NFT在元宇宙,是“造富神话”还是“击鼓传雷” | 雷峰网

资讯 2024-06-24 阅读:128 评论:0



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In industry, the economic system has always been seen as an important part of the “megaspace infrastructure”.


Block chains and NFT technologies are seen as the backbone of the meta-cosmos economic system.


In the economy that sustains the meta-cosmos, NFT has been placed in high hopes by many.


But, on the bright back, NFT and block chains are also in great doubt. The People’s Network has issued a special message today calling for surveillance to be vigilant about the risks behind the NFT fire, and for markets to be cautious about NFT investments.


In the context of the meta-cosmos, people look forward to NFT becoming a true “fashion-making myth.” In the eyes of the architects of the meta-cosmos, NFT is not just a wave of “gold-seeking”.


Today, NFT does not qualify as a “explosive fire”, but it still occupies the eyes of many.


It is not difficult to understand that, with 10,000 algorithm-generated whale heads, creators earned around 2.5 million yuan in a summer, much less a 12-year-old boy.

这样的故事还并不少见,数字视觉艺术家 Beeple 的一套作品《Everydays: The First 5000 Days》,以 NFT 的方式在佳士得拍出了6,935万美元的成交价。

It's not unusual for a digital visual artist, The First 5000 Days, to have a contract of $69.35 million in the form of NFTs.


It is difficult to write such a myth of wealth without attention.


According to the gyros, by 2020, the size of the financial market for encryption had exceeded $250 million. According to industry, it could reach over 300 million this year.


From “Fire” in 2017 to today, the digital economy and block chain scholar and Yuan cosmopolitan Gon said that NFT did not enter its “recession period” as stated in the “four-year economic cyclical theory.” The report given by the state’s securities also mentioned that NFT is likely to be out of the economic routine in the future. As capital is still in the game, the future NFT is likely to be in a state of continuous growth.


And today, when the concept of the meta-cosmos is on fire, will NFT meet its new opportunities?


NFT is a manifestation of the technological development of the block chain. Unlike Bitcoin, each NFT is unique and indivisible. The two bitcoins have exactly the same value; in the meta-cosm, the value of the two NFTs is much different.


This is a reflection of the laws of the real world, where the same kind of objects may have different values. Go said to Le Peaknet: “A square land price at Beijing, for example, is different from the one square land price of the western bill. While the value can be measured in monetary terms, at least the content is completely different.”


The uniqueness of the content is precisely the underlying logic of the meta-cosmos economic system. It is precisely this logic that makes it possible to have a rich and extensive circulation of the coins of the meta-cosmos.


One of the three underlying assumptions of economics is “resource scarcity.” The underlying assumption is the emergence of the digital economy.


Although in the mobile Internet age, many game products also have a charge and a token function. But in essence, users use real money to purchase not “demons,” but “services”, the so-called “play is services” GaaS.


Even if the user uses in-sourcing to obtain “property” such as props, clothing, cards, etc., the essence of this is the services that the operator provides to the user. Even if the user “weares” on the newly acquired game “fashion”, it is not the user who really gets the “fashion” but is simply allowed by the operator to wear the “fashion” look.


However, the GaaS model faces a major flaw: the player buys the service, but the value of the service cannot exist independently.


Imagine where your skin and character, which you spent a lot of money on in the game, would be if the King's glory stopped (though hard to imagine but one day)?


If the game collapses, the infinity of the game service will no longer exist. This is the "Death Cave" inherent in the GaaS mode.


NFT’s failure limits the supply of resources. Limited supply allows “digitized” products that are somewhat out of line with economic law to return to commodity patterns and can again be measured in terms of supply and demand.


At the same time, unlike limited distribution of game skins, roles, etc., because NFT is based on decentralised storage features of block chain technology, property such as appearances, props, etc. stored on the chain will remain independent and of value (usually collection value) even if the platform is closed.


The current NFT application is dominated by two major pieces, the arts and games. The former secures the uniqueness of graphic video productions through NFTs, while the sales license earns profits, while the latter makes it possible for players to realize them by putting NFT props in the game.


In practice, however, the possession of NFT does not give you an artistic work or a set of game codes, but rather a “identity card” that can prove that you do own the work or the props of the game. Is it really worth it, though, after this “identity card” has been purchased, that you are entitled to the commercial rights associated with it, some of which are also derived from the right to identity, such as membership?


