
资讯 2024-07-16 阅读:118 评论:0
1 什麼是金本位制 2 金本位制的形式 3 金本位制的基本特征 4 金本位制的實行歷史 5 金本位制崩潰的主要原因 6 金本位制崩潰的影響 7 金本位制案例分析 7....



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  金本位制就是以黃金本位幣貨幣制度。在金本位制下,或每單位的貨幣價值等同於若幹重量的黃金(即貨幣含金量);當不同國家使用金本位時,國家之間的匯率由它們各自貨幣的含金量之比--金平價Gold Parity)來決定。金本位制於19世紀中期開始盛行。在歷史上,曾有過三種形式的金本位制:金幣本位制金塊本位制金匯兌本位制。其中金幣本位制是最典型的形式,就狹義來說,金本位制即指該種貨幣制度。

gold base is is ;

  1、金幣本位制(Gold Specie Standard)


金塊本位制(Gold Bullion Standard)


This is a modified version of

  3、金匯兌本位制(Gold Exchange Standard)



In the 1970s, the gold-plate system and the gold-transfer-based system largely disappeared.

  • 以一定量的黃金為貨幣單位鑄造金幣,作為本位幣
  • 金幣可以自由鑄造,自由熔化,具有無限法償能力,同時限制其它鑄幣的鑄造和償付能力
  • 輔幣和銀行券可以自由兌換金幣或等量黃金;
  • 黃金可以自由出入國境;
  • 以黃金為唯一準備金


, , and > > > >


  金塊本位制和金匯兌本位制是在金本位制的穩定性因素受到破壞後出現的兩種不健全的金本位制。這兩種制度下,雖然都規定以黃金為貨幣本位,但只規定貨幣單位的含金量,而不鑄造金幣,實行銀行券流通。所不同的是,在金塊本位制下,銀行券可按規定的含金量在國內兌換金塊,但有數額和用途等方面的限制(如英國 1925年規定在1700英鎊以上,法國1928年規定在215000法郎以上方可兌換),黃金集中存儲於本國政府。而在金匯兌本位制下,銀行券在國內不兌換金塊,只規定其與實行金本位制國家貨幣的兌換比率,先兌換外匯,再以外匯兌換黃金,並將準備金存於該國。

The gold-based system and [編輯]


Historically, countries implemented the gold standard prior to World War I in 1914.


After the first World War of 1914, the gold system ended with the issuance of undisclosed notes to raise large military costs and to ban the free export of gold.


After World War I, in 1924-1928, the capitalist world experienced a period of relative stability in which the production of major capitalist countries was restored to pre-war levels and developed. Countries tried to restore the gold standard. But, since the base of gold currency circulation had been weakened, it was not possible to restore the typical gold standard.


and the gold currency system


After World War II, centred on . centered at . >.


The main causes of the collapse of the gold standard, which has been in operation for about 100 years, are:

  • 第一,黃金生產量的增長幅度遠遠低於商品生產增長的幅度,黃金不能滿足日益擴大的商品流通需要,這就極大地削弱了金鑄幣流通的基礎。
  • 第二,黃金存量在各國的分配不平衡。1913年末,美、英、德、法、俄五國占有世界黃金存量的三分之二。黃金存量大部分為少數強國所掌握,必然導致金幣的自由鑄造和自由流通受到破壞,削弱其他國家金幣流通的基礎。
  • 第三,第一次世界大戰爆發,黃金被參戰國集中用於購買軍火,並停止自由輸出和銀行券兌現,從而最終導致金本位制的崩潰。


The collapse of the gold standard system has had a tremendous impact on and on the world economy:



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  正是基於對現行國際貨幣體系的不滿,以及圍繞國際貨幣問題的各種陰謀論的抬頭,使得金本位制再度受到關註。有些學者提出世界貨幣格局應返金本位制(Gold Standard),提議“重建佈雷頓森林體系”或“新金本位制”,以求形成穩定的國際貨幣體制。典型的設想是全球所有國家同時加入金本位制聯盟,來一致確定其貨幣相對於黃金的穩定關係。

It is on the basis of the dissatisfaction with the current international monetary system and the rise of conspiracy theories surrounding international currency issues that the gold system is again under consideration. Some scholars have proposed “rebuilding or “New gold standard system” in order to form a stable international monetary system.


