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demented , a medical name. Demented > , , > >, > >


dementia disease . The special features are multiple levels that involve memory, thoughts, orientation, accounts, calculations, speech and learning capabilities.

①遲鈍;愚昧:一副痴呆相|假裝痴呆。②發獃:氣得痴呆了|痴呆地站著|神情痴呆。 概述

1 dildo; stupidity: a dementia masked dementia. 2 haemorrhagic dementia: dementia stood up for dementia.


Smart is normal, and the role of physiology and is normal intellectual damage, leading to mental dementia


Dementia is a gradual decline of intelligence caused by brain damage, which can be caused by a variety of instruments.


Staying is also often used to describe a person as slow in reacting, often as being synonymous with stupidity, and is a slightly preferred expression of a person's retardation.


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Cause of illness


Cerebral pathologies: certain , diseases under the skin





4. :


5. :


6. Low oxygen and : including



In diseases: most commonly found in carbon monoxide poisoning, intoxication such as cholesterol, mercury, organic poisoning, etc.


The brain trauma : open or closed trauma, boxer typoon, etc.


10. Other: ,

機理 痴呆與腦部器質性疾病有關,病變的部位不同,其臨床表現也有差異,但以額葉顳葉邊緣系統以及第三腦室聯合纖維集聚的部位損害時容易發生智能減退。腦變性病可造成大腦萎縮神經細胞減少、缺失、變性、壞死,有些神經細胞皺縮,星形膠質細胞特殊肥大,增殖與變性,有些神經細胞內神經原纖維纏結和顆粒空泡變性,其改變多以海馬杏仁區、紋狀體部位較顯著,這些部位與記憶、情緒等有直接關係。某些軀體疾病可使電解質紊亂酸鹼平衡失調中間代謝產物大量蓄積,腦血流障礙,還可使腦組織長期處於缺氧狀態,造成腦細胞變性、軟化、壞死或呈點狀出血,導致腦機能障礙。某些微生物毒素浸及腦細胞也可引起腦機能改變。維生素缺乏可引起腦細胞碳水化合物代謝障礙,腦外傷可使腦結構發生改變,腦部腫瘤可直接對腦組織刺激與破壞,腦外傷可使腦結構發生改變,腦部腫瘤可直接對腦組織刺激與破壞,還可對鄰近與遠處腦組織造成機能性壓迫與移位,也可引起腦血液腦脊液循環障礙,使腦細胞變性、壞死等。某些中毒性疾病可使大腦皮質灰質蒼白球等處產生軟化、壞死,導致大腦機能障礙,引起智能減退。某些疾病除引起上述改變外,尚可引起一些神經遞質的改變,造成兒茶酚胺乙醯膽鹼γ-氨基丁酸腦肽的減少,這些物質與記憶、情緒、思維、行為等均有直接關係,這些物質的減少,可出現情緒、思維、行為、記憶等方面的障礙,而出現痴呆。

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On the bed.


Recent memory failures are often the first to occur, mainly due to loss of memory functions, and patients are unable to remember the dates or missions that have occurred in the recent past. But patients are aware of this and seek to hide and remedy it. They often resort to a range of assistance measures, such as detailed documentary records or unusual client alerts that reduce or avoid the adverse effects of memory defects on work, society and life. They also cover up /ahref="http://cht.a-hospital.com/w/E8%AE%B0%E5%E5%8%E5%87%E9%E9%80"title 80% "t" memory withdrawal .


Another early symptom of dementia is the decline in the ability to learn new knowledge and acquire new skills, which can easily become tired, frustrated and angry when confronted with unfamiliar work. , generalization, synthetic analysis and judgmental ability to reduce sexually.


On the emotional side, the mood is unstable at an early stage, and in the course of the disease's evolution it is becoming less and less and less. Sometimes emotions lose control and become lighter and more volatile. unsettling, depression, or anger, laughter and incompetence. High-level emotional activity, such as shame, moral responsibility and pride, is the oldest.


can sometimes become a personal disorder that can be that has lost interest in work, has lost interest in popularly preferred activities, has become unattractive about > >.


When a full-intelligent recession leads to severe dementia in the future, patients are unable to take care of themselves in their daily lives, eat and eat, have no control over them, have no control over them. Some patients are unacknowledged of their spouses and their children.




