元宇宙系列之三:一文读懂Web 3.0

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编辑导语:宇宙本质上是对现实世界的虚拟化、数字化过程,需要对内容生产、经济系统、用户体验以及实体世界内容等进行大量改造。但元宇宙的发展是循序渐进的,是在共享的基础设施、标准及协议的支撑下,由众多工具、平台不断融合、进化而最终成形。本文就元宇宙为话题,讲解了Web 3.0。推荐对元宇宙感兴趣的观众阅读。

The universe is essentially a virtualizing, digitizing process in the real world, requiring a lot of adaptations in content production, economic systems, user experience, and physical world content. But the development of the metacosystem is gradual, supported by shared infrastructure, standards, and protocols, with a variety of tools, platforms that are constantly integrated and evolved.

如果从1989 年,CERN(欧洲粒子物理研究所)中由 Tim Berners-Lee 领导的小组提交了一个针对互联网的新协议和一个使用该协议的文档系统,该小组将这个新系统命名为 World Wide Web,简称 WWW(万维网)的创建开始计算,互联网已经走过32个年头,在漫长的发展历程中,互联网也经历了2次巨大的变迁。

If from 1989 the CERN (European Particle Physics Institute) team led by Tim Berners-Lee had submitted a new protocol for the Internet and a document system using the agreement, the group had started to calculate the creation of the new system, WorldWide Web, the Internet had gone 32 years, and the Internet had undergone two major changes in its long development.


Recent frequent antimonopoly investigations in the country and many of the mobile applications constantly reported by the State, suspected of over-extensive gathering of personal privacy information, have been named as showing us yet another wave of pre-change instability on the Internet.

互联网早期的那一批协议如TCP, IP, SMTP 和 HTTP,我们叫它 Web1.0 协议,它们秉承的是开放性和包容性的精神,它们是开放的标准。这意味着在世界上的任何地方的任何人,都能站在平等的位置上,在他们之上构建系统,而不需要经过任何人的准许。比如你现在手里的iPhone/Android手机,或者你每天都会打开的微信,都是基于这些开源代码。

The early protocols on the Internet, like TCP, IP, SMTP and HTTP, we call it Web1.0, which is based on the spirit of openness and inclusiveness, which are the standards of openness. This means that anyone anywhere in the world can stand on an equal footing and build the system above them without anyone's permission. The iPhone/Android phone that you have now, or the micro-letter that you open every day, is based on these open source codes.


Because the core protocols of the Internet are open-sourced, and no one can control the Internet unilaterally, it is on the basis of the neutrality and stability of those bottom protocols that organizations around the world can gather and operate together on, and be connected to, these agreements.


With the advent of WWW (World Wide Web), people began to create various types of information on the site, such as graphics, audio-visuals, etc.


But most of those who were able to create or work with energy were traditional newspapers, news media, etc. This time was the birth of well-known companies, such as Google, Yahoo, Fox Search, and New Wave, which, by bringing together the big information of various web pages, formed portals that attracted users to click and view, thereby inserting advertisements that were realized through traffic.


It's like watching TV, watching what people want to show us, and we don't have a way of influencing what we're showing.


Web1.0’s open protocol makes today’s Internet possible. But, for application developers, they are not a complete set of Lego blocks. There are many missing protocols, such as data storage protocols, data-based computing protocols, etc.


And the technology giant of Web 2.0 goes further, because open-sources are difficult to earn, so the business model of these start-up companies is to build closed-source agreements with property rights on these Internet open protocols. These agreements are Web 2.0 agreements, thus creating a powerful business model (which is the essence of what they are.


A few of these start-up companies have become some of the most valuable companies in human history, and you must have heard some of them. Then, and also because of them, billions of people have access to the great new technology, almost free of charge.

Web 2.0协议的出现,引来了一波创新浪潮。随着越来越多的用户加入进来,一些新的有意思的创新模式随之诞生,此时诞生的产品形态也和Web 1.0发生了变化,此时诞生的更多是平台型或者双边/多变型产品,例如微博、贴吧、Facebook、Twitter等,这些创新的产品都有一个共同点就是允许用户自主生成内容并发布到平台与其他用户发生互动,此时属于信息交互的时代。

The advent of the Web 2.0 agreement has given rise to a wave of innovation. As more and more users have joined in, new and interesting models of innovation have emerged, with changes in product patterns and Web 1.0, and more often in platform-based or bilateral/multivariate products, such as microblogging, stickers, Facebook, Twitter, etc., all of which have a common point in allowing users to generate content autonomously and publish it to interact with other users, which is an era of information interaction.

