
资讯 2024-06-21 阅读:102 评论:0



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The journalist survey found that, with the rise of virtual money, some of the fraud syndicates began to use virtual money to transfer and launder stolen money. To hide their identities, criminals often use money-laundering techniques called “run-down”: using Internet platforms to widely disseminate part-time information to recruit social workers, to buy and sell virtual money through trading platforms and, finally, to hand over the wallet address of the running points to a part-time group of students.

赵乃育 绘

Chiu Nai Chiu.


Virtual currency as a cross-border money-laundering route


In October of last year, the security organs of Nanan, in Fujian Quan city, uncovered a local settlement, committed a “pork-killing” fraud against persons outside the country, and captured 12 suspects. The criminal group used dating software to attract foreign users to invest in platforms set up by fraud syndicates for a sum of tens of millions of yuan.


Unlike previous transfers of stolen funds through bank card layers, fraudulent groups use the virtual currency “Tedaco” to launder money.


“The money that the victim hits a false investment platform is usually in foreign currency, and the fraud syndicate uses the stolen money for the purchase of a virtual currency, which is then traded in private, converted into a renminbi, and money-laundering is completed.” The police officer of the Public Security and Criminal Investigation Brigade of the city of South Ann, Huang Guofeng, said.


“The current telecommunication network fraud syndicates are increasingly using virtual currency.” Journalists interviewed public security organs in Fujian Quan, Chenzhou and Fuzhou, among others.


In recent years, the public security organs have launched a “card break” operation to combat the use of money-laundering, which involves the purchase and sale of other persons' bank cards and the payment by third parties of transfers of stolen funds at the bottom of their accounts. Virtual currency has been used by a growing number of fraud syndicates because of features such as inquiries, difficulties in freezing and point-to-point transactions.


“More than 80 per cent of the telecommunication network fraud is currently characterized by cross-border movements, a number of the fraud syndicates are based abroad, fraud against the domestic population, and in recent years there have been back-to-back fraudsters setting up inside the country, targeting out-of-country fraud, and virtual currency facilitates the cross-border transfer of stolen funds by the fraud syndicates.” According to Quanzhou City Public Security Bureau, Deputy Chief of the Criminal Investigation Branch, Qiu Jun.


The journalist survey found, on the one hand, that the virtual money wallet address is presented as a string of characters and numbers that can be sent point-to-point, with the characteristics of anonymity, difficulty in tracing, ease of dealing, etc., and, on the other hand, that while our country explicitly prohibits the financing and exchange of tokens, it has been used as a tool for money-laundering by criminal groups because many other countries and regions have acquiesced in virtual currency circulation, which allows the free exchange of virtual currency with global currency and facilitates the laundering of funds across borders.


In recent years, several cases of money-laundering in virtual currency have been solved in the country, but there has been an increase in the number of cases. According to the Ministry of Public Security, in 2021, in response to the new channels for money-laundering in virtual currency, 259 cases were opened by public security organs throughout the country, with the value of virtual money collected in excess of 11 billion yuan.

诈骗真凶藏匿背后 “跑分平台”交易套现

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The journalists' investigation found that, according to cases uncovered by the public security authorities, the use of virtual currency money-laundering by telecommunication network fraud syndicates is broadly divided into three stages, starting with the use of fraudulent money by criminals for the purchase of virtual currency, followed by multiple transactions using the anonymity of virtual currency, and ending with the “cleaning” of virtual currency in foreign exchanges or private transactions within the country and the completion of money-laundering operations.


In this process, criminals often use a money-laundering technique called “run points” in order to hide their identity. Public security organs state that “run points” means that a fraud syndicate recruits social workers to provide their own bank cards, payment of treasures, etc. to make money transfers and avoid the public security authorities from following up on the flow of funds.


“Tedan currency is stable in value, with no regulatory restrictions on the use of the Tedar currency, and access is never frozen, and it is safe and secure for a point-to-point transaction between an individual and an individual.” A runner cited the advantages of the money-laundering model.


How do criminals find runners and how do they use these “white gloves” to clean their money? A journalist survey found that such black ash products form a more complete chain on the Internet.


