
资讯 2024-07-03 阅读:71 评论:0
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Total Sugar (ID: clairetangmedia)spanclas="text-remarks" by Sugar General: "Nofollow" style=" text-descript: none; ><


This article is the most recent thought, and the conclusion is simple:


Don't be greedy. Keeping money may be more interesting than making money.

看了很多资料,有新闻,也有旧闻,不小心写成了金融科普研究报告。阅读需要 7 分钟,说的都是不太顺耳的话,如果最近不想节省,大可不用看。

I've read a lot of material, news, and old news, and I accidentally wrote a financial science study. It takes seven minutes to read, and it's not easy to say, if you don't want to save recently, you don't have to read it.


If you're interested in the logic of the flow of information and the flow of money, you're advised to take some time and read it slowly.


Two main issues were discussed:

1. 今天的我们 ,和100年前美国二十年代的年轻人,为什么很像?

1. Why are we like us today, and the young people of the 20s of the United States 100 years ago?

2. 最聪明的人,为什么和我们一样会破产?

2. Why are the smartest people as bankrupt as we are?


After all, it's really hard to keep your brain awake at a time when media star red is turning into a television guide and advertising is better than a movie.

昨天,国际货币基金组织(IMF)连续第五次下调 2019 年经济增长预期,外部经济环境真的很糟糕。潮水退去,谁在裸泳,一眼看见。

Yesterday, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) (IMF) for the fifth consecutive downward revision of economic growth expectations in 2019. The external economic environment is really bad.


There's been two news stories recently, and it's kind of naked swimming in it:

第一则是融 360 最新的《 90 后人群消费趋势研究报告》显示,90 后平均负债12.79 万,群体负债率高达 1850%,在消费贷款群体中占比达 43.48%,以贷养贷用户占比近三成。

The first is the latest post-90 Consumer Trends Study, which shows that after 90, an average debt of 12,79 million was incurred, with a group debt ratio of 18,50 per cent, 43.48 per cent in the consumer group and nearly 30 per cent in the case of loan users.

第二则是贾跃亭已于10月13日在美国主动申请个人破产重组,同时乐视网于10 月 14 日晚间公告,预计前三季净亏损 101.97亿元-102.02 亿元,第三季度净亏损 1.51亿元-1.56 亿元。公司目前正在积极要求贾跃亭对其造成的上市公司关联债务问题负责,切实解决其对上市公司构成的实际债务。

The second is that on October 13 in the United States of America, Jijonjin has volunteered to apply for an individual bankruptcy reorganization, while the Network announced in the evening of October 14 that it expected a net loss in the first three quarters of $1097 million - $10,202 million - and a net loss in the third quarter of $151 million - $156 million. The company is now actively demanding that Jajörting be held accountable for its liability in relation to listed companies, effectively resolving its actual debt to listed companies.


As the American economist Henry Kaufman said:


“There are two kinds of bankrupts, one that don't know anything, the other that know everything.”

001 人间百年 社畜未变


Ants Gold Clothes and Fuda International Survey of China's Old Age Prospects show that this young man is truly poor.

据悉,1.7 亿90后就有 4500 万人开通蚂蚁,也就是说每四个人就有一个人用花呗,花呗已经成为年轻人的破产姐妹。

According to the information received, after 170 million to 90 million, 45 million people have opened ants, meaning that one in four people uses flowers, which have become the bankrupt sister of young people.

双十一的时候,花呗给用户疯狂提额,2017 年每一个花呗用户平均提额2200 元,也就是说在”双十一“当天,蚂蚁花呗至少给 8000 万用户追加了1760 亿的信用额度。

In two-thirteens, the flowers raise users madly, with an average of $2,200 per user in 2017, meaning that on the Day of Two-Thirteen, ants raise a credit line of at least 176 billion to 80 million users.

最后,双 11 过后,年轻人都破产了。

Finally, after the double 11, the young people went bankrupt.


When you are filled with greed, the latest financial services of all kinds will smile behind you.


It's really hard for me to save money in the first five years of school. Of course, I thought a lot of it was worth spending.

