What do you mean by xff1f; with the price of bitcoin booming xff0c; with the emergence of new digital currencies on the market. The currency circle is based on the reality of the digital currency xff0c; gives different definitions xff0c; and gives the corresponding generic name xff0c to each definition xff0c; because the definition criteria are not strictly uniform xff0c; the definitions overlap xff0c; these definitions often distract investors who have just come into contact with the digital currency xff0c; the most interesting of which are investors are xff0c; then xff0c; what is the digital currency mainstream currency xff1f; and the honey sister below will explain to everyone what is the digital currency mainstream?
What do you mean by #xff1f;
mainstream currency xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c. The concept of mainstream currency is vaguer xff0c; simply, most people know it xff0c; and share its value.
In 2013 xff0c; only bitcoin and tiles xff0c; now, for example, the dominant coin xff0c; and in 13 years, the king of the mountain coins. It was only with the technological breakthroughs of the entire digital currency xff0c; ETH, XPR, etc., that the rise in prices gradually removed the title of the tiles.
Today, mainstream currencies are usually the top 10 currencies with long periods of existence xff0c; currently, most people in the market recognize no more than 10 xff0c; including xff1a; BTC (bitcoin), ETH (Etheria), XRP (Rippoco) etc.
The dominant currency plays xff1a;
mainstream currency is similar to the “blue share” in the stock market xff0c; short-term ups and downs xff0c; and it is difficult to do so once. Nor is it possible to double the mainstream currency within a day xff0c; but it is less risky xff0c; it is less risky than bitcoin xff0c; it is potentially higher.
These “millennium coins” have capital to hold xff0c; there are large communities with enough supporting scenes xff0c; so there is a high probability of surviving to the next round. xff0c if the funds are not large; it may be better to focus on some mainstream projects.
Mainstream currency judgement & #xff1a;
1 and whether there is a strong enough consensus. Only one currency is widely recognized & #xff0c; that is, strong consensus & #xff0c; to be in the mainstream & #xff0c; to be sustainable.
Two, whether or not it will stand the test of history. The wave begins with Kim #xff0c; the mainstream coins are not only well developed in the cattle market #xff0c; they survive well in the bear city.
3 public chains & #xff0c; strong technology. This is the most basic xff0c; technology is the most basic support for the network of block chains xff0c; it is difficult to survive the currency circle without strong technical support xff0c; it must be the public chain xff0c; and the side chain, if it develops well, will ultimately not be able to access the mainstream market.
4. On-line exchanges. At present xff0c; there are only three xff0cs for mainstream exchanges in the circle; (Markets, currency security, OK) if a digital currency is not online on a mainstream exchange xff0c; it certainly cannot be counted as mainstream currency.
5. Market value. Market value is a visual consideration.
The ecological vision of the currency. For any currency to be “continuous” & #xff0c; for it to be of value & #xff0c; for it to be sustainable and widely accepted.
What do you mean by xff1f; through the above introduction xff0c; and believe that you know about xff0c? The dominant currency on the market is now Bitcoin xff0c; otherwise, Leitco, Etheria, etc. are the mainstream xff0c; however, either virtual currency xff0c; investors need to know about it before choosing xff0c; only then xff0c after investing; investors can adjust their accounts to different circumstances xff0c; i.e., adjust their accounts xff0c; and thus reach a timely closure.
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