
资讯 2024-07-01 阅读:59 评论:0
苏江在微信公众号白话区块链上说了一个据说是巴菲特说的道理:Sujiang said on the White Word section chain of the Weibo public that it was said to be Buf...



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Sujiang said on the White Word section chain of the Weibo public that it was said to be Buffett:


The most important thing about investing is to understand the value of what you put in.


I invest in equities, and I know that the essence of the stock is proof that I finance a business, and that the equity represents ownership of the company, and that the return on investment is more likely to come from the profits of the company.


But I invested in block chain assets, bought the bit of bitcoin, so what exactly did I buy?


I've been looking for some articles, and I've decided to ask for a little bitcoin's richest teacher to laugh.


I said, "Come on, teacher, what is Bitcoin?"


The teacher laughed and said: bitcoinisthemoney >/b>.


Bitcoinismoney? And I said, "So what can bitcoin buy?"


The teacher smiled and said to me, "B" bitcoin can be used to buy all kinds of money .


Listening to the teacher's answer, I'm a little murky. Bitcoin, as a convertible virtual currency, has no issuer, no collateral, no government or bank endorsement. Is it really worth it?


When I look at my pussy, the teacher may think that even if I pay like my parents for the last time in college, I don't have to make up for the lack of basics, so the teacher didn't bother to explain it to me any more.


It's not a bank issue, it's a bitcoin without a government endorsement. Is that a currency?


There is no market economy without money. In modern societies, the vast majority of the population deals almost every day with a variety of currencies. But, what is money? What is the nature of money?


So, I'm in the middle of thinking about this...


Thanks to the All-Mighty Information Network, I seem to have found the answer in searching for the nature of the money:


The monetary theory of traditional political economics argues that money is a thing, a commodity selected from a wide range of commodities, as a medium for market transactions.


This theory suggests that in ancient human societies, people use a variety of commodities such as food, shells, cattle, cod, silver, gold, copper, etc. for money, which is gradually fixed as gold and silver, and then as molars and banknotes. For example, even in recent times, in the camps of prisoners of war of the Second World War, people use cigarettes for money; in late Qing’s Jiangnan, Chinese business people used opium for money (known in China’s recent history as the “Sushu regime”).


This popular commodity-currency theory also argues that, as a special commodity, money is only a general equivalent, a medium of market transactions, and is primarily “used to aid trade.” Thus, economists, using the logic of theoretical analysis, introduce the historical logic that money generates in human society: the exchange of goods for a commodity as a general equivalent, gold and silver, coins, banknotes, and credit card currencies, and electronic digital currencies.


However, this commodity currency is now challenged by anthropologist historical research.

密克罗尼西亚是太平洋的三大岛群之一,其中最西边的雅浦岛上曾住着一群非常古怪的土著居民。1903年,美国的人类学家威廉·亨利·弗内斯(William Henry Furness)在雅浦岛住过几个月,并把他在当地所见的风俗记录成书,书名叫《石币之岛》,因为当地的货币体系令他印象深刻。

Micronesia is one of the three major islands of the Pacific Ocean, the westernmost of which was inhabited by a very strange indigenous group. In 1903, the American anthropologist William Henry Furness lived on Yap Island for several months and documented the customs he saw there, known as the Rock Island, which he was impressed by the local monetary system.


The islands of Yap have no metal resources, so stones play an important role in their culture. But even limestone needs to be found on Palau, 400 miles from Yap Island. Explorers in the Yap Tribes extract these limestones, make them ring-shaped wheels inside and outside, and then send them back to Yap for monetary use. These wheels are small in diameters of more than 30 centimetres and large in diameters of more than 3 metres.


There's a very interesting feature of the Yap squid. After both parties to the deal decide how much they pay for it, and if the stone is too big to transport, the seller can just mark it on the buyer's stone, which means it's paid. That sign means that the stone belongs to the seller, and the stone is still in the buyer's house.


Not only is there something more amazing. There was a big owner on the island, and everyone admitted that their family was rich, but strangely, no one saw the stone coins of the rich family, even his family. Their property was a huge stone coin, the size of which was known only by their ancestors, because it had been sunk under the sea. Many years ago, the family's ancestors and others went out to explore, search for and exploit limestone, just like the gold hunters in the west of the United States. Their ancestors were lucky enough to meet the big one, make it into a stone coin and then take it home with a raft. But, while they had fallen into the sea, there was a strong storm, and in order to escape, the expedition had only to cut off the rope, so that the giant stone fell into the sea and could never be found. After returning to the village, the members of the expeditions testified on his behalf, and the rock was huge in size and of quality.


The story shows that Yap's currency is not a stone coin, but rather a system . Thus, it is merely an indication (tokens): Yap residents accumulate credit and debt in the course of trading in fish, coconuts, pigs and sea cucumbers. These credits and debts can be used to offset the amount that each has to be liquidated in the course of the transaction. Everyone can exchange the right value of a stone currency (i.e., whether or not a currency depends solely on whether or not a person is willing to use it) and, by doing so, clear the outstanding account after a single transaction has been completed, either by day or week; the seller and the rest of Yap Island have such credit, which is a tangible record of that credit.


Stone and bitcoin are virtually identical: they are the natural limestone deposits, which are scarce; they are based on mathematical algorithms; they also require costly labour (calculation) costs, which are the maritime transport of adventurers, and miners, which are diggers; and they are distributed deposits, which are the brain memory and computers.


After reading this story, Bitcoin also becomes less inexplicable: the value of bitcoin depends on whether someone is willing to use it for value swaps . In a limited amount, the more many people use it, the greater the value of bitcoin is bound to grow.




Learning Re-Learning -- 20151117 A Concise Life Guide for the Bitcoin World

腾讯《大家》韦森2016-05-17 《从雅浦岛上大石轮“费”看货币的本质》

I'm going to tell you, "We're all going to have to do this."


Block Chain - From Digital Currency to Credit Society




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