I've been working in the financial world for so many years, and the most sophisticated thing I've learned is...
Especially with so many financial partners in so many different fields and functions, who have been in business, who have eaten, who have been drinking, I have been able to put up these suits, and the elite financial workers have been able to see it.
今天我就来揭露一下: Today, I'm going to expose it: 果然啊,金融民工们在金融圈摸爬滚打这么多年后,已经都被业务push地拥有了不同的核心技能结构。 As you can see, financial workers, after so many years of scribbling in the financial world, have a different core skill structure in their business. 这个结构里,每个人的组合模式都不同,但你发现了么,他们都有一个核心技能,那就是—— In this structure, everyone's combination pattern is different, but you see, they all have a core skill, and that's-- 研读报告。 图源:网络 Source: Networks 不瞒你说,因为工作的关系,金融民工每天都要和“数据”打交道。 I'm telling you, financial workers deal with “data” on a daily basis because of their work. 尤其是有财务分析、行业研究需求的金融民工朋友,经常需要一些投研类工具、以及独家报告做辅助。 研读报告可不仅是工作要求,也是自身进阶的需求。高质量的金融民工,都喜欢挖掘深度报告进行研究,不断学习充实自己的专业技能。 但报告这个东西,市面上做得好的不多,凡是专业点的都是收费。 But reporting on this is not very well done on the market, and fees are charged for everything that is professional. 今天就给大家推荐一个良心报告类公众号—— 萝卜投资。 Today we're going to recommend a public name for the report of conscience - & nbsp; ? 关注“萝卜投资”公众号,就能免费获得一系列独家的深度行业报告。 A series of exclusive in-depth industry reports is available free of charge by paying attention to the radish investment public. 重点是——免?费。 ? 比如前段时间新能源热潮时,“萝卜投资”就对锂资源行业来了个大盘点,《锂资源盛宴狂欢,哪些上市公司才是最强王者?》 For example, in the heat of new energy sources the radish investment came up with a big inventory of the lithium resource industry. 另外,对于热门行业,不只是单篇深度分析,还有连续专题报告。 In addition, for the popular sector, there is not only a single in-depth analysis, but also a continuing thematic report. 比如《医美行业深度报告》,还有《电力央企的绿电结构与转型》。 For example, the Medico-American Industry Depth Report, and Green Power Structures and Transformations in Power Power Power Industries. ? ?所以,对投研感兴趣的朋友,可以点击下方关注“萝卜投资”公众号,查看菜单栏“硬核报告” ,就能获取上面所说的所有完整报告了。 ♪ So, friends interested in research can click below the radish investment public to see the menu bar hardcore report & nbsp; you can get all the full reports. ♪/strong > 报告专业、紧跟热点,而且免费,为什么“萝卜投资”这么厉害? Why is “radish investment” so powerful? 其实这个公众号,本身就是“萝卜投资”的官微。? "Strong" is actually a public name that is in itself a "radish investment"? ? 萝卜投资是一家致力于打造从投资研究、组合管理到风险控制的一体化智能投资平台,它实现了国内唯一的AI盈利预测规模化落地,能覆盖A股全市场上市公司,总共上线2200多家上市公司的深度VIP盈利预测框架。 The `strange' radish investment, an integrated smart investment platform that seeks to build from investment research, portfolio management to risk control 总之,可以帮助你跟踪投资动态、发掘投资机会、防范投资风险、沉淀投资知识。 In short, it can help you track investment dynamics, explore investment opportunities, protect against investment risks and absorb investment knowledge. 他们家的用户都是机构研究员,内容质量有多硬,大家可以想象。 这个公号的内容我都反复拜读,它不是那种博短期流量的公号,而是一个专注做行业研究的团队。 I've read it repeatedly, and it's not one of those short-term traffic numbers, it's a team focused on industrial research. 他们家最近还挖了一堆大牛做行研,推出的报告相当得顶。 They also recently dug up a pile of cattle for research, and the report was quite excellent. 更牛的还有,现在关注“萝卜投资”公众号,它们还放开了免费注册的渠道,关注公众号直接注册就能获取萝卜投资账号。 不知道是不是暂时的,建议大家赶紧试试,毕竟之前一个账号都要好几万…… I don't know if it's temporary, but I suggest you try it quickly. 拿到账号,就可以查阅并下载海量专业券商研报、海量宏观及产业数据,同时可以使用深度产业链图谱等投研工具。 An account number will allow access to and download of big professional voucher firms, big macro and industrial data, and use of research tools such as the deep industrial chain map. 他们家产品的研报不仅全,同时支持按图表检索,更神的是,他们家研报可以一键解析图表数据,将图片转成数字直接Excel下载,简直就是写报告的神器啊!相信大家都能用得上。 Not only are their products full, but they also support graph-based retrieval, but even more amazingly, they can interpret graphic data at once, and 刚才亲测已经审核通过,拿到萝卜投资账号了!希望获得免费专业报告,给自己职业技能加点的金融人,赶紧关注上车吧~ You've just passed the test, you've got the radish investment account!
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