
资讯 2024-06-24 阅读:58 评论:0
ETH:最有价值的资产 ETH: the most valuable asset 免责声明:本文旨在传递更多市场信息,不构成任何投资建议。文章仅代表作者观点,不代表火星财经官方...



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ETH: the most valuable asset


This paper is intended to convey more information about the market and does not constitute an investment proposal.


Editor: Keep an eye on it.


Source: Unitimes

原文标题:《ETH, The World’s Most Valuable Asset》

Original title: ETH, The World's Most Valuable Asset

撰文:Andrew Bakst,Bizantine Capital 合伙人

: Andrew Bakst, Bizatine Capital Partner

从谁能第一个到达火星,到上个月谁卖出了最多的牙科保险,竞争在各个层面上描绘着我们周围的世界。具有讽刺意味的是,在一个高度竞争的世界中取胜的最好方法是拥有垄断地位,避免任何竞争。如何垄断?第一步是 提供一个明显优于现状的产品,创造人们喜欢的东西。第二步是 扩大这种产品的规模,使其保持垄断,即便自由市场允许其他竞争者进入并进行残酷竞争。

The irony is that the best way to win in a highly competitive world is to have a monopoly and avoid any competition. How to monopolize? The first step is to provide a product that is significantly superior to the status quo and to create what people like. The second step is to expand the size of the product and keep it monopolized , even if the free market allows other competitors to enter and compete ruthlessly.

ETH 发展了两项截然不同的垄断,这两项垄断都是由各自创造了最有价值的股权和货币资产的护城河推动的。这两项垄断,即作为技术的 以太坊和作为「货币」的 Ether,将会使 ETH 成为史上最有价值的资产。

The ETH has developed two distinct monopolies, both driven by the moats that each created the most valuable equity and monetary assets. The two monopolies as technology and /strang > as currency will make ETH the most valuable asset in history.


as the technologist Step 1: Create a better product than the current situation.

从富国银行到亚马逊,再到 Facebook,每一个 数字中间商都是一个库存数据库,通过一系列算法来帮助其管理库存。构成每个中间商库存的资产本质上依赖于该中间商的产品,但它们都主要是第三方资产管理公司:

From rich-country banks to Amazonian banks, to Facebook, every digital broker is an inventory database that helps it manage its inventory through a series of algorithms. The assets that make up each broker’s inventory are essentially dependent on the broker’s products, but they are mainly third-party asset management companies:

  • 每个 金融公司都管理着用户对某种资产的借和贷 (商业银行、支付处理机构和支付 APIs 共同管理着用户法币资产的借和贷;托管机构、股票交易所和零售交易 Apps 管理着用户的股票和债券;等等)。它们使用算法来确保每个账户和系统作为一个整体具有偿付能力。
  • 每个 电子商务公司都在管理产品,并通过最好的交付途径将产品送达用户。电子商务公司使用 feed 算法来说服用户购买产品,使用定价算法来决定他们可以向用户收取多少费用,使用物流算法来尽可能快速和便宜地将产品交付给用户。
  • 每个 媒体公司都在管理用户的数据和内容。他们使用 feed 算法为用户生成内容和广告,使用支付算法来收取广告费。

这些子案例可以归纳为一个图表 (见下图),因为从金融到电子商务再到媒体的所有数字中间商,都执行高级别的 (中间商) 服务。

These sub-cases can be summarized as a chart (see figure below), as all digital intermediaries, from finance to e-commerce to the media, perform high-level (broker) services.

这些 数字中间商共同组成了 2020 版的「世界计算机」

These together form the 2020 edition of the World Computer .

该世界计算机的目的很简单: 以最佳方式组织特定资产的买家和卖家。这些资产可以是 金融资产(就富国银行等银行而言)、 实物可消费资产(就亚马逊等电子商务公司而言) 或者 数字可消费资产(就 Facebook 等媒体公司而言)。

The purpose of the world computer is simple: best organizes the buyers and sellers of specific assets . These assets can be financial assets (in the case of banks such as rich countries), (in the case of e-commerce companies such as Amazonia) or (in the case of media companies such as Facebook).

