
资讯 2024-07-10 阅读:109 评论:0
《中国经济周刊》 记者 张燕Chinese Economic Weekly, journalist Jang Yin.“投资,岂止股票这么简单。” 过去两年多的时间里,写着这句广告词的绿色海报曾经遍布...



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《中国经济周刊》 记者 张燕

Chinese Economic Weekly, journalist Jang Yin.

“投资,岂止股票这么简单。” 过去两年多的时间里,写着这句广告词的绿色海报曾经遍布香港知名建筑的外墙、地铁站和公交车身上。海报中所呈现的JPEX自称是“一间持牌,并受认可的数字资产、虚拟货币平台”。除了本身的加密货币JPC之外,JPEX还提供多种加密货币理财产品,宣称收益率高达20%。

“Investment is as simple as the stock.” For more than two years, the green poster with this ad ad was on Hong Kong’s well-known exterior walls, subway stations, and buses. The poster presented JPX as “a licensed digital asset, a virtual money platform.” In addition to its own encrypted currency, JPEX also provided a variety of encrypted monetary property items, claiming a return of up to 20 per cent.


This is a virtual asset-trading platform that has recently been described by Hong Kong’s Assistant Commissioner of Police (Criminal Service) as one of Hong Kong’s most victims and the most costly frauds in recent years. According to the latest information released by the Hong Kong Police, a total of 2,528 people were reported as at 5 October, amounting to HK$ 1,557 million, and 26 people were arrested.


unlicensed, suspected fraud,


how the web-based red platform is

就在一个月前,香港证监会突然点名JPEX,指出该平台涉嫌作出虚假及具误导性陈述和无牌活动。这也是自香港发布加密新规后,首个遭到红牌警告的虚拟资产交易所。在被点名后,JEPX声明称其“遭到了香港证监会的不公平打压”,但与此同时,有用户发现JPEX限制单次提现额度最高为1000 USDT(美元稳定币),并且每提取1000 USDT,用户需要支付高达999 USDT的手续费。不仅如此,链上数据显示,9月12日至21日,JPEX共转出5种加密货币,市值达到1.6799亿港元,明显做好了“跑路”的准备。

Just a month ago, the Hong Kong CSRC suddenly named JPEX, pointing out that the platform was suspected of making false and misleading statements and unlicensed activities. This was also the first virtual asset exchange to be warned of red cards since Hong Kong issued its new encryption code. After being named, JPX declared that it was “unfairly pressurized by the Hong Kong CSRC.” At the same time, users found that JPEX restricted the amount of single withdrawals to up to 1000 USDTs (US dollar-stabilized coins) and that for every 1000 USDTs, users had to pay up to 999 USDT charges.

在平台的介绍资料中,JEPX曾称其运营总部在迪拜,已经取得了加拿大MSB Fintrac牌照、澳大利亚ASIC许可的业务,以及美国FinCEN颁发的MSB金融牌照。但据香港媒体调查后发现,JPEX各地注册疑为“人头”登记,多个注册地实际负责人、办公地点始终未公开。

In the Platform’s presentation, JEPX stated that it had its operating headquarters in Dubai, that it had acquired Canadian MSB Fintrac licence plates, Australian ASIC licences, and US FinCEN’s MSB financial license plates. However, according to a survey of Hong Kong media, JPX registered suspected “heads” everywhere, and that the physical owners and offices of multiple registered locations remained undisclosed.


In early 2022, JPEX produced a large number of posters stating that it would launch a VISA cooperation card in the fourth quarter, warning lawyers that it would be discovered by VISA. In the advertising campaign, several references to the “Japan's Encrypted Currency Exchange” were used to confuse the public with Japan's famous exchange, JPX.


In order to recruit more users, the platform recruits partners with a high commission and returns up to HK$ 700,000 per month. After attracting a large amount of traffic, JPEX also introduced a series of “crazy games” that are extremely risky but highly attractive to promise returns. For example, in the 45-second contract war, users can predict price trends by taking notes and choosing “PUMP” or “DUMP” within 45 seconds, depending on the price volatility line of the market.


