以太坊浏览器可以查询所有基于以太坊的TOKEN信息,以及查询所有的 以太坊账户地址情况。目前市面上有好几家以太坊区块浏览器,大家可以依据个人喜好选择。币圈子为您免费提供以太坊浏览器相关新闻、相关知识、相关报道等,同时为您提供以太坊浏览器,以太坊区块链浏览器,以太坊浏览器查询最新动态。币圈子拥有专业、优质的币圈项目信息,是专业的区块链&数字货币服务平台。有需要的用户可以官网下载体验,浏览器乐园网站不提供安装地址。
You can search for all TOKEN information based on Ether, as well as for all Ether accounts. There are currently several Ether block browsers on the market, which you can choose according to your personal preferences.
ETH 区块查询网址:https://ETHerscan.io/
ETH Block Search Web site: https://ETHerscan.io/
区块查询网址可以查询所有基于ETH的TOKEN ,以及查询所有的ETH账户地址。
Block query addresses provide access to all ETH-based Tokens and to all ETH account addresses.
The web site is mainly in English, and if a student with a poor English language is able to download a browser-key translation plugin, which can operate on a 100-degree basis.
Ether Block Browser
1 转账哈希值如何查看 首先哈希值是什么?
1 How do you view the Hashi value of the transfer? What's the Hashi value first?
In order to understand Hashi's value, ordinary people can simply correspond to a transaction number (signal number) of our bank transfers, which we can use to track our transfer progress on this site.
An example of an imToken Hashi value: if an exchange transfers, the exchange also provides a Hashi value, but each exchange has a different name, but if you want to check it, you can contact the exchange's customer service, and you can enter it into the search box when you get a Hashi value. Such a page will appear as long as the trading state shows success, which means that the transfer is successful.
In order to understand Hashi's value, ordinary people can simply correspond to a transaction number (signal number) of our bank transfers, which we can use to track our transfer progress on this site.
imToken 哈希值示例:
Example of imToken Hashi:
如果是交易所转账,交易所也会提供一个哈希值,不过每个交易所的名称不一样,如果要查询的话,可以联系交易所客服,让他们提供一下,当你获得一个哈希值的时候,可以输入到 https://etherscan.io
In the case of an exchange transfer, the exchange also provides a Hashi value, but each exchange has a different name, and if you want to check it, you can contact the exchange's customer service, and you can enter it at https://etherscan.io when you get a Hashi value.
Search box, such a page will appear and the transfer will be successful as long as the status of the transaction is shown to be successful
2 查询Token状态
2 Query Token Status
Enter the Token name you want to query
You can see the search results after searching.
点击 token holders 可以查看当前 token 的分配比例,顺序是安装持有量从高往低排序的
Click token holders to see the distribution ratio of the current token in order to install holdings from high to low
All right, that's the usual block search function.
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