
资讯 2024-06-25 阅读:101 评论:0
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现在的Web3/Crypto充斥着各种新鲜的名词,让这个本就晦涩的新行业更令人费解。从技术/应用上的共识算法、Rollup、零知识证明、DeFi、NFT、GameFi、DAO、跨链桥、预言机、DID、SBT,到概念上的密码朋克、主权个人、去中心化、抗审查、无许可、可组合性、创作者经济、分布式治理、价值互联网、永久存储、Code is Law、X to Earn,都让人听得云里雾里,再加上充斥着各类监管禁令、意识形态、骗局、旁氏、低效且反直觉的应用场景,让人实在摸不清脉络。

The current Web3/Crypto is full of fresh terms that make the new industry more obscure. Consensus algorithms from technology/application, Rollup, Zero Knowledge Certificate, DeFi, NFT, GameFi, DAO, Cross-link Bridges, Prophecy, DID, SBT, to conceptual code punks, sovereign individuals, decentralisation, resistance, lack of permission, combinability, creator economy, distributed governance, value Internet, permanent storage, Code is Law, X-Earn, and a variety of regulatory prohibitions, ideology, scamming, endowing, ineffective and counterintuitive applications that make it hard to understand.


Those who love it say it is the future, no less than a fundamental technological change on the Internet; those who hate it say it is a build-up of concepts, a capital bubble created by venture capital institutions, and a liberal self-recreation.


focuses on details that prevent people from seeing the whole picture. The Internet has just been introduced by a small segment of the public, and no one can imagine future development, with all kinds of innovations, protocols, and products. Ten years later, technology such as the reptiles of search engines, applications such as news portals are newspapers with browser shells, ideas such as how network effects affect social media, may be important, but not the most central logic of the Internet. But by grasping the bottom logic of the Internet , “Unprecedentedly reducing the cost of information flow” , one can see how it will dramatically change society and recognize the movement of wind when search engines, social media, online shopping/paying, smart phones, Internet subscriptions, local services, and algorithms are recommended.


Technological advances are more stacking than jumping, so predicting the future is extremely difficult, especially in the early stages of policy and technology. Web3 is still very early today, and most of the products and services, business models and token models that we are debating will die in the bubble. So, this article does not talk about ZK-Rollup's circuit design, the GameFi is a Tokenomis shell, how collusiveness affects DeFi and so on, but only the most central question: Where is the innovation of Web3? How does it change the world?


Web3是区块链或数字资产相关技术建立起来的Web体系。定义是用来认识结构和机制的,这个定义足够完善,但也同样令人困惑。目前Web3最公认的陈述是:Web1对大多数用户来说是只读的,Web2 允许用户既读又写,Web 3 通过区块链赋予了用户“阅读-写作-拥有”的权力。

Web3 is a web-based system of block chains or technology related to digital assets. The definition is designed to recognize structures and mechanisms. It is sufficiently elaborate, but it is equally confusing. The most widely accepted statement of Web3 is that Web1 is read-only for most users, Web2 allows users to read and write and Web 3 empowers users to “read-write-own” through block chains.


but readable and writeable is the interaction between people and content, while the essence is the social contract relationship. The former is information, the latter is assets, and the two deal with different dimensions, so it is a misalignment to view Web3 simply as a continuation of Web2. Why does /strong use cheap and fast Web2 instead of energy-consuming, expensive and complex Web3?


There is only one reason why an innovation can be introduced to meet new needs of people, or to better meet old needs. It is difficult to explain why someone spends millions of dollars on a picture that everyone can keep with the right key and that is ugly.


Let's go back to where we started, starting with the title of the White Paper: Bitcoin, a point-to-point electronic cash system; and Ether, the next generation of smart contracts and decentralised application platforms. This paper will show that the core innovation of Web3 is in the title of the White Paper: “Token” and “intellectual contracts”.



Institutional economics is a subset of economics, intersecting with political, sociological, or historical science, and studying the role of economics in the socio-economic context. The ability of individuals to satisfy their aspirations alone is limited, and no one on Earth has ever produced a pencil alone.