Supporters believe that there is a range of benefits from a gold-based system. One is that the gold-based currency itself has a “hard” value; the other is < 6% B1%E7%E8%E6%E/comm3%E7%E7E7%E7%A%B5%B2” > ; the third is that the national currency no longer has an exchange rate of = 87%B2%2%-h2%2%

  前美聯儲主席格林斯潘Alan Greenspan)在1960年代曾撰文表示支持金本位。他在《黃金與經濟自由》(Gold and Economic Freedom)一文中寫道,在金本位制度下,一個國家的信用額由這個國家的有形資產規模來決定;沒有了金本位制度,也就沒有了安全的價值儲存載體,政府幾乎可以不受阻礙地沉溺於瘋狂的信貸創造。赤字開支純粹就是一種將社會財富充公的陰謀;而金本位制度會嚴格約束這種赤字開支,起到保護大眾財產權的作用。

Formerly ;


Although Greenspan, after assuming the position of president of the US Federal Reserve, has moved away from supporting the gold standard, there are now many who have come back to claim that Zangelo did have a vision.


Indeed, history and reality have shown that a return to the gold standard is an unrealistic illusion that, if implemented, it could become a farce, with disastrous consequences.


In ancient times, the metal currency ; here it refers to the gold standard system where currency is used as exchange certificate or voucher.


After that, Germany, Sweden, Norway, the Netherlands, the United States, France, the Russian Federation, Japan, etc. announced the introduction of the gold standard system. The world’s leading gold standard holders, for more than 200 years and for a few decades, did not have a gold standard in China (except for the “gold coupons” that the national government had briefly implemented).


From 1870 until the outbreak of World War I, it was the result, rather than the cause, of the most widespread use of the gold-based system . But more and more research has shown that at that time the gold-based economy prevailed in the European economy . In fact, the collapse of the world economy under the gold-based system from 1879 to 1896 was the result of > 9%E%E%E%E9%E%Eg%Eg%Eg%Eg%E%Eg%E%E%E%EE%E%E%E%E%E%E > > >.


Eref = "self-sustained" , gold control, gold cannot be sustained. After the war, countries launched the World Monetary Conference in Italian > 87% AA%EA%Ew2 = > > and = = > > > >.

  二戰結束前夕,美國主導戰後國際貨幣體系重建。1944年7月,在美國新罕布希爾州佈雷頓森林郡的度假賓館召開了44個國家參加的“聯合國國際貨幣金融會議”,通過了以美國“懷特計劃”為藍本的《佈雷頓森林協議》(Bretton Woods system),從而建立了一種“國際性金匯兌本位制”(可兌換黃金的美元本位制,是一種間接的金本位制)的“佈雷頓森林體系”。

On the eve of the end of World War II, the United States-led international monetary system was rebuilt. In July 1944, the “United Nations International Monetary Fund Conference” was held in a resort hotel in Bretton Woods County, New Hampshire, United States of America, in which 44 countries took part. The “United Nations International Monetary Fund Conference”


In order to defend its interests, the United States gave up the fixed value of the gold and announced that it would no longer be responsible for the exchange of the gold, which was followed in the 1960s by several successive gold booms, so that reforms.

  1976年1月,在牙買加首都金斯敦的國際貨幣會議上達成了以浮動匯率合法化、黃金的非貨幣化等為主要內容的《牙買加協定》(Jamaica Agreement),於1978年4月生效。“佈雷頓森林體系”正式宣告解體。

In January 1976, , non-monetaryization of gold, etc., became the main element of , which entered into force in April 1978.


Looking back at the history of currency changes over the past century, it can be seen that the gold-based system has not been able to address the many ills of the international monetary system, and that it has not been successful. The attempts to return to the gold-based system that have occurred in history have been unsuccessful, indicating that the precious metal-denominated currency that has been abandoned for almost half a century has already fulfilled its historic mission.


Because of the deep-rooted nature of the ACVS reserve, the non-monetaryization of the gold does not equal the total loss of the gold . In the United States,


The failure of the gold-based system, firstly because the gold market was too small, the growth in production was far less than the growth in commodity production, and its prospects fell short of the growing demand for commodity flows in the globalized world. This weakened the foundation for currency reserves and made it impossible to return from a limited market to “ General Equivalent .


Humans have a history of gathering all of the gold, estimated at more than 150,000 tons. About 40% of it, or 60,000 tons, is ; the world's official yellow reserves hold 32,000 tons, the rest of which is privately owned investment wealth. Another 60% of it is a commodity, mainly for jewellery and ornaments, for public collections and fluids, and a small amount is used in electronics, dental, gold and other industries.


Throughout the 20th century, South Africa has been the world’s largest gold-producing country. But in recent years, South Africa’s gold-mining resources have been depleted and production has declined. In 2007, China produced 276 tons of gold, equivalent to , surpassing South Africa’s 272 tons and becoming the world’s largest gold-producing country.


