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中国新闻(原创)来源:央视网 2017年05月28日 12:03 A-A+ 扫一扫 手机阅读 我要分享 QQ空间新浪微博腾讯微博QQ微信...



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中国新闻(原创)来源:央视网 2017年05月28日 12:03 A-A+ 二维码
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  央视网消息:5月27日,在2017数博会全球区块链技术发展论坛上,“全球区块链技术发展论坛”项目正式启动,中国信息通信研究院和贵阳市人民政府签署合作协议,以太网创始人Vitalik Buterin与中国信息通信研究院签署合作备忘录。

Newsline: , 27 May, &ldquo > ; & & rdquo & & Global Forum & & & & & Development & Development & Development of Blocks & Chains & Blocks & Chains & Technology & & & Development & Development & Development & Development & Development & Development & Development & Development & Development & Development & Development & Development & & Development & Development & Development & & & & Cooperation Agreement signed between the China Institute of Information and Communication and Communication and the People's Government of Quyang City, founder of Tainet, Vitalik Buterin and the China Institute of Information and Communication.


& nbsp; it is understood that in order to set up a platform for global block chain technology development exchange, focusing on key technical issues in the development of the block chain, the organization of the China Institute of Information and Communication Technology (CICI) & & ldquo; the Global Block Chain Technology Development Forum & rdquo; and the project, aimed at establishing a platform for technology exchange in the block chain with international influence.


& nbsp; based on the principles of specialization, internationalization, and practicalization, the forum will focus on technological development, with the active participation of a larger number of senior technology firms with a block chain background. At the same time, the organizers will advance with in-depth communication and coordination with expert scholars from China, the United Kingdom, and the United States, as well as with related institutions and enterprises, to promote the internationalization of the forum.


& nbsp; In addition, the Forum will actively promote the practicalization of the development of block chains by including more young and good entrepreneurs, engineers, etc. The Forum has now received support from 50 well-known global block chain companies, such as the Quantum Chain Foundation, and will soon launch operational mechanisms to facilitate the integration and development of global block chain technologies.


2017 Global Forum on Technological Development of Block Chains & mdash; —


Technological development to establish open-source eco-environment block chains


& & ldquo; block chain technology is open, credible, transparent, and unmanageable, and the block chain will change our lives. A number of supporting mechanisms must be put in place to create an open-source ecological environment, involving all of us, open cooperation, enabling the development of block chain technology, leading to win-wins. & & rdquo; 27 May, at the Forum for the Development of Technology in the Global Block Chain of the 2017 Expo, expert scholars and insiders from home and abroad discussed and agreed on the current state of technology in the global block chain, trends in block chain development, etc.


& nbsp; Senior Engineer Seo Xiaolong of the Quantum Chain believes that the block chain is a technology with open source genes from birth onwards. The block chain is a trusted decentralised technology, &ldquao; trusted &rdquao; &ldquao; decentralized & & rdquao; both keywords actually depend on open source ways. & ldquao; for example, open source, open source is also a decentralised way, and if the code belongs to a company, the company can control the course of the software, but if open source, we can jointly maintain the project. Open source is sometimes a way of turning back, as if you had opened up your technology to others, but you might actually reap more. & & rdquao; Xu Xu Xiaolong.

  Consensys公司总监Brent Xu提出,开源才是开发区块链的正确模式。他用以太坊举例,现在有很多不同的类别都在使用代币技术,个人可以参与到这个环境中,接入到不同形式的区块链当中。这个平台带来了更多的机会,可以实现去中心化。所有的编码者不再只受限于一个供应商,他们以不同的方式参与开发和接入。“这种新的基础构架就是我们以太坊的运作方式,我们希望大家一起合作,形成不同的动态,实现更好的经济发展。”Brent Xu说。

The director of Consensys, Brent Xu, suggested that open source is the right model for developing block chains. He used the example of Tai-Fan, where many different categories are now using token technology, where individuals can participate in the environment and access to different forms of block chains. The platform offered more opportunities to decentralize. All coders were no longer limited to one supplier, and they were involved in development and access in a different way.


Superbook Vice President Julian Gordon said that superbooks were an open-source community, open-source project in their own right, which advanced block-chain technology in all walks of life, including banking, retail, supply chain, medical and manufacturing industries. And “ superbooks are leaders in global block-chain communities, and we want more developers to join our communities, and grow in open-source communities, and the real development should be a pool of common wisdom from global developers. ” Julian Gordon says.


The Deputy Director of the Institute of Technology and Standards of the China Institute of Information and Communication Technology, Ho Bao-Hung, suggested that Open Source is now the driving force for innovation in the entire industry, and that the open source of block-chain technology offers a win-win possibility. & ldquo; this win-win scenario, which maximizes benefits for the entire industry, requires setting standards as soon as possible, accelerating the standardization of credible block chains, reducing costs, and contributing to healthy development. &rdquao; Ho Bo-Hon says.


& & & ldquo; for example, a coder, opening up technology to everyone, learning from each other and communicating to share the benefits of the chain. & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & &, & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & &, & & & &, & & & & & &,, & & & & & &, & & & &,,,,,, & &,,, & &, & & &, & & & &,,,,,, & & & &,,,,,,, & &,, & &,,,,, & &, & & & & &


IBM Standards and Open Source Technical Supervisors also say that if the Internet changes the way information is exchanged, the chain of blocks will change the value of the exchange. The chain of blocks should not be invested and controlled by a single person, but should be open to the participation, benefit, and open source of society as a whole. From an ecological point of view, when the technology of the block chain opens up, everyone will take this & ldquao; cake & rdquao; big, and then share the results together.




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