“元宇宙”概念爆发: 这是智商税吗?

资讯 2024-06-25 阅读:118 评论:0
   在球星卡火爆之后,数字球星卡横空出世。NBA Top Shot市场上,勒布朗詹姆斯的卡牌拍出了20.8万美元(约合135万元人民币)的天价。After the blast of the ball star card, the digi...



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   在球星卡火爆之后,数字球星卡横空出世。NBA Top Shot市场上,勒布朗詹姆斯的卡牌拍出了20.8万美元(约合135万元人民币)的天价。

After the blast of the ball star card, the digital star card came out of the sky. The NBA Top Short market, LeBron James' cardboard, showed a daily price of $208,000 (approximately RMB 1.35 million).

   NBA Top Shot是基于区块链的NBA数字收藏品平台。与实体的印刷品球星卡不同,NBA TOP Shot的球星卡除了文字和图片之外,还有GIF或短视频等三维动态的呈现方式。

NBA Top Short is a digital NBA collection platform based on block chains. Unlike the entity's print ball card, NBA TOP Short's ball card presents three-dimensional dynamics, in addition to text and pictures, such as GIF or short videos.

   它的持续火热让人看到了NFT (非同质代币) 市场的巨大潜力,而“元宇宙”依靠NFT交易逐渐进入大众视野。

It continues to be hot for people to see the huge potential of the NFT market, and the Metacosmos is becoming increasingly visible through the NFT trade.

   1992年反乌托邦小说《雪崩》中创造的术语“元宇宙”正在成为互联网巨头们竞逐的新赛道。“元宇宙”用于描述跨不同平台访问的沉浸式共享空间,包括物理和数字的融合——脸书(Facebook)的创始人CEO扎克伯格将其描述为“实体互联网”(embodied internet)。

A 1992 anti-Utopian novel, Avalanche, has created the term “metacos” as a new race for Internet giants. The term “megacos” is used to describe the immersed sharing space visited across different platforms, including the convergence of physics and numbers – the founder of Facebook, CEO Zuckerberg, described it as the “entity Internet” (embodied Internet).

   “你的化身已经可以代表你。”迈阿密时装模特和NFT爱好者麦克尤恩(Imani McEwan)表示,“基本上你的化身穿什么,就决定了你是谁。”麦克尤恩估计,自今年1月以来,他已经利用加密货币投资的利润,在70件NFT可穿戴设备上花费了15000至16000美元。

"Your body already stands for you." Miami fashion model and NFT lover Imani McEwan said, "It's basically what you wear, it's who you are." McEwan estimates that since January, he has spent between $15,000 and $16,000 on 70 NFT-wearable devices.


In China, the “won cosmos” has become popular among young people as well.

   “有一点可以确认的是,在技术层面上‘元宇宙’必定是互联网后最集大成的。” 1999年出生的上海科技大学学生张启煊表示。张启煊所在的团队开发了一款“霸屏”App Store的“元宇宙”应用Wand。他目前还担任上海科技大学孵化的影眸科技公司的首席科技官。

“It is certain that, at the technical level, ‘the meta-cosm’ must be the most developed after the Internet.” The 1999-born student at Shanghai University of Technology, Zhang Xinjin, expressed the view that Zhang’s team had developed a “mass-cosm” application for App Store. He is also currently the chief science officer at Shanghai University of Science and Technology’s incubating film technology company.


In the view of the Executive Director of the University of Information and Science and Technology College in Shanghai, the meta-cosm will be a confluence of many technological concepts of the past. “The meta-cosmos combines block chains, VR/AR/MR, object networking, rendering and even neurological rendering, among other things, and the upper echelons have a layout for the corresponding technology.” Mr. Yi said to the first financial journalist.


The next generation's game has broken out.

   美国游戏引擎公司Epic Games的创始人CEO蒂姆·斯威尼(Tim Sweeney)宣称,玩家已经可以通过风靡的《堡垒之夜》聚集“元宇宙”的虚拟世界中。近期,美国超人气歌手Ariana Grande在全球不同地区,连续举办了5场演唱会,举办地点也是《堡垒之夜》。

The founder of the American game engine Epic Games, Tim Sweeney, claims that players can gather in the virtual world of the Won Universe through the veritable Fortress Night. Recently, the American superstar, Ariana Grande, held five consecutive concerts in different parts of the globe, also in Fort Night.


