
资讯 2024-07-10 阅读:67 评论:0
鄭州日産中牟工廠自動化車間  啟動“科創中原”試點城市建設、高標準建設中原科技城、大力引育高端創新人才、加快培育“鏈主”企業……6月20日,市政府辦公室發布《“科創鄭州”三年行動計劃(2024—2026年)》,聚焦鄭州市...



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& Emsp; & & & Emsp; Launch of the “Creative China” pilot city construction, the high-standard construction of the “Scientific City”, the promotion of high-end creative talent, and the acceleration of the development of the “linkage” business... On 20 June, the Municipal Office launched the “Three-Year Action Plan for the “Korongju State” (2024-2026), which focuses on the “Four Highlands, One New Territories, One Focus, One Centre” and the “City Circle” in Chengzhou, in order to launch a new drive and development strategy to promote high-quality development in the city by bringing together the entire market's resources, building a modern-generation industrial system, and creating a new generation.


&msp;   Launching the Quest Urban Building


&msp; &msp; surrounding the creation of regional new highland sites, our city will launch the “Kiburo” pilot city construction. Under the Chinese Association “Kibang China” and “Kibang China” and Henan Province “Kibun China” & & & & & T”, China has been asked to set up a programme of work for the “Kibong State” to set up objectives and create a joint push mechanism.


&msp;   high-standard construction of the Central China City of Science and Technology. Launching the “triple” development of the Central China City of Science and Technology and the Henan Province of Science School and the National Centre for Technological Transfer and Transfer of Technology in China. Speeding up the construction of the northern part of Dragon Lake, the Hokkaido area, the Ryuko area, the eastern part of Chengzhou station, the northern part of white sand, the southern part of white sand, and the northern part of the Riong Ho highway.


&msp; &   At the same time, create new highlands in small-scale territorial industries.


& msp; & msp; layout high-energy innovation


& Emsp; & & & & & & & Emsp; Constructing Upline Equation with China's & China's "Kop China" and Henan's "China" and China's "China" Internet services & & & Realization" by adding to the SSC's website the "Koryu State" column, bringing into & & Unopening Supply & Demand, and creating the & & Supply Bank of the Chengzhou City's "Problem Bank".


& Emsp; & & & Emsp; Establishment of new services & & & systems to speed up the re-engineering of the laboratory system, with high-standard construction of the Quisan Laboratory, the Yellow River Laboratory, the Dragon Lake Modern Immunology Laboratory, etc.. Launching of the National and Provincial Councils, pushing for the creation of new centres, research institutes and mid-testing bases. Moving forward with the establishment of business (garden) protocols, building artificial intelligence, new energy vehicles, etc., in the city and in the district of the test site. Supporting “two-stream” high schools, the Chinese Science Academy system, etc., to develop new research and development facilities in the city.


    construction of multilayered technology support systems


&msp;   technological innovation, leading by talent.


& emsp; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & ; & & & & & & ; & & & & & ; & & & & & & ; & & & & & ; & & & ; & & & & & & ; & & & & ; & & & & & ; & & & & ; & & & & & & & ; ; & & ; & & & & & & & ; & & & & ; ; & & ; & ; ; ; ; & ; & & ; ; ; & & & & ; ; & ; ; ; ; & ; ; ; ; and & ; ; ; ; ; ; & & ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ;


& msp; & & & msp; Expanding communication and external cooperation, focusing on city-wide focus on the development of city-to-city strategies, leading to the development of high-quality resource endowments, in-depth exchanges, sharing of resources, and high-quality development of science and technology collaborations. Implementation of the `Ideas Plan', which strengthens communication and cooperation with technology-to-technology countries, `ave-way' state-to-state and Hong Kong-to-technology organizations, and supports local research and research institutions, as well as industry-to-column enterprises, in the development of overseas research and development institutions.


&msp; &   Accelerating the focus on key core technologies in the field, with the creation of a specialized technology service based on new resources created by the National Academy and the Institute of Science.


&msp; &msp; 200 microbusinesses next year


& msp; & & & msp; promoting deep integration of & & C & & & & C. Development of a new, dynamic and dynamic chain of operations, three-year programme of action for the development of the chain of operations, which fosters more than 50 chains owners per year, reaching around 150 by 2025. Improvement of the cluster development policy system, which supports the creation of country- and provincial-level pioneer manufacturing clusters such as super-hard materials, fire-resistant materials, new energy vehicles, and intelligent sensors.


&msp; &   Fostering new industries such as large electrical information, new energy vehicles, high-end equipment, new materials, biopharmaceuticals, energy-saving environments, etc., system-driven technological innovation, modelling development and industrial infrastructure, building up a trillions, 500 billion, 300 billion clusters of electronics, new energy vehicles, etc.; accelerating the move to a new generation of pilot areas for artificial intelligence innovation, pilot areas for chain development, pilot areas for fuel generation, model vehicles for fuel batteries, and building a number of important future pilot, model areas for countries.


&msp; &msp; Fostering the JUNG technology trading market


& msp; & & & msp; Increased technology transfer services, exploring market-based specializations, linking online and sub-line, and providing technical and technological services to foster the development of the JUNG technology trading market. To guide the establishment of specialized technology transfer facilities in higher education institutions, and to encourage private enterprises to build their own technology transfer facilities or to join forces with other social forces.


&msp;   Improving Financial Innovation Policy Support. Encourage co-operative financial institutions to open up the “Jung Qing” business to compensate for the actual loss or loss of the principal part of the co-operative financial institutions. Strengthen policy support institutions to provide specialized credit enhancement services for technology-based enterprises. Lead co-operative finance institutions to develop science and technology letters, and provide solid credit and credit support.


&msp; & &   Increasing the ability of enterprises to create new ones. Launching full-scale industrial research and development activities throughout the city and fostering “four-size” industrial enterprises. Supporting provincial enterprises in setting up research and development centres in Cheng. Encouraging enterprises, universities, research institutes, engineering research centres, new technology centres, bed-based medical research centres, field scientific observation and research stations, business technology centres, innovation centres, creative innovation centres, co-generation and innovation centres, engineering and engineering centres, etc.


&msp; &msp; & rubbing the name of a new startup in "Living Jung State"


& msp; & & & & & & & msp; creating new social soil to attract a group of high-end creative and creative people (groups), projects and projects, in a public setting, to sharpen the brand of a new and creative enterprise in the "Riving Jung State". The City-wide Science and Technology Innovation Conference is regularly called upon to select a set of innovative and innovative business models.

  充分發揮科技資源的科普效能,推進具備條件的重大科技工程、重點實驗室等有序向公眾開放,拓展科技基礎設施科普功能,普及重大科技成果。辦好全國科普日、科技活動周、文化科技衛生“三下鄉”等重點活動,提升科普活動覆蓋面和受益率。(記者 董艷竹/文 李新華/圖)

& msp; & & & msp; Full use of science and technology resources, and introduction of major science and technology projects, priority laboratories, etc., to the public in an orderly manner; extension of science and technology-based infrastructure and sculptation of major scientific and technological achievements; organization of country-wide events such as Science and Technology Day, Science and Technology Weeks, and Cultural Science and Technology Health “Short Country” events to enhance the coverage and benefits of science and technology activities. (Reporter Tung Xiaoma/Wong Lee Xinhua/Chart)


【糾錯】 【責任編輯:谷婷婷】



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