The gold atoms are composed of 79 quarts and 112 neutrons, which are odd-to-couple, bronze, iron-like, high-melt, etc., and determine the low abundance of gold in nature. The formation of industrial mining beds is thousands of times larger; the creation of large or rich mines is several thousand or tens of thousands of times higher, and can be seen to be difficult to produce. It is estimated that more than 99% of the gold has entered the field, and that only 166,000 tons of gold has been found in the Earth's crust, one million tons of iron, one twenty-one million of silver, and nearly one-half of silver is available. Global gold production is now nearly 3,000 tons a year, according to this assumption, and the level of gold supply in 30 years will not be considered sustainable.


Gold, as a commodity, has a very small scope for industrial applications, mainly in American collections. Today, in addition to real money, there is a proliferation of regenerative gold, synthetic gold (platinum, black gold, rose gold), and , which is natural in nature. But the “natural currency” that has been built in human history for a long time, and once a crisis or disturbance has occurred, it is likely that people will return to the safe value A2%D2%D" title="market share" .


The average cost of gold mining and extraction varies from ounce (gold balance) of about $400.


The price of gold is subject to a two-dimensional interaction. When the value of merchandise property is in the same position, the price of gold and are in the same position; when the value of the currency is in the dominant position, the price of gold and general goods


The US has recently posted a large increase in US dollars, and people’s support for the future is much more predictable. If the bailout plan’s effect is visible, the US and the world economy stops recession, the lending market and commodity market return, the price of which is likely to fall off at investment /a>.


Even at a historic high of $1,000 per ounce, the world’s official gold reserves total only $1 trillion. Now that


The gold price itself is volatile, owing to the existence of two-fold characteristics of commodity and currency properties, especially uncertainty. So, can one raise and determine the price of gold (e.g., up to $10,000 per ounce) to support gold restoration?


The question is who will determine the gold price? The government’s control of the gold price and the free economy is incompatible, and the bulk of the goods will not float with the price of the gold that people use, and the extent and negative effects of the market are no less than the imposition of the price of any other major goods. When the “Breton Forest System” was written, 35 ounces of gold was set, and in order to make that requirement effective, the possession of the gold in the United States was set to be illegal; but once the market stopped acknowledging the price and was far away, the whole system failed and collapsed.


In November 2008,


The second reason why the gold system does not work is that . For the 19th century, South Africa accounted for almost half of the world's reserves; the rest of the world's gold stock is still largely in the possession of a small number of powerful countries; from the table below, it is still in the possession of a small number of developing countries.

  表1 各國中央銀行和貨幣機構持有黃金一覽表

Table 1 First overview of gold held by central banks and currency institutions

官方黃金儲備 (2008年12月)
排名國家 / 機構黃金儲備(噸)黃金儲備比率(%)

  根據世界黃金協會(World Gold Council)統計報告]

According to


Comment: 1 ton = 32.15 million ounces (gold balance)

  * 黃金ETF基金Exchange Traded Fund)是指一種以黃金為基礎資產,追蹤現貨黃金價格波動的金融衍生產品。運行原理為:由大型黃金生產商基金公司寄售實物黃金,隨後由基金公司以此實物黃金為依托,在交易所內公開發行基金份額銷售給各類投資者商業銀行分別擔任基金托管行和實物保管行,投資者在基金存續期間內可以自由贖回

* 利潤,人類就要做金礦的奴隸,就要做金礦主的奴隸。”難道這是現代文明社會必須屈從的不公平性嗎?

A return to the gold standard would drive the whole world back to gold, which had little practical meaning; because the easy-to-grave area was almost over, the gold would lead to a waste of social resources and environmental damage. And the gold miner would be a time pet for the bakery, leaving the entire world's hard-working creative workers under their feet. As the American economist Triffin once said, “If the gold is used as world currency again, the human race will depend on the gold miner /a>, humans would be enslaved as gold miners.” Is this the injustice of the civilized world?


The third reason why the gold standard does not work is the inevitable conflict of interests within and outside the country, which makes the system fragile. The first World War required countries to concentrate on gold for the purchase of military fire, thereby stopping bank cashing and freeing out gold, leading to the collapse of the gold standard.


The “Bretton Forest System” of the gold bank system is a product of the United States of America's will, ability and full international support. When the United States is difficult to reconcile its national interests with international agreements, French leadership resists and participates in the collapse of the country, the United States, without prior consultation with any country, has declared unilaterally that it “stops the obligation of foreign central banks to exchange the dollar for gold”.