To determine first whether dementia is dementia and then to determine the causes of dementia.

1.認知功能測驗及智力測驗:痴呆篩選測驗有Folstein(1975)創用的簡易智力狀態檢驗(MMSE)、 長谷川和夫(1974)創用的長谷川痴呆量表(HDS)、Pattie等(1979)創作的認知量表(CAS)等。這些測驗的共同特點是內容較簡單,能在較短時間內完成,一般都設成痴呆的劃界分,因此頗為實用。以MMSE為例,若得分〈15分這痴呆,15~24分為可能痴呆。韋氏成人智力測驗只有病前做過的患者尚可使用,否則難度較大。

Identified functional tests and : The tests for dementia include the simple state of mind tests (MSSE) developed by Folstein (1975), and the husband (1974) created by MMS, and others.


2. Full knowledge of the history of the disease: first, knowledge of the age of the dementia, the age of the dementia, the age of the dementia, the age of the dementia, the age of the dementia, the age of the dementia, the age of the dementia, the age of the dementia, the age of the dementia, the age of the dementia, the age of the dementia, the form and course of the disease, the trauma of the disease, etc., is often acute and the other causes of the disease are chronic.


>, but the pathogenetic pathologies can often appear . E2%E2%Ehre2%Ehle > > > > < > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >


: suspected


- I'll see you later. - I'll see you later.


I. Cerebral pathologies

(一)阿爾采木氏病(Alzheimer』s disease) 早期表現為記憶障礙並日益加重。初起時只有近記憶障礙,定向力不佳,工作效率減低,有錯構或虛構,在此基礎上痴呆日漸加重,計算力減退,判斷力低下,反應遲鈍,理解困難,以後出現言語障礙和失語、失用、失認等。行為紊亂,有刻板動物,偶有片斷的幻覺和妄想,發病年齡在40~60歲。

(i) Alzhimemer's disease has been increasing . Only near-history impairments, poor orientation, reduced productivity, faulty structures or fictions have increased on this foundation, loss of calculus, low judgment, slowness, understanding difficulties, subsequent speech impairments and 60% B.ft.

(二)匹克氏病(Pick』s disease) 發病年齡多在40~60歲間,女性多於男性,初期突出症状為行為障礙,患者少動懶散,對別人的日常生活如飲食、睡眠、衣著不留意,早期即可有個性改變,也可有記憶障礙。患者失去既往的機智,工作粗心大意,早期即可出現局灶症状,如失用、失讀、失寫或失認等。智能障礙主要是抽象思維困難,尚有記憶力減退。其痴呆發展較迅速,病程較短,在一個至數年內多因繼發生感染或衰竭死亡。

(ii) Pick's disease has a 40-60-year-old disability, with more women than men, with early symptoms of , with patients being less lazy and without attention to other people's daily lives such as food, sleep, clothing, early sexual changes, or memory impairments.

(三)Huntington病(Huntington』s disease) 智能減退的發生通常非常隱襲,首先出現的症状是工作效率降低,對日常事務不能很好地處理。認知緩慢,智能損害和記憶障礙在舞蹈症状出現後立即明顯起來,沒有失語和失認。集中力和判斷力進行性受損,解決問題的始動性差,必算能力,近記憶力,手眼協調能力較差。抑鬱症狀極常見,亦可有人格障礙,神經症狀即為舞蹈樣運動,少數患者肌強直也常見。

(iii) Huntington's disease is usually very hidden when intelligence decreases occur. The first symptoms are reduced efficiency of work, which cannot be dealt with well in everyday matters. Understanding is slow, intellectual damage and memory impairments are visible immediately after the onset of dance symptoms, and there is no loss of speech or consciousness. Focusing and judgment are associated with sexual impairments, poor start-up, immeasurability, near memory, and less hand-eye conditioning. > very common patterns of depression, and there are also people with special problems,

(四)Parkinson病(Parkinsons』s disease) 臨床以震顫、肌強直、運動減少、姿勢異常為特徵,可伴有人格改變智力障礙,精神病表現等。其智力障礙的特徵為記憶力、理解力、判斷力、計算力降低,始動性差,進行智力測驗是困難的,一方面與其表現困難有關,另外由於患者體力和精神活動遲緩,也容易造成判斷上的錯誤。

