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Magnety是StarkNet 生态早期项目,它是一种链上资产管理协议,它允许任何人,如投资团体、DAO或个人,通过一个易于使用的平台充分利用 DeFi。Magnety充当协议聚合器,让您的 DeFi 体验无与伦比。该协议将帮助您根据您选择的投资策略创建一个高度可定制的金库。

Magnety is the StarkNet Eco Early Project. It is a chain-based asset management agreement that allows anyone, such as investment groups, DAOs or individuals, to make full use of DeFi through an easy-to-use platform. Magnety acts as the protocol polymer, allowing your DeFi experience to be unparalleled. The agreement will help you to create a highly customized vault based on your chosen investment strategy.


Web site

其平台代币,Magnety token(MGTY)是ERC-20标准下协议的原生DAO代币,最大供应量10,000,000,代币尚未上线。

The platform's token, Magnety token (MGTY), is the original DAO of the agreement under the ERC-20 standard, with a maximum supply of 10,000,000, which is not yet online.


currency allocations can be seen as follows:

● 25%(种子+私募+公开销售)将用于筹集资金开发和推广Magnety。

• 25 per cent (seeds + private fund-raising + public sales) will be used to raise funds for the development and promotion of Magnety.

● 30%(空投+流动性挖矿)将用于激励平台用户。

• 30 per cent (aero-drop + mobile mining) will be used to motivate platform users.


The details of the Magnety agreement (an illustration of the road map, the economics of money, the proportion of air drops, etc.) can be viewed in previous articles:

2022年 5 月 25 日,StarkWare 以 80 亿美元估值完成 1 亿美元 D 轮融资,Greenoaks Capital、Coatue、Tiger Global 和其他参与者领投,所筹资金将用于产品和业务开发、工程设计和周边生态系统的发展。

25 May 2022, StarkWare completed $1 billion D rotation financing with $8 billion, Greenoaks Capital, Coature, Tiger Global and other participant-led investments for product and business development, engineering design and the development of surrounding ecosystems.


test process overview:

6.在 Twitter 和 Discord 上分享您的资金!推特分享并将链接发到Discord的【tweets】频道

Installation of wallet, receipt of test money
2. Fund created
3. Swap
4. Tracking assets
5. Personalizing your personal information profile
6. Sharing your funds on Twitter and Discord! Twitter sharing and posting links to Discord's [tweets] channel


Goes enter the following page and click on the Connect link button to the right



Popup Wallet Selection Window

2.1 钱包安装和 Goerli Eth测试币领取

2.1 Wallet installation and Goerli Eth test currency for



连接钱包,有两个选择: 将其连接到 Argent X 或 Braavos。 你可以选择你喜欢的钱包,但在本教程中,我们只示例使用 Argent X。

Connects the wallet with two options: connect it to Argent X or Braavos. You can choose the wallet you like, but in this lesson we only use Argent X.

如何安装 Argent X

how to install Argent


Argent X 是一个浏览器钱包扩展程序,可让您与所有 Starknet 应用程序进行交互。

Argentine X is a browser wallet extension that allows you to interact with all Starknet applications.

如果可能的话,请使用基于谷歌Google Chrome内涵的浏览器,这将方便以后做很多事情。

If possible, use Google Google Chrome-based browsers, which will facilitate a lot of future work.


If you're a fire fox browser:

Argent X – Get this Extension for  Firefox (en-US)

Argent X – Get this Extension for Firefox (en-US)

Download Argent X for Firefox. The first StarkNet wallet. Get the security of Ethereum with the scale of StarkNet

如果你是Google Chrome / Brave浏览器:

If you are Google Chrome / Brave Browser:


Argent X

The security of Ethereum with the scale of StarkNet


When we open the extension, we will go to the following pages:



We'll have to create a new wallet and create a new password.


After creating the password, you should have this interface.



You have to wait until the deployment of the wallet is complete. Congratulations on having just finished the wallet.

2.2为测试网获取一些 goerli的Eth测试币

2.2 Gets some Goerli Eth test coins for the testing network


领水方法1.Argent 钱包 Goerli 直接领水?

territorial waters method 1. Argent wallet Goerli direct territorial waters? <

如果领水成功,在您的 Argent 钱包中收到测试币。如果出现蓝屏。那么采用领水方法2.