  例如美國在羅斯福新政時期曾經部分地採行過金本位制的所謂的“償付美元”(Compensated Dollar)計劃,這種制度允許對黃金官價進行周期性調整以穩定國家的物價水平,即當物價下降時提高黃金官價,而在物價上升時降低黃金官價;在金融資本國際化大環境中,這種方法實際上是公開地以犧牲其它國家的通貨穩定來換取本國的物價穩定

For example, the so-called “United States dollar payment” (Compensated Dollar) scheme, which was partially implemented in the United States during the New Deal in Roosevelt, allows for periodic adjustment of the prices of gold officials to stabilize the country to raise the prices of gold officers when prices fall, while reducing the prices of gold >


As can be seen, the reliability and impartiality of the gold standard is essentially determined by the position of a powerful country in a dominant position; its reliability and impartiality may be even more vulnerable to the inevitable conflict of interests within and outside the country than the current international monetary system (the “unorganized system”).


In today's world, there are still major differences between the political system and the level of economic development; it can be said that a universal, effective and just gold standard can only be a good idea to move away from reality.

  “別把人類釘在黃金十字架上。” “黃金可以防止一定的經濟過度行為,但不幸的是,它也可以阻礙經濟活動,它的美德會變成罪過。”正如路透社2008年11月15日報道,世界各國央行行長和政府官員都不希望貨幣政策受到黃金儲備的影響,他們都開始行動叫停金本位制度的回歸。

“Don't crucify human beings on a golden cross.” “The gold can prevent a certain amount of economic excess, but unfortunately it can also block economic activity, and its virtues will become a sin.” As reported on November 15, 2008, central bank governors and government officials from all over the world did not want 信用貨幣制度

In the face of the difficult situation of the gold-based system, others have attempted to use the real-time system to replace .


The impossibility of such an assumption is even more obvious than the gold standard.


First, it is a very complex and difficult question of how to store a variety of goods in the real world. Those metals, energy, , if they are also stored like gold, are not only costly and so vastly valuable, they are out of the way of the global economy, they have been accumulated for a long time, and they are inherently absurd ways to violate economic principles.


Moreover, once there is a need to use the reserve to cash the currency, it is difficult to divide and distribute it because of the complexity of the combination of collateral commodities that are the basis for the value of the currency, which is in fact very lacking in operability; the currency system will lose its ability to adjust itself to the crisis.


The gold system has become a historical term. Of course, in the long history of the year ahead, gold will be combined with foreign currency, currency claims and , as well as with special value currency preparation. Thus, should be used to boost gold production in the country, increasing the level of gold in order to reduce the value of the United States dollar or other capital.


Since the beginning of the century, China has continuously adjusted and upgraded its gold reserves, rising from 394 tons to 500 tons in 2001 and to 600 tons in 2003. In recent years, China has intensified its gold mining efforts, increasing its annual production from about 100 tons at the beginning of the century to 282 tons in 2008, but under natural regulations, it is unlikely to increase as much as in previous years.



At the same time that China announced the increase in its gold reserves, it also asked ( IMF< IMF) to sell the gold held by the International Monetary Fund.


In India, Taiwan, Singapore, Norway, Saudi Arabia, and have increased the gold reserve in some countries and localities and will continue to do so in the coming months in order to protect the value of their own currency.


It is interesting to note that the International Monetary Fund will not only increase the gold, but instead have agreed to sell the gold reserves to provide the poorest countries with the benefit of .


Before that time, most countries had fulfilled their duty to rescue the city by increasing reliance on printing money and expanding , the risk of expanding the Great Wall. So selling gold is an ideal option for the economy, which is a major debtor and a major gold reserve country. Unexpectedly, more , and even the main gold bank will be involved in selling gold.

  Kitco Bullion Dealers(著名貴金屬經銷商)高級分析師納德勒(Jon Nadler)指出,全世界已挖掘出來的全部黃金在全球財富總額中所占的比重只有0.6%左右,即使金價升到了每盎司10,000美元,它在全球財富總額中占的比例也只有6%。

According to the high-level analyst Jon Nadler, Kitco Bullion Dealers, a well-known precious metal dealer, all gold excavated worldwide accounts for only about 0.6 per cent of total global wealth, and even if the gold price rises to $10,000 per ounce, it accounts for only 6 per cent of total global wealth.


He said that it would not begin to be a panacea for the world’s troubles. Even so, an important country like China should continue to seek pluralism in its vast reserves, and so should ordinary investors.


Nadler said that it was just that that buying gold from China was a spark (which would detonate the price) under the gold. He said that this was a little point at each purchase .


The market economy of is the market economy led by credit money. The world has embarked on a virtual credit coin with no return to its historical stage. Credit coins no longer directly represent any ; their only support is confidence in the real power of producers.

  1. 龐忠甲.金本位制榮光不再.財稅金融.2009-06-28



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