Uniswap opened up all the contract codes on Github, including two parts. Uniswap also opened up the front-end code, which was developed using React.
- 核心合约
- 周边合约
- 前端代码
In Uniswap's core code, there are three main contracts:...the pairing contract inherits the ERC20 contract, and we can see them as a contract. The factory contract deploys the pairing through the method, so when the contract is deployed...
The adjoining contracts include a number of examples, such as price forecasters, lightning exchanges, the most important of which is... in the surrounding contract code library, there are two:...the factory contract and the pairing contract need to be called by route to better perform all the functions of the exchange, so we...
The two contracts are mostly the same, there are minor differences, and if the differences between the two contracts are combined into one contract, they will occur at the time of deployment, so they are divided into two contracts. Both of the usual functions are included, so we can deploy any one of the route contracts.
If you're not familiar with the contract code, you can skip this part. We're going to copy the contract code directly from the Etherno browser.
- 工厂合约
- 路由合约
We can use truffle as an environment for deployment contracts, and other environments can skip this if they've been installed.
- 初始化目录
- 目录结构:
Uniswap's route contract is deployed on the Ethern main network and on the Ropsten, Rinkeby, Goerli, Kovan test network, which makes it possible for Uniswap's front end, regardless of switching to any network, to remain the same route address. To achieve the deployment of this same address, we need to prepare a contract for deployment. The new account refers to the pre-deployment contract. Since the contract's address is based on your account address and the nonce value, the contract address is the same in the different networks, if the nonce's value is the same.
You can learn how to do it through the video I recorded earlier.
- B站视频
- 油管视频
When you generate good notes, remember to use English notes, save good notes, and account addresses to which the notes correspond.
The cost of the deployment contract for Gas is approximately 0.18 Ether, which may be needed for the main network at this time.
Transferred to a new account through an account that already exists with Ether. The Ether of the test network can apply for test money through the taps of each test network.
- 获取测试币方法
At the time of deployment of the route contract, the construction function would have to fill in the address of the factory contract and the address of the WETH contract, and since the addresses of the WETH contract are not the same on the main network and the test network, the address of the WETH contract in each network would need to be found.
The WETH contract is for Eth swapping Eth to erc20. Since Eth is not erc20 token, we have to use WETH as a medium of exchange.
We need to use infra as a free node before deployment, so we need to apply for an infrakey.
- 申请地址:infura.io
- 申请方法
Installs the @truffle/hdwallet-provider module to open the wallet for helpwords and to run the command in the project directory:
If we need to deploy Uniswap contracts in every network, we need to configure truffle-congif.js and paste all of the following codes to the file to overwrite the original code.
And don't forget to modify and...
Prior to the preparation of a deployment script for truffle, prepare an address for your usual account as the administrator for setting up an exchange charge.
Then run the command in the project directory, or create files by editor(s)
Run command in project directory:
Now that we've deployed Uniswap's route and factory contracts to all networks, you can find two contract addresses in the information on the control table, or in the Etherno browser, and search for the new account's address in the Etherno browser, showing the new account's transaction information, show the two transactions that created the contract, and record the route by the address of the contract.
Run command in project directory:
Run command in project directory:
Once the installation is complete, you can test the running command at the uniswap-interface directory.
If running successfully, a browser will be opened, along with a front-end interface for Uniswap
Uniswap's route address is defined in constant form in the front end of Uniswap, and we just need to change the route address to get the front end to your route contract.
修改文件: 第6行
Modify File: Line 6
You can see effects by running after saving
It's not the way to create the project. No classmates can search it.
First, delete the.git directory from the original Uniswap project and run the command in the project directory:
Then initialize git and add Unsiwap frontend to its own project repository
We will deploy the front-end code to github.io through the gh-pages module and run it in the directory of the front-end code:
Next is the compilation and deployment of the gh-pages, running in the directory of the front-end code:
Modify the package.json in the front-end code directory
Runs the directory of front-end code after saving exit:
现在在浏览器中打开就可以打开自己的交易所啦. 如果不输入地址结尾的index.html在项目刚部署之后会报错,过一段时间就可以不输入了.
Open it in the browser now and open your own exchange. If you don't enter the index.html at the end of the address, you'll miss it after the project's deployment.
You can copy theweth code from the Taiwan browser and deploy yourself aweth contract of your own.
Uniswap has its own credible token list, which is also set in the file, and in the last line, you can copy the file of this link address and set it up as the credible token list you need, upload it to the github directory, and change the link address in the index.ts file, so you can have your own credible token list in your own exchange.
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