然而,就其目前的状态而言,该世界计算机 远非有效率,主要是因为它并不是一整台计算机,而是实际上 由一群离散的计算机组成,其中每台计算机都是一个互联网中间商,这使得它存在大量的 低效性

However, in its current state, the world computer , which gives it a large number of inefficiency :

  • 互操作性的成本高:为了在每台离散的计算机 (中间商) 之间进行交易,数字中间商通常需要其他更多的中间商来建立信任,每个中间商都会带来费用支出。这些中间商包括交易处理器 (如 Visa 或Paypal) 以及支付 APIs (如 Stripe 或 Plaid)。
  • 退出的成本高:将资产从某台计算机 (中间商) 退出并转移到另一台计算机 (中间商) 很耗时或者不可能实现。这方面的例子包括在股票经纪账户之间转移资产,或者在社交媒体公司之间转移社交图谱。在某些情况下,这些离散的计算机对用户资产的控制比用户自身更大。
  • 前两个因素共同造成了第三个更强大的现象: 缺乏竞争。由于用户很难退出平台 (退出成本高),而且构建一台新的计算机需要从头开始 (互操作性成本高),现有的离散计算机抽取的利润要远高于一整台具有完全竞争力的世界计算机。


以太坊是世界计算机。就像上述世界计算机一样,以太坊也是一个资产储存库,使用算法来尽可能高效地管理该资产库存。以太坊的资产库存仍在增长 (速度非常快),最终将包括当前互联网上的所有实物和数字资产类别,以及旧系统的离散性无法想象的全新资产类别。唯一的区别是,这些资产不是由中间商持有,而是由以太坊持有,因此术语略有不同:

As with the world computer, it is also an asset repository, using algorithms to manage the asset inventory as efficiently as possible. It is still growing (very fast) and will eventually include all physical and digital asset classes on the current Internet, as well as completely new asset classes that the fragmentation of the old system could not have imagined. The only difference is that these assets are not held by brokers, but by Etheria, so the terminology is slightly different:

  • 用户帐户由公钥(而非电子邮件地址) 表示。公钥允许用户直接拥有他们的资产,因此总是能够让他们从任何基于以太坊搭建的中间商退出来。而且,已经存在这样的服务,即通过使用电子邮件地址来隐藏公钥,以提供与旧世界计算机相同的用户体验。
  • 资产变成了 Tokens (代币)。在大多数情况下,金融资产变成了 ERC-20 代币,电子商务和媒体资产成为 ERC-721代币。因为以太坊这台世界计算机并不是离散的,所以每个 Token 都可以与每个算法交互,而不需要额外的成本。
  • 算法变成了智能合约。因为以太坊并不是离散的,所以每个智能合约都可以与其他智能合约交互,而不需要额外的成本。

由于这台全新的世界计算机 (即以太坊) 上的代币和智能合约可以以几乎为零的额外成本相互交互 (唯一的成本是支付给以太坊验证者的自由市场费用),因此这台全新的世界计算机上的 创新以令人难以置信的速度增加。

Because this brand-new world computer (i.e., Etheria) has a token and an intelligent contract that interacts with each other at almost zero extra cost (the only cost is to pay free market fees to Ethers), the innovation on this brand-new world computer /strong > is increasing at an incredible rate.

全球的一些开发者在短时间内就可以搭建出之前在旧世界计算机需要花几年才能搭建出来的应用;其他一些开发者更是创建出了在旧世界计算机上仍不存在 (即使是年十年后也不会存在) 的应用。以太坊上最好的产品都是 Tokens 和算法的组合,在短短几个月的时间里,这些产品管理的资产 (AUM) 从零增长到数十亿,这是旧世界计算机上闻所未闻的指标。

Some developers around the world will be able to build old world computers in a short time before they take years to build; others will create applications that do not exist on old world computers (even if they do not exist after 10 years). The best products in Ethio are Tokens and algorithms, whose assets have grown from zero to billions in just a few months, an indicator that has never been heard of in old world computers.

