In recent days, Tesla’s Chief Mask said xff0c; Tesla may again accept Bitcoin payments xff0c; xff0c; Bitcoin hears more and more xff0c; and the subsequent market sends false news xff0c; Amazon will support Bitcoin’s payments xff0c at the end of the year; and it is good to push back xff0c; Bitco’s single-day increase from $34,000 to $40,000 xff0c; up 6,000 xff0c; and the return of the market’s mad cow market.
#xff0c, which is crucial for the visibility of the currency circle; #xff0c; #xff0c; #x19 regulatory , ff0c; xyf0c, which is the reason for the large price increase to accelerate the rebound xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; #ffff0c; xff0c for the currency circle; xff0c for the role of catalyst xff0c;
According to the current market situation, xff0c xff0c xff0c xff0c fff0c fff0c 4500 xfff0c xyf0c xyf0c xyf0c xffff0c xfffff0c x500 xff0c xyffff0c xxyfff0c ; xxfff0c xfffffff0c mg src= "https://img-blog.csdnimg.cn#61 #dddc616904f4185f4ea2.png xxxxmbmk#61 mmmk" Mmmmmmmbk" #vvvjk #vvvk #vvk
From a strategic point of view, xff0c; Boobybitcoin is not as big as the layout. The year-round data show that xff0c; the cumulative increase in Taiga was more than 200% xff0c; the 45% increase in Bitcoin was large. In addition, xff0c; Bitco had $2.1 trillion in transactions in the first half of the year xff0c; 489% more than last year's $356 billion in the same period xff1b; the total turnover in Taiga was $1.4 trillion xff0c; it was faster xff0c; it was 1461% more than last year's $92 billion in the same period.
August will be up to xff0c; Etheria London is approaching. Upgrade is expected to boost ETH prices xff0c through the destruction of tokens; or may recreate the market at the beginning of the year. The first round of Etheria upgrades will rise from $87 to around $4,400 xff0c; they will be up 50 times. August will be the month of Ether xff0c; the bottom of $1,700 will rise to how much xff1f; leading analysts in the circle will be calling for $10,000 xff0c per year for the family; active low-level purchases will be made from the Ethio EtF Fund #xff0c; or they will be able to welcome #xff01 in the course of the year, which will be broken down in the family.
This is the end of July xff0c; the timing of the best layout xff0c; notably xff0c; while it is highly appreciated that the performance of xff0c in August xff0c; however, it is not recommended that the contract be more xff0c; instead, the ETF is chosen for xff0c; for the following reasons xff1a;
Three times the contract and three times the leverage of the ETF fund:
All two-way transactions xff1b; contract three times a day for funds xff1b; ETFs without overhead and fee xff0c; 1 per cent savings per month
Contract risk xff0c; ETF net value xff0c; never burst xff1b;
The contract has no compound effect and the ETF can collide xff0c; the maximum compound interest is 10,000 times. If BTC increases by 5% xff0c; triple contract returns are only 15% xff0c; and the ETF does more than 20%.
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