(iv) Parkinson's disease (Parkinsons'''s disease) is characterized by shock, muscle strength, reduced physical activity, and abnormal postures, accompanied by , mental disorders , mental disorders , mental disorders > http://chref=http://cht.a-hospital.com/w%E99%E99%A%E%E5%A%A%B%%9%E%B%E9%E9%Ttle= "cra""

(五)肝豆狀核變性(hepatolenticular degeneration) 常有一些精神症状,如情緒異常,智能減退,人格改變及幻覺妄想之類的重性精神病症狀。智能障礙出現可早可晚,主要表現注意力不集中,計算、記憶、理解,判斷能力減低,以後病情逐漸加重,導致嚴重痴呆。

(v) Hepatolential degenerativeity (hepatolential degenerative) has a number of mental symptoms, such as emotional abnormality, brain loss, personality change and delusional delusional gravity

(六)皮質—紋狀體—脊髓聯合變性(cortico-striato-spinal degeneration) 臨床表現為上運動神經元癱瘓抽搐肌陣攣發作,智能減退、記憶力、注意力、理解力、判斷力、抽象概括思維能力減低,社會適應能力、生活自我照管能力也降低,隨著病情的發展,痴呆症状也日趨嚴重。

(vi) Skins - tattoos - spinal bonding (cortico-striato-spinatal degeneration) The impregnated neuronomism a href=http://cht.a-hospitaal.com/%E6%E6%D%E6%A'Sense = 90% `self-intelligence' http://cht.a-hre %a'A"title > or ; Ahl%B=Dww6%Stl%D6%D2%E6%D6%D2%D2%"K"K"KlKlK"a) or ; >;


ii. Cerebrovascular disease

(一)多發梗塞性痴呆(multiple infarct dementia, MID) 進行性痴呆,反覆多次梗塞導致的局灶性神經體征及全身性動脈粥樣硬化改變為主,病程多呈階梯性加重。智能障礙主要為近事記憶的減退及工作能力的下降,尤其對人名、地名、日期及數字最先健忘。患者工作能力的下降,首先表現於效率的降低和嚮導管主動性。對於腦力工作,如思考、理解均感到遲緩困難。疾病逐漸發展,致使患者的記憶力,理解力和分析綜合能力的障礙更加嚴重,但患者的判斷力在相當長的時間無損害,定向力也比較完整,到晚期,患者思維遲鈍,聯想困難,言語表達能力也出現不同程度的障礙,不僅近事記憶障礙,而且遠事記憶也明顯障礙,甚至個人日常生活也難於處理。

(i) Multiple infarction dementia (Multiple infarct dementia, MID) has undergone dementia and repeated infarction , changes in stubble and increases in the magnitude of the disease. Smart impairments are mainly associated with reduced memory and reduced working capacity , as well as reduced ability to work >.

(二)皮層下動脈硬化性腦病(subcortical arteriosclerotic encephalopathy)又稱Binswanger病或慢性皮質下白質腦病。臨床表現為進行性發展的痴呆和多種神經局灶體征。精神症状中以隱漸發展的記憶障礙最多見。其他尚有輕度精神錯亂、性格改變、淡漠、興趣減退、妄想、語量貧乏、回答問題緩慢、不切題等。晚期則常出現嚴重的判斷和定向障礙,甚至生活不能自理。所有患者均有慢性進行性痴呆,在1~2個內緩慢發展,可延續達12年久。輕度痴呆有記憶、抽象思維與計算力障礙,伴有或不伴有綜合分析能力減退,尚能自理生活;中度者除上述症状外,尚有時間定向障礙,部分喪失社交與自理生活能力;重度者嚴重定向、記憶、抽象思維、計算與綜合分析能力障礙,伴有或不伴有語言障礙,生活不能自理。

(ii) Subcortical strung encephalopathy is also known as Binswanger disease or chronic hypothermia. The bed is characterized by dementia and multi-occupancy neural aberrations. The mental disorder is most evident in the gradual development of memory disorders. Others have mild mental disorders, personality changes, indifference, interest reduction, delusions, language scarcity, slowness in answering problems, lack of closure, etc. At a later stage, there are severe judgements and > , and even life is not self-sustaining.