In modern societies with a sophisticated and complex division of labour, people need to deal and cooperate with countless strangers, organizations, and organizations. Human interaction, especially economic life, depends on trust. Trust is based on order, and maintenance of it depends on rules that prohibit unforeseeable and opportunistic behaviour, which we call “systems”.


The main reason why human society needs institutions is that the limited rationality of humans < strong >, uncertainty of the objective environment, human opportunism. The system allows for predictable behaviour and reduces the cost of coordinating activities in large-scale human collaborations in order to make efficient use of resources. The reason why we can give money earned by dedicated work to bankers who forget appearances at the next second is because they are subject to institutions.


The system of strong has evolved and is not the same as policy. When one finds that there is a better and more efficient system to replace the existing one, there is a potential for institutional change. regulates the relationship between man and man, and the relationship between man and man is a game of social relations in which inconsistency of interests occurs in almost all human activities. The ultimate aim of the parties concerned is to achieve an outcome beneficial to themselves through their choice. While economic processes are treated as a game process, economists view the system not only as a game rule, but as a result of the game . As long as transactions or other economic relations are repeated, the rules are created through progressive evolution or artificially conscious design.


In contrast to law, politics, ethics, culture, and sociology, and even anthropology, institutional economics have different dimensions and perspectives on the system. North defines the system as the rules of the game of a society, a system of economic, social, political and other organizations or institutions in which people form, which determines the framework within which all socio-economic activities and relations are carried out, so that the various social disciplines are intrinsically linked to the system and are a common domain of social science.


Institutional economics is concerned with the creation and evolution of systems that affect the most far-reaching aspects of the human economy. Human rational choices will create and change systems such as property-rights structures, laws, contracts, forms of government and regulation that will provide incentives or create costs and benefits that, in the end, will dominate economic activity and growth for a certain period of time.


The basic theoretical tools of institutional economics are the theory of transaction costs and the theory of property rights.


There are differences between the equity approach, which requires an analysis of individual incentives, and the transaction cost approach, which places individuals within a broader institutional framework, such as allowing companies to be analysed as an organized entity.

1. 产权


Property rights are the acronym of property ownership or property rights, with emphasis on the ultimate control of property ownership by the owner of property. The laws that are used commercially in all countries of the world today are derived from Roman law, the core of which is the concept of property rights. The simplest commodity, such as pencils, is the right that is inseparable from the commodity itself, while complex goods, such as land, forests, businesses, knowledge, ideas, financial products, are the right to control and enjoy them, become something that cannot be dealt with in the simple sale of goods.


Private, community and state ownership essentially cover the scope of property rights. Resources of a different nature are matched by different forms of property rights.


The separability of property rights, as a right of control, can increase the usefulness of assets and allow people with different needs and knowledge to invest a unique asset in the most valuable use they can find. For example, those with entrepreneurial skills but no assets can have easier access to the assets of others in order to maximize the total output of both parties; the huge capital required for major projects and infrastructure can be assembled through a share system, etc. Development trends suggest that, with increased socialization of production, the fragmentation of property rights is a concrete manifestation of the social division of labour in terms of the exercise of property rights.


On the basis of the property rights system, produces other systems, such as enterprise systems, market systems, financial systems, legal systems, political systems, etc. The basis for innovation in modern society’s complex business structures, financial markets, etc. is innovation in the property rights system. Property rights are important variables in institutional change and institutional innovation.

2. 交易费用


The transaction costs are the operating costs of the economic system, which broadly includes the costs of system development, implementation, maintenance, and change costs. In reality, the rules of the system or transaction are varied and each system has transaction costs. For example, the costs of a property rights system are the costs of measuring, defining, preserving and exchanging property rights.


Transaction costs are at the heart of institutional economics, and the theory of transaction costs can be used to study institutional arrangements in human history and reality. In a fully competitive market for neoclassical economics, transaction costs are zero, private property rights are sound, Adam Smith's “invisible hands” can best allocate resources to Pareto, institutions, property rights, laws, norms, etc. In frictioned real economies, many systems are either created to reduce costs or to make it possible for things that were previously impossible to do because they were hampered by high transaction costs.


