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However, for many, how to get into this field from scratch and successfully develop their own digital currency trading system is still like a peak to climb, with challenges and hidden opportunities. This paper will show you how to develop the mysterious veil of digital currency transactions and help you take a robust first step.


1. 深入学习数字货币概念

1. In-depth learning on the digital currency concept


This includes, but is not limited to, the mechanisms for the operation of mainstream currencies, such as bitcoin, Etheria, and how they can secure their security through cryptography and achieve point-to-point value shifts. Having these basic knowledges is like holding the key to opening the world door to digital money, laying a solid foundation for subsequent development.

2. 掌握区块链技术核心

2. Mastering the technical core of the block chain


Digital currency transactions are supported by block chain technology. As a “infrastructure” of digital money, the block chain, with its distributed books, consensus mechanisms, smart contracts, etc., ensures the transparency, non-frozenness and automation of transactions.

3. 关注行业动态与监管政策

3. Focus on industry dynamics and regulatory policies


Digital money markets are changing rapidly, innovative projects are emerging, and regulatory policies are being adjusted. Developers should maintain a keen sectoral perspective and focus on the development of new technologies and applications, while keeping pace with regulatory developments to ensure that the trading systems developed meet market demands and are able to operate in a compliant manner.

1. 设计系统整体架构

1. Designing the overall architecture of the system


Development of a digital currency trading system, like building a sophisticated financial building. First, clarity is needed on the overall architecture of the system, including the layout and interaction of the various components of the front-end user interface, back-end servers, databases, block links, etc. A rational architecture not only enhances the stability and expansion of the system, but also provides clear guidance for subsequent development, testing, and maintenance.

2. 确定核心交易功能

Identification of core transactional functions


The core functionality of the trading system should cover the registration of opening accounts, account management, currency replenishment, market performance presentation, order setting, transaction log queries, etc. The developers need to fine-tune the user process to ensure that each functional module is designed to meet user habits and requirements for safety and efficiency. At the same time, consideration should be given to introducing advanced features such as leverage trading, contract trading, etc. to meet the needs of different levels of investors.

3. 强化安全防护措施

3. Enhanced security measures


Digital currency transactions involve large financial flows and security concerns. Developers need to take full account of security risks, such as DDoS attacks, account misappropriation, transaction fraud, etc., during the design phase of the system, and take appropriate protective measures, such as multi-factor certification, cold wallet isolation, trade wind control models, etc., to protect the assets of users.

1. 选取主流开发语言与框架

Selection of mainstream development languages and frameworks

根据团队技术背景和项目需求,选择适合的开发语言(如Java、Python、Go等)及对应的Web开发框架(如Spring Boot、Django、Gin等)。成熟的开发环境能大幅提升开发效率,同时拥有丰富的社区资源,便于解决开发过程中遇到的问题。

Depending on the team's technical background and project needs, select appropriate development languages (e.g. Java, Python, Go, etc.) and corresponding Web development frameworks (e.g. Spring Boot, Django, Gin, etc.). A mature development environment can significantly increase the efficiency of development while at the same time having a wealth of community resources to solve the problems encountered in the development process.

2. 集成专业区块链API与库

2. Integrated professional block chain API and library


Using specialized block chains, such as Infoura, Alchemy, Web3.js, API and banks, to simplify interactions with block chain networks and quickly achieve wallet connections, trade broadcasting, smart contract calls, etc. This not only saves development time, but also ensures compatibility and stability of the system.

3. 采用敏捷开发与DevOps实践

3. Agility development and DevOps practice


In the development process, following the principles of agility development, ensure that project progress is controlled and responsive to market changes quickly by means of short-cycle, continuous integration/continuing deployment (CI/CD), automation tests, etc. At the same time, use of containerization, cloud-based technologies such as Docker, Kubernetes, etc., to achieve system scalability and failure self-recovering and to improve transport efficiency.

1. 全面系统测试

1. Comprehensive system testing


Upon completion of the development, complete functional testing, performance testing, security testing, compatibility testing, etc. will ensure that the system is able to operate in a stable manner in all settings. With automated testing tools (e.g. JMeter, Postman, Selenium, etc.), the efficiency of testing will be improved to reduce human error.

2. 第三方安全审计

2. Third-party security audits


Professional third-party security agencies are invited to conduct in-depth security audits of the trading system, identify potential gaps and recommend modifications.

3. 合规备案与牌照申请

3. Compliance filing and license application


In accordance with the laws and regulations of the place of operation, compliance is filed and the necessary operating permits (e.g. MSB, VASP, etc.) are applied for.


Under-Secretary-General's recommendations:


The development of a digital currency trading system is a task that combines technological challenges and business opportunities. Every step from understanding the foundations of a digital currency and block chain, to planning the architecture and functionality of a trading system, to selecting the right technology warehouse and development tools, requires careful planning and implementation.




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