Now that a lot of people are working on how to move from media to media, I think that, in order to make the leap from inclusive media to intellectual media, the most up-to-date technology has to be constantly used to improve the efficiency and quality of content production and make it more real and lively. What technology was the hottest in 2018? There is no doubt about block chain technology.
狭义的角度来讲,区块链是一种链式结构、难篡改、可追溯的分布式账本,它本身虽然是一个比较前沿的技术,但其实区块链背后这种思想是自古就有的。举一个大家很熟悉的例子,比如结婚,从古时候开始,结婚的时候你一定会邀请全村的男女老少一起为新人做一个见证,见证这一对新人结合在一起,这不就是最原始的分布式账本的思想吗?直到现在很多地方依然认为办过酒席才算是真正的结婚,只领了结婚证是不算的。说明了这种方法行之有效和深入人心。所谓区块链就是把这样的过程数字化、在线化、规模化、持久化。经过这么多年发展,区块链不仅仅局限于加密数据货币和金融领域,变成一个通用的机制,和各行各业都开始了这样的紧密结合。 In a narrow sense, the block chain is a chain structure, difficult to tamper with, and a retroactive distribution book, which is itself a relatively cutting-edge technology, but the idea behind the block chain is ancient. To give a familiar example, from time immemorial, you must invite men, women and children from all over the village to testify for the newcomer, and to witness the newcomer’s combination of the original distribution book.
百度其实在很早就开始布局区块链技术,因为百度相信通过区块链能够构建一个更真实、更可信的互联网世界。早在2015年的时候,百度通过投资和技术研究就开始了区块链技术方向和相关工作的探索,到2018年百度正式推出了自主研发的区块链的底层系统,那就是百度超级链。 Hundreds of degrees have actually started to deploy block chain technology at an early stage, because they believe that through block chains they can build a more real and credible Internet world. As early as 2015, 100 degrees of investment and technology research began to explore the technical direction of block chain and related work, and by 2018 they officially launched the bottom of the self-researched block chain, the 100-degree superchain.
百度超级链是中国完全自主研发的高性能区块链3.0解决方案。为什么说它是3.0解决方案?因为它对比传统1.0的比特币和2.0的以太坊在很多性能和功能上都取得了巨大突破。 The 100-degree superchain is a high-performance block-chain 3.0 solution that China has developed on its own. Why is it called a 3.0 solution? Because it is a huge breakthrough in performance and functionality compared to traditional 1.0 bitcoins and 2.0 Ethers.
利用区块链实现图片版权的低成本保护 uses the block chain to achieve low-cost protection of photo copyright
基于百度超级链的技术,百度也在探索各行各业区块链的落地。其中内容方向是百度探索的重点。 Based on the technology of the 100-degree superchain, 100-degree is also exploring the location of the chain of blocks in all walks of life. The content direction is the focus of the 100-degree search.
2018年1月,百度率先推出的百度图腾,它其实是一个图片版权保护的平台,它是利用区块链这种存证能力,从链的保护开始。以前传统中心化版权登记的方法,无论是在时间成本还是在财力成本上都非常高昂,一张图片就要花几百元登记,10万张图片可能还没有保护就已经破产,所以我们需要利用技术改善版权登记环节。图腾就是利用区块链的特性,百度超级链联合一些机构,包括司法机构构建了这样的一个图片版权的联盟链。用户只需要把图片和相关的信息下载到图片上,就可以有一个存证,并且在多方面进行见证。而除了存证之外,进一步通过百度的大数据和人工智能,够帮用户实现全网侵权检测,可以帮用户检测谁侵害了你的权利,或者你正在使用的图片是否有侵权的风险,所以就是一个关于存证的解决方案。 In January 2018, 100% pioneered 100 totem, which is a platform for photo copyright protection, using the block chain as a memory chain, starting with chain protection. The traditional method of centralizing copyright registration, which used to be very expensive in terms of time and financial costs, would cost hundreds of dollars to register a picture, and 100,000 pictures might be bankrupt without protection, so we need to use technology to improve copyright registration. Totem uses the characteristics of the block chain, and the 100 ton to build a network of institutions, including the judiciary.
