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如果说上个世纪是代表着大规模生产和互联网崛起的时代,那么21世纪可能以创造和扩展“元世界”而闻名。走进“元宇宙”了解其三大属性:三维化时空拓展性、三元化人机容身性、三权化经济增值性,以元宇宙为首的技术创新正在孕育新的万亿级生态蓝图,这些会让我们未来发展拥有无限的可能。所以,追根溯源的去剖析META VERSE未来的发展特性,了解更多完整的产业链技术层次划分与经济板块构建,就有了重大的意义。

If the last century represents an era of large-scale production and the rise of the Internet, the twenty-first century may be well known for creating and expanding the “metaworld.” It is important to go into the meta-cosmos to understand its three main attributes: three-dimensional spatial and temporal expansion, tripodization, triple economic added value, technological innovation led by the meta-cosm is giving rise to a new trillion-class ecological blueprint, which will leave us with unlimited possibilities for future development.


In the real world, the economic system is the basis for ensuring the effective organization and distribution of the factors of production and resources. As a map of the real world, the construction of a virtual economic system is a key link in the architecture of the metacosystem.


In the virtual world, the question of how digital assets of individuals are given “simpleness” and how to define “ownership” is a matter for negotiation. Clearly, digital money, which is well known to the public, cannot be solved.


NFT concept


The concept of “NFT” and digital currency can easily be confused, based on block-chain technology, but NFT is not a digital currency. Since NFT is the only, irreplaceable, it has no interchangeable character.

非同质化代币(NFT, Non-Fungible Token)是一种与数字资产相关联的权证,而加密货币和央行数字货币都属于数字货币,这三者的核心区别在于可替代性。可替代意味着对象可以使用相等的另一个对象来替换,但是1个NFT会随着它所关联的数字资产的价值变化而变化。购买数字货币更像是依据汇率兑换不同国家的货币,而购买NFT则更像是购买有专属序列号的手机。这三者都是基于区块链技术,区块链不仅可以防止伪造,而且方便追溯。不同的是,NFT和加密货币是完全去中心化的,且他们的价值几乎完全由市场决定,波动性较大。而央行数字货币则受政府监管,因此价值也相对较稳定。目前,中国是世界上第一个正式发布法定数字货币的国家。

The core difference between non-consistency in currencies (NFT, Non-Fungible Token) is that they are digital assets-linked titles, and both encrypted and central bank digital currencies are digital currencies, which are alternative. Substitution means that the target can be replaced by an equivalent object, but one NFT will change as the value of the digital assets to which it relates changes. The purchase of digital currencies is more like exchange rate-based conversions to different countries’ currencies, while the purchase of NFTs is more like the purchase of mobile phones with exclusive serial numbers.


NFT market

在过去一年,元宇宙概念的普及和人们对元宇宙极大的关注度促进了NFT市场的急剧增长。Bored Apes、Crypto Punks、Azuki、Clone X和Doodles等项目吸引了越来越多数字收藏家的注意。短短一年的时间,NFT市场实现了超过20,000%的增长率和约170亿美元的销售额。

In the past year, the popularization of the meta-cosmology concept and the great interest in the meta-cosm contributed to the dramatic growth of the NFT market. Projects such as Bored Apes, Crypto Punks, Azuki, Clone X, and Doodles attracted the attention of a growing number of digital collectors.

目前市场上的NFT可以分为六大类,分别是游戏NFT、元宇宙NFT、艺术NFT、DeFi NFT、收藏品NFT以及实用型NFT。其中实用型NFT包括用于进入特定区域的许可证及可以在社交网络中使用的表情包、头像及个人身份等。下图展示了2021年各类别NFT的交易情况。

The current NFT on the market can be divided into six main categories, namely, the game NFT, the meta-cosmos NFT, the arts NFT, the DeFi NFT, the collection NFT, and the functional NFT. The practical NFT consists of a licence to enter a given area and a caption package, head image, and personal identity that can be used in social networks.


NFT trading process


In essence, the transaction process consists of two actors: NFT creators or owners and NFT purchasers. NFT owners turn the original data in the work digitally into the correct format and send it to NFT smart contracts. After an intelligent contract is processed, it is placed on the block chain as a transaction. When a transaction request is made, the transaction is broadcast on the P2P network. The node network uses known algorithms to validate the transaction data, and once the data is confirmed, the NFT will link to the only Hashi value and produce a new block. The new block will then be added to the existing block chain, permanently recorded and unalterable, and the purchaser will acquire the digital assets they like.


While NFT trading markets are rife, criticism and controversy about NFTs persist. The emergence of NFTs, which digitizes all articles, including fine arts, music, videos, books, and news or blog articles, confuses ownership, copyright, and intellectual property rights, and the rules for defining the types of tenure of these and NFT-linked digital creations are not yet clear.


The unprecedented boom in NFT markets has also led many to wonder whether it is yet another capital “false.” It is surprising to see the price of virtual digital collections that are untraceable, and many to think that NFT markets today present nothing more than a false boom of bubbles. However, in technology, the emergence of NFT is a landmark. Its unique and irreplaceable feature temporarily solves the problem of digital production that is highly replicable, and the entire NFT transaction process actually contains many technologies. The underlying technologies are block-chain technology and smart contracts.


Dr. Cheng, in his book The Meta-Cosmos: Concepts, Technology and Ecology (ISBN: 978-111-70354-9), mentioned that a complete meta-cosmos world requires strong technical support to ensure that the meta-cosm world is not just a concept that exists in novels and films. The book focuses on a cluster of technologies that can bring the meta-cosm concept to the ground, including block-chain technology, interactive technology, digital combs, artificial intelligence technology, object-network technology, 5G network technology, cloud computing and peripheral computing technology. In addition to the technical dimension, safety and security is the key to the smooth and safe functioning of the meta-cosm world, and the book will address the problems and rule-level solutions that may be encountered in the meta-cosm, both in terms of information security and institutional security.


The book leaves aside the various analytical discussions on NFT in financial markets, and provides a technical analysis of the importance of NFT to the realization of a meta-cosmos world. When you focus on whether the meta-cosmos is the next tip of the investment world or the new means of capital, "Cutting vegetables," try to understand from a technical point of view the digital world that may change the lives of all people in the future, perhaps more clearly what the meta-cosmos means to us, and ISBN: Concepts, Technology, and Ecology (ISBN: 978-11-70354-9) may help you open your mind and find a different way to understand the whole of the meta-cosm.





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