
资讯 2024-06-25 阅读:97 评论:0
近日,头顶“元宇宙第一股”的飞天云动传来消息。据悉已通过港交所聆讯,或很快IPO上市。In recent days, news has come from the sky of the first share of the Wo...



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In recent days, news has come from the sky of the first share of the Won-Cosmos. It is known that it has been heard in Hong Kong, or that IPOs are soon on the market.


But an investor in the meta-cosmos who was interviewed by the daily Science-Creation Journal said that the meta-cosmos industry where the sky clouds are moving is promising, but not so fast. “Now, there are investors in the industry who throw AR glasses, facebook glasses in the market, etc., but there are technical bottlenecks. For example, how to solve the problem of long-term wear, and the supply of high-quality content.”


The investor believes that AR glasses need to deal with how to display high-quality content in light conditions compared to the XR content service. "This is a chip technique, on the one hand, and an optical breakthrough on the other. In short, the XR content-related consumer-level service is less mature than the drone."

实际上,正如这位投资人所言。作为“元宇宙第一股”,飞天云动关注的是to B领域,不过采访中,一位浸润在元宇宙行业多年的匿名产业人士,在接受《科创板日报》记者采访时表示,作为行业中的一员,还没有听说过飞天云动有什么出圈、很火的项目。

In fact, as the investor said, as the “first share of the Woncosmos” the sky clouds are concerned with the to-B field, but in an interview with an anonymous industrialist who has been immersed in the Woncosmos industry for many years, in an interview with a journalist from the Science-Study Daily, he says that as a member of the industry, he has not heard of any interesting and exciting projects.

在他看来,元宇宙作为一个新赛道,市场规模和容量之前是没人统计的。“飞天云动的行业数据,虽然来自艾瑞咨询,但相关数据依然需要核实。”另一方面,这位匿名受访人士表示,飞天云动发出来的项目,也没有看上去的这么多。此外,有to B领域的公司,复购率都很差。

In his view, as a new track, the size and capacity of the market were not counted. “The industry data from the sky cloud, although it came from the Irene consultation, still needed to be verified.” On the other hand, the anonymous interviewee said that the projects from the sky cloud did not appear to be so much. Moreover, companies in the field of ToB have a very poor repurchase rate.


It is worth mentioning that there is also IP income from flying clouds. But it fell from $6.18 million in 2019 to $170,000 in 2021. In response, he argues that IP revenue is a company brand. “Like mobile brands, some people buy apples and some choose rice. In short, it is a business that occupies consumers or corporate minds.”


Journalists note that the sky cloud suggests that companies value relatively high after creating their own meta-cosmos platform. In response, the interviewee said that there are currently good and bad slogans in the industry of the meta-cosmos platform. “For example, 100 degrees built a Greek App to drive a car launch inside, but generally poor.


To date, four rounds of financing have been completed by flying clouds, with the same great venture appearing in A+ financing. In January 2021, a replenishment agreement was concluded with the great business and others, under which some 6.43% of shares, about 705,000 shares, were held, with a corresponding equity investment of $45 million. In response, the cosmopolitan investors said that tens of millions of investments in the A+ were not too expensive. “If the sky is on the market, it depends on the market’s judgement on its business prospects. However, under the current market, the valuation is not expected to be too high.”


According to reports, the fly-on-clouds project was launched as quickly as possible at the end of September, but details, such as the amount and timing of the release, are likely to change. At the same time, on 1 September, the company was heard in Hong Kong, and its first public fund-raising fund (IPO) was raised about $100 million.

招股文件显示,飞天云动主要从事AR/VR内容及服务业务,于2021年按收入计,在中国的AR/VR内容及服务市场排名第一,市场份额为2.6%。 截至2022年3月31日,飞天云动的AR/VR SaaS平台的注册用户数量约1.46万名,付费用户人数2234名,付费用户的每月平均收入510元。

Stock collection documents show that SkyCloud is mainly engaged in AR/VR content and service operations. In 2021, it ranked first in the market for AR/VR content and services in China, with a market share of 2.6 per cent. As at 31 March 2022, the number of registered users of the AirCloud platform AR/VR SaaS was approximately 146,000, the number of paid users was 2234 and the average monthly income of paid users was 510 yuan.




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