(三)短暫性全面遺忘症(transient general amnesia) 是一種起病突然,以發作性的嚴重記憶障礙為主要臨床相的症候群。多數患者於中年後期或老年期起病,男多於女。發作前無任何先兆,患者的記憶結構突然而完全地停止發揮作用,造成患者不能銘記發病當時的經歷。隨著發作的延續,患者不能記住當時情況的表現更趨明顯,同時患者還表現出對發作前的日期、星期甚至年份都有明顯的片斷的逆行性遺忘。因此也有定向障礙。


(四)血栓性血管炎(thromboangiitis) 又稱Buerger氏病。臨床表現為緩慢進行的精神活動遲鈍及智能日漸衰退。有的還有人格改變及欣快情緒。智能衰退主要以記憶,判斷力,社交能力,抽象思維能力的減退較明顯。

(iv) thromboangiitis, also known as Buerger's disease. The bedside displays slow mental retardation and a gradual decline in mental activity. There are also personality changes and euphoria. Smart decline is mostly based on memory, judgment, social skills, and a reduction in abstract thinking.


III. Symmetrical diseases

(一)甲關旁腺功能減退(hypoparathyroidism) 臨床表現為疲乏無力,情緒不穩,易激動及心境改變。有明顯的社會退縮,注意力不能持久,記憶力減退,判斷力差,如不及時治療則發展為器質性痴呆,有手足抽搐症,癲癇發作。

(i) Hypoparathyroid function reduction (hypoparaidism) Shows fatigue

(二)腎上腺皮質機能亢進(hyperadrenocorticism) 亦稱柯興氏症。軀體症状及體片為滿月臉,水牛背,腹部大腿皮膚紫紋。還有精神症状及智能減退的表現,患者情感淡漠,軟弱無力,記憶力,注意力,判斷力及抽象概括思維能力差,隨著病情的加重,痴呆也越來越明顯。

(ii) > >

(三)尿毒症性腦病(uremic encephalopathy) 表現為疲倦無力,遲鈍無欲,記憶力減退,注意力不能集中,思維貧乏,個性改變,病情加重可出現昏迷,嚴重痴呆。

(iii) displays fatigue, retardation, loss of memory, loss of concentration, lack of focus, loss of poverty, change of personality, increased illness

(四)慢性肝功能不全(chronic hepatic insufficiency) 其臨床表現為注意散漫,記憶力減退及工作效率降低,領會遲鈍,反應緩慢,言語減少,以後逐漸發展為昏迷,嚴重痴呆,如上軀體症状及神經系統症状和體征較易診斷。

(iv) Chronic hepatic inflexibility, which is characterized by care for dissipation, loss of memory and reduced efficiency of work, delayed leadership, slow reaction, reduced speech and, gradually, a coma, severe dementia, such as upper body symptoms and neurosis and more easily diagnosed symptoms and symptoms of the nervous system.


IV. Intra-infection

(一)散發性腦炎(sporadic encephalitis) 除一些神經系統症状和體征外,尚有一些精神症状,如意識障礙、幻覺、妄想、情感淡漠,情緒不穩定及運動和行為障礙,智能障礙等。智能障礙可有記憶減退、虛構,注意力渙散,其中以近記憶和機械記憶受累尤重。嚴重時可發展為重度痴呆。

(i) (sporadic encephalitis), in addition to a number of nervous system symptoms and physical signs, there are still some mental symptoms, such as mental disorders, hallucinations, delusions, paranoia, emotional indifference, motor and behavioural disorders, mental disorders, etc.

(二)流行性乙型腦炎(epidemi encephalitis B) 除一些軀體症状及神經系統體征外,尚伴有精神症状,精神萎靡,可有幻覺妄想,有的出現性格改變。智能障礙亦多見,表現為抽象概括能力損害明顯,而領會,識記、計算能力等方面較輕。

(ii) (epidemi encephalitis B) in addition to a number of symptoms of the body and nervous system, with mental symptoms inflamy >.

