币安不“安” 三次被盗均引起币市震荡 火币投资者账户曾被洗空

资讯 2024-06-22 阅读:102 评论:0
  时隔十个月,币安再爆安全漏洞遭黑客洗劫,市场遇惊魂一刻,BTC、BNB等主流币种纷纷下跌。 Ten months later, the currency was looted by hackers and the market st...



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Ten months later, the currency was looted by hackers and the market stunned with the decline of mainstream currencies such as BTC and BNB.


Ten months later, the currency was looted by hackers and the market stunned with the decline of mainstream currencies such as BTC and BNB.


At around 7 a.m. today, the money security network announces the theft. According to the official currency security announcement, the exchange has discovered large-scale security loopholes, and hackers have access to a large number of API keys, 2FA codes, and other possible information to steal encrypted currency.

  5月8日凌晨1:15:24,币安遭受黑客攻击,黑客在区块高度575012处从币安热钱包中盗取7000枚比特币(约 4100 万美元)。

At 1.15 a.m. on 8 May, at 24 a.m., the currency was hacked and the hacker stole 7,000 bitcoins (approximately $41 million) from the currency's heating wallet at an altitude of 575012.


's encrypted currency dropped by more than 70%


After the leak, BTC suffered a short, rapid setback and, according to non-small data, at 7:35 BTC fell from a high of $5937.71 to a low of $5783.51 in the day within an hour, a drop of almost 2.5 per cent.


The BNB fell by almost 5 per cent in half an hour, and is now reported at $21.29, which has increased to 3.89 per cent in the past 24 hours.


Other encrypted currencies have declined, with more than 70 per cent of the current mainstream currency of the top 100 in market value.

  随后,赵长鹏也在 Twitter 上对攻击事件进行了说明,并表示:“不需要 FUD(恐惧担心),资金是 SAFU 的。”

Zhao Chang Peng also explained the attack on Twitter and said, "No need for FUD (fear of fear) but the funds are SAFU."


In response to the theft of 7,000 BTCs, the big men also expressed their views. Sun Woo morning on Twitter and Weibo said: “If Zhao Changping agrees, in order to support the currency, he will personally deposit USDT (i.e. 40 million USDT) worth 7,000 BNB, BTC, TRX, BTT, for the purchase of BNB, without panic, and everything will be fine.”


After the theft at 11 a.m. on 8 May, Zhao Changpeng took part in a Twitter campaign called “Ask-me-anything.” According to the news, online users were very concerned about the theft and asked Zhao Chang Peng several times. But in the face of a question-and-answer session, Zhao Chang Peng seemed calm and echoed the same message. He said, “The money-safe user has no loss and the money needs no help, and the SAFU fund can cover it.” Indirect “rejection” led to Sun Woo morning’s good intentions.

  DGroup Founder基金创始人赵乐天在微博上表示:“我仍然相信并一如既往的支持币安。”

The founder of the DG Group Fund, Jo Lodge, said on Twitter: “I still believe in, and continue to support, the currency.”


The three thefts of


Around 23 p.m. on 7 March 2018, hackers manipulated a number of currency-associated user accounts and exchanged all of the encrypted currency for BTC transactions, amounting to more than 10,000 BTCs. The hackers used API trading robots to buy large amounts of BTCs into VIAs, and the prices of VIAs were raised by more than 100 times directly, and then sold them to control currency prices.


The market at that time was foiled by a full-line collapse of the news, and BTC fell by $10,000 and hit a 10-day low of $9,400, a drop of more than 10 per cent. The BTC fell for a month, with a waves drop of almost 30 per cent. As a result, the BNB fell rapidly, with two transactions falling by more than 15 per cent a day.


Over 7,000 BTCs were reported to have been transferred to the same address within two hours, and news of suspected theft spread. On that day, a suspicious transaction occurred, with one SYS buying 96 BTCs (valued at approximately $6.23 million) at a bid of $0.29 in the currency.


On the morning of 4 July, a notice was issued to suspend the operation until 1600 hours and about 1700 hours, characterizing the incident as a fishing incident.


Following the news of the theft of the currency on 4 July, BTC suffered a rapid setback, falling close to $6,447 from $6638 in an hour, or nearly 3 per cent.


Gunnet User's Currency was emptied


Uniquely, it was once “stealed” as a result of exposure to security loopholes.

  据用户曝出“2017年12月23号21点左右,币被洗空,可疑本次异地登录,竟然没有收到火币网的短信登录提醒,平时都有,唯独这次没有。询问了几个受害者,都没有收到这次登录通知,能关闭短信通知的只有他们平台,我们用户无法操作, 如果能收到短信通知,说不定能及时阻止损失,这他们平台要负责。”

According to the user, "On December 23, 2017, at about 21 p.m., the currency was emptied, suspiciously entered the site, and never received a SMS login alert from the Signals Network, but not this time. None of the victims questioned received this login notice, only their platform was able to close the SMS notice, and our users were unable to operate, and if they could get a SMS notice, they might be responsible for stopping the loss in time."


In addition, searching orders for laundered money, operating times for orders, is highly suspicious, and some orders reach the speed of several operations in one second and can certainly be non-man-made.


On 19 December 2017, the network was temporarily maintained and the post-French transactions collapsed for several hours, followed by currency transactions for several hours, all of which remained unchanged.

  20号火币又临时维护USDT钱包,似乎是发生了什么事情。火币网接二连三的出问题,我们发现我们受害者被盗的时间都是 21号-23号 ,也就是火币网崩溃后,接二连三有火币用户资金被盗,而且时间手法完全一直,都是非人为操作,都是国外的IP地址登录。

There seems to be something going on in the case of the 20s who temporarily maintained the USDT wallet. In a series of troubles, we discovered that our victims had been stolen by 21-23, that is, after the network broke down, the money was stolen from each of the three users of the coins, and that the timing was completely non-anthropological, and all of them were registered at IP addresses abroad.

  犹记得当年的 Mt.Gox 被盗走 85 万个比特币,震撼了整个加密货币社区,大大削弱了对比特币安全性的信心,一度导致BTC价格的暴跌,一个月的跌幅高达36%。

It was recalled that Mt. Gox had stolen 850,000 bitcoins in that year, shaken the entire encoded monetary community and significantly weakened the confidence in the security of the bitcoin, causing BTC prices to fall sharply at a time, reaching 36 per cent a month.


Security is always the most important thing for encrypted money, which, as a leading global exchange, can be stolen without knowing it, and the problem is evident in the hope that the exchange will now be able to strengthen technology and protect investors'assets.


The article is based on the author’s personal opinion and does not represent the network’s position.

(责任编辑: HN666)



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