解决了存证,百度将百度图腾整个版权的存证与互联网法院的区块链存证平台进行了互通。就是说在这个版权链上存证的内容,不仅可以得到互联网存证的凭证,而且将来如果发生诉讼,也可以直接基于互联网法院的存证链、证据链进行电子取证,不需要再去打印纸质的证据,等于整个维权过程变得更加高效,我们希望借助这些完整的方案助力内容产业,让优质原创内容获得最大的利益。 With the resolution, 100% connects the entire copyright record of 100% to the Internet Court’s block chain of records. That is, the content of the record on the copyright chain will not only be supported by Internet certificates, but also, in the future, electronic evidence will be obtained directly on the basis of the Internet Court’s chain of documents, evidence chain, and no further printing of paper evidence, which would make the entire process of defending rights more efficient. With these complete programs, we hope that the content industry will maximize the benefits of quality original content.
区块链另外一个特性就是溯源,基于区块链可溯源的特性,我们可以利用它做各种各样信息溯源的工作。百度一直在探索如何用最先进的技术提升百度百科的权威性。百度百科其实不是百度自己人编写的,是很多专家经过很多次共同编写才完成一个个百度的词条,而且每次编写都会参考不同的材料。所以我们把整个百度百科所有的编写历史还有参考材料全部放在区块链上,同时把这个链向社会公开,这样就可以基于区块链难篡改和可追溯的特性,让整个编写过程更加透明化、公正化。 Another feature of the block chain is traceability, based on the traceability of the block chain, which can be used for various kinds of information-retroactivity work. 100% has been exploring how to upgrade the authority of the encyclopedia with the most advanced technology. The encyclopedia is not actually written by 100 people, and many experts have worked together many times to complete a 100-degree word, and each time we write different materials. So we put all of the encyclopedia's history and reference materials on the block chain, while keeping the chain open to society, so that the whole process can be made more transparent and equitable, based on the fact that the block chain is difficult to alter and retrace.
溯源的特性不仅可以用在储存信息上,也可以用在线下实体和商业上。百度2018年9月做了实体溯源,通过区块链解决大闸蟹溯源的问题,让大家吃到真正的阳澄湖大闸蟹。 Retroactivity can be used not only for storing information, but also for on-line entities and businesses. In September 2018, 100 degrees of physical traceability was done to solve the problem of the backsliding of large gates of crabs through a block chain, allowing people to eat real sunken lake crabs.
还有一个要解决的问题,就是对个体信息的认证。因为在很多场景里,我们不仅要保证内容的真实性,而且要能追索作者,这个内容是由谁写的?作者身份也是非常重要的。比如教育,特别是成人教育、社会培训等,其造假可能性非常高。你要查一个社会机构是否取得了认证,是很难的。所以百度2018年推出了教育的认知链,让各教育机构的培训信息、证书信息放到链上,不可篡改,同时进一步与招聘网站和用人单位打通,优先推送区块链认证的可信的简历。 Another problem to be solved is the certification of individual information. Because in many contexts, we have not only to guarantee the authenticity of the content, but also to be able to trace it to the author. It is also important to know who wrote it. For example, education, especially adult education, social training, etc., is highly likely to be falsified. It is difficult for you to check whether a social institution has been certified.
教育只是数据身份的切入点,百度希望从教育入手将来打造更多的数字身份体系,这无论是对方新闻报道还是其他领域都有非常大的价值。 Education is only an entry point for data identity, and there is a strong desire to build more digital identity systems in the future, starting with education, which is of great value in both the media coverage of the other party and in other areas.
作者系百度区块链实验室主任 He's the head of the 100-degree chain lab. 分享让更多人看到
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