(三)麻痹性痴呆(dementia paralytica) 麻痹性痴呆是神經系統梅毒中最常見的一類慢性腦膜腦炎,臨床表現除神經系統症状和體征外,在早期常有注意力不集中,記憶力減退,易疲勞,思維活動遲緩,思考問題非常費力,理解和判斷能力差,並有個性方面的改變。發展階段表現缺乏責任感,又無信用。記憶力顯著減退,從近記憶力逐漸到遠記憶力,對簡單的計算都不能。此外在抽象概括、理解、推理和判斷方面明顯受損,晚期痴呆日趨嚴重,即使很簡單的問題也不能理解。言語零星片斷,含糊不清,不知所云。對家人不能辨認,情感淡漠等。

(iii) Paralytic dementia (dementia paralytica) Paralytic dementia is the most common type of chronic encephalitis in neurosyphiles in the nervous system. In addition to neurosymptomatic symptoms and physical symptoms, bed arrest is often characterized by a lack of focus, loss of memory, fatigue, slowness in thinking, a lack of understanding and judgment, and a change in nature. The development phase is characterized by a lack of responsibility and lack of credibility. Memories are marked by a decline in memory, from near memory to distant memory, and cannot be counted for simple calculations. In addition, there are obvious losses in abstract syntheses, understanding, reasoning and judgment. Lateness, even if simple, is difficult to understand.

(四)愛滋病痴呆症候群(AIDS dementia syndrome) 臨床表現無力、倦怠、喪失興趣、性慾缺失為開始症状,以後出現近記憶障礙,注意障礙,言語遲緩,情感平淡,社會性退縮,定向障礙等。晚期出現明顯的痴呆,緘默、截癱和大小便失禁等。

(iv) dementia (AIDS dementia syndome = "HIV" >)


V. Intra-inherited venereal pathologies

(一)腦腫瘤(brain tumor) 顱腦腫瘤可出現各種不同的表現及不同程度的精神障礙。記憶障礙是最常見的精神症状,早期為近記憶減退或近事遺忘,過去經驗的記憶也不能復現,可有柯薩可夫症候群。情感淡漠、無故哭笑,情緒不穩,偶可有欣快。智能障礙表現為計算、理解和判斷能力缺損,工作效率低,甚至不能工作,還有人格改變、行為異常、知覺障礙等。


(二)硬膜下血腫(subdural hematoma) 臨床表現除其神經症状及體征外,尚有注意力不集中、遲鈍、少動、記憶力下降及陣發性精神異常。

(ii) Subdural haemorrhage (subdural hematoma) showing, in addition to its neurosymptomatic symptoms and physical signs, a lack of concentration, slowness, low mobility, reduced memory and angular psychosis.


VI. hypoxia and anaerobics

(一)肺性腦病(pulmonoencephalopathy) 臨床表現神志淡漠、肌肉震顫、嗜睡、昏睡、記憶力、注意力、領悟力、理解力降低,並有定向障礙,也可有重性精神病的部位症状。

(i) lung encephalitis shock, sleepers , sleep, memory, attention, attention, awareness, reduced comprehension, and other signs of mental stress.

(二)慢性心力衰竭(chronic heart failure) 臨床表現除其軀體症状與體征外,尚有注意力渙散,情緒不穩,疲乏無力,易激動,失眠,記憶減退,理解力、判斷能力差等症状。

(ii) (chronic heart failure) Inside from symptoms and physical symptoms, there is a loss of attention, instability, fatigue and irritability, , symptoms of memory loss, understanding, judgment, etc.


VII. Affordability of STDs in nutrition

(一)硫胺缺乏(athiaminosis) 臨床表現意識模糊共濟失調眼肌麻痹。還表現主動性言語和動作減少,無精打采。說話內容前後矛盾,邏輯障礙,理解力差,反應能力減退,知覺能力下降,記憶紊亂。定向障礙,注意力不集中等。

, >, and .

(二)煙酸缺乏(anlacinosis) 又稱糙皮病。臨床表現疲乏無力,失眠,心悸,記憶力下降,情緒不穩,易激惹,個性改變,定向障礙,錯構,虛構,後期精神活動逐漸衰竭,緩慢地達到痴呆狀態。

(ii) lack of anlacinosis and pelvic disease. , memory decline, memory instability ;

(三)葉酸缺乏(folic acid deficiency) 臨床表現疲倦,無力,頭昏,頭暈,易激惹,健忘,失眠,精神遲鈍,情感反應淡漠,始動性障礙,精力不足,言語減少等。

(iii) (folic accompanid defaciency) fatigue, incompetence, head dizziness, 興奮,易激惹,偏執狀態,發作性定向隨意,進行性痴呆。

(iv) Vitamin B12 deficiency (vitam B12discency) Irrigation and sports abnormality, with some patients acting , excites, , sexually targeted and sexually retarded.