The measurement of transaction costs is the key and difficult part of the theory and consists of two parts:


In particular, real-life transactions are done through a contract. The contract is a right flow relationship established by the parties to improve their economic situation in the course of a transaction. Any transaction is always carried out either explicitly or implicitly in a certain contractual relationship, and modern economics treats all market transactions as a contractual relationship, whether long-term or short-term, visible or invisible.


The basic function of a contract is to maintain the cooperation of the contracting parties and to encourage the parties to pursue new and more ambitious interests in the context of their commitment and responsibility. That is the nature of the contractual system, in which thousands of different and subtle ownership rights are combined into one great title; where the same ownership is reasonably separated and the division of labour is divided, forming different links in the chain of “owner-operator-user.” During the long process of economic development, transactions between people have evolved and contracts have become more complex.


From a contractual point of view, the transaction costs of a particular transaction should include: the costs of preparing the contract , the costs of entering into the contract , the costs of monitoring and implementing the contract.



An efficient property rights system can shift property rights from inefficient to efficient ones. Applying the theory of transaction costs in the preceding paragraph, achieving a more efficient property rights system requires reducing the costs of measuring, defining, preserving and exchanging property rights:

1. 产权的属性完备:产权属性越完备,产权制度就越有效率

1. Property rights are fully owned : the more fully owned they are, the more efficient the property regime is.

2. 产权的界定明晰:这是市场机制有效发挥作用的前提

2. Clear definition of property rights : This is a prerequisite for the effective functioning of market mechanisms

3. 产权的有效保护:产权保护越好,产权的功能发挥得就越好

3. Effective protection of property rights : The better the protection of property rights, the better the functioning of property rights.

4. 产权的交易成本低:这是产权顺畅交易的基础

4. Low transaction costs of property rights : this is the basis for smooth transactions of property rights


Each advance in a property rights regime is largely dependent on the above-mentioned innovations. Intangible assets, such as patents, the definition of copyright ownership, allow owners of knowledge to derive material benefits from knowledge-sharing; the separation of ownership and business rights, leading to the creation of modern stock companies; and the more efficient the market is with the rule of law and the higher the market in a country. By contrast, ownership of air is difficult to define, and there is a market failure with pollution problems.


Token is the atomic unit of Web3 and is managed jointly by distributed books. Token originated in Bitcoin, where the first attempt to replace the monetary system with technology was clearly declared a failure, and now Bitcoin has become a digital gold. Its failure is foreseeable, because the monetary system is the most complex and fundamental of human economic activity.

在公共基础设施如以太坊上,任何人都可以以极低的成本部署Token。截至写作时间(2022年8月),CoinMarketCap上列出了超过9000个公开交易的Token,这还只是Fungible Tokens的数量。这些FT可以被细分为很多类别,从证券到效用到价值储藏到治理,不同的权利对应现实生活中各种已有产权。

Token can be deployed at very low cost to anyone in a public infrastructure such as the Taiku. By writing time , CoinmarketCap lists more than 9,000 publicly traded Tokens, which is just the number of Fengible Tokens. These FTs can be broken down into many categories, ranging from securities to utility to value storage to governance.


Token’s multiple roles, which seem to be complex, can be any form of economic value or access : stocks, bonds, money, gift cards, credits, club members, identity cards, diplomas, airline tickets, etc. While the lack of a clear definition is common in emerging areas, it does not represent Token’s multiple roles as a mistake, but rather as a reflection of its characteristic of value in the most abstract sense.


Token can be used by anyone to issue any type of asset and access, including new asset classes. Token is a property rights management tool that represents any existing digital or physical asset, or access to another person’s asset. If you agree with the description of the importance of property rights, it should be easy to understand how far-reaching this would have been.


But why does property management have to be Token? Why must it be placed on the block chain? The number of payment treasures is also a proof of property rights, and it is more efficient. It is not enough to invent concepts, and their landing needs to be matched by their application. Token has the central advantage of: cryptography for property rights protection, competitive property innovation, and efficient property flow. And bottom-level property innovation is the cornerstone of complex economic activity, such as contractual innovation .