If the territorial waters succeed, you will receive test currency in your Argentine wallet.

领水方法2.Metamask Goerli 领水?然后 通过跨链桥?→Argent),具体步骤如下:

territorial waters method 2. Metamask Goerli territorial waters? > >, followed by

Metamask添加 Goerli 网络方法,在(搜索Goerli网络,然后点 Add To Metamask就可以了

Metamask adds the Goerli network method by searching the Goerli network at ( and then click Addto Metamask.

这种方法,除了ArgentX钱包,还需要一个 Metamask 钱包,需要将测试币从 L1 桥接到 L2。?目前starknet桥仅支持google chrome谷歌浏览器,所以建议你使用谷歌浏览器

In this way, in addition to the ArgentX wallet, a Metamask wallet is needed to get the test currency from the L1 bridge to L2. currently supports only Google Browser for Google Crome, so you are advised to use Google Browser .


网页链接, 连接你的 Twitter能获得 0.5 Eth。如果您没有 Twitter,可以使用Chainlik 水龙头?获得 0.1 eth

, link your Twitter to 0.5 Eth. If you do not have Twitter, use Chainlik tap/a>? Get 0.1 Eth?

一旦你从 L1 获得一些 Eth,我们必须桥接它们以便将它们带到 Starknet

Once you get some from L1, Eth, we have to bridge them to take them to Starknet.

StarkGate Alpha

StarkWare Industries Ltd. (“StarkWare”, “we”, “our”) welcomes you (the “User(s)”, or “you”) to (the “Site”), a website that provides information and hosts a user interface (the “Interface”) to a pair of smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain and on the StarkN…

您必须连接您的钱包:Metamask 和 argent X

You must connect to your wallet: Metamask and Argent X


您现在可以将您的第 1 层 Goerli 令牌转换为 Starknet 令牌。 当 Swap 不会忘记你必须支付gas费时。一旦你验证了 metamask 上的交易,你就会看到这个小弹出窗口

You can now convert your Goerli Decorator to Starknet. When Swap doesn't forget that you have to pay gas time. Once you verify the transaction on metamask, you will see this little pop window.


等到 Metamask交易被接受。一旦 Metamask 交易被接受,等待最多 10 分钟,直到资金到达第 2 层。收到资金后,恭喜钱包和测试代币完成.

Wait until the Metamask transaction is accepted. Once the Metamask transaction is accepted, it waits for up to 10 minutes until the money reaches level 2. Congratulations on the completion of the wallet and the testing of the tokens.


2.3 Creates a fund



Create a fund and click the monetize button for the following graphs:


我们需要配置我们的基金,您可以根据需要对其进行个性化设置,包括名称、头像、描述、基金的一些符号,并选择面额资产(这里,选择 Eth 作为资产参考)

We need to configure our fund, and you can personalize it as needed, including names, images, descriptions, some symbols of the fund, and select a nominal asset (here, choose Eth as an asset reference)



Depending on the asset you choose, you may need to execute additional steps.

Alpha Road Finance上swap+LP

by Alpha Road Finance


测试Btc、Astraly 或者 pool token 等代币都没有直接在 Magnety 上提供,你必须去 Alpha Road进行swap,Alpha Road测试网链接:?https?**://
如果您想获得 BTC、Astraly 或 TST 代币,通过Alpha Road swap将一些ETH测试币swap换成您想要的代币。 返回 Magnety 并创建您的基金。

Test Btc, Astraly, or Pool Token have not been provided directly on Magnety and you must go to Alpha Road for a swap, Alpha Road test web link: ?https?/u>**a href=">.


Alpha Road页面Pools里添加 ETH/ASTR 的LP流动性(金额任意)。为了提供流动性,我应该有一些 ETH 和一些 ASTR,可以先通过swap把ETH换一些活动ASTR。

Note: If you create a fund that is a single token (e.g. ETH, BTC, ASTR), you can save steps to add LP.
Alpha Road page Pools to ETH/ASTR's LP liquidity (in an arbitrary amount). In order to provide liquidity, I should have some ETH and some ASTR, which can first replace ETH with some activity ASTR through swap.