我记得刚去央视的时候,工资其实非常低的,但我也第一时间给自己分期换了当时最新的 iphone。

I remember when I first went to the audience, the pay was really very low, but I also gave myself the first installment of the latest iphone at the time.


Before confirming this job, because my school is in Shanghai, I have no place to stay in Beijing and have two internships and scholarships to pay the rent.


The seemingly plentiful central media internships are often not paid.


Since there are possible jobs in Beijing, Shanghai and Nanjing, I often run interviews in three cities at my own expense during the year before graduation.


A girl who has recently graduated, who thinks she should have & &quat; travel, bags, clothes, shoes, cosmetics and coffee, has no choice but to cut off her hands.


I was thinking, what's wrong with working so hard, getting paid to embrace the world, investing in myself, saving time?


It's not just me, it's me, it's & quot; & quot; it's Chinese & quot; the threshold is getting higher and higher:


The children are marked as tutors, excursions and excursions.

女人的标配,是 Lamer、Dior 和LV。

The women's labels are Lamer, Dior and LV.


Men are marked with millions of annual wages, garages and watches.


Older persons are designated as health-care products, monolithics and travel abroad.


Until one day I suddenly realized that, although my income had increased since my graduation, my own credit card seemed never to end.


I've never looked closely at the bank bills, and I've studied them, and I'm afraid. Credit cards are interest-bearing on a monthly basis.


In other words, if you pay the entire bill on the last day of repayment, it is good that you do not have to pay any interest and deferred payments and are able to enjoy the interest-free period granted by the bank;

如果你哪次当月的账单没全部还清,哪怕只有 1 毛钱,那么你也没有免息期了,所有的消费都要从你消费当天开始算每天万分之五利息,按日计息按月复利。

If you don't pay all the bills for the month, even if it's only 1 cent, you don't have an interest-free period, and all consumption starts on the day of your consumption at five-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand interest per day.


Simply put, a profit-rich compound is a long-term gain for others; but if it is a debt, it may become increasingly difficult to roll over with a negative mark on front of your compound curve, coupled with the dimension of time.


What's the point of talking about growth in the guise of prosperity?


From the day I began to make a serious reckoning, I found myself acting as if I were a different person. I tried my best to settle the debt quickly and try to be as rational as possible.


I suddenly realized that embracing the world, investing in myself, saving time was not spending much money, or that it wasn't at all what the brand ad said.


Jobes said that what I love most in my life is not to spend a penny. Clearly, the most precious resource of life, we all have, that's time. For a poor young man, attention and time are the only wealth.

花2分钟来简单看一下 100 年前的美国旧闻,就会更明白自己正处于什么样的结构之中。

It takes two minutes to take a simple look at the old American story 100 years ago, and you'll know better what structure you're in.


You're not alone.

旧闻就是历史,历史总是惊人地相似,真的像一面镜子。我们来看《 100 年前的社畜》这篇文章的回顾,很精彩。

The old story is history, it's always amazingly similar, really like a mirror. We're looking at the review of The Animal 100 Years ago.

20 年代的美国,构建了一个前所未有的开创性的社会结构。

In the United States of the 20th century, an unprecedented pioneering social structure was built.


Since then, cities have become landscapes, consumerism has broken out rapidly, rich people from all walks of life have begun to monopolize, and the eight major syndicates, led by Rockefeller and Morgan, have taken control of the lives of the United States economy, resting in the major north-eastern cities of the United States and building skyscrapers.



A large number of office posts have increased, attracting a large number of young people from the United States to live in large cities. Today’s Chinese youth are in the North and in the United States are in New York, Chicago, and Washington.


New York's real-estate developers have gone crazy, and they've built a lot of houses on the outskirts of the city, but the increase in the number of houses still does not match the pace of population growth. And that's when the first “breeds” in the United States appeared.


These young people, like their classmates from the north, live together in an apartment building on the outskirts of the city, carrying crowded buses every day to the office building in the centre of the city to hit a card. New York's myths continue to haunt them, even though in reality they can only do a little screw in a skyscraper building.