In the current market, NFT digital graphics are often created automatically by algorithms and are a combination of different image elements. Earlier, it took at least a few hours to complete a painting, while some took years to complete.


In Marx’s labour value theory, the value of goods is defined as “undifferentiated human labour” and measured by the time that society needs to work.


When data, arithmetic, and even attention becomes one of the factors of production, the process of commodity production is very different from before. So a new calculation model should be applied to reconstruct the economic theory of the Web3.0 era.


According to economist Go, the current NFT digital art collection is far from being called a social good, but rather a collection of art that the fans want to hook up with. While NFT prices are currently highly volatile, the market will gradually return to rationality as NFT becomes more widely available in the future.

NFT圈里吸引了不少公众人物,而香港演员余文乐则是其中之一。有业内人士告诉雷峰网,余文乐已经通过NFT实现了上千万的收益。在他今年10月放出的纪录片《Inside Out》中,他也大方地秀出了自己的NFT藏品。然而在评论中,对他的指责声不少:

Some insiders have told Lei Fengnet that he has already earned millions of dollars through the NFT. In his documentary "Inside Out" released in October this year, he has shown his own NFT collection generously. However, in his comments, he has been criticized for:


"Aloton is a lot, and this documentary is white, just to cut herbs."


The lack of understanding between consumers and the rest of the population does limit the further development of the NFT industry, and on the one hand is a real concern. The market needs to be educated, which is the consensus of many NFT practitioners.


"It's right to be scolded," Go said, "When everyone in a market says yes, it may face a wave of collapse. And if everyone in a market is scolding, it suggests that it could be very spaced."


Prove your worth, this is probably the most important thing NFT needs to do now. In this process, Go Quan does not think that there is a need to be “satisfied” and that survival is a sign of value:


And now, as a financial investment, it's more price stability than some other investment product. It's a purely `credibility question'. Users and consumers will `vote with their feet', and products that are not accepted by the market will inevitably be eliminated. If they survive, the value of NFT will be proven.”


Although, as stated earlier, NFT is only a “identity card”, this “identity card” can be done for the sake of the meta-cosmos, in fact, too much.


Behind the evidence of rights, what is actually behind it is the “other way” of the development of the meta-cosm and indeed of the Internet industry as a whole, with a “decoupling” of the industry in shape and structure.


Without authority, there is no UGC.


Previously, the UGC model had been discussed in depth by Lei Peaks Network


For creators in general, the right to create content is one of their most important concerns. The uncertainty of tenure prevents creators from reaping the benefits of creation, which makes all incentives of the platform meaningless, and the UGC has lost its vitality.


In practice, the violation of UGC content on social media platforms continues. In the metaspace, how can such phenomena be addressed?


NFT is a good right solution.


The “uplink” of the user's creative content has two advantages for the protection of the creator's interests:


On the one hand, the specific ownership of the content created by the user has been established through NFT and the retroactive costs of the creator's rights have been significantly reduced;


On the other hand, by uniqueizing the objects of transactions within the meta-cosmos, the illicit profit-making behaviour of the infringer has also been tightened, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the creator from another dimension.



Go said to Le Peaknet that the future meta-cosmos still faces an important road choice: the Great Internet and the Block Chain. This choice determines the future shape of the Internet industry and actually affects the pattern distribution of the track itself.


The “big Internet” route continues according to the current pattern, with all the services of the meta-cosmos still in the hands of Internet service providers, and the meta-cosm structure still characterized by “centralization.” Under this path, Internet lanes are still monopolized by leading companies, and the value of the user’s virtual property is entirely determined by the service provider.


"The user has no power. The game is just a game we're playing, but we can't really have a strong influence on him."


Under the “block chain” route, as a result of the introduction of block chain technology, users rely less on meta-cosmos platforms, as mentioned earlier. Because of their independence, virtual assets are priced by market-consumers.


Under the Block Chain route, NFT will be the main form of the metacosystem. The right, or e-contract, defines the relationship between people in the metacosystem, which is no longer defined by the platform and the service provider, and the user can become the “ecological owner” of the metacosystem.


