
资讯 2024-06-29 阅读:66 评论:0
原标题:峭壁边缘的比特币   过去一年,比特币的信徒们用尽浑身解数,让全世界都注意到了他们的存在。与此同时,比特币的创富传奇不胫而走,激进的市场行情让部分信徒产生了虚妄的幻想,他们认为,对传统秩序的挑战已经取得了阶段性的成果,非主权货...



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In the past year, Bitcoin’s followers have done everything they can to make the world aware of their existence. At the same time, Bitcoin’s legends of wealth have gone unheeded, and radical market behavior has created false illusions among some believers that the challenge to the traditional order has reached a stage-by-stage outcome, and that the bright future of non-sovereign currencies is accelerating.


But the power of the game was never lost, and the Central Bank of China pushed Bitcoin to the corner of the boxing boxer by a mere closed discussion.


Following the ban on financial institutions from trading in bitcoin, the central bank re-engaged against bitcoin. A week ago, the Central Bank Payments Division called on more than 10 payment agencies to demand that payment agencies not provide services to the Bitcoin platform and that the participating payers take a stand.


This bruising has directly cut off the “living water” of the Bitcoin market. “All business partners have cut off their cooperation with us.” Bitcoin, the world’s largest trading platform for bitcoin, felt the seriousness of the problem on almost the same day as the symposium.


Bitcoin China wants to increase transaction costs and slow down the impact of this situation on the Bitcoin market. But this has not prevented Bitcoin prices from falling fast.


Ling was confused about the central bank's attitude, and he hoped that the central bank would have a formal document identifying its regulatory intentions, and that all he could do was wait.


“We are actively communicating with the central bank, and we will never challenge the government, nor will we be a think tank.” The co-founder of the gunnet network, Dou, has taken a more proactive approach, telling him that the gunnet has reached out to the relevant departments of the central bank through academic and educational institutions close to the central bank, and he has even submitted a bill to regulate the Bitcoin platform, helping the central bank to come up with ideas that would enable the central bank to designate a legal payment interface.


This situation is exactly what central banks would like to see most. “Go ahead,” with stricter regulatory measures, giving Bitcoin a fatal blow; and “retrench”, with quiet changes, and with a voice in the Bitcoin world based on control of systemic risks.

  而站在悬崖边上的比特币别无选择, 妥协已成为唯一的生机。

And bitcoin on the edge of the cliff had no choice, compromise was the only chance of survival.


The real purpose of the central bank is


Before that, Bitcoin’s players were more optimistic than they thought. On December 5, the Central Bank and five other ministries issued a joint Notice on Protection against Bitcoin Risk (hereinafter referred to as the Notice), which made it clear that Bitcoin did not have the same legal status as a currency, could not and should not be used as a currency in the market, that ordinary people had the freedom to participate at their own risk, and that financial institutions and payment agencies should not use Bitcoin as a price for their products or services.


In the world of Bitcoin, it has been interpreted as profitable. In the view of the senior Bitcoin player, Song Qingping, the central bank, while not recognizing Bitcoin as a currency, admitted that Bitcoin’s transactions were not illegal, which was enough for all participants.


In his view, the Bank’s previous Circular showed that the legitimacy of self-inflicted transactions was clear.2 The legitimacy of the web platform that was registered with the Ministry of Industry and Communications3 was clarified, and that the platform was subject to anti-money-laundering control by the Central Bank.


But on December 16, the central bank convened a meeting of the paying agencies to shut down the payment interface on the Bitcoin platform in a window-directed manner. Participants in the Bitcoin transaction were somewhat confused.


A central banker who took part in the central bank talks described his understanding of the central bank’s intentions with regard to the book. “The purpose of the central bank meeting was to unify understanding, preserve the monetary system and financial stability, and protect consumers’ rights.” He said that that day the central bank’s demand for a statement from the paying agencies participating in the meeting had made the atmosphere of the “seminars” strange.

  该人士指出,目前央行担心比特币洗钱风险大,不允许将比特币引入到金融交易中,即金融机构和支付机构不能参与和提供服务,央行随时会依据 《通知》进行风险提示。显然,此前懵懂的市场参与者,这一次真正明确了央行的态度和形势的严峻。

According to this source, the central bank is currently concerned about the risk of money-laundering in bitcoin, it is not allowed to introduce bitcoin into financial transactions, i.e. financial institutions and payment agencies are unable to participate in and provide services, and the central bank will always use the circular as a basis for risk alerts. Clearly, this time, the market participants, who understood it, truly clarified the central bank’s attitude and the seriousness of the situation.


This time, the central bank's “risk alert” to the paying agency was powerful, with the price of Bitcoin falling continuously, and on December 18, the price of Bitcoin fell to 2400 yuan, and on December 16, the price of Bitcoin was more than 4,000 yuan. Until December 22, the price of Bitcoin remained at 3,500 yuan and did not return to its previous height.


Reconstruct and collapse of faith


Bitcoin’s followers have always believed in putting money and faith into a mathematical framework that can no longer be disturbed by politics and human weakness. That's like no one can defeat logic, because to defeat logic, you have to use logic.


