
资讯 2024-07-11 阅读:61 评论:0
文 | 棘轮 比萨Ventura, the thorn wheels, the pizzas.自币圈诞生之日起,骗局就如影随形。近年来,国内币圈、盘圈合流,各种币圈资金盘项目开始以高额利益为诱饵,大肆收割韭菜。随着时间的推移,人们发现,...



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Ventura, the thorn wheels, the pizzas.


In recent years, domestic currency circles and circulations have begun to use high profits as bait for various money-plate projects to harvest vegetables. Over time, it has been discovered that offshore money-plating players have also gradually taken control of these packages.

日前,一个名为“Moon Bitcoin Live”的项目就在英国流行。它自称是一个“比特币倍增器”,能够让玩家的比特币直接翻倍——在这个平台上,玩家不用注册账号,要做的,只是输入自己的比特币地址,并向指定账户转入比特币。

In recent years, there have been money-plating projects in domestic currency circles. And overseas, too.
, a project called "Moon Bitcoin Live" was popular in the United Kingdom. It claims to be a "bitcoin multiplier" that allows players to double bitcoins directly -- on this platform, players do not have to register their accounts, but simply enter their bitcoin addresses and transfer them to a specified account.

Moon Bitcoin Live称,转账1个比特币,24小时后,就可以收到2个比特币。最低投入为0.01个比特币,最高投入为5个比特币。“我们是一个值得信赖、安全合规的项目。”Moon Bitcoin Live官网称。官网显示,目前,Moon Bitcoin Live已经收到了3854个比特币。然而,这个“能让玩家比特币数量翻番”的项目,并不靠谱。Moon Bitcoin Live在官网上列出了最近一天的交易记录。其中,一个结尾为“NDLo”的地址,向项目方转入了1.5个比特币,并收到了3个比特币。

Moon Bitcoin Live states that one bitcoin is transferred and two bitcoins are received in 24 hours. The minimum input is 0.01 bitcoins and the maximum input is five bitcoins. “We are a trusted and secure compliance project.” Moon Bitcoin Live reports. The network shows that, at present, Moon Bitcoin Live has received 3,854 bitcoins. This project, however, is not sound.

Moon Bitcoin Live网站转账记录截图

Screenshot of Moon Bitcoin Live Transfers


However, following a query, a block chain found that there were no transfers of 1.5 bitcoins at the address and no transfers of three bitcoins at any address were received.

以另一个近期流行的英国资金盘比特币时代(Bitcoin Era)为例。

Obviously, the so-called bitcoin multiplier is just a trick. There are domestic online shows that this pattern is just "I, Liar, Money!"
shows that most offshore funds programs are much simpler and rougher than in the country.
takes the example of another recently popular British funder, Bitcoin Era.


The project describes itself as a fully automated HF quantitative transaction software that can make money for players through large data smart transactions.


Players can earn at least 5% of their daily earnings if they invest more than $250 in nothing. In this way, annual gains are as high as 1825%.


This pattern is the same as that of PlusToken, which used to be popular in domestic currency circles. It is almost certain that the Bitcoin era is also a money scam.


However, unlike domestic funding platforms, the way in which the Bitcoin era is induced is not by popular push and community outreach in the country, but by advertising on Internet platforms such as YouTube.


"This model is simple, rough and costly." A senior fund board player, Tung, said to a block chain, "Those funds are only primary school students when compared to their Chinese counterparts."


“In recent years, the money-plate project in the domestic currency circle has taken a global lead in its model.” In the case of Tung.


“Now, foreign projects are also learning domestic circulatory models, such as head-pushing, push-ups by various means, as well as a variety of forms of financing packaging.” He said.

以在欧美流行一时的资金盘项目BitClub Network为例。它将自己包装成了颇具迷惑性的云算力项目:自称是世界十大比特币矿池之一,并在冰岛设有矿场。玩家们可以投入500-2000美元认购矿机,并获得挖矿分成。

Over time, the offshore ring has also been upgraded in the mode of packaging the money plate.
takes the example of BitClub Network, which was a popular year in Europe and America. It has become a confusing cloud computing project: it claims to be one of the world's 10 largest bitcoins and has a mine site in Iceland. Players can invest $500-2000 to subscribe to a miner and get a share of the mine.

为了迷惑玩家,BitClub Network甚至晒出了虚假的矿机、矿场资料。高峰时,它一度吸引了数万名投资者,其中绝大多数都来自欧美。

To confuse the players, BitClub Network even tanned the false mine machine and mine information. At the peak, it attracted tens of thousands of investors, most of them from Europe and America.

BitClub宣传资料?来源:COIN RIVET

BitClub promotional material? Source: COIN RIVET


In South-East Asia, for example, and in China, and , for example, in 2018, there was a fund plate called Pincoin.


Pincoin, which operates under the name “Modern Science and Technology Corporation”, describes itself as a high-technology enterprise with the vision of introducing new technologies into Viet Nam, where the people of Viet Nam find their place in everyday life.


The product of its “landfall” is the digital currency Pincoin. Modern Technology claims that it is a digital currency issued by a large company in Dubai and that it will become a payment tool in the age of the block chain.


China's currency-circle players are already numb to these words — they are no different from the Chinese currency-coop funds.