Go also said, "The meta-cosm on the "block chain" road will probably follow the "community governance" model. Users manage the operation and profitability of the game through the community, the platform will fade and the voice will be diluted."


In the “block chain” road, the Yuan cosmopolitans are also driving changes in the way they work in a more mesh way. Sun Woolin says that in the future Web3.0, business organization will continue to function in the form of decentralised self-regulating organizations (DAOs). In this form of organization, productive relationships will move to different jobs in the form of workers, similar to the project system. Sun Woolin explains:


“This model of self-governing organization is more like our part-time work, where each person may have his or her own craftsmanship, where we can even play different roles in different enterprises, and where you can get your wages in this distributed model of organization, which, in my view, can truly be distributed on the basis of hard labour.”


When a block chain is introduced, the user’s profit pattern through the UGC will change. In Roblox, the creator’s gain is that the player pays for the UGC content in a game currency, but the actual income first goes into the pocket of the platform, while the creator, who meets certain conditions, gets cash converted from the platform, and the platform’s share is drawn from each amount represented.


The current NFT trading pattern is quite different from the traditional one: the creator can profit from the buyer by selling NFT works; the buyer sells NFT works every time the buyer sells them, and the creator can get a percentage of the royalties. This, on the one hand, “kills” the broker, making the creator's earnings more manageable; and, on the other hand, achieves the creator's long-term benefits, allowing NFT artistic creation to support the creator's life in the long term.


If we follow the path of the block chain, will the Woncos become the new utopian?


Note that Utopia is only one line away from "enemy" or "anti-Utopia." For the meta-cosmos, this fine line is the trade-off between the public and the union chains.


At present, most of the recognized block chain projects in China are dominated by a union chain, while the public chain is not widely recognized. While both are distributed calculations and storages, the former are composed of nodes with certain qualifications and have access thresholds for participants in general, while the latter are directed to all participants on the entire network, without any threshold.


While the selection of participants for access makes the chain of alliances more credible and secure, there is also a risk of “trusting” for industry.


If the metacosystem on the block chain road is still under the control of several head companies, it is essentially the old road of the Great Internet.


“What kind of block chain is to be used, taking into account, in particular, the regulatory policies of different countries and regions,” said Sun Woolin, “But on this issue, equity, efficiency and security will form a ‘no triangle’. It will take a long time to discuss and explore how to make a trade-off.”


With regard to regulation, the current block chain is indeed in relative “grey” areas in China. Especially since May 2021, when the state “sharped” bitcoin explicitly stated that it would “combate bitcoin mining and trading.”


According to one insider, “decentralization” is now too much to call it “distribution”; nor “NFT”, but only “digital writing”.


The economy of the virtual world has always been intense. In order to prevent online gambling, the country has adopted a number of policies.


Regulation has become a key factor in the economic infrastructure of NFT in the Woncosmos.


As soon as the concept of the meta-cosmos had entered the horizon, there had been a vision of a virtual world that was completely “free” without regulation or constraint.


And even the meta-cosmos is not illegal, so is regulation in the virtual world.


"In fact, we can explain this by using the concept of cynicism," said Sun Woolin to Lei Peaknet when it comes to regulation, "If it's not regulated, we're all going to have to move in the direction of chaos. So there has to be a process of hysteria: regulatory intervention to stop the disorder in the industry."


As mentioned earlier, “safety”, “efficiency” and “equity” will create a fierce game in the construction of the meta-cosmos. The companies and practitioners in the universe are careful to grasp the red lines of regulation, such as the arraignment, and the big factories like Ali are afraid to move beyond the pits, focusing on test water on the periphery.


One of the chain operators said to Le Peaksnet that, at present, national regulation of NFTs is likely to tighten, becoming almost the “Sword of Damocles” that hangs over the entire industry. The country needs to guard against financial volatility caused by NFTs, even financial crises.


Go said that the global NFT estimated a market of only $3 trillion, and that it could not do much. The real risk was that the US would be affected by the crash of the NFT.


At the same time, because of the hidden and distributed nature of block chain technology, many outlaws use block chains and NFT features for illegal activities such as gambling, fraud, and money-laundering. The meta-cosm clearly also needs to have appropriate preventive and regulatory mechanisms in place.


