 billion, although it fell by 62% from its historical peak. It might not be the best idea to expect 100 or even 10 times the return from an already huge asset.

在撰写本文时,100 美元即可获得 0.0038 BTC。让我们探讨一下今天 100 美元的比特币投资在不同场景下的表现如何。

At the time of writing, $100 was available for 0.0038 BTC. Let's look at today's $100 bitcoin investment in different contexts.

值得注意的是,有相当多的加密货币和传统投资者,包括 Kraken 首席执行官 Jesse Powell 和 Ark Investment Management 的 Cathie Wood,他们认为比特币不仅可以在未来达到 10 万美元或 20 万美元的价格目标,而且比特币有机会达到100万美元。然而,要达到 7 位数的地位,就需要比我们今天看到的更高水平的采用,而这可能只能通过央行和其他金融机构用比特币取代大量法定货币和黄金存款来推动。?

It is worth noting that there are a considerable number of encrypted money and traditional investors, including Jesse Powell, Chief Executive Officer Kraken, and Cathy Wood, of Ark Investment Management, who believe that Bitcoin will not only meet the price target of $100,000 or $200,000 in the future, but that Bitcoins will have an opportunity to reach $1 million. But, to achieve the status of seven digits, it will require a higher level of adoption than we see today, which can only be facilitated through the replacement of large amounts of legal currency and gold deposits by central banks and other financial institutions.

尽管我们希望证明,你不应该指望通过投资 100 美元的比特币来致富,但这并不意味着比特币在 2023 年没有任何作为加密货币投资的前景。

Although we want to prove that you should not expect to be rich by investing $100 in bitcoin, that does not mean that bitcoin had no prospect of investing as an encrypted currency in 2023.

第一个可能表明现在是购买比特币的好时机的因素是,比特币的交易价格较历史最高点下跌了 62%。虽然这促使一些投资者质疑比特币是否已死,但目前的价格也可能是低价购买比特币的好机会。

The first factor that may indicate that it is now a good time to buy bitcoins is that Bitcoins’ transaction prices have fallen by 62% over their historical peaks. While this has prompted some investors to question whether bitcoins are dead, the current price may also be a good opportunity to buy bitcoins at lower prices.


In other words, Bitcoin has shown in the past that its prices can be significantly higher than they are now, which can give investors more confidence that they will be more willing to buy bitcoins at these prices. Of course, there is no guarantee that Bitcoin will return to its previous prices.

有利于比特币的第二个因素是,下一次比特币减半将在 2024 年发生。更具体地说,目前的估计表明减半将在 2024 年 3 月发生。从历史上看,比特币减半发生在比特币市场反弹之前,因此购买一些 BTC如果这种趋势持续下去,在下一次减半发生之前可能会被证明是一个好主意。

The second factor in favour of Bitcoin is that the next halving of bitcoin will take place in 2024. More specifically, current estimates suggest that the reduction will take place in March 2024.


In addition, Bitcoin remains the dominant player in the crypto-currency market, which is more than twice the market value of the second-highest Etheria?


Although Bitcoin does not have all the unique functions offered by some new competitors in the block chain area, the Bitcoin agreement has proved itself to be a highly robust and reliable digital currency for more than a decade. Thus, if the encrypted currency has a future, Bitcoin may continue to play a very important role in it.


The answer to this question will depend on the financial situation and risk tolerance. As we have already described, a small investment in bitcoin may not bring about life-changing outcomes, but it can still bring profits.


Although Bitcoin is less risky than many other encrypted currencies, it is still a high-risk investment if we compare it with traditional investments such as equities and bonds. In addition to the risk of price fluctuations, you need to consider the risks associated with Bitcoin storage. Since bitcoin transactions are irreversible, you will have little recourse if your bitcoins are stolen. It is therefore important to know how to protect your encrypted currency.


Before any investment is made, should the financial situation be taken into account and should not be invested in excess of the amount that is willing to be lost?

比特币可能会在今年年底和 2024 年初大幅上涨。预计比特币将在今年年底突破 40,000 美元大关,并在 2024 年第一季度突破 75,000 美元。之后,BTC 预计将在 6 月份回撤至 84,000 美元。巧合的是,比特币价格预计将在下一次比特币减半临近时出现上涨(下一次减半预计发生在 2024 年)。?

After that, BTC is expected to withdraw to $84,000 in June. Coincidentally, Bitcoin prices are expected to rise closer to the next halving of bitcoins (the next halving is expected to take place in 2024).

请记住,上述预测基于 2023 年 6 月中旬收集的技术指标,未来可能会发生很大变化,特别是如果发生意外的市场事件,将彻底改变投资者的情绪。

Please bear in mind that the above projections are based on technical indicators collected in mid-June 2023 and are likely to change significantly in the future, especially in the event of an unexpected market event that will completely change investor sentiment.


如果您正在寻找机会通过投资加密货币将相对较小的金额(例如 100 美元)转化为大量资金,则必须考虑购买市值较小的代币。

If you are looking for an opportunity to convert relatively small amounts (e.g. $100) into large amounts of money by investing in encrypted currencies, it is important to take into account the purchase of smaller currency tokens.


Usually, you have to take higher risks to get a higher return. This applies also to encrypted currencies.

  • 流动性低

    Low liquidity

  • 项目通常处于早期阶段,因此无法保证他们会兑现承诺

    Projects are usually at an early stage, so there is no guarantee that they will live up to their commitments.

  • 许多低市值项目总体质量较差

    Many low market value projects are of poor overall quality

  • 诈骗风险较高

    Higher risk of fraud


Despite many pitfalls, it may be very profitable to find a winner in a low-market currency. Nevertheless, if you buy a low-market currency, you are more likely to lose than to profit.


If you are not satisfied with the low market value encrypted currency, then some of the medium market value encrypted currency may explode in the future.

如果您相信 BTC 的长期成功,那么在 2023 年购买比特币绝对是值得的。比特币目前的交易价格远低于历史高点,因此我们可以说当前的买家正在“逢低买入”。

If you believe in BTC's long-term success, then it is absolutely worthwhile to buy bitcoin in 2023. Bitcoin's current transaction prices are far below historical highs, so we can say that the current buyer is “low-buying”.

2024 年即将到来的比特币减半可能代表 BTC 市场的转折点,并为新的看涨反弹奠定基础,比特币仍然被认为是最佳的长期投资加密货币。

The upcoming halving of bitcoin in 2024 may represent a turning point in the BTC market and lay the groundwork for a new upward rebound, which continues to be considered the best encrypt currency for long-term investment.




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