Web 2.0的平台模式做大做强的核心是网络效应。那什么是网络效应呢?比如你穿越回唐朝,在皇城根难得找了一块空地,你在上面盖了些毛坯房,然后你就去附近的街道上发传单跟大家说都来这交易吧,这块离皇城近,人流量大,还不收你们房租,只需要在你们每笔交易中抽取5%的当作物业费就行。

The core of the Web 2.0 platform model is the network effect. What is the net effect? For example, you travel back to Tang Dynasty, you find a lot of empty land at the roots of the palace, you build some fury on it, and then you go to the nearby streets and you send out leaflets and you tell everyone about the deal. It's close to the city, there's a lot of people, you don't charge your rent, and you just charge 5 per cent of your crop bill for each transaction.


At first, a number of outliers opened small branches there, attracting buyers, slowly moving the rest of the sellers to your market because of the fact that there are real transactions going on there, and the more there are traders, the more diverse they sell, the more they bring to you. You earn more by making more deals with buyers. And the more value you get from your market, because the more the sellers concentrate on the Mater effect, the more the buyer concentrates on your market. The more the real life we get, the more the product we use every day.
But, because of the network effect/Mata effect, there are only a handful of platforms in every vertical area of the market, and the other little ones, because there are no users, the more the competition is, the more the market is worth.


The first question is that the platform is operated by companies whose mission is to maximize shareholder benefits:


Users are provided with free or even subsidized products. For example, price subsidies initially allow users to take their cars here, and a different part-time model is offered to some users with cars. The platform's internalization has gradually left both the supply side and the demand side in isolation, and the external market has become oligopolistic through frenzy price subsidies to capture market shares.


He will then take the value added from this model of the transaction, economically called rent-seeking, on the basis of driving/car-trading transactions. (There is no change in the contribution to economic transactions or production, but because of special status or some special rights, he constantly expands his earnings, compresses the gains of other participants, is rent-seeking)


The second problem is unfair:


Because the platform is so valuable and networked that it is created because everyone is involved. When the platform grows up, not only does it not distribute money, but it also earns more from it. Some professions that depend on the platform for their survival have no pricing power over the distribution of the platform’s benefits.


The third issue of is user data privacy:

谈到数据保护和数据隐私,我们不得不提到关于 App 的使用,几乎每年都会有关于手机软件在未经用户授权的前提下收集用户隐私,而这都是因为系统本身和软件之间存在隔阂,从本质上就已经出了问题。

Turning to data protection and data privacy, we have to mention that, with regard to the use of App, there is almost every year a problem with cellular software collecting user privacy without user authorization, all because of the separation between the system itself and the software.

还有现在我们在使用 Web2.0 的应用时,往往第一件事就是被网站或者互联网公司要求我们注册,于是我们的许多个人信息就被收集起来了。但是,中心化的公司一方面可能会将我们的个人信息和数据透露给其他机构,也可能会被泄露,即使是最大的应用 Facebook 也经历过好几次用户信息泄露的事件。

And now, when we use Web 2.0 applications, often the first thing is that we are required to register by websites or Internet companies, so much of our personal information is collected. But, while centralized companies may leak our personal information and data to other agencies, they may be leaked, and even the biggest application Facebook has experienced several leaks of user information.

在区块链技术还没出现之前,互联网圈就出现了1.0版本对Web 3.0的理解:

Prior to the advent of block chain technology, version 1.0 of the understanding of Web 3.0 appeared in the Internet circle:


With the progressive application of artificial intelligence, a number of new Internet business models are emerging, such as, whenever we read news, web site algorithms automatically recommend similar articles, shopping online, and more pro-purchase items, depending on our previous preferences.

这意味着网站可以通过用户的行为,开始学习和分析,变得更加智能,所以,一些互联网从业者便把 Web3.0 定义为“更智能的互联网”。

This means that the website can become more intelligent through user behaviour, learning and analysis, so some Internet practitioners define Web3.0 as a “smarter Internet”.


Its main features are that the machine can read any information (i.e. semantic network), that the website provides intelligent deletions and better information based on information ( artificial intelligence), and that the Internet is ubiquitous (material networking).

但当时对Web 3.0的理解并不能解决Web 2.0已出现的问题,直到区块链技术的发展和结合区块链结束对Web 3.0的解读的出现。

However, the understanding of Web 3.0 at that time did not resolve the problems that had arisen in Web 2.0 until the development of block chain technology and the end of the interpretation of Web 3.0.