No one is obsessive about the benefits that cities bring to people — it is here that electricity is available throughout the city, and the night is no longer the end of a day, but the beginning of free time.


People say there are opportunities everywhere, there are gold everywhere, and everyone works like chicken blood.


According to Guy Depo, the essence of cities is a dream-making landscape. They turn cities into an attractive landscape with big buildings, colourful lights and billboards, rich entertainment and services, and you will be firmly attracted here, willing to consume them, and willing to make money for them and never leave.


That is the magic of consumerism.


And the first step in stimulating consumption is advertising.


The most classic of these cases is Coca-Cola. The earliest canoe ads are just the name of a fake ad:

大海报上赫然印着“理想的大脑滋补品!可治疗头痛,缓解疲劳!” 论吹牛,连脑白金都得叫它一声祖师爷。

"Ideal brain supplement! It heals headaches, relieves fatigue!" The big poster says, "Brain platinum is a great old master."


Post-advertisement planning, which uses psychology, has made this guidance more invisible.


Let's say here's the following picture:


Is it similar to today's luxuries to create an upper impression that attracts Chinese buyers?


Remember when we were in the history of advertising classes at the School of Journalism, we discussed that the psychological persuasions used in these media were first used in the war during World War I.


In times of peace, all that needed to be fought was the wallet of the public.


The essence of advertising is to define what's fashionable, what's noble, what's upper, to throw out an attractive concept and tell you to buy my product.


And today's tradition of advertising cars for “family happiness” begins: if a family can buy a car, you can get the “highest standard of living in the world”.


When it comes to cars, it is necessary to mention the second move to stimulate the consumption of the animals, which is a loan in instalments. Today's animals can't resist cutting their hands, white strips, which were played by the big guys a hundred years ago.


The first stages were not Wall Street, but a sewing machine. In an era of underdevelopment in the garment industry, it was the dream of every housewife to have a handshake sewing machine. But the animals' husbands had a headache: buying a sewing machine was equivalent to spending a whole year's income.


In order to increase sales, Singer’s salesmen have come up with ways to get homemakers to rent sewing machines and then pay for them in instalments. With this method of play, Singer sewing machines sell more than 260,000 machines a year, making a leap to the head of the industry.


And it's the cars that really boost the amortization.


By the mid-20’s, three-quarters of the country’s cars had been paid in instalments, and most of America’s social workers had been able to drive cars with less than a year’s pay. By 1925, one out of every six Americans owned a car.


For Americans in the '20s, America has never been so eager to make money. Various schemes for wealth are on the list: Don't hesitate to invest in your cash!


Everyone yearns for success, dreams of one night's richness, and the more easy it is for those who dream about it. Without saying that they are carrying home-based mortgages and consumer loans, there is not much disposable income, and, worse still, most of the animals have no idea what lies behind the money, but it still does not stop them from investing.

当然美国的繁荣是杠杆式繁荣。到 1919 年,美国的政府债务滚到 270 亿美元,债务/GDP比为 30 %,此后一骑绝尘。这两个数字在一百年后分别是22万亿与 105 %。

Of course, America’s prosperity is a leveraged one. By 1919, America’s government debt had rolled to $27 billion, with a debt/GDP ratio of 30%, followed by a dust-free ride.


Then the Americans met a cycle of speculative fanaticism and bubble break-up.

1929 年 10 月 24 日,史称“黑色星期四”。这一天,美国金融界崩溃了,股票一夜之间跌入深渊,价格下跌快得连行情显示器都跟不上了。

On October 24, 1929, history called “Black Thursday.” On that day, the US financial world collapsed, stocks fell into the abyss overnight, and prices fell so fast that they could not keep up.

1929 年 10月 29 日,纽约证券交易所里的所有的人都开始疯狂抛售,股指从之前最高点的 363 骤然下跌了 40 个百分点,成千上万的美国人眼睁睁看着他们一生的积蓄在几天内烟消云散。从 1929 年 10 月 29 日到 11 月 13 日短短的两个星期内,300 亿美元的财富瞬间蒸发,这笔钱相当于美国在第一次世界大战中的总开支。

On October 29, 1929, everyone on the New York Stock Exchange began to sell out in a frenzy, pointing to a sharp drop of 40 percentage points from the previous peak of 363, with thousands of Americans watching their life savings disappear in a few days. From October 29, 1929 to November 13, 30 billion dollars of wealth evaporated in two short weeks, amounting to total spending by the United States during the First World War.