开发者需要的只是互联网接入就可以在以太坊上搭建应用。再也不需要向富国银行、亚马逊或 Facebook 申请开发新产品的许可,因此旧世界计算机存在的互操作性问题在以太坊上解决了。要退出,用户只需要一个公钥,公钥可以通过任何数字钱包轻松创建。任何人都可以以接近零的成本构建和退出以太坊,这使得以太坊成为一台非常具有竞争力的世界计算机。

All developers need is Internet access to build applications in Etheria. There is no longer a need to apply to rich country banks, Amazons or Facebook for permission to develop new products, so the interoperability problems of the old world computers are solved in Ether. To quit, users need only one public key, which can easily be created through any digital wallet. Anyone can build and exit Ether at near zero cost, making Ether a very competitive world computer.


Ultimately, anyone will be able to use this brand-new world computer for faster, cheaper, safer, and more global transactions. They can even use new products, which take years to build on the old version of the world's computers. Digital middlemen can no longer extract profit space to make other industries jealous. All their monopolistic or oligopolistic positions are broken at the same time. This is a victory for everyone but the old world's computer brokers.


Step 2: Expand the size of the product and keep it monopolized, even if the free market allows competitors to enter and compete

以太坊有两个相互复合的网络效应,它们已经为其竞争力创建了一道不可逾越的护城河: 流动性开发者工具。而过去的互联网技术赢家充其量只有其中之一。

There are two complex network effects in the Taiku, which have created an insurmountable moat for their competitiveness: mobility and developers tools. Past Internet technology winners are at best one of them.


available liquidity brings more liquidity

已经引入以太坊中的资产使得以太坊更加有价值,进而将吸引更多资产。金融领域是由原语、独立的用例组成,这些用例在以太坊上被组合和重构以创建额外的用例。金融原语包括投资、交易、支付、借贷和保险,每个金融原语都有着由流动性驱动的网络效应,每个行业都由金融支撑 (即每个企业都会接收付款、贷款、发行股权/代币、购买保险等)。这些原语的网络效应的复合以及它们之间的互联性都在以太坊的保护伞之下,使得任何其他竞争性的区块链都不可能从以太坊拿走任何实际数量的金融流动性,除非竞争的区块链能够吸引比以太坊更多高质量的开发者,但这是不可能的,因为我们有第二条护城河:

The capital sector is made up of original, stand-alone examples, which are combined and reconstructed to create additional examples. Financial originals include investments, transactions, payments, borrowing, and insurance, each of which has a liquidity-driven network effect, each of which is financially supported (i.e., each enterprise receives payments, loans, shares/dealts, purchases insurance, etc.). The combination of the network effects of these originals and their interconnections is under the umbrella of the Tai chamber, making it impossible for any other competitive chain to take any real amount of financial liquidity away from the portal unless the competitive chain attracts more high-quality developers than the other chamber, but that is not possible because we have a second mound:


Existing Developers Tool Brings More Developers Tool


Because of the open source and collusive properties, each line of code for a block chain belongs to the developers'tool category of the block chain. As more and more codes are written on Etherworld computers, new codes for Etherworld computers are becoming increasingly valuable for new developers, and already available codes, especially smart contracts and testing environments, can be used.

任何试图启动一个与以太坊不同的区块链的尝试都需要重写和重新审计当前部署在以太坊上的所有智能合约。但这是一个荒谬的任务,因为以太坊已经有 7 年的开发者工具了。以太坊上的开发者工具继续以比任何竞争性区块链更快的速度增长,且以太坊已经拥有了最多的开发者数量,是其他竞争对手的十倍以上。

Any attempt to start a chain of blocks different from Ether will require rewriting and re-auditing all the smart contracts currently deployed in Ether. But this is an absurd task, because Ether has seven years of developer tools.