区块链部分的知识,我会在下一系列的文章中具体阐述。在这里想要理解Web 3.0只需要理解:

The knowledge of the section of the block chain, which I will specify in the next series of articles, is that all we need to understand here is Web 3.0:


Some of the infrastructure of Bitcoin by cryptography, such as digital signatures, the Web1.0 Open Agreement (TCP, UDP, etc.), and a very smart incentive structure to construct a collective-owned neutral database, or a distributed account book, for recording Bitcoin's transaction/payment data.


The innovation point of the distributed database is that its security is created from the bottom up by its users, who can be anyone, anywhere, without anyone’s consent. The challenge is that many of the participants are dishonest and they want to profit from the system, for example, by tampering with data.


Bitcoin's wisdom is that it has designed an incentive system that allows the system to self-regulate, and it does not place the database in a "trustworthy" data centre, because the owner of this data centre will probably end up in a big company like Google, with each participant in the network holding a copy of their own.


So how did Bitcoin design this incentive system?


Using workload certification:


The underlying logic is that you must contribute security to this database in order to obtain voting qualifications and returns. The result is an elegant incentive structure that encourages participants in the network to check each other.


It is a big step forward on the basis of bitcoin, not just as a distributed database, but as a decentralized, community-owned world computer. It provides virtual machines and building blocks that allow developers to use virtual machines to develop applications, and the programs that operate on them, once deployed, are collectively owned. There are no human institutions to control them.


In a sense, they are independent; once written, they do what they say and do not have the authority of anyone.


Developments in block chain technology have contributed to the maturity of the concepts of trustlessness, de-centralization and self-governance.


For example, you're part of an entrepreneurial team that you use technology to build the market. Now there's no buyer or seller in this market. What do you do? Turn the ownership of the market into a stock. Whoever comes here deals shares, then the profits in this market are distributed according to the shares.


These merchants, when they look at doing business in treasures, can only get a profit from sales, they have to charge the platform, they may not buy it in the first place at a decentralised power platform, but you gave me a pass, and for money, I'll come over. When this dealer comes, he'll even be willing to offer his services at a lower price than the market, and he'll attract buyers to follow and build up the network gradually.


When eventually networked, it is not controlled by any single person or minority group, and it is these stakeholders that form the community to control the network protocol or the encryption network, which is the holder of the pass.


For example, when we develop the entire encryption network, we do it fast, and we publish a new version in a week, but the bookkeeping rules are written on the block chain, decentralized, and no one can change it. So the upgrade needs to be orthodox, and there is a way to bring communities together, to get them to agree, and then to upgrade, or else rely on individuals or teams.

Web 3.0是将主权还给人的革命,用户数据的话语权不再被互联网巨头垄断,这就需要Web 3.0 全新的范式来颠覆如今的互联网巨头垄断局面,保护每一个互联网用户的利益。得益于区块链技术的去中心化存储、无法篡改、信息加密等特点,再结合我们近期的研究总结,可以大致地将 Web 3.0 贴上这么 4 个标签:

Web 3.0 is a revolution to return sovereignty to people, and the voice of user data is no longer monopolized by Internet giants, which requires Web 3.0 a new paradigm to destabilize today’s Internet giant monopoly and protect the interests of every Internet user. To benefit from the decentralized storage of block-chain technology, the impossibility of manipulation, the encryption of information, etc., and in the light of our recent research, we can roughly label Web 3.0 with four labels:

  1. Web3.0必须是开放的
  2. Web3.0必须是安全的。因为开放,且安全,所以必须用到密码学技术
  3. Web3.0必定是去中心化的或者叫分布式的。开放协议,必定造就去中心化
  4. Web3.0的平台和应用必定具有原生通证,因为去中心化需要通过通证自动结算各方的利益分配


Web3.0 would make a huge breakthrough in productive relations.


for service providers: The code (agreement) of the platform is open;


The platform is not owned by an enterprise but owned by a community;


The platform's profits are no longer opaque and unpredictable, and priority is given to large shareholders (large shareholders may change the platform's strategy in pursuit of larger profits). Rather, they are rule-based, measurable and predictablely distributed to all platform's value creators;

比如当你在家里看《平凡的荣耀》的时候,隔壁老王家的某云矿机正在不断地为你传输下一集的视频文件;你为了看这部剧向视频网站支付了 15 块钱的会员费,老王的矿机靠着给附近的人传文件,一天赚了 2 毛钱。

For example, when you were at home watching "The Glory of the Commons", a cloud miner from the old family next door was constantly transmitting the next set of video files for you; you paid 15 dollars for membership to the video site to watch the play, and the old man's mine made 2 cents a day by passing documents to people nearby.