A terrible chain reaction quickly occurred: banks were shut down under a crazy run-off, factories were shut down, large numbers of social animals were unemployed, and many were driven out of their homes because they could not afford to pay their mortgages and turned into homeless people, even successful businessmen and bankers. One-night rich became one-night poor, and the dreams of the social animals were dashed: they had to be naked naked to have nothing of their own, spiritually or materially.

就像我们的 2015年,大量高杠杆的投资者完全不知道风险是什么。

Like ours in 2015, a lot of highly leveraged investors have no idea what the risk is.

我们心底默认,经济会一直高增长,房价会一直涨下去,股市突破 10000点不是梦。

The bottom line is that the economy is going to grow, house prices are going to rise, and the stock market is going to break 10000 is not a dream.


When you roll up with a new, old snowball, it means we can't let the winter pass and the snow doesn't melt. And it's a Ponzi-like game.


Here is the story of the most representative and intelligent person.

002 最聪明的人,为什么一样会破产?

在这个时代背景下,年轻的庞兹来到了翻滚中的美利坚。而 1919 年作为庞氏骗局的元年,载入史册。

In the context of this era, young Ponzi came to America in a roll, and in 1919, as the year of the Ponzi scheme, it was recorded in history.


By this year, Ponzi is exactly 100 years old, and the world is still the same.

查尔斯·庞兹告诉投资者,他发现了一种发财的方法,即国际邮票和汇率中,存在着套利的机会,简而言之就是通过货币兑换,把 B 货币换成 A 货币,在 A 地用 A 货币买入 A 邮票,再到 B 地卖掉A邮票,获得 B 货币。

Charles Ponzi told investors that he had found a lucrative way of selling international stamps and exchange rates with a arbitrage opportunity to exchange B currency for A currency, buy A stamps in A, sell A stamps in B, and get B currency, in short, through currency exchange.

庞兹得出结论,经济越差货币越贬值的国家,我去买回信券就能套到更高的利润,最高利润可达 400 %。字里行间充满了经济学逻辑与国贸概念。

Ponzi concludes that the worse the economy is in a country with a depreciated currency, the higher the profits I get from buying back the bonds, up to 400% of the profits. The lines are full of economic logic and the concept of State trade.

庞兹开始大规模兜售自己的理财产品,投资 90 天,收益率 50 %,后来极端到 45天,50 %。

Ponzi started selling his property on a massive scale, investing 90 days at a rate of 50 per cent, then at an extreme of 45 days at 50 per cent.

庞兹不是一个人搞,而是培训了一大堆理财师一起搞,拉人头过来就给 10 %的提成,理财师拉下线理财师,还能再吃下线。

Ponzi isn't a guy, he's trained a bunch of financiers to do it, and he's got 10% of the money, and he's got the wirer, and he's got the wire.


It's called a micro-business in the United States.

△ 庞氏骗局创始人,查尔斯·庞兹本兹


From this point of view, Ponzi's pioneering incorporation of marketing and micro-business ideas into the traditional set-up of the east wall to fill the west wall has led to new ideas, to the play, to the game, to the trick, to his name, to his name.

高峰时期,当地75%的警察都买了庞兹的产品。所有这些人给庞氏带来了一座2000万美元的金山。每个人眼睛里都只有一样东西,每个人看起来都像一个钱疯子(money madness)

At peaks, 75% of the local police bought Ponzi's products. All of them brought Ponzi a $20 million gold mountain. There was only one thing in everyone's eyes, and everyone looked like a money lunatic.


Unlike Ponzi, the founder of the Ponzi, who was the main donor of private money, former President Bernard Madoff, who created the largest $65 billion fraud in human history, was a financial expert who blew up the entire Jewish elite of the United States on his own.