First, criminals use Internet platforms to widely disseminate part-time information and attract people to participate. In social media, a number of people sell and sell information in Thai currency. Journalists follow the line into an “OTC out-of-the-counter” group of buyers and sellers, all of whom say that they have “black money” in their hands, thus making it difficult to buy virtual currency directly on the exchange.


In an encrypted chat software called the Seagull, the journalist found a Tydalcon runner, who pulled the journalist into a platform called “Tian Ma Run” and gave guidance on how to do a part-time job. In general, participants needed to buy Thai coins at the Virtual Currency Exchange, and then took to the wallet address of the branch platform, which used a sort of contract-jacking mechanism, with users receiving 1.2% to 1.8% of the commission. After a series of processes had ended, the renminbi in the hands of criminals had been converted into tadaco.


In addition, there are some “run-in-caravans” dealing privately to complete money-laundering. Their processes are very similar — part-timers use their identity to buy virtual currency and then withdraw their wallets to blocks, and “run-in-carryers” calculate the principal and commission, transfer the renminbi to part-time bank or pay the treasure account, which then inserts the virtual currency into the designated wallet address. As a result of bypassing the platform, similar transaction commissions are attractive, generally at 10-15 per cent.


“As a result of the anonymity of the block chain wallets, only part-time buyers of virtual currency are actually left visible in the entire process, avoiding positive contact with black ash producers in order to avoid supervision.” One industry source stated that participation in such runs required experience in accessing the Internet abroad and trading virtual money, with the participation of student groups.


In recent years, several virtual money breakout platforms have been destroyed as a result of investigations conducted by the public security services. In 2020, the Guangdong State police investigated the country’s first case of the new Thai dollar run-off platform, amounting to 120 million yuan. Since then, the virtual money breakout platform, which provides illegal payment settlements for online gambling websites, has been combated everywhere.


multi-pronged management of virtual currency money laundering


In September 2021, 10 ministries and departments, including the People's Bank of China, issued circulars strictly prohibiting and outlawing virtual money-related operations, as a result of the rise in activities related to virtual currency transactions, disrupting the economic and financial order, fostering gambling, illegal fund-raising, fraud, distribution and money-laundering, among other criminal activities, and endangering the security of people's property.


On 14 April, the Director-General of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Ministry of Public Security, Liu Chung Yi, stated at a press conference organized by the new State, that traditional tripartite payments and money-laundering against public accounts had decreased from the point of view of the money channel, and that the use of running points and digital money-laundering was most dangerous, particularly the use of tedar currency.


Journalists interviewed a number of public security agencies in various parts of the country and learned that the new regulations, whereby money-laundering was transferred to more hidden private transactions, created some difficulties for police inquiries and that the emerging area of money-laundering needed to be combated more vigorously.


“In recent years, the public security organs have continued to increase their control over telecommunication network fraud `fund flows', maintain a strong stance against money-laundering offences, and seize and freeze a collection of virtual currency involved in the crime, in accordance with the law.” Public Security Police in Quanzhou, Quanzhou, Quanzhou, etc. informed journalists.


In recent years, journalists have learned that public security agencies have increased their collaboration with virtual money exchanges, banks, and third-party payment platforms, using large data tools to detect unusual suspicious account information in a timely manner, and to increase their accuracy, traceability and suppression. The public security authorities have suggested that exchanges and Internet platforms have access to a large amount of user funds and communication data, so that they can build a better model of analysis based on platform data and identify risks in a timely manner.


Journalists have found that virtual currency runs, such as “Tedaco” and sales, can be seen in social media, short video platforms, and part-time websites, and that some encryption chat software has become a clearing house for such criminal activities. In addition, there are software developers who openly sell virtual currency runs on the Internet and provide a variety of tailor-made functions for upstream black industry practitioners. A number of grass-roots public security police have suggested that cyberspace remediation should be further strengthened, with the elimination of harmful information, and that the education sector should be strengthened with a view to improving its ability to distinguish and protect against school students who are compelled to operate.


The Public Security Civil Police warned that, in the case of virtual currency runs, participants would be suspected, even in the absence of prior complicity with predicate criminals, of aiding information network activities, money-laundering, concealing illegal proceeds, opening casinos, fraud, illegal operations, etc., not being “low-risk, high-profits” for the purposes of the Internet, and that some groups with a low level of awareness of the rule of law and a low-cost desire for “part-time earnings” should be vigilant.




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