(一)一氧化碳中毒(carbon monoxide poisoning) 臨床表現頭暈、頭痛、疲乏、效率和自控能力下降,可有失語、失用、失認等症状,也可有淡漠,精神遲鈍,記憶力下降,定向障礙,虛構等症状。

(i) carbon monoxide poisoning ; 多夢、情緒焦慮易激惹,常有基礎體溫低、脈搏、血壓偏低的「三低」症状。慢性中毒者表現記憶力下降,疲乏無力,性格改變,反應遲鈍,淡漠或激動越不安等症状。

(ii) multi-dreamental >, `a href=http://cht.a-hospital.com/w/%E4%E4B%D%93%E6%B8%A9" title=" body temperature low, pulse low blood pressure 3-low symptoms.

(三)汞中毒(mercury poisoning) 臨床表現失眠、多夢、記憶力下降。情緒緊張,易波動和激惹,易發生口吃,缺乏信心,工作能力下降,理解力,判斷力,抽象概念思維能力降低。

(iii) Mercury poisoning (mercury poisoning)

(四)慢性有機磷農藥中毒(chronic organophosphorus pesticide poisoning) 臨床表現頭痛、頭暈、記憶力障礙,注意力不能集中,失眠、多夢,情緒低沉或焦慮易激動,疲乏無力,理解力、判斷力差。

(iv) Chronic (chronic organophosphorus pesticide poisoning)


Nine, brain trauma.

(一)拳擊員痴呆(demenia pugilistica) 臨床表現頭痛,頭暈,情緒不穩,注意力不能集中,記憶力下降,理解力、判斷能力差,工人效率低等。

(i) Boxers with dementia puglilistica show headaches, dizzyness, unstable mood, lack of concentration, reduced memory, poor understanding, judgment, inefficiency of workers, etc.

(二)其他腦外傷(other brain injury) 臨床表現從輕者記憶力下降、頭暈、注意力不能集中,到嚴重痴呆狀態,表現獃滯、淡漠、缺乏主動性、思維遲鈍、理解判斷力減退、記憶力差、情緒不穩等。

(ii) Other brain injuries (other brain injury) ranged from reduced memory, dizzyness, lack of concentration, to severe dementia, displaying hysteria, apathy, lack of initiative, retardation, diminished understanding of judgment, poor memory, unstable emotions, etc.



(一)類肉瘤病(sarcoidosis) 又稱結節病。臨床表現一些神經系統症状的體征,還表現記憶困難,人格改變,情感淡漠,判斷力缺乏,進行性忽視個人衛生,急性躁動不安和幻覺所致的後遺性痴呆。

(i) Sarcoidosis, also known as . The bed displays signs of neurosystemic symptoms, memory difficulties, personality changes, emotional apathy, lack of judgment, sexual neglect of personal health, acute restlessness and hallucination.

(二)正常壓力腦積水(normal pressure hydrocephalus) 臨床表現為漸進性精神活動衰退,步態不穩,小便失禁,近事遺忘淡漠,思維緩慢,言語動作減少,情緒反應亦減退,病情逐漸加重,其記憶、計算、定向日趨減退,以至痴呆,最後昏迷死亡。

(ii) Instability of normal stressful brain water , , , recently forgotten diff.a.a-hospital.com/w/E5%E5%D3%D3%D4%D3%D4%D3%D2D4%D2D4%D2D3%D2D3%D3%D4%D2D4%D2D3%D2D2D2D2%D2%E2%E2%E6%E6%E2%DD4%D4%D4%D4%DD2D2D2D2D4%D6%E2D3%DDD2D2D6%DD2%AD6%AD6%AD6%D6%E6%E6%E6%E6%E6%E6%E4%E2DDDDDDDDDDDDD4%A6%A6%A6%A%A%ADDDDDDDDDDDD2%AD2D4%ADDDD4%AD4%AD4%AD4%A5%A6%A%A%DDDDDDDD2D2D2NNNNNNNNNNN) ;6%E5%E5%E5%E6%A7%E7%E2%E2E2E7E7E7E2E2E2E2E2E2E2NNNNTtlTtlTtlTtlTtlT