返回 Magnety页面,配置你的资金accessibility可访问性,可默认参数,也可你自己设置下

Returns the Magnety page, configures your financial accessibility, allows default parameters, or sets it yourself


如上图,是公开我的基金,最低投资应该在 0.000001 eth 和 20 eth 之间。 当你铸造我的一块基金时,他们至少要查找 3 小时。

As shown above, the minimum investment should be between 0.00001 eth and 20 eth. When you create a fund for me, they must look for at least three hours.

如下图,Integration,可以选择要与哪个 Defi 协议进行交互(请注意,目前仅启用 Alpha Road),Allowed Protocols 如果你没有做LP,就勾选SWAP即可。选择要交易的资产。

If you do not do LP, tick the SWAP. Select the asset you want to trade.

货币化Monetisation是基金经理应用策略的地方。随意设置一些参数,可以将不同的选项设置为高达 10% 或 20%。

monetization is where the fund manager applies the strategy. You can set some parameters at your disposal and set different options as high as 10% or 20%.


等待“Greate my Fund”按钮出来(需要几分钟),点击并授权创建基金

Waiting for the "Greate my Fund" button to come out (in a few minutes), click and authorize the creation of a fund


页面成功后,单击“LFG”按钮转到Vault保险库页面(如果关闭了就在My Profile页面查看),点击分享到推特,会发推文,如下所示:您可以看到我们拥有我的基金名称、我的代币基金和所有标签的所有信息。

After the page is successful, click on the " LFG " button to go to the Vault vault page (if it is closed for viewing on the My Profile page), and click on the share to Twitter and send a tweet, as follows: you can see all the information we have about my fund name, my token fund and all the labels.


2.4 分享到推特

2.4 shares Twitter


将推特的链接发送到 Discord 并提供反馈(频道如图), 注意是在TESTNET频道下的tweets

Send Twitter links to Discord and provide feedback (channels like this), note that it's tweets under TESTNET channel



2.5 manages your fund (these next steps can not be done)


Summarizes the value of your fund.


You have two buttons for investment and management.




You have two options to buy or sell part of the fund.

因此,像往常一样,只需单击按钮即可铸造或出售您的部分基金并在 Argent 上签署交易。

So, as usual, just click on the button to cast or sell part of your fund and sign the transaction on Argentina.



由于我们将以太坊作为参考代币,因此我们必须跟踪另一个资产,进入跟踪窗口并跟踪 btc(可以根据测试网版本自动完成)。

As we will use Tai Lo as a reference token, we will have to track another asset, enter the tracking window and track btc (which can be done automatically on the test web version).

一旦在 L2 上验证了跟踪资产交易,我们需要使用 F5 刷新页面,现在我们可以看到我们还有其他交换选择。 像经典的 Defi 协议一样,您可以添加和删除流动性

Once tracking asset transactions is verified on L2, we need to use F5 to refresh the page, and now we can see that we have other options for exchange. Like the classic Defi protocol, you can add and delete liquidity.


If tracking assets are to be deleted, simply return and cancel tracing assets.

将来,您将能够在 Magnety Stacking Vault 中Stack一些 Eth

In the future, you will be able to set up some Eth in Magnety Stacking Vault



在右侧,您可以看到一个带有您的个人资料的栏(您的个人资料暂时不应该像我的)。 它会显示给你

On the right, you can see a column with your personal data (your personal data should not be like mine for the time being).


You can personalize pencil buttons as you like.




Changes all elements and clicks the check button at the top of the page to save them.

您现在已经测试了所有 Testnet 功能。

You have now tested all the Testnet functions.

请继续关注 MarketPlace 将在几天后出现

Keep your eyes open. MarketPlace will appear in a few days.


1. All people can participate in the testing network


2. A decent air drop will be issued on the basis of the user performance of the testing network.


Users complete testing and share access to “AIRDROPS” and wait for future airdrops


4. Discord can gain a role by trying to:


OG access: Twitter tweets about Magnety, more interaction with officials, and DC remains active.

VIP获得方式: 你是一个有影响力的人,帮助助团队或者早期支持者

ViP get: you're an influential person, helping a team or an early supporter.





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