流动性和开发工具的网络效应相互叠加:随着更多的资金 (流动性) 存储在以太坊上,在以太坊上搭建应用的动机变得更大。这有助于改进开发者工具,并最终增加以太坊区块链上的消费产品的吸引力。最终,这将从更多的用户那里吸引了更多的资金 (流动性),并继续循环下去。如下图所示:

The network effects of liquidity and development tools are added to each other : as more funds (mobility) are stored in Etheria, the motivation for building applications in Etheria becomes greater. This helps to improve the developers' tools and ultimately to increase the attractiveness of consumer products in the Ether district block chain. Ultimately, this will attract more money (mobility) from more users and continue to circulate. As shown in the figure below:

流动性和开发者工具的网络效应还推动了系统的另一个 (可能是最重要的) 特性的复合增长: 安全性。区块链领域的安全性是公链的矿工/验证者维系的资源。随着以太坊的安全性变得更有弹性,甚至可以抵御来自民族国家的攻击,使其更能容易吸引用户存储资金和开发者搭建新产品。这两个飞轮复合叠加:

The web-based effects of mobility and developers tools have also contributed to another (and perhaps the most important) complex growth in the characteristics of the system: security . Security in the area of block chains is the resource of the public chain of miners/certifiers. As Ether security becomes more resilient, it can even withstand attacks from nation states, making it easier to attract users to store funds and develop new products.


The mobility of and the network effects of developers' tools, coupled with the corresponding increase in security, provide end-users with products that are unmatched by other block chains.

作为「货币」的 ETH

ETH as "currency"

作为以太坊世界计算机的原生货币,ETH 为其提供了第二项垄断,它在供应和需求方面对现状的显著改善,同时具有作为「货币」的网络效应。

As the original currency of the Taiyo world computer, ETH has provided it with a second monopoly, which has significantly improved the status quo in terms of both supply and demand, and has a network effect as a “currency”.

  • 货币供应是其当前分配 (通常通过基尼系数衡量) 和未来分配 (即通胀率)。
  • 货币需求是指人们出于某种目的使用货币的意愿,可以是为了进行某种消费,也可以是为了进行投资。

在这两方面,ETH 都比黄金 (黄金目前世界上主要的非主权货币) 有了显著的改善,并因此将成为世界上主要的非主权货币。

In both cases, the ETH is a significant improvement over gold, the world's main non-sovereign currency, and will therefore be the world's leading non-sovereign currency.


Step 1: Create a better product than the current situation

资产有三种类型: 生产性资产消费性资产价值储存资产

There are three types of assets: productive assets ,

  • 生产性资产包括股票、债券和资本货物 (即制造设备):拥有这些资产,你就有能够获得收入流或股息。
  • 消费性资产包括现金、石油,甚至包括消费者奖励计划:拥有这些资产可以让你获得某种商品或服务。
  • 价值存储资产包括贵金属、房地产 (房地产也是一种生产性资产) 和艺术品:拥有这些资产使你拥有某种稀缺的东西,无论政府或企业的财务状况如何。

ETH 作为价值存储资产,同时也吸引了将其作为生产性资产和消费性资产的需求。

ETH stores as a value and also attracts demand for it as a productive and consumer asset.

将 ETH 作为 生产性资产的需求来自于 (矿工/验证者) 能够使用 ETH 来赚取 (用户) 使用以太坊世界计算机时支付的所有交易费。因此,随着上文提及的良性循环的发展,以太坊为其矿工创造的收入比任何互联网公司都要多,对 ETH 的需求在增长。这在非主权商品领域是前所未有的,而且已经吸引了那些因黄金的生产性低下而回避黄金的投资者。

The demand for ETH as a productive asset stems from the fact that (miners/certifiers) can use ETH to earn (users) all of the transaction fees paid when using ETH computers in the Pacific World. Thus, as the virtuous circle referred to above develops, it generates more revenue for its miners than any Internet company, and demand for ETH is growing. This is unprecedented in the area of non-sovereign commodities, and has attracted investors who avoid gold because of its low productivity.

将 ETH 作为 消费性资产的需求也来自于以太坊世界计算机:每笔交易或以太坊上的其他智能合约执行,都需要使用 ETH 来支付交易费。因此,随着对以太坊网络的需求不断增长,对于 ETH 作为消费性资产的需求也将增长。正因如此,加密领域的人经常把 ETH 称为「数字石油」。

The demand for ETH as a consumer asset also comes from the Etherworld computer: every transaction or other smart contract executed in Etherworld requires the use of ETH to cover transaction costs. Thus, as demand for the etherm network grows, demand for ETH as a consumer asset increases. This is why people in encryption often refer to ETH as "digital oil".