He's almost on his knees, and he's extremely picky. When he hits the big Jew's big palm beach club, he's got a wider twilight, he's got a long way to go. He's almost never seen an investor, and he's trying to keep his secret.

他多年来对自己保持每年 10 %稳定盈利的投资策略讳莫如深,真相是,他 20年来,只是在摩根大通开了一个账户,存东墙的钱进去,拿钱出来给西墙。

The truth is, he's been keeping himself at 10% of a steady profit every year for years, and for 20 years, he's just opened an account with Morgan Chase, and he's got money in the East Wall, and he's got money out for the West Wall.

有人曾花 4 分钟推算、 4 个小时验证了麦道夫的收益数据,发现在当时金融市场的真实情况下绝对不可能实现,于是向美国证券交易委员会(SEC)整整投诉了十年,但是没人听。

After four minutes of extrapolation and four hours of validation of Madoff's earnings data, it was found absolutely impossible to achieve under the true circumstances of the financial markets at the time, and the entire ten-year complaint was lodged with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission , but no one listened.

麦道夫后来说,只要 SEC 稍微认真查一下账,就会知道到底什么情况。

Madoff later said that if SEC were to look a little bit at the accounts, it'd know exactly what was going on.

麦道夫案暴发之后,SEC 痛定思痛,在 2009 年发布了一份 477 页的报告,调查和反思为什么SEC在这么长时间内没有发现麦道夫的庞氏骗局,最后对8名官员进行了惩戒。

Following the Madoff case, the SEC was so critical that in 2009 it released a 477-page report to investigate and reflect on why the SEC did not find Madoff's Ponzi scheme for such a long time, and eventually punished eight officials.


You know, Madoff is on a board of top U.S. financial regulators, up and up, up and down.


At first, Madoff received only money from his family and friends; later he received some of the recommended charitable funds; and later he received a number of large investment institutions, including banks and hedge funds around the globe.

金融时报援引知情人士说,汇丰控股很可能在麦道夫骗局中损失了 10 亿美金。

The Financial Times quotes sources that HCM holdings are likely to have lost $1 billion in the Madoff scheme.

前美联储主席格林斯潘也被麦道夫骗走了 30 %的退休储蓄(他买的基金投给了麦道夫)。他提起这件事时说,当初的回报看起来太舒服了。

Former US Federal Reserve Chairman Greenspan was also defrauded by Madoff of 30% of his retirement savings . He said that the return seemed too comfortable.

这场世纪大骗局在 2008 年底揭开惊人面纱的时候,主要是因为百年不遇的金融危机不期而至。

At the end of 2008, when this century-wide fraud unveiled an amazing veil, it was mainly due to the unexpected financial crisis that had not occurred in the course of the century.

流动性恐慌的时代人人自危,到了十一月,投资者要求抽资 70 亿美元,而此时麦道夫的银行账户里只剩不足三亿。

In November, investors demanded $7 billion, while Madoff's bank account had less than $300 million.

平民出身的麦道夫最初从场外交易 OTC 里看出了巨大商机。为了与纽交所的做市商竞争,他的公司作为先驱,应用了一套电子交易系统;麦道夫预见到电子化交易系统在 OTC 上的革命,这是他那个年代的人工智能梦想。

Civil-born Madoff initially saw a great deal of business from the out-of-the-box OTC. In order to compete with Newton's marketers, his company used an electronic trading system as a pioneer; Madoff saw the revolution of the electronic trading system on OTC, a dream of artificial intelligence of his time.


And the system grew up savagely and eventually became NASDAQ.

除了电子化以外,老麦还摸索出一套商业模式,这套玩法叫 pay for order flow。

In addition to electronicization, McKenzie has come up with a business model called pay for order follow.

意思是作为做市商,麦道夫会给将交易订单 route 到他手上成交的券商一笔回扣,来吸引流量。他最后会向交易者收取一个极大的spread(价差),足以赚回回扣。这种情况下,交易者是不明情况到底真实价格是如何的,所以很可能overpay。

It means, as a marketer, that Madoff will give a kickback to the dealer who made the transaction order to get the flow. He will end up charging the dealer with a huge spread


In short, it's like you can't buy it yourself when you're $8,000 in bitcoin. You're paid $10,000.


