鲁伟鼎正式接棒万向集团 将继续“奋斗十年添个零”

资讯 2024-07-04 阅读:65 评论:0
  10月25日,万向创始人、董事局主席鲁冠球同志因病逝世。几天来,万向员工化悲痛为力量,各项工作平稳有序开展。On October 25, the founder and chairman of the Board of Dir...



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On October 25, the founder and chairman of the Board of Directors, Comrade Luconball, died of his illness. In the past few days, the staff have lost their strength and the work has been carried out in a smooth and orderly manner.


Just now, our reporter has learned from the group: In recent days, the committee of its superiors has appointed Comrade Lu Weiven to be the secretary of the group party of the Communist Party of China (CCP) and the Communist Party of China (CCP). Journalists have learned from the business registers that the legal representative of the group of companies has been changed from a champion to a champion of the company.


On 3 November, a special meeting was held with the Board of Directors of the Group. On the basis of the elections to the Board of Directors of the Group, it was unanimously adopted as the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Group, who is the legal representative of the Group of People.


It was decided that the title of the President of the Board of Directors of the Group would be retained permanently as a title and as a tribute to the founder, Comrade Crownball.


It was decided that he would serve as Senior Executive Vice-President of the Group and Chen Jun as Vice-President of the Group.


The special session stressed that the Van Dynasty Group would continue to make steady progress in business along a strategy that had been developed by the Lucunball Comrades in their lives, and that it would continue to do so in a way that was reasonable, time-bound and new, with a spirit of & ldquo; a ten-year struggle to add zero to & rdquao.



The ten-way map of gold after the crown ball: the rarest financial license plate is missing only one.


Of the most scarce financial plates for silver, certificates, bonds, foundations, letters, leases and futures, only one is missing.


Quanjiang, Yunzezi Province.


On 25 October, the legendary merchant & mdash; & mdash; Zhejiang Man died with the crown ball of Lu, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Group and Secretary of the Party Committee.


& ldquo; then I started my business with my father and now have some development, which is totally inseparable from the education and spiritual salivation that was given to me. & rdquo;


Xu Kwok-wok still remembers the teachings of the crown ball a few decades ago, & & ldquo; one day to do something real, one month to do something new, one year to do something big, one lifetime to do something meaningful & & rdquao;


Several people close to the Vientiane Group have revealed that Lu Weiwen, the son of the Rocking Ball, has long since taken the helm of the Group.


At the age of 23, Lu Weiwen became the CEO of the Group, and after having taken over the Group, Lu Weiwei’s achievements in capital operations have been widely recognized as exceeding those of his father. He has been evaluated by a number of merchants as being of little interest, enthusiasm, and responsibility. At the same time, Lu Wei Bing is also President of the Zhejiang Youth League of the Shanghai Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce, helping more young traders to grow up.


A businessman told the 21st century economic reporter that Lu Wei Ding is not just a rich generation, but a successful generation, led by him, to achieve results in terms of big data and block chain technology that are already at the cutting edge of the financial science and technology field.




Lu Wei Ding is leading the financial portfolio.


A man familiar with the group’s economic reporting for the twenty-first century said that, with Lu Wei’s success, it could be expected that the strategy for investing abroad would change. Unlike his father’s champion, who started the business, Lu Wei Bing is more committed to expanding the gold map.


In the past year, thousands of companies under the flag have been told about the decline in the shares of Heideed, China, and Airfarers. While the announcement explained to the group that the strategic direction of the company was based on “ the operating funds arrangements of the company & & rdquo; it was not difficult to see a shift in the strategic direction of the company.


Of the most scarce financial plates for silver, certificates, bonds, foundations, letters, leases and futures, only one is missing.


With regard to banks, in 2004 the Bank of Zimmers opened with a registered capital of RMB 1.5 billion, “ HDRs & & rdquo; 10.34% of total equity. The Bank of Zimmers reported in mid-2017 that, by the first half of 2017, the Bank's total assets amounted to RMB 1.45 trillion, and stockholdings had declined, of which 3.03% were held in controlled holdings and 4.47% were held in living assets.


He also co-sponsored one of the first private banks in 2014, holding 18% of the shares. In addition, he indirectly held the shares of DeLulu by holding the shares.


In terms of insurance, there are 37.32% of controlled holdings, 17.59% of union capital, 54.91% of all holdings, and the number one shareholder, Lu Weiven, who is the head of the board of directors for the life of the people. According to the Annual Report on Life of the People, at the end of 2016, the total assets of the population were more than $77.1 billion, while at the same time, the group held control of the American Horton Insurance Brokering Company.


In the case of the Fund, it was introduced in 2010 and then increased in ownership through the life of the people, with the holding of the Fund, and the Vice-Chairman of the Group, Shao Feng, served as the Chairman of the Fund.


In the case of trust licences, in 2003 the sum of 200 million yuan was allocated as the second largest shareholder of the Zhejiang Province Business Trust, and in 2007 the Replenishment became the first shareholder and was successfully renamed & ldquo; & & rdquo;


Leases are the first financial license plate to be taken from each bank and were set up as early as 1996.


With regard to third-party payments, in 2008 the sum of & ldquao was co-financed by institutions such as the Holdings and the Shanghai International Group; the Union pays & & rdquao; and, in addition, the sum is also entitled to financial license plates such as small loans, pawns, factoring, etc.


New Financial Expedition: Block Chain Passor


If not the fastest movement in the traditional financial sector, there is no doubt that in the new financial sphere there is a rush. Behind the rapid expansion of the new financial landscape, there is no room for the support of former fundraisers.


After leaving Bo when the Fund entered the landscape, traditional financial integration with the Internet became one of its main areas of focus, with the chain of blocks at its centre. In doing so, it also became an earlier business in the domestic industrial and financial sectors involved in the chain of blocks.


On 22 February 2017, it was announced to the public that the Shanghai 10,000-to-block chain company had been established, and Shaw Fung was the president and general manager of the company. According to business information, the company was registered on 11 January 2017 and had a registered capital of 100 million yuan.


Huanhuan began researching the block chain in 2014, set up a block chain laboratory in 2015, set up a $50 million-distributed capital fund investment block chain start-up company, and set up a 10,000-to-block business innovation advisory service and a 10,000-to-block platform, BaaS, in 2016.


In September 2016, at the second Global Block Chain Summit, Shao Feng announced that it would invest in 200 billion block-chain application projects & mdash; & mdash; and 10,000-way innovative energy centres. It would be located on the south bank of Xiaoshan, Hangzhou, with nearly 10 square kilometres planned, with new-energy automobiles as its core industry, to build an eco-city that lives, works, and learns. (Source: Economic Report for the 21st Century)




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