The chip giant, Ying Wei Da, has also recently published the virtual image of its founder, CEO Wong In-hoon, and has high profiled its Omniverse computing platform for enabling games and artistic creation, redefining the “megaspace”.

   包括扎克伯格、微软公司CEO萨蒂亚·纳德拉、游戏公司Roblox的CEO巴斯祖奇(David Baszucki)和约会软件Match Group CEO杜斌( Shar Dubey) 在内的科技巨头最高层,在最近的几次财报电话会议中都提到了“元宇宙”的概念,并尽力展现他们的公司如何塑造这个未来领域。

At the top of the science and technology giants, including Zuckerberg, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadra, the games company David Baszucki of Roblox and the dating software Match Group CEO Dubey, the concept of a “megaspace” has been mentioned in several recent financial conference calls and has tried to show how their companies shape this future field.


The first financial journalist recently visited the MARS laboratory of the University of Technology Institute of Information Sciences and Technology in Shanghai.

   张启煊告诉第一财经记者,Wand的设计构想源自于上科大信息学院博士生陈安沛、刘睿洋今年发表在ACM Transactions on Graphics 2021的一篇论文。在此基础上加入了先前在人像风格迁移项目anome中的一些数据生成技术,批量生成了大量二次元、国风等风格的形象,并以此为数据研发了Wand应用产品。

Zhang Quixin told the first financial journalist that Wand’s design originated from a paper published this year by Dr. Chen An-Ping and Liu Weiyang at the University of Upper Information Institute in ACM Transports on Graphics 2021. On this basis, some of the data-generation techniques previously used in the human-like migration anome project were added, generating a large number of binary, national wind, etc., as a means of developing Wand applications for data.


“The culture that our generation is exposed to is quite diverse, and Wand's research and development team has both older secondarys and fans of different content, such as Star Wars, National Winds, and Heroic Caricatures.” Zhang Xinxin said, “If the meta-cosm really becomes the entrance to the virtual world for the next generation, the images must be diverse and present in different parallel universes in the meta-cosm, and these images should be simply created by users.”


In his view, the Wand project was an exploration in the user-led and AI-assisted technology of image-generation in the meta-cosm, and was one of their own involvement in the “secondary meta-cosm”.


Some summarize six features of the meta-cosm: connected identity, realism, creation, rules, civilization. “I think the meta-cosmos is a social form, which means that it's not a problem that a team can solve.” Zhang Qing Qing states.


He said that visual technology was currently focused on identity and realism, such as relationships between people, consumption patterns of people and things, and so on.


A video meeting can also be called "Incarnate."

   目前脸书这家全球最大的社交网络在虚拟现实和增强现实领域持续投入巨资,近期还成立了新团队专门研发“元宇宙”产品,希望整合旗下Oculus VR头盔硬件、AR眼镜和腕带等可穿戴技术,探索“元宇宙”的更多可能性,该公司还收购了包括BigBox VR在内的一系列VR游戏工作室。

Facebook, the world's largest social network, is currently investing heavily in virtual reality and in enhancing reality. A new team has recently been set up to develop the “MegaCosmos” product in the hope of integrating wearing technologies such as Opulus VR helmet hardware, AR glasses and wristbands under the flag, exploring additional possibilities for the “MegaCosm”, and the company has acquired a series of VR workshops, including BigBox VR.

   脸书上周启动了一项新的虚拟现实远程工作应用程序的测试,使用该公司Oculus Quest 2头盔的用户可以在新的程序中以自己的化身版本参加会议。

The Facebook test of a new virtual reality remote work application was launched last week, and users of the company's Oculus Quest 2 helmet could participate in the meeting in their own incarnation version of the new program.

   脸书将该远程办公产品Horizon Workrooms的发布视为迈向“元宇宙”的早期雏形,尽管该产品并不完全展示了“元宇宙”。

Facebook saw the release of the teleworking product Horizon Workrooms as an early early start-up towards the meta-cosmos, although the product did not present a complete picture of the meta-cosmos.

