N2C分布式存储云 恩兔科技区块链项目白皮书浅析

资讯 2024-06-24 阅读:141 评论:0



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[TechWeb Report] January 2018, after a long-term development of the layout, Enbu technology announced, through the high compatibility of N2 family cloud and block chain technology, its entry into the military block chain industry, which was prepared for four months, i.e., on the day of the launch of &ldquao; distributed white paper on the cloud block chain storage & rdquao;



The following technical points will be elaborated on a case-by-case basis by diagnosing the main elements of the White Paper, mainly in the following eight areas:

1. 恩兔科技采用了N2智能云盘作为基础存储节点的N2C分布式存储云,基于区块链技术构建的分布式存储云,能够有效的汇聚大量用户的闲置存储资源,并通过区块链、分布式文件系统、非对称加密算法、P2P网络协议等技术有效的构建成为一个安全、高效、稳定、可扩展的分布式存储网络,为去中心化的时代提供去中心化的存储能力。白皮书提出了N2C积分是对参与N2C共享云生态、共享闲置存储空间用户的一种奖励,并对其进行了系统介绍。

1. N2C distributed cloud storage using N2 smart cloud as a base storage node, distributed cloud based on block chain technology, capable of effectively bringing together the idle storage resources of a large number of users, effectively constructed through block chains, distributed file systems, asymmetric encryption algorithms, P2P network protocols, etc., into a secure, efficient, stable and scalable distributed storage network, providing decentralized storage capacity for the de-centralized era. The White Paper presents N2C credits as an incentive for participating in N2C shared cloud ecology, sharing idle storage space users and presenting them to the system.


The Nrebret technology uses the immutable, decentralised character of the block chain, with a high-level credit guarantee for the accounting system established by the block chain. N2C distributed storage clouds based on block chain technology, unlike the traditional network storage system, which uses centralized storage servers to store all data in a pattern that makes storage servers a systemic bottleneck, but uses a large number of N2 smart cloud disks as basic network storage nodes to calculate the data mathematically, store them on multiple separate network nodes, share the load with bulk storage equipment, locate the stored information using the location server, improve the reliability, availability and efficiency of access to the system and also expand easily.


3. In addition to the N2C distributed cloud storage, which provides users with a secure and reliable cloud storage service through the N2 smart cloud, on the basis of which users can share original content in their possession and offer credits for sharing to other users, N2C is also able to carry out digital content trading, providing storage capacity and a sustainable trading platform for copyright transactions, such as audio and video.


4. N2 distributed cloud storage uses the N2 smart cloud as the base node, which monitors the node on which the APP can base the N2 smart cloud storage operation and monitors and views its own cloud at any time or place.


Currently, the product type that supports the N2 distributed cloud storage node function is N1S (white version not supported).



5. Incentives are: user participation in N2C distributed cloud storage space, more shared idle storage space, N2C credits using incentive mechanisms. Users can obtain N2C credits by joining N2 distributed cloud storage ecology, sharing idle storage space; receiving credits by uploading digital works to cloud-sharing platforms; and acquiring credits through third-party platform conversions. N2C credits can be used to exchange storage space for storage clouds, application services within ecological platforms and other Internet services. The N2C component incentives and users provide positive ratios for storage space sizes, online duration, traffic, etc., through innovative PoS mechanisms to achieve an equitable distribution of the full web content. The PoS calculation, which is uniquely created by N2C, will rely mainly on three main parameters: shared total spare space capacity, upper bandwidth and upflow over time.


6. In a PoS algorithm that is unique to N2C, the greater the shared storage capacity of users, the greater the bandwidth, the more the N2C will be obtained, the more the convertible the use of the service will be. If a device has been offline for more than two minutes within that 15-minute period, the data will be zero within that period; the more likely it will be that each node will be divided and written into a block within 24 hours, the larger it will be by using storage capacity as a mechanism of consensus, the more likely it will be that the next accounter will have an interest. Other calculations, such as PoW, are simple and easy to achieve, but PoW calculations have a very obvious disadvantage, the more time it will take to identify the convertible services will be difficult to use.


7. The total number of N2C issuances is: 1 billion, never increasing. A total of 20 million N2C credits have been issued six months before the start-up date, with an average of about 109,8901 per day, followed by a 25 per cent decline in the last six months in the next six months. For example, 150 million N2C credits were issued in June-December, with an average of approximately 82,4176 per day; 112.5 million N2C credits were issued in December-18, with an average of approximately 61,813.2 per day; and 8,438,000 N2C credits were issued in 18-24, with an average of approximately 46,3599 per day.


Team-incentives set aside 10 million N2C points and investors set aside 50 million N2C points for a fixed period of one year, with a locking down of up to 25 per cent of the total every six months. The 50 million N2C credits set aside for market activity will be used to provide feedback on occasional market activity to participants sharing cloud ecology.


8. With regard to the interstellar file system, IPFS: N2C, which is based on IPFS to construct accessible distributed cloud storage systems, the overall structure consists of three components: membership systems, storage cloud platforms based on block chains, and cloud ecological services.


星际文件系统(InterPlanetary File System,缩写 IPFS)是一个旨在创建持久且分布式存储和共享文件的网络传输协议。它是一种内容可寻址的对等超媒体分发协议。在IPFS网络中的节点将构成一个分布式文件系统。IPFS是一个对等的分布式文件系统,它尝试为所有计算设备连接同一个文件系统,提供了一个高吞吐量、按内容寻址的块存储模型,及与内容相关超链接。IPFS 从根本上改变了用户搜索的方式。通过 IPFS,用户搜索的是内容。按照这个设计,只有文件所有者可以判断这是否是用户要找的文件。此时,必须保证托管者不会通过移除文件或者关闭服务器而对文件做任何更改。当文件被添加到IPFS节点上,它得到一个新的名字。这个名字实际上是一个加密哈希,它是从文件内容中被计算出来。通过加密保证该哈希始终只表示该文件的内容。哪怕只在文件中修改一个比特的数据,哈希都会完全不同。当下一步向 IPFS 分布式网络询问哈希的时候,它通过使用一个分布式哈希表,可以快速(在一个拥有10,000,000个节点的网络中只需要20跳)地找到拥有数据的节点,从而检索该数据,并使用哈希验证这是否是正确的数据。N2C平台构建于IPFS系统之上,使用了IPFS的开源技术,但N2C构建的IPFS网络是独立运作的。或许在未来会考虑和IPFS主网进行互通。

The interstellar file system (InterPlatetary File System, IPFS) is a network transfer protocol designed to create permanent and distributed storage and sharing of files. It is a peer-to-peer distribution protocol for content. The nodes in the IPFS network will form a distributed file system. IPFS is a peer-to-peer distributed file system that attempts to connect all computing devices to the same file system, provides a high-absorption, block-to-content storage model with content location, and hyperlinks with content. The IPFS fundamentally alters the way the user searches. Through IPFS, the user searches the content. Only the owner can judge whether the document is the document that the user is looking for. In this case, the trustee will not make any changes to the document by removing the document or closing the server. When the document is added to the IPFS node, the name is taken into account when the data section of the network is used (the data section of the web, which needs to be used).


N2C distributed cloud storage, based on block chain technology, provides an effective N2C component incentive to invite more N2 smart cloud node users to join the N2C distributed cloud-sharing platform and to form large-scale storage loops. The N2C distributed cloud has woven these accumulated resources into a trusted self-healing storage network, enabling robustness by copying and dispersing content, optimizing real-time deployment and utilization through cloud computing, while allowing automatic detection and repair of malfunctions and effectively helping to save costs on the demand side.

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