1. 密码学的产权保护


Only when the context for the protection of property rights is in place can one focus on efficiency and operational issues under the protection of property rights. The complex property rights mechanisms of modern societies, with bottom-level movement dependent on state regulation, have the corresponding rules for the orderly internal structure of the state and the force to enforce rules and compete with other states, i.e. the state has the “violence potential” of comparison with other organisations.


Violence is a resource, in essence, as well as an instrument of violence, such as the army, the police, prisons, and intangible assets such as authority, privilege, monopoly, etc. Violence here is devoid of any pejorative colour, and the system is derived from the evolution of individual checks, and the logic of existing property rights protection is that it is more efficient for the state to assume this function. The resource of State violence is used more effectively to deal with violence, and its function is to produce and sell


There is a tendency in the protective functions of government to emphasize security at the expense of the development of a competitive system’s ability to coordinate and control, at the expense of prosperity. Moreover, the globalization of information and capital has made transnational transactions and collaboration more frequent, at a time when the protection of a single country is often weak, and when geopolitical conflicts have intensified, trade is even more fragmented.


Block chains/Web3 are a new economic infrastructure that, together with the state, is used to coordinate and exchange. It protects the security of property rights by cryptography, starting with fundamental property rights, shifting trust in complex systems from individual organizations to decentralized nodes and verifiable codes. It has unique economic characteristics that make it possible to complement them and, in some cases, to compete directly with existing mechanisms.

2. 竞争的产权创新


Web3 uses technology to ensure non-accessibility, low thresholds, open source and competitiveness, making the underlying Token innovation flourish. “A currency circle of one day, one year,” meant that Token’s growth and decline were much sharper than traditional assets, and this suggests that, in such an open competitive market, new standards, protocols, product generation, and rapid market validation and phase-out are available every day.


For example, on property rights define NFTs that assetize digital information, which cannot be freely exchanged without Tokenization. While the real application is currently only on the head image and digital art that seems to be pure, it is because the current ERC-721 standard does not really open the rights to digital information property rights, leading to the search for applications based on a stoked search for a tweaking economy that can only be found without performance risks and the perceived flaunting of the economy. But new and updated agreements, such as the ERC-4907, which separates the ownership and use of NFTs, are constantly exploring real examples and will be immediately defeated by the market.


For example, the attribute defines the collusiveness of the DeFi agreement. In conjunction with the automatic performance characteristics of the smart contract, as detailed in the following text, the new DeFi application will provide safe access to the existing DeFi application, which is equivalent to the addition of functions and rights by the original Token, which will generate liquidity from other agreements and improve the efficiency of the use of funds.

还比如商业模式上的,各式眼花缭乱的Tokenomics设计。同一个Token可以分出一串权利束,持有ETH即可以支付gas fee,用作和以太坊生态交互的基础货币,又能享受以太坊生态繁荣带来的币价升值,在Merge后还能通过质押享受分红。Token持有者即是客户,又是所有者。将在传统公司制下与业务分割的产权引入业务逻辑,以Token为纽带衔接业务飞轮和金融飞轮,可以在早期激励用户,以加速达到网络效应临界点。虽然有部分模型被诟病为庞氏、死亡螺旋,但此类商业模式的探索是有意义的。

The same Token can divide a set of rights, holding the ETH as a base currency for the interaction with the Taiku ecology, and enjoying the appreciation of the value of the eco-promotion in the Taiku, as well as the dividends of Merge's pledge. Token is the client and owner. The business logic that will be introduced in the traditional company-based property rights, with Token as the link between the business wheels and the financial wheels, can stimulate users at an early stage to accelerate the threshold of the network effect. While some models have been described as Ponzi, the death spiral, it is interesting to explore such business models.



With property rights, the next step is a transaction. Smart contracts are code-based contracts that guarantee automatic execution. The name is preposterous, but smart contracts are not really smart and a bit clumsy, and a bug can lead to an attack on a huge amount of money. Like a vending machine that replaces a salesman, and an AMM that replaces a central exchange, can reduce transaction costs, trust costs, and the risks to people in the process, increase the speed at which assets flow and accelerate price discovery.


algorithms really can replace a contract? goes back to the theory of transaction costs. (information gathering), , costs of monitoring and implementing a contract. Ideals are rich, simple transfers, over-collateral lending, implementation of computer/codes/machine/smart contracts is certainly least costly, but people-to-people economic activities are so complex that the current smart contracts are the most basic credit-lending contracts, employment contracts .


