经济日报-中国经济网讯(记者 曹松)7月29日,云南省区块链中心举行“孔雀码”首批上线企业签约仪式。5家云南特色产业企业率先使用“孔雀码”,涵盖普洱茶、蜂蜜、坚果、水果、蔬菜等产品。
On July 29, at the heart of Yunnan's block chain, the first online company to sign a contract was the “Peacock Code.” Five Yunnan specialty industries took the lead in using the “peacock Code” to cover products such as Pu Ma's tea, honey, nuts, fruit and vegetables.
“The peacock code is based on the block chain commodity code created by the Yunnan block chain platform.” Chen Xing, Chairman of the Yunnan block chain industry union, said, “It connects suppliers, vendors, logistics, government, and inspection agencies, links the product to the information chain, uses undisguised characteristics, assigns a block chain identification for each commodity and achieves a `one-size-fits-all'.”
“Peacock has used block chain technology as a government-led third-party platform to protect against traceability, which enhances consumer confidence and enhances corporate credibility.” The General Manager of the Yunnan Tianjinku Tea Company, which has limited responsibility for tea in Yunnan, says.
Moreover, Yunnan has been actively exploring ways to accelerate the application of the block chain and the integration of the economy into society since its establishment in March of this year.
On 3 July, Yunnan Province’s Block Chain + Housing Special Maintenance Funds Management System was officially launched.
At present, Yunnan Province, through government policies such as the purchase of services and the establishment of an Industrial Fund, is providing pilot sites for the application of block-chain technology, which will further the integration of block-chains with industries. To date, Yunnan District-chain centres have been established in more than 20 enterprises, and sector-chain technology has been piloting integration applications in the areas of agriculture, product traceability, invoicing, government administration, etc.
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