由于 ETH 作为一种生产性和消耗性资产的需求,它成为一种比黄金更好的价值储存手段 (意味着它的通胀率更低)。在以太坊完成向 PoS 共识算法的过渡后不久,ETH 的通胀率将低于黄金。

Because ETH is a demand for productive and expendable assets, it becomes a better storage tool for value than gold (means it has a lower inflation rate). Soon after the transition to the Pos consensus algorithm is completed in Taiku, ETH will have a lower inflation rate than gold.


Step 2: Expand the size of the product to maintain its monopoly, even if the free market allows competitors to enter and compete demand-driven supply: digital oil becomes digital gold

在任何 L1 加密货币中,通胀的目的是向矿工/验证者支付安全费用。区块链的 安全预算(用于支付给矿工/验证者) 等于其 通胀率+ 交易费。因此,随着支付给以太坊矿工的交易费用的增长 (由于它是世界计算机),可以降低 ETH 的通胀率,同时仍然保持相同或更高的网络安全级别。

In any L1 encrypted currency, the purpose of inflation is to pay security costs to miners/certifiers. The security budget for the block chain (for miners/certifiers) is equal to its inflation rate + transaction costs . Thus, with the increase in transaction costs paid to the etherminers (as it is a world computer), the rate of ETH inflation can be reduced while maintaining the same or higher level of cybersecurity.

例如,如果支付给矿工的收入是每年 100 ETH,其中 60 ETH 来自通胀,40 ETH 来自交易费用 (这是从 2020 年 7 月 1 日到 2021 年 6 月 30 日的实际比率),那么如果交易费用翻倍,通胀可以减少 50%,同时安全性依然会增加 10%。如下图所示:

For example, if the income paid to miners is 100 ETHs per year, 60 ETHs from inflation and 40 ETHs from transaction costs (the actual rate from 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021), inflation can be reduced by 50 per cent if transaction costs are doubled, while safety still increases by 10 per cent.

因为以太坊将是唯一的世界计算机,由于它的交易费将比任何其他世界计算机的规模都大。因此,ETH 的通胀率将大大低于任何竞争对手的数字货币。

Because Ether is going to be the only world computer, and because it's going to cost more than any other world computer, the inflation rate for Ether will be much lower than the digital currency of any competitor.

通胀率的下降进一步推动了对 ETH 作为非主权价值存储的需求,这推动额外的资本进入以太坊世界计算机 (通过购买 ETH)。进入系统的额外资本会带来交易费增长,因为这些资本会围绕着以太坊网络存储和转移。 交易费的增长带来通胀率的下降,如此循环下去。

The decline in inflation has further boosted the demand for ETH to be stored as a non-sovereign value, pushing additional capital into the Etherworld computer (by purchasing ETH). Additional capital to enter the system will increase transaction costs because they will be stored and transferred around the Etherm network.

正如上文“作为技术的以太坊”部分所述,进入系统的额外资金不仅会增加交易用,从而降低通胀率,还会带来更好的开发者工具。更好的开发者工具将带来更好的终端用户产品。更好的终端用户产品进一步增加了对以太坊世界计算机的需求,这创造了更多的交易用。如上所述,交易费的增加带来通缩加剧。如此循环下去。以太坊技术和 ETH 这两个飞轮是完全相互关联的,同步复合:

As noted above in the section on “Etheria as technology”, additional funds to access the system will not only increase the use of transactions, thereby reducing inflation rates, but also lead to better developers' tools. Better developers' tools will lead to better end-user products. Better end-user products will further increase the demand for Etherworld computers, creating more trades. As noted above, increased transaction costs will lead to more deflation.