A more similar set of paths remains behind, such as high-profile activities.


Pincoin's gamers will rent a luxury hotel and give a lecture at the banquet hall. They say that if you invest in Pincoin, you get 48 percent a month.


Pincoin's handler talks in a luxury hotel? Source: Vietnam Public Security Network.

他们还拉来了越南知名歌手谭永兴(Dam Vinh Hung),邀请他为项目站台。

They also brought in the famous Vietnamese singer Dam Vinh Hung, inviting him to serve as the project platform.


At the same time, Pincoin supports dynamic gains.


In order to better pull heads, Pincoin has carefully prepared “advocacy material” and organized a gamer's offline party. The high-profile and rich pictures of the player after “earning cash” are also distributed online, thereby attracting new players to the game.


Pincoin Discovery Information and Underline Gathering? Source: Vietnam Public Security Network


The social model prevailing in the Chinese currency circle has also moved to Vietnam. Only the chat platform has been transformed from micro-mail to Telegram.


Pincoin Player Community Dialogue? Source: Vietnam Public Security Network


Under this combination of fists, many Vietnamese are enticed. In just a few months, Pincoin ends up with a crash.


At this point, Pincoin's handlers started using the same method as domestic funds: repeated harvests. > >
they launched a new project, iFan. According to them, iFan is a block chain entertainment project of a company in Singapore that aims to connect the block chain with the entertainment industry, allowing stars and fans to communicate directly.


In the end, however, the iFan also ran away. According to local media in Viet Nam, Pincoin and iFan were involved in charges amounting to VND 15.5 trillion, which corresponds to about RMB 4.7 billion.


“East and South-East Asia are human societies, with close ties between relatives and friends, and are well suited for fund-raising.” Tung summing up. In addition to head-pushing, under-line promotion, another common game of domestic finance, “0 tons”, is beginning to flourish abroad. , the so-called “0 tons”, is to keep players free of money. It attracts a large number of wool parties, bringing voice and humanity to the project. This is a low-cost way of receiving money.


In the last year, the offshore pico has been popular in the global currency ring. This is a project that focuses on cellular mining, where players can get free piños if they land on a mobile phone every day.


At the same time, players can benefit from pulling down lines. On Facebook, Twitter, they also often see piping players all over the world sharing invitations to piping.


It is worth noting that pi coins are not currently on the main web line, do not support transactions, and are temporarily unable to generate returns through investments. As such, it cannot be classified as a pool of funds for the time being.


As long as it's a cash drive, there's always a day when it's going to fall apart.


In South-East Asia, there is little difference between the rights of the money bankers and the country. .
takes Vietnam as an example. After Pincoin ran with iFan, the victims went to the headquarters of the modern technology company to defend their rights.


In the end, the way they choose to defend their rights is a banner familiar to currency-circle players.


Victims of Viet Nam's money bank banners? Source: Viet Nam Public Security Network


In Africa and South America, players have a more direct means of defending their rights. A block chain
previously reported that a fund plate called “bitcoin purse” ravaged South Africa in 2019. The project states that for 15 days, players can double their assets.


After this project ran away, Mbatha, the gamer of Bitcoin's wallet, disappeared. The angry investors ran into his house and burned down his house.


The “bitcoin wallet” was burned down at the manipulator's house? Source: South African media TimesLIVE

在南美国家玻利维亚,一个名为“比特币现金”(BitCoin Cash,注:与比特币现金BCH无关)的项目在2017年跑路。

In Bolivia, a project called BitCoin Cash (not related to Bitcoin cash BCH) ran in 2017.


Some players say that there is cash under the floor of the "bitcoin cash" office.


The victims also stole furniture from the office in a tricycle to compensate for their loss.


Finally, the victims moved all their worthless furniture and belongings from the offices to the streets and set fire to them.

比如说,2020年3月,就有一个资金盘玩家卧底进入乌克兰企业Milton Group。后者主营数字货币资金盘项目,主要面向英国和澳大利亚市场,并在乌克兰拥有200名员工。

In March 2020, for example, there was an undercover financial player who entered the Ukrainian company Milton Group. The latter's main digital-money-discount project, which was aimed primarily at the United Kingdom and Australia markets and had 200 employees in Ukraine.

掌握证据后,这名玩家向瑞典报纸《Dagens Nyheter》举报,并提供了录像及公司内部文件——据称,仅2019年一年时间,这家公司就通过资金盘获利7000万美元。

Having obtained the evidence, the player reported to the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter and provided video footage and internal documents of the company, which allegedly earned $70 million in 2019 for just one year.


At the same time as the money pool flourishes, the power of checks and balances is flourishing. Those who play with the fire burn themselves.


What are the characteristics of the Chinese currency ring in the eyes of foreign currency circles?


Mine-mining centres, exchange centres... may be added to the one-fund-plate model centre.


Compared to simple and rough models from abroad, domestic funding has varied in variety and variety of ways, and has thus become the object of global mastery learning.


At the end of the day, they all met their fate.

2019年12月,云算力资金盘骗局Bitclub Network被美国警方收网,4名嫌疑人被捕。

In December 2019, four suspects were arrested when Bitclub Network, a Yakuza fraud scheme, was captured by the United States police.


Once convicted, they face a maximum sentence of 20 years.




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