According to the Senior Police Officer Kong Kyung-hoon of the Commercial Crimes Investigation Section, the Hong Kong Police found during the investigation that JPEX required investors to provide private keys to encrypted currency, in effect allowing JPEX to control the user's assets, which amounts to placing his property in the wallet of another person.


According to Shao Xin, a senior partner of the Beijing law firm, China Economics Weekly, it is likely that JPX will be a large pool of funds from the current public sources. Under the law of the interior, its methods and methods of operation may be suspected of organizing distribution, casinos, fund-raising fraud, etc.


It is worth noting that, as early as July 2022, in a regularly updated “list of unlicensed companies and suspicious websites” by the Hong Kong SEC Network, JPEX was placed in the “other” category of the list by the regulator. Since JPEX was already on the Council’s watch, why did it take more than a year to take concrete action?


In December 2022, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region adopted amendments to the anti-money laundering regulations and placed the provision of a virtual asset trading platform service provider under the supervision of the Hong Kong Securities Commission. It was only in June this year that Hong Kong formally introduced the virtual asset licensing system to further clarify the regulation of the virtual asset trading platform.


Will the virtual asset


Behind the publicity campaign in Hong Kong is the positive attitude of the HKSAR government toward virtual assets. More than once in the past year, Hong Kong has demonstrated its vision of becoming a global digital financial centre, thereby maintaining financial competitiveness in the international arena.


In October last year, the Hong Kong Virtual Asset Development Policy Declaration (hereinafter referred to as the Policy Declaration) was officially released to the public, stating that the plan was to make Hong Kong an international virtual asset centre.


At that time, the Director of Finance of the HKSAR Government, Chen Mau Bo, stated that, against the background of repeated explosion of the virtual asset exchange, Hong Kong had become the best position for high-quality virtual asset businesses and was confident that Hong Kong would soon develop a vibrant virtual asset biosphere.


This outbreak of JPEX undoubtedly casts a shadow over the development of a thriving virtual asset market in Hong Kong. Will Hong Kong’s attitude toward virtual assets change?


In an interview with the media, the Chief Executive Officer of the Hong Kong Censorship Commission, Liang Feng Yi, stated that this event allowed regulators to strengthen their regulation of virtual asset activities more comprehensively, reflecting the importance of regulation in driving industry development.

“现时已经有很多保障措施确保投资者,不会因为出现怀疑违法行为,就改变香港已经公布的虚拟资产发展政策。” 梁凤仪强调,制定虚拟资产监管规定的初心,是为了提供一个受监管的渠道,让投资者的资产受到隔离保护。其他金融产品亦无法完全排除诈骗,最重要的是有机制让投资者安心,未来会加强讯息传播和投资者教育,期望推动行业向前发展。

“There are already a lot of safeguards to ensure that investors do not change the virtual asset development policies that Hong Kong has already announced because of suspected irregularities.” Liang Fung Yi stressed that the original intention of introducing virtual asset regulation is to provide a regulated channel for the isolated protection of investors' assets. Other financial products cannot completely exclude fraud, and most importantly, mechanisms to reassure investors that in the future they will enhance information dissemination and investor education, with the expectation that the industry will move forward.


The Hong Kong Association for Digital Asset Holdings issued a statement on 29 September stating that, although the JPEX incident demonstrated the risks and consequences of inappropriate, or even fraudulent, non-regulatory virtual asset platforms, it should not affect Hong Kong's overall planning and road map for virtual assets and Web3 ecosystem development.


The President of the Hong Kong Digital Asset Holdings Association, for his part, stated that the JPEX event served as a reminder of the need to create a virtual asset and Web3 ecosystem health development, ensure the integrity of the virtual asset platform, and protect market participants and invest in a robust regulatory environment for the public. At the same time, the risks posed by non-regulated virtual asset platforms, including potential fraud, were clearly demonstrated.


