
资讯 2024-06-28 阅读:58 评论:0



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Research on block-chain technologies ultimately needs to be applied to achieve value. In many block-chain applications, there is a need to map out important application areas of block-chain applications and identify common areas of application that need to be addressed. The areas of focus for application development include at least the following.


In the strict sense, the technology platform is not an application, but in order to better construct the block chain application system, a good block chain technology platform is needed. There are now a number of enterprises or localities that have started to focus on and construct block chain technology platforms, such as mobile-led BSN, too cloudy TBaS, and some local block chain estates are also developing block chain technology platforms, such as Hunan Changsha and Jiangxikan. The block chain technology platform is already beyond the BaaS scope, including BaaS, and also provides other generic functions covering the bottom chain, intermediates, and wiring packages.


The application of block chains is the first and most important application of block chains today. Such applications cover not only digital currency, but also a variety of applications in the area of financial assets. Currently, private operations in digital currency are prohibited in the country, but the application of block chains in some other areas of financial assets, such as supply chain finance, invoices, etc. The systems of financial assets already in use in some systems are also attempting to upgrade them by using block chain technologies, such as pledge orders, purchase vouchers, scorecards, etc. The application of this block chain should encourage the application of block chain technologies, within the framework of national legal regulations, since the application of block chain technologies not only upgrades the existing financial system, but also provides channels for regulation, more so as to protect the rights and interests of users of financial assets.


The application of block chains in the industrial sphere has become the focus of numerous block-chain service agencies, local sector-chain industry development authorities, particularly in areas where the integration of block-chains with the industrial Internet has become an important area of research and practice. There are many links involved in the industrial Internet, such as prototype design, production, material supply, warehousing, situational awareness, interconnection, intelligent dispatch, crowd-linking, trifluence, etc. The introduction of block-chain technologies has a good combination of trade, record-keeping, traceability, synergies, etc., which has contributed to the better development of industrial productivity by moving industrial industries towards a more intelligent, efficient, connected and credible environment.


Agriculture has gradually become the main arena for the application of new and emerging technologies, with various platforms moving into rural agriculture, leading to growth in rural agriculture and generating income for farmers, and the need for a meaningful and wide-ranging application of the chains in rural agriculture. There are many applications in the chains, such as precision poverty alleviation, rural revitalization, land titling, housing, agribusiness, agricultural traceability, agricultural trade, and agricultural finance.


The service sector is well suited to use block chain technology to regulate, drive, and resolve issues of integrity in this area, such as unilateral service shrinkage, service changes, service cancellations, etc. The service type is diverse, such as barbers in the community, beauty, fitness services, social training, counselling, guidance services, commercial agents, matchmaking services, etc. The service sector has many applications, such as physical certification of service providers, certification of skills, certification of health, certification of public security, evaluation of integrity, service cards, duration of service, service specifications, fee-for-service standards, etc., as well as service contracts, service certificates, proof-of-services, service processing and so on, which can be regulated by block chain technology, which can generate additional flows for service providers, as well as assurance of client interests and the healthy development of the service market.


Social governance will be a priority area for the application of future block chains, which are inherently characterized by optimal productive relationships, and social relationships that require good faith. There are also many applications of block chains for social governance, such as digital citizen management based on block chains, digital enterprise management, digital community management, digital governance, integrated social governance, social public services, integrated emergency command, and so on. The introduction of block chain technology will be of great help to honest citizens, honest businesses, harmonious communities, clean-up of integrity, and credible interconnection of governance and services.




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