The platform's business model can still accommodate the mature business model of Web 2.0, such as advertising, membership services, games, etc.;


The platform may create a new business model. The platform will not close, like Web 2.0, because of the collapse of its main company, and the closure of a participating node does not affect the operation of the Web3.0 platform as a whole.

比如你发表在博客上的文章,可能因为新浪博客的一封“停止服务公告”而遭到删除。即便是你在网易云音乐上花钱买的版权音乐,也会因为网易云版权到期而被从 App 中删除,再也听不到。

For example, an article that you publish on your blog may be deleted because of a “stop service announcement” by a new wave blog. Even copyright music that you pay for on YouTube will be removed from App and will never be heard again because of the expiry of online cloud rights.


for users:
App's experience of use is still similar to or consistent with Web2.0


Users have ownership of the content to which they contribute and are able to earn some returns based on their contribution to the platform's content


A clear understanding of the boundaries and uses of privacy data generated by their use of platform services and a degree of decision-making power over such data that they can generate economic benefits


Confidence in the Platform's commitment to the storage of some confidential data (because it is a cryptographic guarantee and the code is open-sourced)


Users are able to have title to something across the platform (this ownership is guaranteed by cryptography and not certified by an institution) so that the ownership assets can be authenticated and freely transferred when cross-platform interaction takes place.


Users and random strangers can carry out any financial transaction on the basis of lack of trust, because the chain of blocks and smart contracts have no feelings, it treats everyone equally, and it recognizes only the irrevocable records on the chain and the real digital assets.

比如当你走进银行的时候,银行要审查你的资质,查你的资金来源,然后经过漫长的审查后再那你的抵押物给你贷款;而在 Web 3.0 的 Defi(去中心化金融)里,没有那么一个中心化的机构来对比进行审查,无论是你一个被赶出家门的流浪汉,还是一个身穿西装的华尔街大佬,部署在以太坊区块链上 MakerDAO 智能合约都将无条件地接收你的数字资产并将稳定币借给你。

For example, when you walk into a bank, the bank reviews your qualifications, checks your sources of funding, and then lends you your mortgage after a long review; and in Deb 3.0, there is no central body to compare your digital assets and lends you a stable currency, whether you're a homeless man who's been thrown out of the house or a Wall Street guy in a suit, deployed on the Ether district chain.


在等待Web 3.0真正来到的那天之前,我们不妨大胆畅想一下Web 3.0的时代是什么样的:

Before waiting for the day when Web 3.0 actually arrives, let's be bold about what the age of Web 3.0 was:


At that time, the digital world should be as important as the real world, with all users entering the digital world in virtual form at any time and only one threshold identification before entering the digital world, to make sure that you are you.


When you enter the digital world, you can travel at will without having to register in a variety of applications, and the application platform does not know who you are in a state that you are not allowed to do so, and, like the real world, we do not have to submit identity information like local governments when we arrive in a new area.


You don't even have to work in the digital world, because anything you do in the digital world is for the community, and you get the benefits. Your assets in the digital world can be transferred to random applications.


You're going to be in the digital world as an anonymous participant in applications, on-line socialization, and so on, and you're going to be at some parties online, and you're going to be no one knows who you are unless you introduce yourself. And you're going to be doing business in the digital world, and this process is going to be similar to reality, when you pay for things online, you don't have to know who you are or how much you own.


Such anonymity, while well protecting our privacy, will not be a hotbed of crime. In the digital world, the system will also judge users for all their behaviors, such as the existence of a system of real-life correspondence that binds virtual images. When someone does something bad, it affects credit scores, the low credit scores limit some of his behaviour in the digital world or the ban on the use of some scenes, the additional transaction fees, etc.


The offender can also restore credit scores by performing some remedial tasks, such as paying some fines directly. However, a record of past malpractices is not tampered with and can be viewed at any time.


本文由 @叶来 原创发布于人人都是产品经理,未经作者许可,禁止转载。

This post is published by @Eye and is published by everyone as a product manager and is prohibited from reprinting without the author's permission.


The map is from Pekels and is based on the CC0 agreement.




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