Dementia treatment

稟賦不足型【證見】 自幼起病,多有發育畸形,如頭顱偏小或畸形,眼裂較窄,眼距過寬發音不清,智力明顯低於同齡人等。成年後神情呆板,反應遲鈍,動作古怪,發音不清或詞不達意,重者精神獃滯,生活不能自理,不能抵禦危險傷害而成白痴舌淡胖或偏暗,舌苔白膩白滑,脈沉細無力。

malformation, e.g. , , e.g. `new' git=" wideness (the page does not exist).

【治法】 滋補肝腎,填髓健腦。


♪ The medicine of the world ♪ ♪ The medicine of the world ♪ ♪ The medicine of the world ♪ ♪ The medicine of the world ♪ ♪ The medicine of the world ♪ ♪ The medicine of the world ♪ ♪ The medicine of the world ♪ ♪ The medicine of the world ♪ ♪ The medicine of the world ♪


1. Mainly (a href=http://cht.a-hospital.com/w/%E5%8C%BB%E5AE%97%E9%91%E9%89%B4"title= "Medical gold" >/a)


>, 15 g, [Eh_d_www_d_www_www.h_www.h_h_h_h_h_www.com.com_www.com.com.com.m.com.com.com.com.com.m/w>"[http.[http.[http/w>[http.[http/w/w>[http.[b.[http.[b.[.[b.[.[.[b.[b.[b.[.[.[b.[B_B_B_B_B>)"[B[B[B[B_B_B_B_B_B_B_B_B_B_B_B_B_B_B_B_B>>>>>[Bt_Bt_B_B_B_B_B_B_B_B_B_Bt_Bt_B_B_B_B_B_Bt_Bt_B_B_Et.[Et_Et_Et_Et_Bt_B_B_B_B






(2) , 3 times a day for each pill.

脾腎虧虛型【證見】 老年表情呆板,行動遲緩,健忘,語言明顯減少,日夜顛倒,傻笑傻哭,生活不能自理, 或有幻覺、妄想。也有未老先衰而見如上症状的。可兼見頭暈眼花,腰膝酸痛氣短,心悸等症。舌質 暗淡,苔薄白,脈細弱。

An old man's face is weak, slow, oblivious, language is clearly reduced, day and night, laughs and cries, life is uncontrollable, or delusional. There are also symptoms before old age. It can be seen that ?

【治法】 補腎益脾,健腦生髓。

"Truth-up, brain-brained marrow."


♪ The medicine of the world ♪ ♪ The medicine of the world ♪ ♪ The medicine of the world ♪ ♪ The medicine of the world ♪ ♪ The medicine of the world ♪ ♪ The medicine of the world ♪ ♪ The medicine of the world ♪ ♪ The medicine of the world ♪ ♪ The medicine of the world ♪


1. Main Party: (Wangang )

處方:熟地黃15克,枸杞子12克,山茱萸12克,肉蓯蓉15克,遠志6克,巴戟天15克,小茴香 9克,杜仲18克,懷牛膝15克,茯苓12克,山藥15克,五味子6克,党參15克,楮實12克,石菖蒲10克,大棗5枚。水煎服。

, 腦靈片,每次片,每日3次。

(2) , 3 times a day for each film.


3. Single test


Party: , , , > > > >.

痰凝瘀阻型【證見】 多有產傷或外傷病史,或由他病而來。神情淡漠,反應遲鈍,善驚善恐,胸脘痞悶,頭暈重,寡言少語,智力低下,妄想離奇。舌質暗紫,或有瘀點瘀斑,舌苔白膩,脈弦澀或澀滑。

"A href = http://cht.a-hospital.com/w/%E4%A7%A7%E4%BC%A4"iture or injuries caused by his illness. 祛瘀化瘀,宣竅健腦。


