
资讯 2024-07-14 阅读:56 评论:0



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What are the mined areas for digital currency investment? Come to the University of New Wave Finance and listen to to easily identify investment scams.

  来源: 小葱区块链 作者:中本小葱 


The four-hour graphics show that the four-hour drop in Bitcoin in the early hours of this year ended with a 13.67% drop, a four-hour drop that reached a new high in the past year and a half, with the last similar fall going back to mid-December 2017, before and after Bitcoin’s record height of $20,000. Even after a wave of calves pushed prices up to $14,000 in the first half of this year, there was no such alarming short-term collapse.


As a result of this dive, the Bitmex Exchange has had over $700 million in more than six hours of a single explosion, with the blast being concentrated at the beginning of the jump, with more than $145 million worth in less than five minutes this morning, from 2:50 to 2:55.


The topic of the “bitcoin crash” this morning has been placed on the list of microblogging hotspots and, as of the time of publication, it has been ranked 13th on the list.


In the early hours of the morning, as a result of the impact of the Bitcoin dive, the mainstream currency also experienced a collapse, with prices falling by more than 15 per cent overnight for the majority of the top 20 currencies, and the falling currencies EOS, BCH and BSV were kept above 20 per cent in the event of a significant rebound.


What's going on with the market?


I. Bakkt bitcoin forwards are cold, and the market is expected to fail and frustration breaks out.


This week, Bakktbit currency futures are officially on the line, but this first commodity, which was delivered in bitcoin, did not attract a large amount of new money on its way to the field as expected, but went directly into the cold on the first day of the line. According to Onion, Bakktbit currency futures were delivered only 28 bitcoins within the first 10 hours of coming online, and the first day was even less than 1% of the first day of the CMEbitco futures, and the market lost hope for this so-called “potential profit”.


At that time, it was analysed by Onion that, in view of the rather low participation in the top-line market, benefits such as “promising new capital and flows for the crypto-currency market” and “providing more stable and secure channels for institutional investors to participate in the encryption of money investment” had become a dead letter. Such participation had been difficult to rise in the market, and earlier expectations of such potential benefits had ended up being “negative”.


In addition, after CBOE and CME were put on line at the end of 2017, the precedent of a fast-growing Bitcoin price was set there, which further obscured the prospects for Bitcoin prices after Bakkt’s futures were formally put on line.


II. Quarterly contracts of the two main trading platforms, OKEx and CME, are about to expire


This Thursday, the quarterly contract for the OKEx Exchange Bitcoin will be ready for another cut-off date, while the CME contract will expire this Friday. In the historical performance of the market, the price of the bitcoin will often fall significantly before and after the contract expires, and onions have warned against this risk yesterday.


The last quarterly contract with OKEx was handed over on June 27, which coincides with the closing date of the first half of this year. Moreover, since May of this year, whenever CME’s futures contracts expire, the price of Bitcoin has often been significantly revised.

  三、美国SEC开始评估Wilshire Phoenix比特币ETF成“揭伤疤”行为

iii. The United States SEC began to assess Wilshire Phoenix bitcoin ETF behaviour as a “scarker”

  当地时间周二公布的一份文件显示,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)已开始评估拟议的规则变更,以决定是否允许纽约证券交易所Arca上市和交易Wilshire Phoenix的比特币ETF。该ETF将使投资者同时接触到比特币和美国国债。从现在起,SEC将需在35天内做出决定。根据另一份公开文件。

A document published on Tuesday, local time, shows that the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has begun to assess proposed changes in rules to determine whether to allow the New York Stock Exchange Arca to market and trade Wilshire Phoenix’s Bitcoin ETF. The ETF will allow investors to access both bitcoins and US Treasury bonds. From now on, SEC will have to decide within 35 days. According to another public document.

  虽然这一举措表面上看起来像是一则利好,但是由于SEC在比特币ETF的评估上一向犹豫,因此市场对于Wilshire Phoenix的比特币ETF顺利通过的期望已经非常有限。加之上周VanEck/SolidX刚刚主动从SEC撤回了比特币ETF申请,因此这则消息反而在一定程度上引发了比特币ETF连连受挫导致的悲观情绪集中爆发,最终形成了被动的利空影响。

Although the initiative appears to be a promising one, market expectations for the successful passage of Wilshire Phoeenix’s Bitcoin ETF have been very limited, owing to SEC hesitation over the evaluation of the Bitcoin ETF. And VanEck/SolidX has just taken the initiative to withdraw the Bitcoin ETF application from the SEC last week, so the news has led to a certain degree to the pessimistic eruptions of the Bitcoin ETF’s company’s defeat, which eventually led to a passive emptiness.


IV. Bitmex’s high leverage and huge contract busts have become empty “collaborators”


As the initial figures show, the huge, large, single-strike silos on the Bitmex exchange, which began to fall shortly after Bitcoin prices began to fall, have exacerbated market panic, and have led to a widening of the decline, triggering a rather rare advance in the morning, even for bitcoins, which have traditionally been known as high-volatility. And it is not unrelated to the 100-fold leverage offered by Bitmex’s contract deal at the beginning of price fluctuations that have been so concentrated.


Five, maybe, the fall is still related to the impeachment of Trump in the U.S. Houses?


There is also an interesting speculation in the market that the fall of Bitcoin is related to the United States House Democratic Party’s argument for impeachment of President Trump. At 5 a.m., Palosi announced impeachment and accused Trump of abuse of power, which now stands at 174 members (435 seats in the House of Representatives and 235 seats in the Democratic Party). Political analysts argue that this would be a reversal of Clinton’s impeachment, whereby the House passed impeachment and the Senate rejected it.


What do market analysts think of this?


After this wave of jumps out, despite some empty ideas, it is clear that the market is not as pessimistic as it might be, but rather that there is an analysis of what could be the market's “last chance to get in”.

  Euro Pacific Capital首席执行官、黄金忠实支持者Peter Schiff发推称,比特币终于跌破了几个月来形成的巨大下行三角形的支撑线。这是一个非常悲观的技术形态,它证实了一个主要的顶部已经建立。有极大的风险会迅速跌至4000美元,甚至4000美元以下。

Euro Pacific Capital’s CEO, a loyal supporter of gold, Peter Schiff, argues that Bitcoin has finally fallen through the support lines of the giant downside triangle that has been formed for months. This is a very pessimistic technology pattern that confirms that a major top has been built.

  股票和加密分析师Ronnie Moas发推称,Coinbase Pro的交易量是周六的8倍,共32000枚比特币。我打赌这是前1%……美国机构投资者利用恐慌购买(比特币),就像10年前股市崩盘时一样。

Stock and encryption analyst Ronnie Moas argues that Coinbase Pro's turnover is eight times as high as Saturday, with a total of 32,000 bitcoins. I bet that's the first 1%. American institutional investors used panic to buy (bitcoin) as they did 10 years ago when the stock market collapsed.


On Twitter today, Jiangchallor replied, “Is this the last or the first to fall?” The last round of cattle started in October 2015, and the round rose six months to April, long before it was halved, so that probably the middle rate would fall by one wave, which was the last opportunity to get in the car before the cow. In addition, Jiangchall said that 7,000-8,000 plates should be strong and hard to get through, because many people were emptied of that position, including 8,000 before me, so that they could buy machines for the money that I had saved.


In a tweet released this morning, market analyst Crypto Welson said that the area of $7,500-8,500 would be an ideal opportunity to buy bitcoin.





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