How to optimize the regulation of virtual assets in the future?


For Hong Kong, which is actively developing virtual asset ecology, JPEX's thunderbolt has undoubtedly sounded a wake-up call.

“此次事件反映了三个重要性,第一是监管的重要性;第二是必须投资在受监管、有牌的交易平台的重要性;第三是个人对虚拟资产认识及风险的重要性。” 香港特区行政长官李家超日前在会见媒体时表示了其对JPEX事件的关注。

“The event reflected three important aspects, the first of which was the importance of regulation; the second was the importance of investments in regulated and licensed trading platforms; and the third was the importance of personal awareness of virtual assets and risk.” The Chief Executive of the HKSAR, Lee, expressed his concern about the JPEX incident during his recent meeting with the media.


The journalist was informed that, following the explosion, the HKSAR Government has set up a task force to strengthen the monitoring of the Virtual Asset Trading Platform. The task force is composed of representatives of the Police Commercial Crimes Investigation Section, Cybersecurity and Science and Technology Crimes Investigation Section, the Wealth Intelligence and Investigation Section, and the Enforcement Department of the Statutes and Intermediaries of the Hong Kong Censorship Commission. In addition, the CVM has optimized the disclosure of information and made public the list of four virtual asset platforms: a list of licensed platforms, a list of closed platforms, a list of licensed platforms, and a list of applicants.


On 9 October, at a meeting of the Financial and Economic Affairs Committee of the Hong Kong Legislative Council, the regulation of the Virtual Asset Trading Platform was included in the provisional agenda. The Chinese Weekly Journal of the Economy was informed by the Legislative Council's day-to-day meeting documents that the members of the Council had questioned possible gaps in the existing regulatory regime and asked whether separate arrangements would be required for licensed virtual asset service providers to safeguard the assets of their clients.


In response, the CVM stated at its meeting that virtual asset platform holders are required to insure their clients’ assets and make appropriate arrangements for their assets.


Indeed, following the launch of the Policy Declaration, a series of regulatory programs have been put in place, and in January this year the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKAC) stated that it intended to include a stable currency in its regulatory scope, and that future key activities related to the stabilization of the currency in Hong Kong would be subject to licensing. The Virtual Asset Exchange Platform, which came into effect on 1 June this year, requires that all centralized virtual asset trading platforms operating in Hong Kong or actively promoting to Hong Kong investors will be licensed by the Hong Kong Censorship Board.


According to the Chinese Economic Weekly reporter, Hong Kong's licensing system for the operators of virtual asset trading platforms is in fact a “double-licensing” system. First, under the existing system under the Securities and Futures Regulations, a licence is applied for for a “securitization-type” transaction conducted by a virtual asset trading platform; and second, a licence for a “non-securit-type” transaction conducted by a virtual asset trading platform under the Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing System (Revised) Regulations 2022, which came into force on 1 June.

根据香港证监会公布的名单,目前全港只有OSL Exchange和HashKey Exchange两家平台持有“双牌照”。此外,还有4家虚拟交易平台已经提交了牌照申请。而根据此前的规定,今年6月1日前已在香港运营的虚拟资产交易平台,在未取得牌照前,则拥有一年过渡期。

According to a list published by the Hong Kong CVM, only two platforms, OSL Exchange and HashKey Exchange, now hold a “double licence plate.” In addition, four virtual trading platforms have submitted license applications.


In other words, by June of next year, these virtual trading platforms could continue to operate even without a license plate, which has to raise concerns as to whether the JPEX incident will be repeated.


In response, Huang Xin responded that, regardless of the transition period, violations occurred and that arrangements were made to have a reasonable time to prepare a license plate for a trading platform already operating in the port, to improve surveillance and to comply with regulatory rules.


(This paper is published in Chinese Economic Weekly, No. 19, 2023)




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