♪ The medicine of the world ♪ ♪ The medicine of the world ♪ ♪ The medicine of the world ♪ ♪ The medicine of the world ♪ ♪ The medicine of the world ♪ ♪ The medicine of the world ♪ ♪ The medicine of the world ♪ ♪ The medicine of the world ♪ ♪ The medicine of the world ♪

1.主方 二陳湯(陳師文等《太平惠民和劑局方》)合通竅活血湯(王清任《醫林改錯》)加減

1. Master (Sang Man and others


15g, Chenpi6g,12g,a href=http://cht.a-hospital.com/w/%E8%B5%E8A8d%D"t3%Ehref>2%Ek>2%Ehrek>2%D2%D2%Ehrek>2%Ehrek>2%Ehrek>2%dhm2%Ebn9hm2%Ehrek>2%Ehrek2%dhm2%Ehm2%Eh_hrek_hs/comm3%bn/w_e_et"bn"bn"Bre"bn"b"b"b"b"t"t"t"t"t"t"t"t"t"t"t"t"t"t.t.t.t.t.t.t.t.%.t.


If a chronic disease , , , > >,


A unilateral test of peaches soup.


, , , 10 grams each, , > > > > > > > > > >


Care Point and Methods


The typical symptoms of dementia


Living is governed by rules that guarantee adequate and high-quality sleep, especially for the mentally excited. Insomniars can give small quantities of sleeping pills, fit for clothing and cooler rooms. .


Many of these patients have insufficient blood to feed rich foods, such as . For those bodies



要常吃富含膽鹼、維生素B12的食物:因為乙醯膽鹼有增強記憶力的作用。而乙醯膽鹼都是由膽鹼合成的。因此,應多吃一些富含膽鹼的食物,如豆製品、蛋類、花生、核桃、魚類、肉類、燕麥、小米等。富含維生素B12的食物主要包括海帶、紅腐乳、臭豆腐、大白菜和蘿卜等。強調做到「三定、三高、三低和兩戒」,即定時、定量、定質,高蛋白、高不飽和脂肪酸、高維生素,低脂肪、低熱量、低鹽和戒煙、戒酒。神經細胞活動和記憶需要足夠的蛋白質、能量、卵磷脂、膽鹼、維生素、鉀、鈉、磷及微量元素,所以應注意營養要素的補充。具有抗氧化作用的食品(如紅葡萄酒)對防止老年痴呆及動脈硬化有重要意義。富含B12 的食物有:雛菊、香菇、大豆、雞蛋、牛奶、動物腎臟以及各種發酵的豆製品等;葉酸豐富的食物是:綠葉蔬菜、柑橘、西紅柿、菜花、西瓜、菌類、酵母牛肉

Foods rich in , vitamin B12: due to the enhanced memory of acetium urchin, all of which are emboldened. Thus, more emboldened foods, such as beans, eggs, peanuts, >, > >


: constipation is one of the main causes of Alzheimer's disease. Because often constipated people produce ammonia, , , sultol= > > and = > > > > > > >


: Brain gymnastics that often do finger moves: such as handicrafts, carvings, drawings, paper clippings, typing, and finger playing instruments, often use fingers to rotate steel balls or , or use both hands to stretch fists, which can expand the blood flow of the brain, promote blood circulation, effective massages of the brain, researches that multi-active fingers can be beneficial to pre-recording arte hardening.


XII. To the extent possible, cooking and tableware made of americium are not used.


The prevention of dementia in old age begins in the middle years, and dementia in old age, if discovered in pre-dement or mild dementia, can be permanently controlled and transformed to a certain extent. The occurrence of dementia in old age is related to a variety of factors, including


Old comrades, when they retire, are hard to adapt to a changed environment, too long in love with their past life and fellow friends, damage brain cells, bright light stabilizes their emotions, and dark conditions exacerbate their symptoms. Care to maintain relationships, avoid long-term depression and depression, since depression is also a dangerous factor in dementia among the elderly.


A good attitude is to maintain the health of the nervous system and is an important factor in preventing early decay and loss of brain function.


Third, strengthening gymnastics: As many know, sports can reduce , but can also contribute to the creation of neurosynthetic physiothermals and prevent brain degradation. e.g. walk, hit


4. There are several simple and effective movements that can delay to pre-empt Alzheimer's:


> < >, > > > > < > > > > >.


marrow with a brain of ; > >, > >

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