The chain of blocks being developed by the Ocowin chain could be a solution. Through trace tracking, counterpart analysis, time-axis creation, and the streamlining of case-handling processes with toolboxes and capability visualization techniques, the chain chain-based Skyeye has assisted more than 30 provinces and cities and has recovered hundreds of billions of dollars of assets.


Sun Woolin speculates that, in the future, the entry of French currency is another possibility if NFT is not recognized by regulation and successfully enters the metaspace.


If anything can turn NFT into the cause of the economic crisis, there will be no impunity.


As mentioned earlier, the NFT market continues to be hot now, depending in part on the price of the NFT. The price increases hundreds of times in a few days make it possible for the circle to see the potential for wealth.


It is hard not to think of the “Tulip Foam” of the Netherlands hundreds of years ago: Tulip prices were blown up dozens of times, and it took the Netherlands three years to come out of this absurd economic collapse when the “breathing” drums ended.


Liu Kling of the Sichuan Block Chain Association said to Le Peaksnet: “From the point of view of the profit of capital, NFT must be fired, and there must be a lot of room for it. Because some NFT works are far from worth tens of millions of dollars in real terms, and that's actually the game of capital behind them.”


Fake is the original sin of NFT, and Luclin has offered to see a positive side to the market: "A new business that needs more people, or people outside this circle, to see and know about it. So it needs a measured `frying', which is a broken circle and a process of transmission of values."


In November 2021, the National Copyright Centre took the lead, with the participation of major companies such as Ali, Kyundong, and Toyoto, and the first NFT industry self-regulation convention was published.


But everyone knows to resist “false” and feels that what they are doing is not “fry”.


How to define the fiction is an important criterion that the NFT industry is currently in need of.


According to Sun Woolin, to see the nature of the deal: "You have to see what the market players are in the nature of ‘circumstance’. If people are in love with writing, history, art to trade, that is a healthy market behavior, and if the whole market is concerned only with prices, it is indifferent to the value behind NFT, which is a failed value transfer that can be positioned as ‘crypty’."


In response to the speculation, Sun Woolin says that the solution should be returned to the “block chain.” Using smart contracts, block chain technology can make the “human” factor less and less useful in the market, with distributionally anchoring NFT values within a reasonable range and minimizing the feasibility of artificial price manipulation.


The metacosystem requires an economic system capable of functioning independently, which requires the following characteristics:


1. Good mobility — promoting user activity


In metacosystems, the mobility of intergenerational coins supports the frequent interaction of users. This mobility, on the one hand, needs to be reflected in the “user-platform” relationship, as well as in the effectiveness of “user-service providers (e.g. UGC developers), “service providers-platforms” and “user-user”.


2. Stable security - stimulating active UGC creation


On the one hand, security needs to be reflected in the virtual property stored by users in the meta-cosmos platform less threatened by illegal means, such as theft, fraud, etc., and, on the other hand, in the protection of the rights and interests of UGC developers, reducing the risk of copying and misappropriation.


3. Legal compliance — reducing the risks to the operation of the meta-cosmos


While thinking about the meta-cosm, it is also important to see the red line of State regulation of the economic system in the game, so as to eliminate the possibility of illegal elements using the game to engage in illegal activities, such as gambling, money laundering, etc. At the same time, it is necessary to avoid the hypercosm of coins, which also breeds the risk of illicit activity in the meta-cosm.


NFT just happens to be able to demonstrate such a possibility to the meta-cosmos.


NFT gives recognition to the status of virtual wealth, allows wealth to flow equally and efficiently, and protects creation in the virtual world. Adding to the current NFT “richness” attributes, many people have tried to “develop gold” in the NFT game.

“早在十几年前,元宇宙的前身——‘Second Life’中就已经出现了第一个虚拟世界的百万富翁。而如果NFT可以进入元宇宙,那么用户通过元宇宙致富的机会将会越来越多。”一位业内人士这样对雷峰网说道。

“A decade ago, the first millionaires of the virtual world appeared in the predecessor of the Yuan cosmos – the “Second Life.” And if NFT had access to the Yuan cosmos, there would have been more and more opportunities for users to enrich themselves through the Metacosm.” This is what one industrialist said to Le Peaknet.


For further information, please see .




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