   Facebook Reality Labs集团副总裁博斯沃思(Andrew Bosworth)表示,Workrooms应用程序很好地展现了公司对元宇宙元素的设想。“这是朝这个方向迈出的基本步骤之一。”博斯沃思在一场新闻发布会上表示。

Andrew Bosworth, Vice-President of the Reality Labs Group, said that the Workrooms application was a good illustration of the company's vision of meta-cosmos elements. “This is one of the fundamental steps in this direction.” Bosworth said at a press conference.


The dominance of the new area of the meta-cosmos will make Facebook the next super-large computing platform and reduce its reliance on other hardware manufacturers, such as Apple, in the future.


He believes that Facebook will take the lead in the world of the Woncosmos by virtue of its social media. Apples have little space in the Woncosmos world.


He also said that the future of the meta-cosmos still needed to be traded, which was why the NFT industry was currently hot.


Metacosm realization and NFT transactions


The non-homogenous NFT market, based on block-chain technologies, is slowly emerging. The global NFT market for art, sports, and games has also grown exponentially since this year.


Unlike encrypted currencies that are currently subject to regulation, NFT products can still be sold on platforms such as payment treasures. Earlier this year, NFTs were popular, with speculators and encoded currency fans rushing to buy new assets that represent ownership of online items such as digital art, trading cards, and the online world.

   NFT市场已经吸引了包括路威酩轩(LVMH)、博柏利(Burberry)和古驰(Gucci)在内的奢侈品巨头的参与。路易威登近期推出了一款玩家可以收集NFT的元宇宙游戏;而博柏利则为Mythical Games旗下的游戏Blankos Block Party创建了品牌NFT配件;古驰为游戏Roblox中的化身设计出售NFT服装。

The NFT market has already attracted the participation of luxury giants, including LVMH, Burberry, and Gucci. Louis Vuitton recently launched a meta-cosm game where players can collect NFTs; Bobley created branded NFT accessories for the Mythical Game Blankos Block Party; and Gudz sells NFT costumes for the graphic design in Roblox.

   根据追踪NFT市场的网站NonFungible.com的数据,仅在Decentraland上,2021 年上半年的可穿戴设备销售额就达到了75万美元,高于去年同期的27万美元。一些市场人士认为,可穿戴设备和在虚拟商店购物可能代表零售业的未来。

According to the NFT website NonFungible.com, sales of worn equipment in the first half of 2021 on Decentraland alone amounted to $750,000, up from $270,000 in the same period last year. Some marketers argue that the future of retail trade may be represented by the availability of worn equipment and shopping in virtual shops.

   私人投资机构Hargreaves Lansdown分析师叶芝(Sophie Lund-Yates)表示:“脸书目前仍然着眼于科幻,元宇宙仍只是一个雄心壮志。但如果有一天这个想法实现,它可能会成为企业一个宝贵的收入来源。”

The private investment agency Hargreaves Lansdown's analyst, Sophie Lund-Yates, said, “Facebook is still focused on science fiction, and the Woncosm is still just an ambition. If this idea is realized one day, it could become a valuable source of income for businesses.”

   贝恩公司全球合伙人浦晓颖对第一财经记者表示:“NBA TOP Shot其实是把NBA的一些投篮的瞬间转化成了一个一个的NFT,粉丝愿意高价买入,所以它是以现实生活中的IP作为基础,这时我们会发现这个市场用户已经从一开始的投机者向更多收藏玩家渗透,这就有可能带动市场呈现指数级的增长。”

“NBA TOP SHOT actually transformed some of the NBA's baskets into a single NFT, which fans are willing to buy at high prices, so it is based on real-life IPs, and we will find that the market users have infiltrated more collectors from their initial speculators, which is likely to lead to exponential growth in the market.”


She said that NFT had become part of the “metacosm,” but that regulators still needed to clarify whether NFT was a virtual currency, or a certificate of a virtual currency, or a securities asset. “Will rapid market development, from a regulatory point of view, step on the next emergency brake? The NFT collection is clear, with NFT or encrypted currency attributes, finance, and games, and will face regulatory problems arising from both.




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