The famous Bitcoin investor, Li Jin, in his book Bitcoin, with friends, argued that “it would be a currency, not a revolutionary idea, or a whole set of trade ecology and architecture, which would obviously be a little bitcoin”.


They are convinced that mathematics is more reliable than human beings, and that bitcoin will be accepted by the mainstream society in the future as a currency in circulation, or even an international reserve currency. But everyone knows that this process means a long-term game with the traditional monetary order.


Unfortunately, despite the growing number of followers of Bitcoin and the rapid rise in market prices, it has not been possible to achieve a clear success in the academic debate, to prove that bitcoin exists in real terms and will certainly be the choice for the future.


In May 2013, at the annual shareholders'meeting of Birkhshiel Hassaway, investors asked Biffit, Bill Gates and Manger about Bitcoin, who was evaluated by Bill Gates as a technical masterpiece; Mangbitcon, whose nose was scorned and called it a rat drug; and Buffett, whose answer was ambiguous: “I don't know bitcoin, but I know that there is only one right of them.”


What is even more worrying is that, in the face of traditional order, Bitcoin does not even have the leverage to play. The central bank has only moved its little finger this time, but it is enough to scare the world of Bitcoin into a cold sweat.


Senior player Song Qingping admits that Bitcoin’s market is actually a policy market. Although he still believes that the future status of Bitcoin as a non-sovereign currency will make it a big deal, now Bitcoin still has unbreakable shackles, which lie on the path to bitcoin becoming a butterfly.


Bitcoin China is now very frustrated. Before December 16, they were the world’s largest bitcoin trading platform, but one night, the throne quickly took over. With the loss of the payment interface, the trading platform could only stop charging.


At present, Bitcoin China continues to provide liquidity, but without inflow of funds, the platform can be maintained until such time as no one can estimate it.


Because of the transaction fees levied by Bitcoin, traders were pushed directly to a network of coins that promised a permanent exemption from the fees, which could become the largest trading platform for bitcoins in China.


The news does not at all cheer up the gunnet, nor is it better than the bitcoin China. Today, the coinnet’s bitcoins are refilled, and their withdrawals return to the traditional way of sending money.


In a recent article, he compares bitcoin to “climbing of talent.” The old man is not the only one, the re-construct and collapse of faith, which occurs every day in the world of bitcoin, and its internal instability, which is why bitcoin is easily influenced by foreign forces, because the ultimate question is: how much is bitcoin? No one can answer.


Bitcoin's Self-Repair


It is too late to think about the future, and now the most important thing for Bitcoin's participants is the problem at hand.


Ling chose to wait for news, hoping that the central bank would know more about Bitcoin and give Bitcoin a space for development. And Doudu was obviously more proactive, and he chose to communicate with the central bank.


“Not only the Payments Division, central bank supervision of Bitcoin, but a series of joint sector supervisions, we are communicating with the central bank through various channels.” Dudhu points out that his business is not about challenging the government, and that he wants to be endorsed by the central bank as a think tank for the central bank to manage the industry.


He pointed out that central banks did not convene a full number of payment agencies, and that there were still small payment agencies that were not guided by the window. But the gunnets did not go to work with uninvited payment agencies, because they did not want to counter the central bank’s intentions or challenge its authority, and they respected the central bank’s current practice, even though the current way of sending remittances was cumbersome.


Now that the network has submitted a partial regulatory draft to the central bank, Douwen hopes to reach a consensus with the central bank to obtain a uniform legal payment interface.


In fact, Dhu is not alone, and Senior Bitcoin investor Li Yong is doing the same. He will regularly submit industry data to the central bank to help it understand the industry’s current situation.


With the exception of central bank supervision, Dou argues that industry self-regulation is also a very important aspect. In late November, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland signed an alliance between the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.


Both of them indicated that the scheme had not changed and that it was likely that the alliance would be announced by the end of December, and that self-regulation by industry associations could be an important complement to official regulation.


But this is compounded by the fact that official websites became inaccessible following the central bank’s closure of the Bitcoin platform’s payment channels. For some time, it was perceived as retaliatory action by Bitcoin investors.


However, Doo-duk is likely to bury the efforts of Li Jin and others. According to his many years of IT experience, no hackers in the country dare to attack the central bank’s website, the central bank has enough technical means to identify hackers, and since the central bank is not blamed on Bitcoin investors, it is almost certain that the matter has nothing to do with domestic hackers.

  这一插曲并没有招致央行进一步的行动,而比特币世界的妥协,是央行期望看到的结果。在博弈的第一回合,中国央行毫无悬念地胜出。但这次出手,使得中国的比特币市场命悬一线,而境外主权国家对比特币的暧昧态度,又令中国央行不敢掉以轻心。博弈的第二回合已经开始,央行先手,央行接下的一步棋,将决定比特币在中国未来的命运。(腾讯财经 闫铮 发自北京)

This episode did not trigger further action by the central bank, which was expected to see as a result of the Bitcoin compromise. In the first round of the game, the central bank of China won without hesitation.




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