Or to use a simplified diagram:


Cherry: Shereen Point

与公链类似,货币也是一种信息技术。这一点可能不那么明显,因为信息技术通常被认为是让我们更容易交流沟通的东西,比如电报或互联网或以太坊世界计算机。但是,货币也让我们更容易沟通,因为它使我们能够关注资本主义的竞争。被选为世界终极公分母的货币被一些经济学家称为 谢林点(Schelling Point)。

Similar to the public chain, money is also an information technology. This may not be so obvious, because information technology is often seen as something that makes it easier for us to communicate, such as telegrams or the Internet or the Etherworld computer. But money also makes it easier for us to communicate, because it allows us to focus on the competition for capitalism.

谢林点是一个有趣的概念:在完全不知道其他人正在做什么的情况下,你自己会做什么?投资领域的谢林点是世界储备货币,或者说,在过去 80 年里,实际上就是美国国债。在全球范围内,人们用美元来衡量财富。

The Shereen point is an interesting concept: what do you do when you have no idea what others are doing? In the area of investment, the Shereen point is the world’s reserve currency, or, in the past 80 years, actually the American national debt.

谢林点会产生网络效应,因为谢林点只有在社会对决策达成共识的情况下才会存在。因此,越多的人把 ETH 视为谢林点,就将会有越多的其他人把 ETH 视为谢林点,即使他们选择不使用以太坊用于任何其他目的。这使得上文的飞轮更加强大,因为所有人都是模因 (memetic),不管他们对潜在的技术或基本原理的理解如何。

The Shelling dots have a network effect, because the Shelling dots exist only if there is a consensus in society about decision-making. So, the more people think of ETH as the Shelling dots, the more others will think of ETH as the Shelling dots, even if they choose not to use the Taikus for any other purpose. This makes the flying wheels above stronger, because everyone is memetic, regardless of their understanding of the potential technology or rationale.


What's the risk?

作为技术的以太坊目前没有风险。它在各方面都远远领先于竞争对手,其网络效应使其增长速度远远超过所有竞争对手。一个很好的例子是,以太坊分叉 (BSC 和 Polygon) 在几个月内都获得了比任何其他没有直接复制以太坊技术的竞争链更多的采用 (基于管理的资产和交易费衡量)。唯一的风险可能存在于货币方面,特别是在供应方面,但我们相信,由于大多数 ETH 持有者有着共同的信条,这种风险被最小化。

As a technology community, there are no risks at present. It is far ahead of competitors in all respects, and its network effects make it grow much faster than all competitors. A good example is that, in a few months, the divide (BSC and Polygon) has gained more use than any other competitive chain (based on managed assets and transaction costs) that does not directly replicate it. The only risk may be monetary, especially in terms of supply, but we believe that this risk has been minimized because most ETH holders share a common creed.



以太坊区块链和 ETH 的防御能力使得转换到新的区块链或新的储备货币的成本是巨大的,因此我们认为这是不可能的。随着世界认识到这种不可能,基于以太坊技术产生的现金流,ETH 的价格可能远远超过其价值。

As the world realizes that this is not possible, the price of ETH may far exceed its value, based on the cash flow generated by Taiwan technology.

正如存储价值的网络效应可以迅速提升一项资产,也可以导致另一项资产下跌。我们认为,这对更广泛的美元或股票、房地产和债券来说不是好兆头,因为它们的价值储存溢价先是部分然后全部地转移到 ETH。当前的价值存储系统已经产生了创纪录的债务、创历史新高的国内贫富差距以及依赖一个没有人想要依赖的国家 (除了那些能够印刷美元的人之外,没有人喜欢美元标准)。两个复合的指数增长因素 (即以太坊区块链和 ETH),加上世界准备从美元转向其他货币,将产生一种大多数人一生中都未见过的范式转变。信息从未像现在这样容易传播,找到下一个谢林点也从未像现在这样容易。月亮上见。返回搜狐,查看更多

The current value storage system has created a record debt, a record-high domestic gap between rich and poor, and a reliance on a country that no one wants to rely on (other than those who can print the dollar, no one likes the dollar standard). The two composite index growth factors (i.e., the Taiku block chain and the ETH), coupled with the world's readiness to move from the dollar to other currencies, will result in a paradigm shift that most people have never seen in their lifetime. The information has never been so easily disseminated, and the next Sherin point has never been so easily found.





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