You agree with the price, you buy it, you take care of it.


This is immoral, but it is perfectly legal, and Wall Street has been prevalent.

靠着电子交易和 pay for order flow,麦道夫在华尔街如鱼得水。

By electronic trade and pay for order fly, Madoff gets water on Wall Street.


Every time the United States Securities and Exchange Commission questioned him, he said that he was not illegal.

麦道夫的前半生是一个典型成功的犹太人富一代,白手起家,做大做强。他喜欢鼓吹自己是纳斯达克的奠基人之一  —— 麦道夫的公司一度是纳斯达克最大的做市商,他也曾经是纳斯达克的董事会主席—— 也不算是完全胡说八道。

The first half of Madoff's life was a typical success of a rich Jewish generation, born with nothing but hands. He likes to preach that he is one of the founders of Nasdak & nbsp; — Madoff's company was once the largest marketer of Nasdak, and he was once the chairman of Nasdak's board of directors — and it's not total nonsense.


On 12 December 2008, Madoff was arrested on 11 counts and sentenced to a maximum of 150 years'imprisonment.


It is worth noting here that Madoff has not followed the public trial process, which is tantamount to bringing the entire US financial system to court. How many assets in the industry have Ponzied? No answer.


People like to lie to themselves, and they're good at lying to themselves.

美国第18任总统尤利西斯·格兰特,这位原本并不缺钱的总统因为退休后的奢华旅行逐渐耗尽了家产,在被“金融界的小拿破仑”(Young Napoleon of Finance)费迪南德·沃德以庞氏骗局骗走最后的 10 万美元后,格兰特最终宣布破产。

Ulysses Grant, the 18th President of the United States, who was not in need of money, was running out of his family property because of the luxuries of his retirement, and he finally declared bankrupt after having been deceived by the Young Napoleon of Finance by the “small Napoleon”

于是,无论看起来多弱智的东西,也总有人趋之若鹜。比如 2019 年处处遍布的沙雕骗局,币圈有 N 多模式币,教育圈有 1 分钟让小学生读完 10 万字的量子速读法。

So, no matter how retarded things look, there's always someone else. For example, in 2019, there was a sand sculpturing scam, a ring of N-modules, an educational circle of 1 minute for pupils to read 100,000 words of quantum speed.


Today, with the capital money, how many founders and bosses are actually actors.


Big Ja-joo is not the first and certainly not the last.

1 %的故事怎么讲都讲不完,雪球也会一直滚下去。

The story of 1 % can't be finished, and snowballs keep rolling.


We learn to stay awake.


It is not only hard to be rich, but it is difficult to reach market averages. When you see information and assurances that are above market averages, you have to be vigilant.

英文里有一个说法叫 too good to be true —— 看起来实在太美,以至于根本不可能是真事。

There's a saying in English, too good to be true -- it looks so beautiful that it can't be true.


Consumer finance is not inclusive, and if the basic concept of finance is not understood, your spending is gambling.

Always live under your means。这是真的工作很拼命、很有钱却真的很节俭的朋友跟我聊这个话题时,给的建议。

Always live under your means. It's advice from a really hard-working, very rich, but really resourceful friend who talks to me about the subject.

It‘s not about how much money you make. It's about how much you are left with. 不是胜者为王,而是剩者为王。

It's not about how much money you make.


Rosschild said one thing:


“To be able to create a great deal of wealth requires great courage and sufficient care. To hold on to that wealth, it takes 10 times as much talent as it takes to create it.”




1.国际货币基金组织, World Economic Outlook (October 2019)

International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook (Octobe 2019)


2. Beneficial 360, Post-90 Consumer Trends Study


3. Ant Gold Clothes and Fuda International, Report on the Survey of China's Old Age Prospects






"Text-remarks" 6. Chanda, "100 Years of Ponzi Fraud."


Chul, what's the U.S. Animal doing 100 years ago?


Sugar Master (ID:clairetangmedia)




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