The computational properties of an intelligent contract make it more appropriate to deal with a full contract. But, in reality, contracts involving human capital face higher measured costs of relative material capital, and most contracts are incomplete.


In the full contractual theory, the contractual terms detail the rights and obligations of each contracting party in different circumstances, the allocation of risk, the manner in which the contract is enforced and the final results that the contract can achieve when the future unpredictability of the contractual act occurs. In the incomplete contractual theory, owing to the limited rationality of the individual, the complexity of the external environment, uncertainty, asymmetrical and incomplete information, both the parties to the contract and the arbitrators are aware that the contractual terms are incomplete, and there is a need to coordinate different incentive binding mechanisms to fill gaps in the contract, correct distorted contractual terms and adapt more effectively to unforeseen disturbances.


As the cost of measuring, defining, maintaining and exchanging property rights continues to decrease, not all of the contracts can be mitigated. In economic activities and contracts, there are many “calculations” components, and we used to use human simulations to calculate them.


When the property rights system is sufficiently advanced, whether as a result of technological or institutional advances, the computing system can significantly reduce transaction costs and improve accuracy, replacing the human being as the owner of the contract. The trend is already evident from the complex United States Outsales dispatch system, which brings together riders, merchants, customers, and involves the conclusion and implementation of a number of complex contracts:


A contract is the result of a free choice of the parties, free from interference and coercion. It includes the freedom to enter into a contract, the freedom to choose the parties to enter into it, the freedom to determine the content of the contract, and the freedom to choose the form of the contract. Any third party, including the State that is the legislator and the judiciary, should respect the free agreement of the parties. One of Web3’s main propositions is to defeat the Web2 giants because, while they explicitly provide that freedom, the substantial costs of withdrawing the contract are enormous.


When more and more property rights are made clear and placed on the chain, imagine running on Web3, an out-of-sale dispatch algorithm that does not involve the United States Regiment, or, more broadly, a contractual system in which open competition for the development and maintenance of rules creates fairer and more efficient rules and reduces the tragedy of “sale riders trapped in the system” where the power of such platforms thrives.


With the breakdown and refinement of the property rights system, many components of economic activity, including the repetitive mechanical parts of production and transactions, computational rules and order, may be replaced by machines and smart contracts. The financial system of has advanced property rights, clear computational rules, and high transaction costs.



Logical chains follow, and in the future we may interact, produce, and economic activity-related contracts are drawn up, implemented and monitored on the chain, significantly reducing trade frictions and increasing resource allocation efficiency. Some of Cyberbunks seem to be happy about the future, but it is clear that the current Web3 is not the ideal Web3 as described above, but it is still a mess.


The progress of cannot be based on realityists, idealists of ideas alone, but on idealists of ideas and dreamers of reality. Vitalik is the last human being, and we all know it, but the focus is on solving the problem, and we have a lot of work to do, which also means a lot of business opportunities:



What right, as far as application is concerned, can be expressed by Token? What kind of transaction rules should be designed to reduce Token’s transaction costs? How can ordinary users without programming backgrounds simply create their own smart contracts? How should organizations based on property rights and contracts evolve?



On the issue of economic development, “technical decision” and “institutional decision” are two representative points of view. Neoclassical theory holds that economic growth is largely subject to factor inputs and technological progress, and that the system is merely subject to passivity or lag; and institutional economists believe that the most fundamental factor is institutional progress, which is the efficient organization of the economy and the appropriate incentive system arrangements that have led to the emergence of the Western world and the eruption of the industrial revolution.


It is very difficult to separate systems and technologies from each other. The relationship between them is actually between you and me. The two so-called decisions are ultimately linked to costs, which can be analysed for socio-economic development performance.


While the Internet is more innovative in information technology, it also brings with it a more flat and borderless form of organization. While the entire article is thinking about the logic of Web3 from a systemic perspective, technological advances are also quite important. Moreover, analysis of more complex systems, such as organization, cooperation, business, and even national theory, has an opportunity to re-open after space constraints.






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